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Chapter 232: A Warm and Cozy Scene

Chapter 232: A Warm and Cozy Scene

"No harm done," Cale replied for Eve. He pressed a hand against his chest. "I'm Cale Fisher, a modelling manager at Lotus Agency.  I heard about you."

Jane raised an eyebrow. She side swept a glance towards Eve. "You have?"

Cale beamed. His gaze switched to a gentle manner while the flecks in his aqua eyes darkened. "Yes. I think people who don't give up deserve some admiration. Even when our agency turned you down, you still pursued your decision to become a model. And here you are. Congrats."

Eve swallowed her spit. Lotus Agency turned down Jane Wilson? 

It seemed like wealth couldn't buy everything. 

"The rejection hurt but I'm both blessed and grateful to Oleander Models and Casting Studio," Jane responded. Her hands clenching into fists didn't go unnoticed by Eve. "It's still a shame because I've heard of your exemplary knowledge in this industry, Mr. Fisher. I hope you can still look after me whenever we cross paths."

"You flatter me, dear," Cale giggled. He placed a hand on the crook of Eve's arm. "I wouldn't want your manager to misunderstand. She's also really capable so I don't think there's any for me to teach you." 

Then, he pulled Eve aside so they could get out of her way. The set was only a few meters away. "Will you excuse us please? It's Evangeline's turn on set."

Jane merely smiled. "I'm sorry for hogging you both. Good luck."

Cale didn't waste time. He led Eve down the hallway, not looking back. His legs quickened their pace while she did her best to keep up. Eve risked one glance over her shoulder. Jane had already disappeared around the corner.

"That woman is struggling to keep her claws hidden it seems," Cale hissed under his breath.

Eve leaned her head in his direction. "You've met her before?"

"Never formally. But I had always been wary of her for some reason."

To cross paths during functions was normal for Cale. He had met many types of people because of social events. Jane Wilson was loyal to several luxury companies and was a VIP customer. She was almost in every pre-order list availablegaining her many favors from brands.

The only problem was her attitude.

Cale had to be patient most of the time.

"Mrs. Hathaway seems to like her," Eve brought, hoping to get more insight.

Her modelling manager sighed as they reached the end of the hallway. "Well, Avery watched her grow up. She probably feels sort of responsible for Jane. The only reason I gave that woman the benefit of the doubt was because of Avery."

"I see."

That would mean Mrs. Hathaway saw Jane almost as a daughter. It could explain why the latter felt a sort of entitlement towards Ambryan. Years of believing they'd end up together was imprinted in her head. She most likely assumed that it was fate. 

An idealistic dream that was tough to break.

An obsession that could screw someone in the head.

Cale noticed her lack of concentration and snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Shake that woman out of your head. This shoot is about being cozy and happy inside your house while snow falls from the sky." 

"Got it."

Eve found herself on a beautiful couch with her legs tucked under her. Her hands held a large cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows. Just a whiff of it warmed up her insides. Closing her eyes, a blissful smile spread across her face. 

The sound of a camera shutter broke her out of her trance.

"Are we starting?" She asked. 

"Not yet but it was a good shot." The cameraman chuckled.

Eve shared the same sentiment and sipped from the cup. She scrunched her nose, aware of the milk mustache above her lips. Shot after shot came from the camera. Her hunch was correct. This was the easiest photoshoot she had. 

The crew even brought out a book for her to read.

Then, they added a black cat to share the spotlight with her. The fireplace burned nearby. The soft carpet invited her to lie down on it. She caved eventually and the feline joined her. Her mind became lost inside the book. She set down the hot chocolate to turn the page. 

No one interrupted her reading. 

The focus shifted towards the cat who wandered beside her, over her and around her.

Still engrossed in the world of a wild young miss chasing after a man who she brought to a funeral parlor when he needed to go to the hospital, Eve barely noticed that someone moved her feet that rested on the couch. 

She positioned herself diagonally so she could stretch her legs. The cat purred and hopped onto her legs, lying down. A warm hand caressed the feline's back.

Then, fingers tickled the sole of her left foot.

"Ah!" Eve gasped, pulling her foot. She lifted the book to clear her line of sight. Violet eyes crinkled in amusement at her disbelief expression. "You! What are you doing here? And who let you interrupt the photoshoot?"

Ambryan angled torso in her direction, propping his elbow on the backrest and resting his temple against his knuckles. "Am I really interrupting? I think they called for a break about five minutes ago."

Eve lifted her upper body off the floor and looked around. Cale avoided her gaze by talking to the cameraman and checking her photos so far. Nonetheless, she narrowed her hazel eyes at him. She didn't even get a warning about Ambryan's sudden presence.

Lying back down, she used her finger as a bookmark and hugged the book to her chest. "You seem to have a lot of free time today, Mr. Hathaway. Didn't we agree to meet two hours later?"

"But I missed you."

"How irresponsible. Your employees and superiors might blame me for letting you slack."

"Employees like who?" Ambryan challenged. The cat nuzzled her nose on the palm of his hand. "Like Eve? It's her day off. And I've finished all the meetings I had for today. What book are you reading anyway?"

He bent over to take the book off her hands. Eve clutched it like her life depended on it. She squirmed on the carpet, trying to get away. But her instincts focused on the cat on her ankles. She tried not to move her legs while putting the book out of reach.

Unfortunately, Ambryan managed to snatch it when she lifted it over her head. He raised his eyebrows upon reading the book's back cover. "A CEO romance novel?"

"What? I didn't get to choose," Eve defended with a shrug. "I just found it funny while reading."

Marking the last page she read, Ambryan flipped back to the first page. He relaxed on his seat and started reading. The scene opened on a woman around his age lamenting about her lack of a significant othersomething he couldn't picture himself in.

Eve stiffened when he turned to the next page. "What are you doing?"

"Gathering tips on how to hold your attention." 

She rolled her eyes and searched for another topic. "That cat seems fond of you."

Ambryan marked his page, petting the cat on its head. Its blue eyes closed from the touch. A soft purr rumbled in its throat. "And to you too. You can't move until he gets off your legs."

"I know that." Eve scoffed. Then, she turned her head to the one who brought the cat, waving her hand to catch his attention. "Is the cat up for adoption?"

"Yes, he is."

"What breed is he?"

"He's a black ojos azules, born with deep blue eyes and a dark coat."

"Thank you." Eve moved to a sitting position. Her bum dug into the carpet and her quads threatened to burn. She used a knuckle to stroke the cat from under its chin. The cat lifted its head to let her have better access.

She chuckled at the movement. "You think Kiri will like him?"

Ambryan stopped patting the cat. His violet eyes squinted in suspicion. His attention darted between her and the cat. "Are you trying to matchmake my cat?"

"I just think she'd like a companion?" Eve explained. He worked practically everyday. She was sure Kiri would love some company. 

"What would you even name him?"

"Blueberry? It's the first thing I thought of when I saw his eyes."

"But those berries are deep purple," Ambryan pointed out.

"And? Kiri has purple eyes. It's fate."

Ambryan sighed. He took Blueberry in his hands and cradled him against his chest. Then, he helped Eve get to her feet. She sat beside him, reaching for the cat. Blueberry gladly nestled in her arms. It seemed like he wanted to take a cat nap.

"If you want us to adopt a cat, you need to come by more often," Ambryan taunted.

"I'll even buy his food." Eve simply snorted. Her eyes looked up to meet his gaze. Eagerness and hope sparkled in them. "So is that a yes?"

He leaned down until his forehead touched hers. "Yes."

Cale did a double take towards the couple. He tapped the cameraman's shoulder repeatedly, pointing a finger in their direction. The latter sprung into action and captured several shots. 

The book laid on the armrest while the hot chocolate stayed on the floor. 

Both were forgotten in this moment.

The modelling manager's heart swelled. Tears almost threatened to come out of his eyes. He turned his head to wipe them away discreetlyjust in time to see someone leave the set.

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