Date The

Chapter 229: What Does Jarrett Do?

Chapter 229: What Does Jarrett Do?

"You've been laid off?"

Jarrett sighed dejectedly. Their promises echoed in his head. The future he hoped for was starting to change with this setback. To distract himself, he played with Andie's hair. His fingers picked up a few strands and twisted them.

He couldn't look into her eyes.

Andie seemed to have other ideas. She pushed his hands away and forced him to meet her gaze. It wasn't easy. Her fianc twisted his head from left to right, evading her hands. 

This lasted for a few seconds. 

"Why?" The question spilled out of her mouth, her hands resting on his shoulders instead.

"I don't know." Jarrett shook his head. Everything happened quickly. He had been kicked out of the building as soon as he gathered his things. They neither gave him the time to process nor the chance to fight back.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Andie demanded. Her nostrils flared. Her blood began to simmer. If this was supposed to be bad news then, it should be explained. Everyone who experienced it had the right to know. "You're part of the Crimes Prevention Task Force and a detective! Even if you don't know, I'm sure you can find out. Or your colleagues would. They can't cut you off without a perfectly valid reasonI'm going there now to find out."

She stepped sideways and marched down the sidewalk. The owner of a hotdog street stand winced when he accidentally met her eyes. They had darkened like a tornado ready to destroy anything in its path.

Jarrett turned around and grabbed her wrist. "Andie."

She finally met his eyes and widened her own. "Jarrett."

"I just want to let the day pass by peacefully," he defended, closing the gap between them. His arms went around her shoulders and his hands rubbed her back. "Tomorrow we can talk about storming the police department. I can also start looking for another job."

"But you loved it there!" Andie protested. Tears started to form behind her eyes. 

"I know." Jarrett gave her forehead a peck. Then, he smoothened the scowl on her eyebrows. "But I have to keep moving forward. I don't want the wedding to be delayed. I've waited long enough I think."

She puffed out her cheeks, staring at the ground. "I think we can wait for a little bit more."


Andie threw her hands in the air. "Fine, fine. No more talking about work. Let's go."

Inside, her mind raced about this incident. Jarrett always had a good record. He wasn't the best but he had things to contribute. Did they truly believe they could find someone else better? Was he actually being replaced? It seemed to be the best explanation. 

Even if it was, the idea irritated her. 






"I can't believe this!" Andie screamed, pacing around the kitchen. The sky had darkened. She went back to work after her lunch break ended. Jarrett had refused her offer to take the rest of the day off in order to spend time with him.

Eve sat on a stool and ate from a tub of ice cream. Her best friend entered rant mode the moment they were in the same room. Although the topic went around in circles, Eve understood that Andie's pent up feelings.

"And I can't believe Jarrett!" Andie continued. She stopped walking and crossed her arms over her chest. Her stormy blue eyes glared at the wall. "He's just accepting the situation! This is unlike him! I'm starting to think he actually knows the reason but wants to hide it!"

"Where is he now?" Eve asked.

"He went to check on the house. Oh goodness, the house." Her best friend groaned, burying her face in her hands and wailing. Then, she clutched her sideburns. "I'm glad we haven't shopped yet for furniture. We need the money for who knows how long."

Eve stood up and walked around the kitchen island. She held Andie's wrists, helping her relax. The couple had done so much for her over the years. It devastated her to see them experience this complication. 

They deserved so much better. 

"Is there anything I can do?" She whispered while rubbing her best friend's arm.

Andie bit her bottom lip and averted her eyes. It would be a lie to say she hadn't thought of all the possible options. If it was for her, she wouldn't dare hint about one of them. But this was about Jarrett despite all her complaints.

"I don't want you to."

Eve frowned. "Why not?"

"Because it would involve using connections," Andie explained. 


She sighed and fiddled with her hands. This had to be her most shameless up to date. "I don't want to be selfish but I can't deny that you know a powerful person."

"Ambryan," Eve blurted out, letting her wrists go. She had a feeling it would be related to him.

"Yes." Andie nodded. She tucked a loose strand behind her ear. "It sounds bad. I know it does. I'm not asking for you to get my fianc a job. Nor are we asking for money. But... a recommendation letter might be a big help once he figures out where he wants to work."

"I'm sure Ambryan wouldn't mind." Eve pressed her lips together. It was a minor favor. It shouldn't take too much time. They also met previously so, at least, it wasn't for a stranger.

Her best friend stepped to her side and linked arms. She hid a teasing smile. "Maybe. But it would be better if he gets something in exchange."

"Not egg rolls."

Andie rolled her eyes, not appreciating the joke. "I meant something from you."


"But I can do you a favor in return!" Andie elaborated. Ambryan might agree without anything in returnbut he would still appreciate a little something. "Like a free box of French macarons every weekend for three months."

"There's no need for that." Eve shot down with a scoff. "I already made up my mind that I'd help you or anyone close to you whenever I canand that includes my love rival."

Andie laughed. She hadn't heard that running joke for months. "If you say so. But I know you. If you're going to ask Ambryan, I'm sure you'd feel awkward not giving him something in return even since it's a favor for me."

Eve bit her inner cheek. Her best friend knew her so well. She just didn't want to hear what suggestions Andie had or they'd take all night talking about them. "We'll see what happens."

Andie leaned her temple against her shoulder. "Thank you for this."

Patting her head, Eve squeezed her arm. "It's not a problem."






"Thank you for seeing me today, Ambryan," Calvin Knoc said, shaking his fellow CEO's hand. "You really are as impressive as they say. The fire would have been a setback but you got everything back on track in a short amount of time."

Ambryan accepted the compliment with a smile. "There's still so much to do, Calvin. This is only the plan on the recovery. It would still take weeks for things to fully settle down."

"But it's enough to assure business partners like me."

"We'll be going then."

"Take care on your way."

Eve held the door while Ambryan exited the conference room. They walked side by side towards the elevator. Whispers sounded in the halls. News had circulated lately about Eros' post-fire business activities. 

The company was almost back on track. It didn't hinder their deadlines and resourcesthanks to quick thinking of the CEO and his recovery plans.

"You seem slightly distracted today," Ambryan opened up once safe inside the lift.

Eve sighed. Thankfully, she thought of another solution. Now, she didn't feel awkward to tell him. "I'm not sure if you remember but Andie's boyfrfianc, Jarrett, lost his job yesterday. Both of them need to work in order to make ends meet. It's a disaster."

The elevator doors opened and she headed out first. 

Ambryan followed until their footsteps matched. "He's been dismissed?" 

"Yes." Eve nodded, her eyes trained forward. They had almost reached the building's exit. "I was thinking if Mrs. Hathaway would know some opportunities. And that I should buy her some tarts if she agrees to help out."

A hand gripped her upper arm. "Why would you be asking my mother?"

Eve whirled to the side. The sun shined behind Ambryan's head, shadowing his face. It reminded her once again how tall he was. And how intimidating it made him seem sometimes.

She quickly yanked her arm back, refusing to have the gesture recorded by the press. "Your mother had always told me to go to her if I needed anything. I think she'd be upset if I didn't."

"But you don't need my mother when I'm right here."

"Oh!" Eve exclaimed, scratching the back of her ear. "Well, I know you're already busy. And Mrs. Hathaway doesn't have a packed schedule like you so I considered going to her first."

Ambryan's violet eyes hardened. "Would you please ask me before making your own decision?"

Eve raised her hands, fear shivering down her spine. "That's not what I meant"


She saw Ambryan visibly stiffen. Rapid footsteps sounded on the sidewalk. She bent sideways to see who called out to him. It didn't take long to identify the suspectlight blonde hair, amber eyes and slender arms spread out like an eagle determined to seize its prey. 

Once her target was within reach, Ambryan moved away and let her catch air.

His cold tone dropped even further.


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