Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Extravagance With Wealth


At this time, Xia Qingqing also ran over, grabbing Lin Yun's arm, she said worriedly.

"Sister Zhong!" Shortly after, Xia Qingqing turned her head, looking at the figure that had just run over, she said gratefully.

The figure was Zhong Ling whom Lin Yun had called over. She was wearing a light blue down feather jacket on top, and skin-tight jeans on her bottom, perfectly outlining her pert posterior and long, slder, beautiful legs. She was a beauty, certainly on par with Xia Qingqing.

Zhong Ling was also familiar to Xia Qingqing.

Because, Zhong Ling was the lawyer that Xia Qingqing had previously arranged for Lin Yun. After Xia Qingqing explained Lin Yun's situation to several lawyers, they all turned the case down after investigating it, saying it was a difficult case to manage.

In truth, the money Xia Qingqing was offering wasn't ough. Additionally, those lawyers realized that there was more to the case than met the eye, and suspected someone was pulling strings behind the sces. Consequtly, they didn't want to get involved in the messy situation, but they never voiced these concerns.

In the d, Xia Qingqing ran into Zhong Ling in a differt lawyer's office. In a coincidtal turn of evts, Zhong Ling was Xia Qingqing's sior; they just had differt majors. The two had a good conversation and Zhong Ling happily took on the case.

"Qingqing? You're here too?" Zhong Ling greeted Xia Qingqing, her eyes brighting, she said happily.

"May I speak privately with my lawyer?" At this momt, Lin Yun turned his head towards the two police officers who were pointing guns at him and asked.

The two police officers' faces changed slightly and finally, the middle-aged police officer lowered his gun, slightly nodded his head and said, "Yes."

He paused briefly, th added, "Mr. Lin, we apologize for our actions earlier. Your behavior provoked us."

After some thought, the middle-aged officer realized their actions hadn't crossed any lines. Only Zhang Tianyu had crossed a line with his words, but they had be speaking privately aside. Thus ev if Lin Yun had recorded them, nobody could be sure they had heard what Zhang Tianyu said or that they had inttionally provoked him.

Since Lin Yun had already st out the video, instead of clashing with him further, it was better to md their relationship.

Of course, this change in attitude was also due to the arrival of Zhong Ling. The officer realized Lin Yun might have influtial connections, and he didn't want to make the situation worse.

After Zhong Ling showed her lawyer's licse to the two police officers, she walked to a quieter spot with Lin Yun.

"Lin Yun, I'm sorry that I couldn't help more with the case last time. I've be trying to contact you since th but couldn't reach you..." Zhong Ling began, her voice clear and ringing pleasantly.

"The last case had some people causing trouble from behind the sces. Don't blame yourself. I saw your calls. However, I've be busy rectly and hav't had the time to get back to you..." Lin Yun said with a faint smile.

He had more than one mobile phone number. Zhong Ling had be calling his private number which he seldom used. He kept that number on another mobile phone that he kept in the proprietary trading space just in case, and thus he didn't catch Zhong Ling's calls in time. Wh he noticed later, he didn't have time to get in touch.

Because of the last case, he had interacted quite a lot with Zhong Ling. He knew that she was a nice girl. He had a rough idea of what she might say to him and subconsciously didn't want to hear her apologies. He knew that Zhong Ling had already done her best on that case.

"That's ough about the last case. Now I need to ask you to help me with this one." Lin Yun continued.

Zhong Ling was going to say something else, but wh Lin Yun said that, she had to put her words aside.

No matter what, she had finally met Lin Yun. After this case was resolved, there would be plty of time for apologies.

"Lin Yun, what exactly is going on this time?" With these thoughts in mind, Zhong Ling asked.

"You saw that man. Last night, he planned to set up Qingqing in a bar. Today we ran into him and he spoke disrespectfully to Qingqing. I got impulsive and hit him. However, it seems he knows the police officers here..." Lin Yun looked at Zhang Tianyu in the distance, who looked miserable and puzzled, th said.

"He knows the police here..." Wh she heard the first part of Lin Yun's statemt, Zhong Ling let out a sigh of relief. But upon hearing the last part, she frowned and said quietly.

Now that she had dealt with one case, she was no longer a complete newcomer. Especially after dealing with and understanding the darkness behind the sces of the last case, she was giv some pointers by her colleagues and superiors. She knew that if someone were manipulating things behind the sces, things would certainly be very complicated.

If it were just a simple case of fighting, all they'd need to do was pay some money and have her law firm act as a guarantor. It would be easy to get Lin Yun out on bail.

But, if things were like Lin Yun said, th they would have a problem.

"Don't worry too much about money. However much is necessary, be it hundreds of thousands or millions, I can handle it. The only thing I ask is for this case to be free from problems. If you can't promise that, you can let others in your law firm handle it." Lin Yun said with a faint smile, upon seeing Zhong Ling frown.

Ever since he realized that a top-grade jadeite could be exchanged for a large amount of money on earth, he felt like a big shot. If something could be resolved with money, th it wasn't an issue.

Ev if it were just a regular case, he didn't mind spding hundreds of thousands or millions to handle it.

In his view, it was just a matter of half a piece of jade stone.

That said, it was also because he had ough money and he was willing to spd it. If he didn't have money and was still just an average Joe, this case would be far from trivial.

No one could tell that he may ev d up squatting in jail for a while, let alone being unable to come out, just like what Zhang Tianyu had described.

"Hundreds of thousands... millions?" Zhong Ling was greatly surprised.

She couldn't imagine that Lin Yun could spd that much money on this case.

If she recalled correctly, he only had assets worth a little over a million during the last case, and much of that was in factory equipmt. He didn't have much cash, so he couldn't afford a high-priced lawyer. That was why many lawyers had refused his previous case.

Where did Lin Yun get all that money?

Could it be that Lin Yun has some powerful backg support?

A sce suddly appeared in Zhong Ling's mind.

A young man from a well-off family came out to gain experice with only a small amount of funds for business... After running into trouble, he returned to his family, standing before the world with his dazzling idtity, surprising many.

Could Lin Yun be such a young man from a rich family?

Zhong Ling thought siltly.

It goes without saying that many girls have very active imaginations, and Zhong Ling was no exception.

But besides this interpretation, it was hard to find any other explanation for Lin Yun's situation. He had just come out of the police station a few days ago and had lost all his assets. But, in just a few days, he had earned ts of millions in assets? That was really inconceivable!

The existce of the Cosmic Trading System was beyond comprehsion; ordinary people couldn't conceive of such a thing.

"Lin Yun, you're not joking, are you..." Zhong Ling took a deep breath and asked.

"Of course I'm not. Your account is still the same, right? I'm transferring t million to your account right now. Feel free to handle this situation. If t million isn't ough, just call and tell me, and I'll transfer more," Lin Yun said.

While speaking, Lin Yun again took out a cell phone from his pocket and began transferring money to Zhong Ling.

Earlier, the young police officer had already confiscated Lin Yun's regular cell phone. This cell phone was his back-up, always kept by Lin Yun in the trading zone.

Cell phones were important, and Lin Yun always kept a lot of them handy.

The currt mobile transfer system was swift. Before Zhong Ling could react, Lin Yun had already transferred t million to Zhong Ling's account.

As for such a large sum of money, Lin Yun was not worried about transferring it to the wrong account. Not to mtion, he had already used this account to transfer money to Zhong Ling before. The name on this account was Zhong Ling. This fact was verified, so no matter which account the money ded up in, it couldn't leave an account under Zhong Ling's name.


The next momt, Zhong Ling's cell phone wt off.

Without thinking, Zhong Ling took out her cell phone and oped the notification bar, where she saw a bank notification saying that Lin Yun had just transferred t million to her.

Zhong Ling gasped.

Did Lin Yun really have t million? And he trusted her so much that he transferred all of it to her?

Or in other words, was he not afraid that she might take the money and run?

Or ev worse, wasn't he afraid that she might splurge the money or embezzle some and th tell him that she had spt it all?

Thinking this way, Zhong Ling felt a sudd sse of trust.

"Lin Yun, this is too much money. We won't need that much for this case..." Lifting her head to look at Lin Yun, Zhong Ling said.

"That man's family is rather wealthy and has governmt officials backing him. I'm afraid a small amount of money won't make a differce..." Lin Yun shook his head and said.

"But..." Zhong Ling insisted.

She still felt that Lin Yun was giving her too much money.

"If you don't spd all the money, you can return the rest to me. I'm giving you this sum just in case you run short. This way, you can handle things more boldly," Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"Alright th." Zhong Ling thought for a momt, th nodded.

Lin Yun was right. She could return the unspt money to him. There was no need to agonize over this point.

Hearing Lin Yun say he transferred so much money to her because he wanted her to act more boldly, Zhong Ling felt a warmth inside.

Not many clits, such as lawyers, would consider things this way.

This time, she must handle the situation well. Zhong Ling clched her fists and resolved to herself.

However, if this situation turned out to be as Lin Yun described, she might not be able to secure Lin Yun's release on bail. She would need to contact others at the law firm as well.

T million...

Thinking about the huge sum of money Lin Yun had giv her, she felt full of confidce.

Lin Yun was right. Having be provided with such a large sum of money and authorization, her courage grew considerably, and she was full of confidce about resolving the case.

She glanced at Zhang Tianyu, who was standing not too far away, in a shambles, and gave a soft huff.

She knew this playboy. Back wh she was one of the campus beauties at Sh University, this playboy pursued her reltlessly.

Ev th, he had used some underhanded tactics on her. Fortunately, she was cautious ough and graduated early, thus avoiding being manipulated by him.

For these reasons, she put a lot of trust in what Lin Yun had said earlier.

In her opinion, Lin Yun had taught him a good lesson.

Thinking about Lin Yun reprimanding him for Xia Qingqing and th casually spding so much money to solve this issue, Zhong Ling couldn't help but vy Xia Qingqing.

Her younger schoolmate was indeed lucky to have met such a man.

She still remembered how hard Xia Qingqing had worked, running a frantically trying to find a lawyer for Lin Yun.

Though she had heard how those born into wealthy families oft didn't cherish wom, her schoolmate had met Lin Yun under ordinary circumstances; Lin Yun would probably cherish her, right?

Thinking this way, she couldn't help but take a closer look at Lin Yun.

Well, this young man didn't seem like the heartless type...

She only hoped that they could continue to be happy together.

PS: This is a long chapter~~~

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