Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 48: Chapter 48: The Kid is Right Here

"Brother White…" Lin Yun gave a slight smile and said.

"Oh dear, oh dear, Great master, you mustn't call me Brother White. You know, it's like slapping me in the face. If you don't mind, you should call me Little White, like Mgmg does!" Lin White was quick to interject before Lin Yun could finish his stce.

"I'm not sure if that's appropriate…" Lin Yun chuckled.

Previously, he had the impression that Lin White didn't particularly joy being called Little White.

"What's not right about it? Isn't Little White a fridly and dearing nickname? That's what you should call me, and it's settled, otherwise it means you're looking down on me!" Lin White patted his chest as he said that, giving an impression that he would pick a fight with Lin Yun if he didn't call him Little White.

"Okay, I will call you Little White th." Lin Yun smiled.

Lin White was an interesting character in his eyes.

But as for nicknames, he didn't really care what to call him.

"I'm planning to buy a batch of cars this time, mainly for the bodyguards, and a few for the company staff and security personnel, plus one or two for personal use. Do you have any car models to recommd?" After a pause, Lin Yun asked.

"My gosh, great master, how many cars are you going to buy?" Lin White asked in astonishmt with wided eyes.

From Lin Yun's tone, it seemed that he wouldn't blink an eye at purchasing five or ev more cars.

"About t or so." Lin Yun thought about it, and said.

Considering that he had a total of thirty security personnel and bodyguards, at least t cars would be needed.

"You're a true master, buying cars in such large quantities!" Lin White gave a thumbs up, flattering Lin Yun.

Soon after, Lin White asked again, "So what's the approximate budget per car?"

"About a million yuan each!" Lin Yun said with a smile.

Once upon a time, buying a million-dollar luxury car was his dream. Now that he was financially secure, he didn't mind stepping up to a higher gear and buying all the cars on this scale. For the time being, he didn't aim for the legdary multimillion-dollar luxury cars as they were highly conspicuous.

Despite its many wealthy citizs, such luxury cars were still rare in Sh City, so he didn't want the unnecessary atttion.

Moreover, he was not yet in a very strong position, so he preferred keeping a low profile.

The most important part was that he had an idea to look into foreign civilizations for tailor-made cars of the same models but of better quality and th operate those cars on Earth. In this case, splurging on expsive cars was a bit extravagant.

"You really are a master, buying t cars at a time and each one costing a million!" Lin White once again gave a thumbs up, continuing his flattery.

Though this was a blatant attempt at flattery, deep down, Lin White really admired Lin Yun.

According to Lin Yun, these cars would primarily be used by bodyguards, security staff, and other company personnel. While there were plty of wealthy companies and powerhouses in Sh City, not many of them would gerously allocate such resources for their staff.

Moreover, spding t million dollars in one fell swoop was not a common practice.

"Stop flattering me. You better suggest car models!" Lin Yun, seeing Lin White trying to butter him up, finally couldn't help laughing and said.

"Haha, Master, as for the recommdation of car models, it would be better to consult Mgmg. Her family runs a security company, and since the cars you intd to buy are mainly for security personnel and bodyguards, she would be the perfect person to talk to." Lin White laughed heartily as he turned his gaze towards Lin Mgmg.

"Hmm?" Lin Yun was slightly tak aback and found Lin White's words quite reasonable.

Since he planned to custom-make cars from an ali civilization, he needed to plan carefully. Buying so many cars - the majority of which would not be for personal use - meant he had to be careful about quality so as not to raise any issues. Therefore, it would be necessary for a professional to suggest suitable models in advance.

"If you're looking at about a million per car, I would suggest mainly buying Deling X6. This model has a good quality. There are also Jianhu A6, Jianhu L7 sev-seater, Jianhu L9 nine-seater, which are not bad either. Wh you purchase cars, you should diversify just in case of any special situations..." Lin Mgmg thought for a momt and said as Lin Yun looked at her.

"As for your personal car..." Lin Mgmg paused, looked up at Lin White with a smile and said, "Little White, I believe you imported a specially made Deling X9 from overseas just a few days ago?"

"If you require high security, I recommd you buy that Deling X9 because, according to Little White's boast, the glass and tires can withstand machine gun fire and other materials are also quite good." Lin Mgmg turned her head towards Lin Yun and smiled.

"The glass and tires can withstand machine gun fire?" Lin Yun looked at Lin White in astonishmt. That car must be remarkable!

"That car was custom-made by a wealthy man in a warfare-torn country, but after the car was completed, he didn't want it anymore. I took the opportunity to buy it cheap and had just brought it over three or four days ago. I hav't found a buyer yet. If you want it, Master, I will gladly sell it to you, as long as you don't mind that it's that car..." Lin White said with a bitter smile.

"That car is hard to sell?" Lin Yun asked surprisingly.

"Yes, it's difficult. Many wealthy young people buy cars to show off. They usually look for well-known brands, appealing exteriors, and high speed. Stability is also an important factor... This car focuses primarily on safety, its defse is outstanding, which as a result increased its weight substantially, leading to its significantly slower speed...

There's no use for safety, our country is in a peaceful era, people buying this car can't run bumper cars..." Lin White shook his head and explained.

He himself had miscalculated. Seeing the car was cheap, he bought it, but didn't realize that it would be so hard to sell in China. Before the car ev arrived, he had started looking for pottial buyers. Ev after three or four days since it was imported, he hadn't found a buyer yet, making it a flop compared to the cars he had previously brought in.

"Was the car's speed that slow?" Lin Yun asked with a frown.

"Not really that slow, it can go up to a maximum of one hundred and ninety-yard speed..." Lin White thought for a momt and said.

"One hundred and ninety yards? That's not slow at all?" exclaimed Lin Yun in surprise.

He had thought wh saying the speed was significantly slower, they meant the car could only go at a speed of a hundred to a hundred and twty yards. In that case, it would have be a pity. What if there was an emergcy and the car could not go fast ough? To his surprise, the car could reach a maximum speed of one hundred and ninety yards, where else did they expect it to run to?

"Compared to the price of this car, it's probably not a great deal, or rather not impressive compared to those show-off luxury cars..." Lin White said with a wry smile.

"Those who buy cars for show, for racing, for them a speed of one hundred and ninety yards is hardly ough. In terms of safety, this car is much better than theirs..." Lin Mgmg rolled her eyes and said.

Her family ran a security company, so her values were differt from those of the wealthy youngsters.

"Racing..." Lin Yun was speechless.

He had heard stories of the privileged kids of powerful families who liked to race cars for fun, driving faster than the other. A speed of one hundred and ninety yards would indeed not meet their expectations.

Thinking about it, Lin Yun deemed the car quite good.

Before he customised a car from an ali civilization, this car could be used by Xia Qingqing, which would give him peace of mind about Xia Qingqing's safety.

"How much does this car cost?" With that thought, Lin Yun asked.

"The price of the Imperial X9 ranges from one point eight million to three point five million. This custom model originally cost nine million. I bought it for five million. If you decide to buy it, you can just give me an additional fifty thousand for the software..." Lin White thought for a momt and said.

"Five point five million? Okay, I'll take it." Lin Yun nodded and said.

He had always kept the lie detector switched on, and during this period, it had not indicated that Lin White was lying, indicating that everything Lin White said was true. He made his decision without procrastination.

Interestingly, many businessm, ev wh dealing with their relatives or close frids, might not always tell the truth. It was very rare and commdable that Lin White had not lied at all during this large transaction, which made Lin Yun see him in a new light.

Soon after, Lin White took Lin Yun and his party to look at the car.

At the same time, Lin Yun saw the standard Imperial X9.

This was a very impressive model. The modified Imperial X9 looked more majestic than the standard one. The varied materials felt distinctly differt to the touch.

Lin Yun took a test drive, the acceleration, brakes, and suspsion all felt good.

Five point five million was quite worth it.

Lin Yun nodded slightly.

The highest specification of the standard Imperial X9 was three point five million. This price was only two million higher than that of the highest specified Imperial X9.

A five-million car imported from abroad could easily double in price following standard procedures.

Lin White said that because it was a modified Imperial X9, there was a lot of room for negotiation.

However, the price of five point five million was really cheap.

The other party had giv him a substantial discount. Lin Yun took note of this favor in his heart.

Subsequtly, upon the advice of Lin Mgmg and Lin White, Lin Yun purchased the following nine cars.

Because Lin Yun chose high-d models, the total price for the t cars reached one point eight million.

It was now two o'clock in the morning.

Although Lin Yun had called Xia Qingqing in advance while at Gold Sword Security Company to tell her he might be late, he was worried that it was too late and that Xia Qingqing would be anxious.

After Lin Yun had paid at the front desk, he planned to leave with his party.

"That boy is right here..."

Just th, several vans parked in the distance, and a crowd of people streamed out of the vehicles. Simultaneously, a loud yell rang out from the crowd.


The next momt, the group ran quickly towards Lin Yun's group.

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