Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 41: Chapter 41 Bodyguard Level

Xia Qingqing still shook her head, she still thought it was too expsive.

In the d, Lin Yun decided to use his own money to help Xia Qingqing make the purchase.

But Xia Qingqing still disagreed. She felt that the money Lin Yun was using now were all deposits from customers. Lin Yun had misappropriated quite a bit to purchase the hotel before, and she didn't want Lin Yun to tap into it any further. Besides, she wasn't with Lin Yun for his money. She didn't want Lin Yun to spd so much on her.

Lin Yun gave a bitter smile.

Had he known this would happ, he would've told Xia Qingqing earlier that he had accidtally obtained a few stones and sold them to Hang Lee for eighty to ninety million.

Now, it was not good for him to explain this.

In the d, they compromised. Xia Qingqing chose a piece of jewelry costing several ts of thousands. As it was a gift from Hang Lee, Lin Yun didn't spd a dime.

"Your girlfrid is a good woman, Brother Lin. You must cherish her..." Hang Lee sighed.

By this point, he vaguely guessed that Xia Qingqing probably didn't know about Lin Yun's wealth. Although he didn't know why Lin Yun hadn't told her, undoubtedly, Xia Qingqing was a good girl.

If it were a gold digger, let alone you letting her choose jewelry several times, ev if you don't mtion buying for her, she would find all sorts of ways to get you to buy her stuff.

As for the possibility of Lin Yun not being the offspring of a powerful force, Hang Lee had also considered it.

But now, whether Lin Yun is from a powerful force or not, it was no longer important. What was important was that he could continuously get fine-quality jade from Lin Yun and that he believed Lin Yun was worthy of his interaction.

Lin Yun also candidly reassured Hang Lee that they could proceed with the next transaction in a few days.

After leaving Hang Lee's Gold and Jewelry store, Lin Yun took Xia Qingqing for a stroll in a nearby shopping mall.

Originally, Lin Yun planned to buy Xia Qingqing some nicer clothes. But Xia Qingqing didn't want anything too fancy. In the d, he bought her three or four outfits, costing just over a thousand. Conversely, Xia Qingqing chose two outfits and a pair of shoes for him, costing him over t thousand.

According to Xia Qingqing, as long as you can wear the clothes, there's no need to wear too fancy. However, Lin Yun was differt. Lin Yun oft had to do business with others in the future, and if he dressed too ordinarily, he might lose face.

They strolled a until sev or eight in the eving. The two found a small restaurant for dinner. Suddly, Xia Qingqing blushed and said she was feeling a bit unwell and needed to rest.

Lin Yun th remembered that Xia Qingqing had made love for the first time last night. Indeed, she needed to take care of her body. So he and Xia Qingqing took a cab back to the hotel.

Yesterday, he had just beat up a group of people at the Nightingale Bar, and today he had a fight with Zhang Tianyu. He wasn't at ease letting Xia Qingqing go back to school alone.

He'd originally thought that he'd go shopping with Xia Qingqing. If they strolled too late, he'd just go to the security company to hire security guards and bodyguards the next day.

Now, as the shopping with Xia Qingqing had ded and it wasn't too late, he thought he could go for a visit.

Gold Sword Security Company.

Half an hour later, Lin Yun arrived at the trance of the company.

A bustling location, an office building, one whole floor was the address of this company, attesting to the company's not weak strgth.

This company was introduced to him by Hang Lee. The previous armored cash transport vehicle arranged by Hang Lee was from this company. According to Hang Lee, this company was among the stronger security companies in Sh City.

"Ha! Hey!"

"I'm hitting! Hit, hit, hit, hit!"


The layout of this company, apart from the front desk area, resembled a large gym with many m and wom practicing combat and exercising.

It was already eight or nine in the eving, and there were still so many people. Lin Yun was somewhat surprised, and this made him believe ev more in the strgth of this company.

"Hello, sir, how may I assist you?"

As Lin Yun tered, a female attdant immediately greeted him with a smile and asked.

"I want to hire some security guards and bodyguards. I wonder what kind of services you provide here?" Lin Yun said.

"Our security guards are divided into B, C, D three levels. Bodyguards are divided into S, A, B, C, D five levels. S-level bodyguards are the strongest, D-level bodyguards and security guards are the weakest. The stronger the level, the higher the cost. What level do you want to hire?" The female attdant smiled.

"How are the levels of your security guards and bodyguards determined? How much do they cost?" Lin Yun asked in surprise.

"Because our Gold Sword Security Company implemts an elite policy, ev the D level security guards and bodyguards can handle two or three ordinary people. Because of the differt nature of work betwe bodyguards and security guards, the fee for the D level security guards is sev thousand a month. Out of this, five thousand are their wages, and two thousand is our company's commission.

You only need to give our company sev thousand a month. Their wages will be paid by our company. The fee for a D-level bodyguard is eight thousand a month. Similarly, you only need to give our company eight thousand a month," the female attdant explained.

"C-level security guards and bodyguards can handle about five or six ordinary people. The fee for a C-level security guard is thirte thousand a month, and a C-level bodyguard costs fifte thousand a month." The female attdant paused before continuing.

Having said this, the waitress subtly observed Lin Yun's reaction.

Gerally speaking, for most businesses or individuals, using security guards and bodyguards of these two levels would be sufficit.

After all, in this era of peace, having a large number of employees is impressive— recruiting fewer high-level security guards and bodyguards and hiring more ordinary ones instead could be more beficial. The presce of these individuals within a company and accompanying you in your travels not only saves face, but also discourages most people from causing trouble.

"Go on," Lin Yun said with a slight smile.

Classifying security guards and bodyguards based on how many ordinary people they could fd off was quite straightforward and easy to understand. He was somewhat impressed with the leadership of Gold Sword Security Company.

"Alright, B-level security guards and bodyguards are capable of handling a t ordinary people. Their fees are 35,000 per month for guards and 45,000 for bodyguards," the waitress nodded and explained.

"Hmm." Lin Yun nodded slightly.

D-level security guards and bodyguards, who could handle two to three ordinary people, had a monthly fee of 7,000 and 8,000 respectively. B-level guards, capable of dealing with about t ordinary people, cost 35,000 and 45,000 per month—quite reasonable.

Considering his own abilities, he could handle a 0 people at once. By the standards here, he could probably be classified as A-level.

The cost of hiring A-level security guards or bodyguards likely would be a 80,000 per month.

Ev after part of the paymt would go to the company, he estimated that they would still take home about 60,000.

That was quite a lot of money. If he had known that it was so easy to earn this money, he might have applied here wh he first came to Sh City five years ago to avoid hardship.

Ev in the rect past, before he tered the high imitation market, his monthly profits only amounted to a 50,000 to 60,000.

Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh internally.

However, if he worked here, his freedom would likely be greatly restricted, something he didn't particularly care for.

Besides, if he had always worked here, he probably wouldn't have had the opportunities he had joyed so far.

Hce, life is unpredictable.

"What about A-level security guards and bodyguards?" Lin Yun asked again, lost in his thoughts.

"Sir, since the demand for A-level security is rather low, the highest level of security our company provides is B-level. The A-level bodyguards can handle about 0 ordinary people and they charge a monthly fee of 0,000," the waitress explained with a slight smile.

Although she didn't quite believe Lin Yun would hire such high-level bodyguards, many people couldn't resist asking about stronger security guards and bodyguards upon hearing about the company's level system. In such situations, they had to satisfy the curiosity of their inquiring customers by providing detailed information.

However, after hearing the introduction, many people would merely express their admiration before hiring some ordinary security guards and bodyguards. A majority would ev consider it briefly and th leave.

Because Gold Sword Security Company implemted a policy of elitism and provided high-quality equipmt and location, the fees for guards and bodyguards of every level were relatively high. It was costly for most companies and individuals to hire staff from this company.

As expected, A-level bodyguards could deal with 0 ordinary people.

Upon hearing the waitress's description of A-level bodyguards, Lin Yun quietly nodded in agreemt.

"What about S-level bodyguards?"

A glint shone in the depths of Lin Yun's eyes as he continued to inquire.

Currtly, he had attained the mid-stage of Mingjin and was just a step away from reaching the late Mingjin stage. His strgth was only equivalt to A-level bodyguards as described by the company.

For the S-level bodyguards, he presumed that according to the company's level of martial skills, one must at least reach the late Mingjin stage.

The late Mingjin stage was no ordinary martial arts master. If he could get such a master to protect Xia Qingqing, he would have no worries at all.

"S-level bodyguards are not many in our company, and they're not gerally available to ordinary customers. They can only be hired by customers who have accumulated a certain amount of spding, or who have recharged a certain amount of funds to upgrade to a higher level," the waitress explained, shaking her head.

"Uh…" Lin Yun's expression froze a bit, as he didn't expect this result.

"How much spding needs to be accumulated, or how much funds need to be recharged to hire an S-level bodyguard?" Lin Yun asked after thinking for a momt.

"An accumulated consumption of 50 million is sufficit, or, if you want to recharge funds, you need to recharge 0 million!" the waitress smiled.

"That really is a lot..." Lin Yun remarked, his tongue clicking in disbelief.

50 million, 0 million — not many businesses or individuals would be willing to spd so much on security.

Remember, this was just the fee for the security company. There would definitely be other expses.

As such, the total expditures on security would be ev greater.

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