Date The

Chapter 227: Invitations Here, Invitations There

Chapter 227: Invitations Here, Invitations There

Eve leaned on her backrest. 

The clock struck 12 and lunch had officially begun in Eros Productions' head office. She took out her home-cooked lunch, her mouth watering in anticipation. Andie went to work early but, thankfully, they had some leftovers from last night.

There was spicy tuna maki on one sidelayers of fish, vegetables and vinegared rice rolled up in a sheet of grilled seaweed. To stick to the Japanese theme, Eve had cooked egg rolls and sliced mini sausages into fun shapes. 

Her twin sisters used to love it when she did this.

She picked up a sausage with her fork and lifted it towards her lips. 

The peppery flavor almost touched her tongue.

"Is that all you are having for lunch?" Ambryan asked, stepping out of his office.

Eve jumped. The sausage dropped from her fork. She started to scream but the sound died in her throat when it landed on her lunch box. She breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she set her fork down and looked at him.

"What's wrong with my lunch?" Her head tilted sideways.

Ambryan took a closer look. "Who makes it?"

"Usually Andie does since we live together and she's the better cook. But, for today, I have some leftovers and added the egg rolls and sausages," Eve replied, playing with the food a little. Of all days he chose to ask, it had to be today. 

But then again, 

It probably seemed hilarious for a grown woman to have octopus-shaped sausages.

"So you cooked the egg rolls?" 

"Yes?" She hesitated. Then, a thought occurred to her. "Would you like to try it?"

He was eyeing the lunch box. Other than it was Japanese cuisine inspired, there was nothing to stare at. She hadn't thought about plating or presentation. This was starting to resemble a cooking contest that she did not sign up for.

"Only if you don't mind." Ambryan raised a hand, ready to borrow her fork.

Eve handed it over to him. "No. Go ahead."

"It's a little sweet," She defended, scratching the back of her neck. The last thing she had in mind for lunch was for her boss to criticize her cooking. If she had known, she would have prepared something more to his taste.

Or maybe she could have ordered from a restaurant and pretended she made it.

"It's nice." Ambryan nodded as he chewed. He returned the fork and savored the taste. If Eve made it herself then, this was one of the things she liked to eat. He recognized the dish. It was impressive since it had the famous rectangular shape.

"Do you want me to order some from the nearest Japanese restaurant for your lunch?" Eve suggested. There weren't enough egg rolls for the two of them. She'd share but she had been looking forward to this all morning.

"No, this is fine." Ambryan wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief. "Please bring extra when you make them another time. I'll be heading out to meet Richard for lunch."

"Enjoy your time then."

"You too."

Eve grabbed her fork and stabbed the same sausage she intended to eat a moment ago. An inch away from her lips, she paused. Her brown eyes blinked into space. Then, her head whirled towards the elevator.

Her boss had already left.

"Bring extra?" She repeated, making a face. Static radio noise sounded in her head. "Did bringing him to eat street food ruined his expensive palette?" 

She tossed the idea asideafter making a mental note to request the dish from Andie. 

That woman made egg rolls faster and tastier. It would be closer to Ambryan's level of taste too.

Eve finished half her meal when she faced her computer screen again. Sometimes urgent emails came in during break time. It made her wonder if the senders ever took a break or if they lived in a different time zone. She filtered them out and responded to the ones directed at her.

All except one.



Dear, Ms. Hart

Surprised? But your work email isn't the most secure information. I know you're a hardworking employee and figured this would be the easiest way to reach you. That's what you do, right? Check emails all day?

I'd like to commend you for your bravery. I heard the news about the fire and you willingly sacrificed yourself to try and stop it. I could have never done such a courageous thing. You're in the news more than ever! You must be thrilled! Everyone is noticing you! 

Does he too? If not, you deserve much better than that. I could give you so much more. I would be proud to have someone like you by my side. You deserve a man who would never push you into the shadows because of selfish reasons.

Anyway, this is another way to contact me. 

I'll keep in touch!


Your fateful encounter



'Where was a barf bag when a person needed one?' Eve wondered, a deadpan expression on her face. "Why the hell does this sound like a love confession by the end of it?"

She glared at the email, intending to ignore it. How desperate could someone be? More of this harassment and she'd think the woman had serious mental issues. This amount of pestering and seeking attention couldn't be healthy.

Instead of deleting the email, Eve fished out her phone and dialled a familiar number. Maybe she had been waiting for this all along. The sender had an anonymous address but it might not be as foolproof as it seemed.

"Hello? Nanzie?"

"Yes, Ms. Eve? Is something the matter?" Her bodyguard asked, concern evident in her voice.

"I'll forward you an email," Eve explained as she typed the address and wrote a short message. "Try to trace where it came from. Maybe we can finally find out who that woman is. Because I want her out of my life."






In a restaurant down the street, two businessmen sat across from each other.

Richard had his elbows on his knees. The faint noise of pots and pans echoed in the background. A low coffee table stood in front of him. Its walnut wood texture matched the low armchairs surrounding it. The height had him wondering if it was appropriate for lunch.

Unless a certain someone didn't intend to stay for long.

Ambryan raised his teacup and took a sip.

"Yan." Richard clapped, his curly bronze hair freshly cut. He pressed his lips together and organized his thoughts. "H-HowHow are things going with you and Evangeline?"

"Going well. I always think that she's right beside me."

His steel gray eyes landed on the empty chair next to his best friend. "I see.. The clingy type, huh? Boy, did I not see that coming. But I'm happy to hear that you're happy. You are happy, right?"

Ambryan raised a skeptical eyebrow. He put the cup down and mimicked his best friend's sitting position. "What exactly do you want to talk about that you're trying to lighten my mood?"

"It's not me who wants to talk to you," Richard denied, attempting a laugh. It disappeared as soon as it came and so he disguised it with a cough. "It's our board members."

"They're worried about the damage the fire caused during filming," Ambryan predicted. The waiter came by to serve their appetizers. For him, he ordered an egg salad along with some bread. It tasted creamier than he liked but it would do.

Richard flinched. Of course, Yan had seen it coming. "I know it's no laughing matter but business is still business. They want to know about the losses and reevaluate the investment. If you can send the details as soon as possible then"

"Cut to the chase, Richard."

"Excuse me?" He blinked, stiffening. 

Ambryan swallowed his first bite. He reached for the table napkin and cleaned around his lip area. "If you wanted to talk about the financial reports on the fire then, we could have done this over email. If you wanted to talk about it face-to-face then, we would have done it in my office." 

The napkin fell on the table. His violet eyes looked straight into steel gray ones. "There's another reason behind this informal meeting and I suggest you be upfront about it."

Richard sighed and shook his head. He couldn't deny it. There was another purpose for this conversation. It seemed that he ran out of time to stall. With a huff, he said, "Fine. Stuart Wilson contacted me the other day."

"This is about the party," Ambryan stated. It was a fact, not a guess.

"You haven't sent a response."

"Since you are here and he trusts you then, you can tell him that I'm not going."

"Yan" Richard groned, closing his eyes.

"It happens every year, Richard."

"I know!" He exclaimed. "But he is very persistent this time! It's driving me crazy! How could you survive this? And in all these years! I would have found it traumatizing and just attended."

"Because you're not strongly opposed to the party like I am," Ambryan informed Richard. He finished his egg salad appetizer and drank a glassful of water. "Besides, I already have plans on that day."

Richard merely snorted at the excuse. This also happened every year. It didn't take a genius to figure out the real words behind it. He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back. 

"What kind of plans? Plans to ensure that you can't make it to the party?"

"Plans that involve an expensive date and I will not compromise it."

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