Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 373: 245: Sea of Blood (First Update)_2

Chapter 373: Chapter 245: Sea of Blood (First Update)_2


“What’s going on?”

“The Blood Sea!?”

“Blood Demon!”

“How can this be?”


Witnessing this scene, everyone in White Jade Capital was nothing short of horrified.

Whether the disciples of the Five Palaces or the congregation of the Twelve Tower, they were all thrown into disarray, having lost their composure.

“White Jade Capital!”


From within the Blood Sea, a wild laugh burst forth as a silhouette flickered into view, its head alone was a hundred zhang tall, majestic as a mountain.

What a formidable Sea of Blood Demon God!

The Demon God roared with laughter as blood-clouds, like an ocean, stirred up terrifying waves that surged towards the sky and enveloped everything.


As the Blood Sea advanced, a mighty roar also erupted from within White Jade Capital.

The Yimu Azure Dragon raised its head into sight, arched into a posture akin to encircling mountains.

Followed closely by the Xinjin White Tiger, Ding Fire Vermilion Bird, Kui Water Black Tortoise, and Jitu Qilin, the True Spirits of the Five Palaces formed an array to protect the city of White Jade.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The roaring Blood Sea enveloped the sky, submerging the White Dragon Snow Ridge entirely, only the city of White Jade remained standing amidst it.

Atop Great Xing Mountain, at the pinnacle of White Jade.

Xu Yang sat in meditation, immovable as ever.

“Gurgle gurgle!”

But a strange phenomenon occurred, as blood flowed and swirled, forming a head, yet without skin, flesh, or bones, comprising solely of crimson blood.

It was none other than…

“Kong Xuan!”

“Bet you didn’t expect that!”

“I have returned!”

“How do you find the might of this Blood Sea Great Array?”


His laughter was fraught with madness.

Xu Yang’s expression remained unchanged, as he calmly said, “A Demon Artifact?”

“Indeed, a Demon Artifact!”

“A treasure from the Desire Realm, a supreme Demon Artifact!”

“Nether River Blood Sea, myriad forms of the underworld!”

In response to Xu Yang’s words, the Blood Demon did not hide his excitement and roared with laughter: “I should thank you, if it weren’t for you pushing me to the brink over and over, leaving me with no way out, I would never have reached this step and achieved such a result!”

Hearing this, Xu Yang simply smiled: “Although you all originate from the same demon source, the difference in realm and rank still cannot be bridged. Even if you merge your Primordial Spirit with it, how much of this Demon Artifact’s might can you actually wield?”


“That’s why I should thank you!”

The voice of the Demon God thundered, and the Blood Sea raged on: “If it weren’t for you driving me to desperation, I would never have merged with the Map of the Blood Sea, nor would I have allowed the Corpse Resolution Demon Magic to progress further. With the blood sea as my reliance, and myriad forms as my support, I’ve become the master of this Blood Sea, the Heavenly Demon of myriad forms!”


Xu Yang smiled and seized the opportunity to ask: “So, are you saying that I am the one who made you?”

“Indeed, and that’s why I have come to deliver my thanks!”

With a wild howl from the Demon Head, the Blood Sea’s momentum intensified as it furiously pounded against the gates of the mountain of White Jade: “How do you like the might of this Blood Sea Great Array, are you satisfied?”

Xu Yang’s expression remained unchanged as he calmly replied, “If this is all there is, how can it be deemed as supreme? Boasting a grand facade, yet it’s inherently empty and brittle.”

“Hahaha, if it’s so empty and brittle, then why don’t you break it?”

His words were a piercing attack on the very core, yet the Blood Demon was not afraid at all: “In the end, who is truly bluffing?”

Xu Yang looked at him, his eyes indifferent: “How long can you stop me?”

“That will depend on your ability!”

The Blood Demon roared, unreservedly: “Now the world is in turmoil, and how long do you think you can delay it?”

“The Nine Revisions of Corpse Resolution is approaching ascension!”

“People have become expendable, harboring despair in their hearts!”

“Added to that are the bloody seas sealing the heavens, trapping you here…”

“I have already spread the Corpse Resolution Demon Magic and Boxun Heart Sutra throughout the world!”

“It won’t be long before you see the rise of the Demon Path large and proud, and the glory of the bloody seas.”

The head of the Blood Demon chose its victim, its eyes directly confronting Xu Yang: “All of this is thanks to you; I couldn’t have done it without you, in the midst of the Blood Sea, within the Demon Path, there will certainly be a place for you, hahaha!”

Xu Yang’s face remained unchanged as he calmly responded: “Then let’s wait and see.”

Having said that, he closed his eyes and said no more.

This exchange was not just a show of might, it was also an assault on the heart.

An assault on the very heart of Taoism!

Just as he said, the situation they faced today was created by Xu Yang himself.

One hundred years ago, during the battle of Slaughtering Demon, it was he who interfered, driving Yuwen Shang of the spiritual-demon boundary to extremes and causing his complete descent into the Demon Path, becoming the devout follower of Mara Boxun, the Blood God Child.

Just ten years ago, it was he who proclaimed the True Scripture, claiming Taoism to be tainted, once again driving the demons into a corner with no other choice but to desperately resort to using the Corpse Resolution Demon Magic created by Yuwen Shang and merge with the supremely powerful Demon Artifact, the Map of the Blood Sea.

It can be said that without him, there would be no Blood Demon of today, nor the current situation.

Now that the Blood Demon has found his path, with the support of the Corpse Resolution Demon Magic, merged into the Map of the Blood Sea, he has turned into a unique kind of Corpse Resolution Demon God!

Although being limited to the disparity in realms and the difference in rank, he who had only reached the stage of Divinity Transformation, even upon merging with the Map of the Blood Sea and becoming a Corpse Resolution Demon God, could not fully exhibit the might of this supreme Demon Artifact. He could, however, still mobilize a part of its power.

With this, the Blood Sea Great Array has been established, ranking in the sixth order, on a par with Immortal Spirits.

The Sixth Order Blood Sea Great Array seals off the White Jade Immortal City!

Can Xu Yang break the seal?

He cannot, at least not now, not anytime soon.

If he, the number one immortal in the world, cannot break the seal, how will the situation in the world evolve?

The Nine Revisions of Corpse Resolution approach Ascension.

Those left behind are no better than discarded pawns.

What the people’s hearts are like is easy to imagine.

Furthermore, White Jade Capital has monopolized Elixir Skills and exclusively possesses Demon Transformation Spiritual Objects, exerting immense pressure across the land and generating deep resentment from all sides…

Without him, the world’s foremost immortal to suppress, how can mere outer disciples hold back the raging sentiments and boiling hearts of the people?

There will surely be uprisings everywhere, and the land will be ablaze with the smoke of war.

In such times of chaos, Corpse Resolution Demon Magic and the Boxun True Scripture will undoubtedly spread far and wide, cultivating the glory of the blood sea.

All of this was brewed by his own hands; all of this was the result of his relentless pressure and coercion!

If the Demon Path prevails and the brilliance of the Blood Sea emerges, how much merit and how much sin will he have?

Can such sin be atoned for?

The Blood Demon is not sure, but he does not mind using this as a knife to stab and cull.

If it can atone, disrupting his journey toward enlightenment, that would be best.

If it cannot, there is no loss. Why not try?

Therefore, he thrusts a knife intending to disrupt the cultivator’s moral core.

This is the Blood Demon’s intention.

Xu Yang, however, does not care.

Atone for what?

Indeed, the situation of today, the malevolent consequences of the Blood Demon, were all fermented and accelerated by his own hands.

But Xu Yang does not think that his actions are wrong or inappropriate in any way.

If he hadn’t acted, would Yuwen Shang not have become a Blood God Child?

If he hadn’t pressured, would the Blood Demon not have merged with the Map of the Blood Sea?

If he had done nothing, would this world not have become a domain of the Demon Path, a realm of the blood sea?

Who is so naive?

Expect a Demon Head to not fall into the Demon Path?

Expect the blood sea not to stir up waves?

To compromise and yield is to hope for peace?

That’s a joke!

Even if left to his own devices, Yuwen Shang would still become a Blood God Child and would still merge with the Map of the Blood Sea. It was a development predestined by the Demon Path the moment Yuwen Shang took to the extreme and turned into the Corpse Blood Divine Monarch Zheng Yin.

It cannot be changed, at most it was a difference in timing.

Now that the Blood Demon has made his move, although the situation is unfavorable, Xu Yang does not regret his previous actions.

He is someone accustomed to taking the initiative, who would not simply stand by and watch the Blood Demon expand his realm without responding.

The act of transforming Taoism into Demon Magic was an inevitable development. Without practice, where comes true knowledge, where comes the confidence to depend on, to place pieces on the board, to gamble against the opponent?

What of the Demon Path’s merit or the sins of the blood sea? All wicked heresies, deceits meant to undermine one’s moral foundation!

All malevolences, all sins, belong to the evils and karma of the Demon Path!

This is the correct understanding!

Regarding his own actions, Xu Yang has not a shred of doubt, not the slightest denial of self.

Such is the resolve of someone whose moral core is as firm as iron.

If it were someone else, such words might indeed cause their heart to waver, even cause a flicker of self-denial, to fall into his trap, to be seeded with his demonry, leading to a damaged moral core that can be seized by him.

But Xu Yang is not like others; such wicked heresies cannot shake him in the slightest.

Attempts to undermine resolve are useless!

But indeed, the situation is dire.

Yuwen Shang, with his alarmingly brilliant talent, went so far as to create a method combining both immortal and demonic aspects atop the Corpse Resolution Mana Point.

Although this method failed, ultimately falling into the Demon Path, it still had much to learn from.

The Blood Demon, using this as a foundation and making improvements, succeeded in merging it with the Map of the Blood Sea, turning into the Corpse Resolution Demon God we see today.

Now, he exerts full force, relying on this Blood Sea Great Array to besiege White Jade and encircle the sky, which is akin to pulling the carpet from under.

The Blood Sea Great Array, temporarily indestructible, leaves Xu Yang unable to leave, and chaos will surely engulf the world.

Although the Blood Demon cannot leave either, having to maintain the array’s strength fully, his preparations run deep, soon allowing the Corpse Resolution Demon Magic and Boxun Heart Sutra to spread throughout the world.

Given the moral fiber of the cultivators in this world, as long as they can preserve their self, they won’t care about whether something is of the Demon Path.

If even Five Viscera Human Pills can be refined, what’s a Demon Path method in comparison?

With the world in disarray and a bloodied era emerging, the rise of the Demon Path is unstoppable.

What is to be done?

Who can be relied upon?

Corpse Resolution Cultivators?

The Seven Sects, with their Nine Cultivating completed, are on the verge of Ascension.

In a world overwhelmed by chaos and the rise of the Demon Path, will they sacrifice themselves to quell it, or will they ascend and depart?

No need for further words.

They cannot be relied upon.

“In life, one must rely on oneself!”

Xu Yang murmured to himself, opened his eyes, the eyes of his Taoism Origin Body.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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