Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 59: Chapter 59 The Seven Regions

Wh Lin Mgmg and her two bodyguards headed to the Qingyun Hotel in one truck, Ding Wei and two other bodyguards traveled to the factory in another truck.

Lin Yun assigned the remaining five security guards to protect the warehouse.

After a while, Ding Wei called to say that a lot of wholesalers had arrived, but there were too many of them, so he asked Lin Yun what to do.

Lin Yun thought for a momt and told Ding Wei to direct the wholesalers to the Universe Voyage Hotel.

At that time, the hotel's name hadn't yet be changed. If they directed the people to the Qingyun Hotel, they might not necessarily know where it was.

By the time Lin Yun arrived at the hotel, all the wholesalers had already gathered there.

Over a hundred people crowded into the conferce room. It was bustling.

The quality of the Qingyun portable chargers was prov, and this was a huge business opportunity that no wholesaler dared to ignore.

Ev those with relatively little capital were hoping against hope to obtain the rights to act as agts.

Some of the wholesalers hadn't previously bought products from Lin Yun, but they also showed up after hearing about this opportunity.

Lin Yun didn't mind these people.

Wh it came to recruiting agts for the Qingyun portable chargers, the more people the merrier. If these wholesalers had the capacity, there was no problem with them becoming the agts for the Qingyun portable chargers.

"Mr. Lin!"

"Brother Lin!"

"Brother Lin!"

Upon seeing Lin Yun, the wholesalers came forward eagerly and thusiastically.

Some people who were obviously younger than Lin Yun ev had the gall to call him "Brother Lin." The charm of the Qingyun portable chargers was quite something.

"Thank you all for your interest in my hotel. You probably already know the reason I invited you here. To spur the faster developmt of the Qingyun portable chargers, I plan to sell some of the agcy rights to differt territories for auction. The goal is first volume, th price, but that's not absolute. I will also be considering other factors.

Now, you can tell me about your channel advantages and the territories you want to bid for..."

Lin Yun asked the crowd to sit down, th he spoke slowly.

Afterwards, Lin Yun gestured for some of the waitstaff to distribute the prepared data forms.

"This hotel? Is it also part of their assets?"

Many of the astute wholesalers noticed something in Lin Yun's wording and were shocked.

They finally understood why something seemed off about how the hotel staff addressed Lin Yun; wasn't the boss actually Lin Yun?

The waitstaff called them "sir."

Many of them had previously conducted transactions with Lin Yun or had inttionally investigated him. Because of this, they had some understanding of Lin Yun, who primarily did business in electronic products, and was assumed to not have many assets. No one knew how he obtained the agcy rights of the Qingyun portable chargers.

But at this momt, they realized that the information they had might not be accurate.

This hotel was worth at least t to twty million at the very least. If it was indeed part of Lin Yun's assets, th Lin Yun's resources should not be underestimated. The most important thing was that they didn't know how many other assets Lin Yun had.

This information gave these wholesalers a higher estimation of Lin Yun. Simultaneously, it put them under a lot of pressure.

Lin Yun noticed this and was somewhat surprised.

He had never thought that his assets would boost his strgth in this way.

He seemed to understand why some businessm would buy a fancy car ev if it meant taking out a loan. A good car was a symbol of a person's strgth, which would naturally command respect from others.

He had understood this before, but never as deeply as he did now.

"My main channel is in the Ctral Region. I have stalls in several wholesale markets in the provinces and cities of the Ctral Region. Here are my materials, Mr. Lin, you can take a look..." At this point, a middle-aged man stepped forward and said with a smile.

While he spoke, he pulled several pages of materials from his folder and placed them on the table in front of Lin Yun. He seemed quite prepared.

Lin Yun nodded slightly and began to read the materials.

Since the man had prepared materials in advance, there was no reason to insist he complete Lin Yun's forms.

"Dong Lee, applying for the Ctral Region agcy, a three million dollar agcy fee, minimum guaranteed sales volume of one hundred thousand per quarter?" Lin Yun asked as he read his application.

Very quickly, Lin Yun looked up at the middle-aged man and said, "Mr. Lee, I have understood your materials. However, in the auction standards, besides the minimum guaranteed sales volume for each quarter, there should also be the currt purchase volume. And additionally, there's one thing I mtioned on the form I just st out. That is, I have set your wholesale price at one hundred and eight.

No matter how you operate afterward, in your region, the final selling price to the buyers must not exceed two hundred and sixty dollars. If discovered, the palty will be either fines or cancellation of agcy rights. I hope Mr. Lee understands."

The final selling price could not be too high. This was also one of the biggest reasons why Lin Yun sought agts.

If the final price of the Qingyun portable charger was too high and it deterred buyers from making a purchase, th it would defeat his goal of quickly establishing the Qingyun brand name.

Having agts would make things more manageable.

"No problem." Dong Lee nodded. He had already read Lin Yun's form.


Lin Yun nodded slightly and set Dong Lee's materials aside.

Whether or not to choose him as the agt for the Ctral Region would depd on other people's information.

Now that Dong Lee had tak the lead, other wholesalers with prepared materials also started to hand in their materials.

Lin Yun read each one.

T minutes later, all the wholesalers had completed their forms.

As each wholesaler turned in a form, Lin Yun would give it a quick look. After a hint of mtal strgth emerged in his mind space, his memory significantly improved, developing, it seemed, towards having a photographic memory, which was why he was able to review these forms so quickly.

Five minutes after all the wholesalers handed in their forms, Lin Yun had reviewed all their data and made a preliminary analysis.

"I've looked at everybody's data. I've decided to divide Huaxia mainland into sev regions: North Huaxia, East Huaxia, Ctral Huaxia, South Huaxia, Northwest, Southwest, Northeast..." Lin Yun thought for a momt and said.

Th, Lin Yun turned and walked to the electronic scre at the front of the meeting room.

The Huaxia map was displayed on the scre.

Lin Yun, holding a stylus, quickly marked various places on the map to divide the sev major regions.

Soon, the sev major regions were divided, roughly similar to the regions set by many major brands, with just a few minor differces. For instance, wh many brands divided regions, they would directly assign a province's map to a region without considering that the border of a province might actually be more convit if it fell into another province.

Many wholesalers had countered such issues. Although it would be more convit for them to wholesale at another location, due to regional constraints, they had to get their supplies from inconvit places. They were kely aware of such points and quickly noticed this particular detail.

This made them admire Lin Yun's divisions ev more.

"Now, you can make your bids." Looking at the crowd, Lin Yun said.

PS: Thanks to "super big " and "xiu four's" rewards ~~~~

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