Dark Fantasy Paladin

Chapter 2

Dark Fantasy Paladin Chapter 2

Episode 2.

The warhorses handled by the knights of the church were slightly different from ordinary horses.

The church improved the physique and strength of good horses produced in the south. And it was a breed that excelled in speed, etc.

As soon as Iden left the house, he drove his horse Petra at top speed.

It was accompanied by a tremendous noise.

I would have to consider the possibility that the devil would run away after hearing the sound of the horse’s hooves, but it didn’t really matter.

Because this area was a wide open area.

No matter where I hid, it was within Iden’s field of vision.

Iden thought it would be better if the bastard came out of the brewery.

Fighting in a narrow, dark building will cause damage to the interior, which is a big blow to the village of Tedrang, which makes winemaking for a living.

just as expected.

As we almost reached the brewery, there was a loud crash and glass shards fell on the floor.

A black figure squeezed out of the broken window and sprinted across the plain.

Iden got off the horse with a cruel smile on his face.

He pulled out the lance he was carrying and applied divine power to the blade.

I twisted my waist halfway with my legs firmly planted on the ground.

“You look like a cockroach!”

With a thunderous roar, a white flash tore through the darkness.

After confirming that the flying spear hit the guy’s lower back, he tapped Petra’s butt.

“Run at full speed.”

Aiden did not mount his horse, but guarded the main gate of the brewery.

As Petra disappeared into the distance in the direction where Inyoung had fallen, the door screeched open.

What appeared was a handsome man wearing a luxurious tunic and coat.

He looked like a high-ranking nobleman.

“The devil knows how to use his head.”

When Iden’s voice was heard, the incubus’ face fell.

“But what can I do? “It just caught on.”

The shadow that jumped out was the incubus’ alter ego.

With Aiden’s magical energy sensitivity and eyesight, that much was more than enough to discern.

As Iden drew his sword and took a long stride, the demon straightened his wrinkled face and sneered.

“It looks like even the original brain is filled with muscle.”

“If I had done that, I would have blown you off the whole building.”

“under! “He’s very energetic.”

The devil glanced at Iden as if measuring him.

“From the looks of it, he’s not a paladin. “Are you a demon hunter?”

In response to Incubus’ one question, Iden decided that Sebas was a worthless devil.

Demon hunters cannot handle divine power.

There was a reverberation of divine power remaining in Iden, which meant that he was a low-class person who could not sense even that much.

‘He’s completely unrelated to the main scenario.’

Iden walked towards the demon with a disappointed expression on his face.

“It’s probably not worth talking about.”

As Iden put the sword back, the corner of his mouth raised a grin.

“Sudden surrender? But what can I do? I will kill anyone who is not a woman…”

Before the guy could finish his sentence, Iden threw a punch.

The leather gauntlets tore through his facial skin and crushed his nose.

The demon roared like an animal, clutching its nose, which was dripping with black blood.

His eyes turned red and his surroundings were covered with black magic energy.

“How dare you touch someone’s face!”

At the same time, Iden exploded with divine power. A halo burning behind his back. A blinding flash cleared the darkness.

Only then did the devil realize that the being he was facing was a paladin. It wasn’t official yet.

“The church’s hound…”

Iden didn’t give him time to think. He kicked the devil’s thigh with his steel-like shin and knocked him to the ground.

The devil felt helpless with his vision completely blocked.

“Dirty devil bastard.”

I immediately grabbed the guy by the hair, pinned him, and kicked him in the face like a soccer ball.

The devil’s head tilted back with a sound of his face being crushed.

An upper body bent into a strange shape. It was so powerful that it wouldn’t have been surprising if the spine had been severed, but it was a demon, not a human.

After a while, the guy creaked and twisted his body. Iden frowned at the sound of bones coming together.

“You’re a tough guy.”

Broken teeth poured out from the devil’s mouth. Black blood pooled on the floor, and its eyes sparkled with hatred.

I had no intention of killing him right away, so I adjusted my strength to some extent, but the devil’s recovery was faster than expected.

“You damn hound! “I’ll rip out your intestines alive!”

The devil pulled out his long claws and rushed at me.

Although he was as fast as a wild beast, Iden lightly turned his body to avoid it, then snatched the devil’s neck and grabbed it.

He lifted the devil up with one hand and pulled out both shoulder blades to prevent him from scratching.


The scream was so uncomfortable and unpleasant that it made me feel nauseous.

Iden was overcome with a desire to destroy the guy’s head right away due to his characteristics as a ‘seeker of destruction.’

However, the church ordered Incubus to be transported to Viscount Trappel.

This was the reason why he couldn’t be killed right now.

Aiden frowned and tightened his grip. Sebas is convulsing and shaking his whole body. Uncharacteristic of a devil, there was fear in his eyes.

There was no longer any hostility or hatred towards Aiden.

Aiden clicked his tongue and threw the guy to the ground.

He turned the devil upside down and cut off both heels of his feet with the dagger he took from his chest. Don’t let them run away.

Since it is a blade imbued with divine power, even the devil’s regenerative power will not be effective.

Then, when he whistled, Petra came running from far away with Aiden’s spear in her mouth.

The chain attached to the saddle was fastened to the neck of the lying devil.

“How many people did you kill? But now the situation has turned around. “How do you feel?”

The incubus’ eyes trembled uneasily.

“What are you doing…”

Iden got on the horse.

As Petra moved slowly, the chain came loose. Aiden immediately rode his horse vigorously.

The incubus looked like the paladin in front of him was a devil.


The villagers swore at the devil who was being dragged by a horse.

Residents who lost their families showed more extreme behavior, but it was limited to throwing rocks or hitting them with sticks.

For Iden, it would have been nice as long as the devil’s life was at stake. This level of anger can easily be overlooked.

As Iden was about to leave the village, the village chief approached him.

“I really don’t know how to repay this favor. “Thank you again on behalf of the village.”

When the bent old man lowered his head, he looked even smaller and dwarfed.

A fragment of a strictly class society. For Iden, who had just entered adulthood, the behavior of an old man with white hair was too much. Of course, it was a modern person’s perspective.

It was difficult for Iden to adapt to these values, but now he has somehow assimilated.

The village chief took out an old wrapping cloth from his chest.

“No matter how much we are, we are not ungrateful beasts. “It may be a bit small, but please accept it.”

The money must have been raised by squeezing out silver and gold coins that not a single household had.

Iden got off the horse and politely declined.

“The church does not receive compensation from commoners.”

It may sound noble at first glance, but in reality, it is not. This is because the religious order forces the nobles to make huge donations, and the nobles make up for it by squeezing the hard work of the commoners.

In the end, it was a vicious cycle that was only superficial.

Even though I knew this fact better than anyone else, I felt quite disillusioned with my own hypocrisy for the sake of my stats.


“Rather use that money to comfort those who lost their families. “I guess God wants him too.”

Words of gratitude came out non-stop from the gathered residents. Someone who was emotional even wiped away tears.

Aiden felt somewhat uncomfortable and wanted to leave this place quickly.

At that time, a boy came running to Iden.

“let! “What are you doing!”

The boy’s father was shocked and called out to his son, but the boy had no hesitation.

I just looked up at Iden with eyes full of respect and envy.

“Thank you for saving my sister.”

The village chief looked at Aiden, not knowing what to do.

“He is the younger brother of the child you saved. “This guy is still young and doesn’t know manners.”


Iden smiled slightly.

“Can I become like a knight someday?”

It was a world where status determined most things, but being a paladin was out of the question. Even if you were humble, if your skills and talent were outstanding, you had a chance.

Aiden brought the boy to eye level and stroked his head.

“I want to serve God.”

“I don’t know much about that, but I want to become strong like you and help people in need.”

The child did not lose his innocence even in difficult circumstances. It had the power to make me smile.

Iden took out the seal of the Varanches Church and handed it to the boy. At that moment, the engraved religious symbol disappeared.

“If your resolve is strong, God will respond. “When the sun is drawn on the seal, come visit the church.”

Aiden left only those words and got back on his horse.

The boy stared at Aiden’s back as he walked away for a long time. A dream took root in the boy’s heart.

After checking the acquired abilities, Iden quickly rode the horse.

Fortunately, the road leading to Viscount Trappel was not flooded, so there were no obstacles.

It was very unfortunate for the chained devil. On the other hand, someone who was looking for Iden benefited greatly from it.

Thanks to the demon’s scream spreading in all directions, Iden was able to be found sooner than expected.

Inquisitor Xerath. He had been Aiden’s teacher since his days at the monastery.

Iden also spotted Xerath approaching her from near the horizon in the distance.

I turned the reins and headed in that direction, and after a while the distance narrowed.

Xerath’s silver uniform and pure white cloak sparkled in the sunlight. His attire was the symbol of an inquisitor.

“Just a moment before our emotional reunion. “Which one is the devil?”

Xerath looked back and forth between the demon and Iden with a mischievous expression.

“······Long time no see. “Master.”

“It’s still hard. “I don’t think my memories have come back yet.”

I had no memories of my time at the monastery.

As expected, he became possessed by Iden right after Aiden graduated.

When I created the character, I only knew the background I set.

“It still is.”

“Being able to hug each other and enjoy a reunion is probably a long way off. You won’t even remember me. “I feel sorry for you.”

Although he seemed quite friendly, Iden was not entirely comfortable with him.

The Inquisitor Xerath that Iden remembers.

As a named character in the game, he was practically a fanatic.

“But what happened?”

“Haha, what’s going on! “Isn’t it a long-standing custom to accompany a disciple on his final journey of practice?”

Iden wondered if there was such a custom, but he didn’t know all the detailed settings in the game, so he just nodded.

After completing the convoy mission, you will be officially commissioned as a Holy Knight. In fact, it was the last performance.

“Anyway, it’s really amazing. I can’t believe I overcame the ordeal in two years. You know what? They say it’s a new record. Additionally, most of your classmates are dead and only one remains. “It’s a shame.”

“I think everyone went to a good place because they dedicated themselves to God.”

Xerath looked at Iden with a meaningless smile.

“by the way. Were there any villagers who were deluded by the devil?”

Xerath had no mercy in burning people to death. He was a person who argued that nobles should also be purified in that way.

Aiden stiffened his expression and answered.

“It was handled well.”


“That’s right.”

He paused for a moment.

“Well, since you’re so clear about handling your business, there’s no need for me to step forward.”

I didn’t want to talk any more. Xerath seemed to have noticed Aiden’s mood and began to speak gently.

‘It’s uncomfortable.’

Iden felt the characteristic of narrow-eyed people once again.

“Come on, let’s go. The Bishop has also arrived at Viscount, and your Holy Gap has been chosen very well. “It was so dazzling with platinum.”

The two rode side by side.

Two years after falling into the game, Iden was finally able to take the first step.

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