Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 43: Chapter 43: The More You Fight, The More Energy You Have

"Alright, be careful," the young man nodded and said.

The next momt, he rushed towards Lin Yun, his hand shimmering, using a stance that was both tangible and illusory.

Seeing this move, Lin Yun smiled slightly and stepped back.

Whether he gaged or dodged, he would able the young man to launch an dless flurry of attacks. Only by retreating could he rder the oppont's moves ineffectual and leave him with nowhere to exert his strgth.

Seeing Lin Yun take a step back, the young man's expression changed subtly.

The three spectators on the side nodded in agreemt.

As the saying goes, the expertise of a master is immediately appart. Just by observing Lin Yun's retreat, they knew that this young man was no mere novice. At the very least, his combat experice wasn't inferior. Unlike some, who may have impressive physiques and impressive abs that inspire self-confidce, but fight without technique and are easily overpowered by true experts.


Just as the young man was unable to exert his strgth, Lin Yun stomped his foot and charged forward.

This retreat and charge, whether in terms of timing, angle, or speed, were all handled perfectly, immediately shifting Lin Yun from a defsive position to an offsive one.

The young man's face opposite Lin Yun wt pale.

The very next momt, he hastily put up his guard to counter Lin Yun's assault.


With a muffled noise, Lin Yun and the young man began to fight.

"Mid Mingjin Stage!"

The young man took three steps back, sucked in a breath of cold air, and was shocked.

Lin Yun's strgth was very strong. From Lin Yun's powerful force, he judged that Lin Yun's strgth should have reached the Mid Mingjin Stage.

The Mid Mingjin Stage, ev in their Gold Sword Security Company, was a formidable existce, not numerous. Each was a pillar of the company. Lin Yun looked younger than him and had reached the Mid Mingjin Stage, which surprised him greatly.

Normally, the recruits applying for security and bodyguard positions seldom possess such skill.

Not to mtion, someone so young.

"Forced Wang Zh to retreat three steps. This young man's strgth is probably higher than Wang Zh..."

"Wang Zh is only at the Early Mingjin Stage. Has this young man reached the Mid Mingjin Stage?"

"He must be at the Mid Mingjin Stage. This young man isn't that old but has already reached the Mid Mingjin Stage. His talt is not bad. It's just unknown why someone with his skill applies for a position as security or bodyguard. Could it be on behalf of someone else or perhaps… is he here to challge us? "

The three m on the side of the stage looked serious.

Despite two of them also being at the Mid Mingjin Stage, they couldn't dismiss the rarity of finding those at the Mid Mingjin Stage. Whever their company had one more Mid Mingjin Stage expert, it would attract many colleagues' atttions, making them look at the expert differtly. Plus, this young man was younger than them and clearly expericed in combat.


Three waves of sound resonated! During their conversation, Lin Yun and Wang Zh had already gaged in combat several times on the stage, with Wang Zh being pushed back steadily. However, each time Wang Zh seemed about to fall, Lin Yun would pull back his strikes since his goal was not to take him down but to test his skills.

Every time he was about to be knocked down by Lin Yun, Lin Yun would withdraw, and Wang Zh's face turned red with embarrassmt.

But he had no choice but to continue fighting Lin Yun.

By this time, he knew that the other's strgth far surpassed his own.

He perked up and hoped to put up a dect fight.

"This young man is really amazing..."

"Wang Zh is continuously at a disadvantage..."

"And Wang Zh is at a B-level security guard's level..."

Some wanted to test the strgth of their B-level security guards and A-level bodyguards, which was why many were quietly watching the ara from near and far. At this momt, many were surprised to see this.

"I didn't expect this young man to be so strong..." The young woman who had greeted Lin Yun at the stage was also surprised, covering her mouth.

To be honest, wh she first arranged people for Lin Yun, she wanted to see how he would react wh he discovered the power of their B-level security and A-level bodyguards at Gold Sword Security Company. It wasn't that she wanted to make fun of him; it was merely anticipation.

That's because Lin Yun was confidt wh he said he would personally test their company's security and bodyguard strgth.

At this momt, she was extremely embarrassed.

She was ashamed of her thoughts, and also for their B-level security guards, who had be dominated by the oppont.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yun and Wang Zh crossed paths two or three doz times more.

"Alright." Suddly, Lin Yun jumped back, disgaging from the battle. Smiling, he continued, "Your strgth is pretty good. Better than what your company claimed, not worse."

"Your strgth is impressive, I'm nowhere near." Wang Zh waved his hand, his face flushed.

"You're elder than me, so I'll call you Big Brother Wang. Would you like to be employed by me?" Lin Yun smiled slightly.

"Just call me Wang Zh," Wang Zh waved his hand, practitioners of martial arts always respected the strong. Lin Yun's strgth far exceeded his, and he was only a couple of years younger than him, it was not appropriate to be called 'big brother' by Lin Yun, let alone if Lin Yun were to employ him, he might become his boss. No boss called his security guard 'big brother.'

After a pause, he stated honestly, "As for the recruitmt issue, as long as you discuss it with the company, I have no objections."

Lin Yun turned to the receptionist who welcomed him.

"Sir, there is no problem, you can complete the procedures at any time." The receptionist smiled, saying.

"Good, th have some more B-level security guards and A-level bodyguards come over for me, I'm hiring quite a few." Lin Yun nodded, said.

Since this B-level security guard was capable, he felt more at ease about the strgth of others.

Th, he turned his gaze to another B-level security guard and two A-level bodyguards.

"Next, it's my turn!" He saw the B-level security guard smiling, saying.

Now, among the three, he was the weakest, if he didn't go, who would?

"Alright." Lin Yun nodded slightly.

Next, the two approached the ring.

It proved that the strgth grades designated by Gold Sword Security Company were pretty accurate, this B-level security guard's strgth was not too far from Wang Zh's.

Lin Yun crossed hands with him for about two or three doz moves, th stopped.

And made a recruitmt invitation to him.

Of course, there was no problem.

Next, it was Lin Yun's turn to face the other two A-level bodyguards.

At this point, Lin Yun had discovered that the Hundred-day Foundation Pill he took digested more quickly wh he fought, making his physical strgth almost not depleted. He had a vague feeling that wh his strgth fully recovered, his power would increase somewhat.

This discovery made him very happy.

He thought, perhaps, fighting more could save him some time to use more Foundation Pills, allowing him to reach the Late Mingjin Stage earlier.

Although the time saved might not seem significant, but over time, the time he saved would amount to a lot.

Not just the Hundred-day Foundation Pill, he found out that as he circulated and absorbed spiritual ergy, his mtal strgth was also very abundant.

Fighting usually drained physical and mtal strgth the most, so many people on the ring were exhausted after a while and had to rest.

However, Lin Yun felt ev more ergized the more he fought.

The two A-level bodyguards wanted to let Lin Yun rest, but Lin Yun did not.

Combining Martial Arts Pill and the method of absorbing spiritual ergy was indeed a good training scheme.

Otherwise, if his mtal state were not good, he would not want to fight after a couple of s, and ev if he did, the effect might not be great. According to the two training methods, there was a kind of mutual response betwe mtal strgth and physical strgth, and he was not very clear about what this mutual response was.

At the momt, he understood it more and more profoundly.

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