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3 days ago
Fang Xi transmigrated, and not just once but twice!In the cultivation realm, I was timid and cautious; in another world, I unleashed my full potential!Never did I imagine that after millennia, I would become a powerhouse even within the cultivation world! Accelerated Growth Alchemy Ancient Times Appearance Changes Appearance Different from Actual Age Beasts Beautiful Female Lead Cautious Protagonist Character Growth Clever Protagonist Cunning Protagonist Death of Loved Ones Demons Determined Protagonist Dishonest Protagonist Eastern Setting Hidden Abilities Immortals long lived main character Magic Formations Male Protagonist Multiple Realms No Romance Not Harem Overpowered Protagonist Pets Pragmatic Protagonist Proactive Protagonist Ruthless Protagonist Selfish Protagonist Special Abilities Stoic Characters Strength-based Social Hierarchy Time Manipulation Time Skip Transmigration Underestimated Protagonist Weak to Strong Wealthy Characters World Hopping World Travel