Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 222- War Games Negotiations

[Vol.3] Quest 222- War Games Negotiations

When Artemis reached the ground, news of the War Game happening quickly filled the city.

Artemis weaved through and from the people and arrived at the Colosseum.

“Cirrus.” She said.

“Hm, you want me to help Bell, right?” he said while still working on the reinforcement. “Word got around really fast… another War Games huh… oy!" He looked to the other builders. "I’m going to bring someone in to see how well the reinforcement are!”

“Alright! We’re going to lunch!” they responded as they stopped what they were doing to go to lunch.

“Thank you Cirrus.”

“No need to thank me. You’re doing it for your friend, and I have… reasons as well. Nox, can you find Bell?”

‘I’m already looking the moment I got word of them accepting the War Game.’

After a while, Nox found him.

‘He’s on the northwestern walls and he’s training with Ais and Tiona.’

“Training with two-level 6s, huh? Lucky for him. I’ll be there shortly.”

Training on the wall.

Huff! huff! haa!!!”



“You're overextending yourself,” Ais said.

“And you aren’t keeping track of me, Argonaut.” Said Tiona.

“S-sorry, let’s go again!”



A white owl lands on the wall and stares at the three of them.

“Hm? Hey isn’t that…”

“It’s Nox,” Ais said, walking over. “If you’re here, then that means…”

Nox nods her head and sure enough, Cirrus lands on the wall.

“You know being on the city walls is illegal, right?”

“C-Cirrus…” said Bell.

“Yo! It seems it’s your lucky day, Bell. Artemis asked me to help you with the War Games. Of course, you two are more than welcome to join.”

“Really!” Tiona said. “Do you have a place we can train Argonaut?”

“I do, but time is wasting, so one of you holds on to him.”

“H-huh, what do you—"

“(Exousía, Adorn: Stymphalian).”

The armor adorns Cirrus, leaving Bell as awestruck as well as Tiona.

“Quickly, now time is burning.”

“Let’s go, Bell,” Ais said, grabbing him and grabbing Cirrus’s foot.

“W-wait what are—"

“Yosh!!” Tiona said as she grabs his foot as well.

“Now let’s be off now.”

With a flap of his wings, we quickly flew high into the air and went southwest.

“Whoaaa!!! This is so cool!! Isn’t it Argonaut!”

“Y-yes!! B-but are you sure we won’t fall?”

“Positive, so hold on.”

Cirrus dives down toward the center of the Colosseum and lands them safely.

“Cirrus, are we allowed here?” said Ais.

“We are. Besides, I’m using you guys as a sort of testing of sorts for the Colosseum’s endurance.”

“This place seems a bit more… different now,” Tiona said.

The Colosseum looked far more sturdy and clean.

“Enough chit-chat for now.” Cirrus said, “Shall we begin the training?”

Three days later in a room in Babel.


“Where and what is Hestia doing!!” Apollo shouted. “Is she skipping out today again!!”

“She’s sick, you know. Chasing her around the city gave her a terrible fever.” Said Miach.

“She’s faking it, of course!” said Loki. “I wonder if the shrimp’s preparing to run away.”

Every god began to laugh, but 6 gods did.

“She just doesn’t know when to give up. I’ll have to tell the Guild she forfeited.” Apollo said frustrated.


The door to the room opened, and Hestia entered.

“Sorry, kept you waiting, huh?”

She went and sat down at a long table across from one another.

“Now the negotiations can begin. First things first, if my Familia wins were taking Bell Cranel, I want that to be as clear as crystal from the start.”

“And what do we get if we win?” said Hestia.

“Anything you want. Recorder, make sure you got that down!”

“So how will you fight?” said Loki with a grin on her face. “It’s not gonna be any fun if you screw this up!”


“It won’t be fun!” said many of the gods.

“We only have Bell, so why not have each side choose one representative to fight?” proposed Hestia.

“Hah! You only have one child because you're lazy. You can’t use that as a reason.”


“How about we hear from everyone else, hmm? What do you think? We can even pull from a list of proposals by lottery!”

“Yeaaah!!!!” The gods cheered.

“It’s decided then! Bring them a slip and ink!”

All the gods scribbled onto the paper, and someone came around and collected them.

“Hermes, you will be the one to pull.” Said Apollo.

“The drawing is important, so why me?” he asked.

“You are neutral and trustworthy.”

‘Neutral, debatable. Trustworthy? Only to Zeus.’ Thought Artemis as she watched on.

“We're counting on you, Hermes!” Hestia said.

“Oh, dear… seems I have some pressure now.” He reached in and pulled one out. He opened it and read what it said. “!!” his eyes widen. “Sorry, Hestia, but…” he showed the paper. “It’s a siege.”

“Haaah!!!” Hestia slammed her fists on the table. “Which one of you wrote that!! Was it you Loki!!!”

“Hahahaha!!!! This is great!! Hestia, this is a fair drawing!! We all saw!”

‘Out of everything she got siege, the only time where numbers actually matter… let’s hope Bell manages to learn enough from Cirrus. But seriously, what bad luck.' Artemis truly felt bad for her friend.

“Since you only have one child, I’ll let you be the attackers to make it fairer for you!” Apollo said with a smug look.

“Umm…” said Hermes, raising his hand. “Excuse me, can I say something?” the room fell quiet. “I’m not saying this because I drew the lots or anything, but this seems just a bit too unfair. Could we let Hestia’s side get some help—“

“No,” Apollo said firmly and loudly. “This is between me and her Familia! If—“

“Are you scared Apollo?”

They turned to see Freya who spoke. She had her usual soft smile that gave off a air of smugness and pride.


“The idea of helpers terrified you, huh?” Her lips pulled up into a slight smirk along with the rise of an eyebrow.

“Why wouldn’t it have?" Apollo's knew what would happen if she gets help from another Familia. "If she gets help, my Familia will have to face—“Apollo turned to Artemis. “The damn Red Tower of Orario!" It was Artemis, now that her Familia has returned with the Uncrowned Emperor in tow his allegiance alone can swing the balance of any conflict to whatever side he is on. "I know he was the one to fire at my children Artemis! He has shown this feat before 7 years ago! Firing arrows from the top of Babel!”

If not for his status as a level 8 Apollo would have challenged his old friend and archery buddy, Artemis, to a War Game.

“If you had kept up with your archery Apollo, you would have known that it was me who shot those arrows,” Artemis said with keen eyes. “Now on with it, we know Cirrus would easily crush your Familia into the ground like Alecto.”

“… Then what if they get help from a Familia outside Orario?” said Freya speaking up. “Wouldn’t that be fair?”

“Yeah!!” said many of the gods in agreement.

“That’s fine by me but only one person!!” Apollo specified.

“… Petty.” Said and thought many of the gods.

Coming down from Babel.

“What bad luck you got siege, Hestia.” Said Artemis.

“It’s fine, it’s not like we haven’t been at a disadvantage before but given how much stress Bell is under, one person is great but… outside Orario?” said Hestia.

“The only good adventures were from the Susanoo Familia in Yamato. They left Orario 7 years ago and their captain is a level 5.” Said Takemikazuchi. “If we had time, I’m sure I could have asked Susanoo to let us borrow her.”

“There is one,” Hestia said. “Hermes handled the negotiations…”

The elevator reaches the bottom and opens.

“But it will have to wait until we save our supporters! Artemis, could you help me with that?”

“I will but, Takemikazuchi, I suspect you will help her as well?”

“Ay, she’s a friend, after all.”

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