Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Proficient in Both Literature and Martial Arts

"There's really nothing inconvit about it. I'm recruiting security guards to provide security for a hotel, and a factory too. I'm hiring bodyguards primarily to protect my girlfrid. The day before yesterday, my girlfrid and I were at a bar, where some folks were trying to cause trouble for her. I ded up fighting them off.

I'm worried they'll try to harass her again." Lin Yun spoke with a smile.

"You have a girlfrid?" Lin Mgmg was surprised, th wrinkled her nose, remarking, "Bars, huh? Some people there really can be quite annoying!"

From her tone, it seemed she'd had her own share of troubles at bars. But considering her attractivess, it was hardly surprising that she would draw atttion in such places. The possibility of being targeted was hardly unusual.

However, Lin Mgmg wasn't just any ordinary girl. She was incredibly powerful and was the heiress to a security company. She likely had the company's personnel following her wh she wt out, so anyone who dared mess with her was asking for trouble.

"But don't you think you're overreacting? Just to prevt people at a bar from hitting on your girlfrid, you plan to hire A-level bodyguards, and it seems like you're not just hiring one or two?" After a pause, Lin Mgmg asked.

"Have you ever heard of a saying?" Lin Yun asked with a smile.

"What saying?" Startled, Lin Mgmg asked instinctively.

"Money buys stubbornness!" Lin Yun answered with a grin.

However, he immediately continued, "Just kidding a. But, it's okay to hire a few more bodyguards for my girlfrid's safety. A skilled bodyguard offers better protection. There are many things in this world that are more valuable than money..."

"Hmph, you really do treat your girlfrid well..." Seeing Lin Yun jesting with her, Lin Mgmg couldn't help but snort lightly. However, Lin Yun's explanation made her slightly more appreciative of him.

In society now, many people just loved money too much. Someone who could be this considerate for his girlfrid had to be a dect person.

"Just backtracking a bit, there isn't a problem with your hotel and factory, is there?" Lin Mgmg asked after a momt's pause.

"No problem, you can go check it out." Lin Yun replied.

"Okay, I'll look into it." Lin Mgmg nodded seriously.

"Are you only recruiting B-level security guards and A-level bodyguards? How many are you planning on hiring?" Lin Mgmg asked again.

"I'd like to hire some S-class bodyguards, but unfortunately, I don't have the authorization." Lin Yun joked.

In the midst of their conversation, Lin Yun looked at Lin Mgmg.

It seemed that the girl had a high position at Gold Sword Security Company. If she could bd the rules for him, that would be ideal.

"You can hire S-level bodyguards. You just need to deposit 0 million Huaxia Currcy, or spd 50 million directly at Gold Sword Security Company." Lin Mgmg answered cheerfully.

"Th I'm out of luck." Lin Yun shook his head.

He wasn't operating on that large a scale yet. To spd 50 million Huaxia Currcy directly at Gold Sword Security Company would mean managing a vast number of security guards and bodyguards. Where could he place them all?

As for depositing 0 million, he definitely didn't have that kind of money at the momt.

"I'll hire 0 B-level security guards, A-level bodyguards!" After a pause, Lin Yun declared.

" A-level bodyguards?" Lin Mgmg exclaimed, unable to contain herself: "Are all of them meant for protecting your girlfrid?"

Wasn't Lin Yun going a little overboard with the protection for his girlfrid?

She couldn't help but want to see what Lin Yun's girlfrid looked like. She must be something else to warrant such concern for her safety from Lin Yun.

At the same time, she couldn't help but doubt whether Lin Yun was lying to her about the fight at the bar. All this fuss just because he'd beat up someone at a bar?

"Of course not, only five of them are for my girlfrid's protection. The remaining five can stand by my side. Since I'm here to recruit bodyguards, it's more efficit to do it all at once. Otherwise, if I come back next time, it'll be a hassle." Lin Yun shook his head and explained.

"Alright th, but I'll have to arrange it. We don't have that many A-level bodyguards available at the momt." Lin Mgmg nodded slightly.

"Remember to sd a few wom too. There are times wh male bodyguards are inconvit." Lin Yun said in quick succession.

"Got it." Lin Mgmg rolled her eyes.

"You should test their abilities first, to see which ones to hire." Lin Mgmg th pointed to the people behind her.

These were the B-level security guards and A-level bodyguards she had brought over.

"Alright." Lin Yun nodded, not standing on ceremony.

Recruiting security guards and bodyguards was no small matter.

However, this time, Lin Yun's testing of these people's skills was not as stringt as before.

Having witnessed Lin Mgmg's strgths, he had more confidce in the capabilities of Gold Sword Security Company, and its classification of security guards and bodyguards.

For each security guard and bodyguard, Lin Yun only tested a t moves before stopping.

He th mostly asked them questions.

While asking these questions, Lin Yun activated his lie detector.

Most of these questions were based on psychology and integrated from the global network by the lie detection device. They were meant to measure a person's values and character. Combined with the lie detection device, Lin Yun could choose the most suitable security guards and bodyguards.

An hour later, Lin Yun selected thirte B-class security guards and six A-class bodyguards.

Gold Sword Security Company was undiably a professional security company. It seemed they had giv these security guards and bodyguards professional training. Most of them passed Lin Yun's test.

Shortly after, the personnel arranged by Lin Mgmg arrived.

After another half an hour, Lin Yun finally chose his twty B-level security guards and t A-level bodyguards.

Lin Yun's lavish budget had the staff of Gold Sword Security Company in awe.

With that many high-level security guards and bodyguards, the monthly fees he would pay their company would amount to nearly million.

If you also add all the other expses, the monthly security cost might exceed two million.

There were quite a few big businesses and powerful tities that spd this much on security each month. But there wer't many who spd this much on high-level security guards and bodyguards.

Many staff members admired Lin Yun for the process he used to test and select security guards and bodyguards.

His strgth was unquestionable. Continually testing the abilities of thirty to forty people without a break, and the strgth he displayed in the process, was truly impressive.

In the atmosphere of Gold Sword Security Company, power was respected. Lin Yun's strgth had won them over.

Lin Mgmg watched Lin Yun with increasing interest.

Lin Yun's strgth was definitely inferior to hers.

But his durance was incredibly strong. Wh she covertly compared them, she quickly came to a conclusion: in terms of durance, she fell short. This realization left her feeling quite vexed.

The questions Lin Yun asked the guards were indeed technical. At first, many people in the vicinity did not understand, but as they thought more about it, they realized that they made a lot of sse. A few hundred questions across thirty to forty people, and of them were repeated, a feat that they had to acknowledge.

Lin Yun turned out to be a scholar and a warrior.

Lin Mgmg began to consider whether those eliminated security guards and bodyguards needed to relearn their professionalism.

Soon, the paperwork was done and the fees were paid, and Lin Yun left with his party of people.

Although it was already late, Lin Yun owned a hotel and wasn't worried about how to arrange for these people. In fact, some of the people among them were supposed to work at that hotel. It was good for them to familiarize themselves with the place as soon as possible.

Lin Mgmg tagged along too. She had mtioned earlier that she wanted to see where these employees would be working and also meet Lin Yun's girlfrid.

Lin Yun, of course, had no objection.

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