Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 214.5- Spirit Drive

[Vol.3] Quest 214.5- Spirit Drive

Down in the Room of Prayer.

“And that is all from my observation,” Cirrus says finishing his report.

“This has become far more than we realized.” Said Fels. “Spirits and now a second way into the dungeon… I have gotten word from Lord Hermes that you already know of the Xeno and that you have one under your care, correct?”

“Yes, a Bicorn Xeno by the name, Kalion. We have been feeding him magic stones so his strength would be around a level 5 or 6.”

“That’s good. For now keep him with you until we deal with the issues of the Xeno being hunted. He is safer on the surface.”

“Now that, that’s discussed. Are we going to talk about that Spirit Drive thing Nox was on about?” said Ai.

“Lord Ouranos has been pondering on it since he saw it happen, so…” Fels said.

“This is new as such my knowledge on it is nil but based on what I and Fels saw and your words it would seem Nox, and you had become one entity when you did that I could feel a being almost divine but very, very different,” Ouranos said.

“Then… What me and Nox did… I essentially stepped into godhood?” Cirrus said.

“That is the more apt way of describing it. Since Nox is from the 1st generation, her closeness to the gods is unmatched besides her own kind.” Ouranos said, looking at Cirrus and Nox. “Nox, how would you describe it as the one who fused with him?”

“… I would say we truly became one being. I felt closer to him than my entire time I have been with him. Our souls were so close to each other they could almost touch.” Nox said with her eyes closed, remembering it. “But then I could feel his body begin to burn. My existence was too much for him.”

“That explains why I was getting bleached-like burns on me and why I felt so… calm?”

“It’s safe to say that doing it again is out of the question.” Said Circe. “Even with Cirrus’s armor, the burns took far longer to heal, and it left both of us exhausted after.”

“I agree.” Nox said. “Until Cirrus gets stronger, I don’t want to put his life in danger.”

“… Circe could you also not fuse with Cirrus?” said Ai. “I mean if Nox could, couldn’t you do it as well?”

“That's um…” she looked a bit blushed. “W-we have to wait and see! Besides, he’s still recovering from it!”

“Nervous, huh!” said Nox, putting her arms around her. “Don’t worry! It’s scary at first, but then you feel fantastic!”

“… I don’t like how you said that.” Said Ai.

“For now, make a note of any changes.” Said Fels. “This is a new phenomenon, so any information is valuable.”

“Understood.” Cirrus, Ai, Nox, and Circe said.

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