Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Surprise

"Let's leave it here for now. How could we go for a walk carrying this sheet?" Lin Yun said, laughing.

With that, he walked over and placed the neatly folded sheet Xia Qingqing carried on a table.

"Ar't we checking out?" Xia Qingqing seemed confused.

"Why would we check out?" Lin Yun blinked, teasing her.

"Brother, if you want to ... we could stay at your rted room ... You're just starting your business right now, and you need every pny. This room is not cheap; we should leave it," Xia Qingqing blushed, suggesting in a whisper.

"What if I want to do what?" Lin Yun grinned at her.

Seeing Xia Qingqing's frugality and how adorable she looked, Lin couldn't help but feel like teasing her.

A gorgeous woman like Xia Qingqing would have be pursued by many, wouldn't she?

Normally, that would mean buying whatever she asked.

But, unexpectedly, she was trying to save him money on a hotel room.

Feeling this, Lin Yun's heart warmed with a hint of protective affection.

He never believed in reincarnation, but at this momt, he couldn't help but think if in his past life he must have accumulated quite the blessing to deserve this girl's affection in this life.

"Oh, brother, you're so annoying…" Xia Qingqing shyly hit Lin Yun on the shoulder with her small fist.

"Haha..." Lin Yun laughed aloud, pulling Qingqing into his arms and ruffling her hair.

In the d, Lin didn't say anything. He just left, pulling Qingqing along with him.

He wanted to surprise Xia Qingqing.

"Hello, boss…"

"Hello, boss…"

The staff on the floor cautiously watched Lin Yun and Qingqing's room.

They were curious about what their new boss's girlfrid looked like, giv that he fell for her at this hotel and purchased it for her.

Just wh they noticed Lin Yun and Qingqing leaving, they greeted them as respectfully as they could.

"Why are they…" Xia Qingqing seemed puzzled, not understanding why the staff was addressing Lin Yun so oddly.

Suddly, Xia Qingqing remembered some employees in certain industries oft addressed their customers as 'the boss'... However, this was only a hotel. These attdants were addressing him too formally, far more than anyone in any industry would...

On the other side, all the staff were amazed at Xia Qingqing's stunning beauty.

No wonder their boss treated this girlfrid of his so well. Her beauty made them understand, filled with self-deprecation.

"Hello, Madam Boss!"

Just th, a quick-witted female attdant turned to Xia Qingqing and greeted her respectfully.


Upon hearing her address, the other staff hesitated, th got disgruntled for not thinking to flatter Xia Qingqing, their boss's girlfrid. Since ancit times, pillow-talk had be important, and they needed to impress her as well as their boss…

Moreover, m loved face. Their boss must have be pleased by the level of respect his staff showed Xia Qingqing, thinking it was surely to impress her.

"Hello, Madam Boss..."

"Hello, Madam Boss..."

The rest of the staff quickly echoed.

"Huh?" Xia Qingqing was flustered.

Now Xia Qingqing felt something was off.

If the way these people addressed Lin Yun could be explained, their addressing her was certainly unusual.

For a momt, Xia Qingqing didn't know whether or not she should acknowledge the greetings from these people.

"Brother..." Xia Qingqing turned and looked at Lin Yun, speaking softly.

"You're Xiaoyan, right?" Lin Yun looked at the smart female waitress, gave a slight smile and spoke.

He recognized her. This female waitress was the same girl he just spoke to at the front desk.

Back th, Jiayun Lee had asked her to pour tea for him and had called her by her name.

"The boss has a great memory, my name is Jiang Yan." Seeing that Lin Yun remembered her name, she was quite thrilled and swiftly replied.

While announcing her name, she didn't forget to flatter Lin Yun a bit.

"Hehe, can you go clean our room? Hmm, aside from the sheet on the table, clean everywhere else, that will be ough." Lin Yun laughed and said.

"Sure, boss. I'll go tidy up right now." Jiang Yan happily nodded and promptly turned a to do what she was told.

Although Lin Yun asked her to do something, she wasn't the least bit unhappy, but rather overjoyed.

Because the boss remembered her name, this would obviously make a deeper impression of her in his mind. Later, if there was any good opportunity, the boss would surely think of her first.

"You guys can disperse too, right? So many of you are crowded on this floor, ar't there other guests to attd to?" Lin Yun turned to the other waitstaff and said.

"Yes, boss."


The other waitstaff responded, their faces redding, nodding in agreemt.

Subsequtly, they quickly dispersed.

"Brother, what's going on? Why are they calling you boss and me the boss's wife..." Xia Qingqing wided her eyes, asking.

Wh saying 'boss's wife', Xia Qingqing's little face couldn't help but blush a little.

"This hotel... has already be bought by me. From now on, you are this hotel's boss's wife. That room, no one will live in it again, you can go whever you want, how does that sound..." Lin Yun offered, ruffling Xia Qingqing's hair with a laugh.

"Brother, stop messing up my hair, it's already messy." Seeing some waitstaff who hadn't gott a chance to go downstairs yet, still secretly watching them from afar, Lin Yun acting so affectionately made Xia Qingqing's face turn beet red. She hurriedly fixed her hair and responded in a coquettish manner.

Right at that momt, she heard what Lin Yun said afterwards and exclaimed in surprise, "Brother, did you just say... this hotel... has already be bought by you... but... this hotel... must have be very, very expsive...

how... how is that possible?"

"Didn't I tell you? These past few days, I've be doing business and earned quite a bit of money... Hmmm... those clits have all paid a considerable amount in deposits. After I asked the owner of this hotel, I found out the price wasn't too high. So, I used those deposits to buy this hotel..." Lin Yun said with a laugh.

"Brother, how could you do that? Since it's the clits' deposit, you can't use it as you please..." However, Xia Qingqing was anxious.

She wasn't ignorant of everything. For Lin Yun's small factory, she managed a part of the accounts before and knew that clit deposits shouldn't be moved as one pleases.

Especially, this hotel surely wasn't cheap, Lin Yun allocated so much capital, th how was he going to cover the rest?

"Don't worry, the business I made this time is significant, the profit is substantial, it's alright that the deposits have be used..." Lin Yun responded, shaking his head.

"But what if the hotel incurs a loss... you have never done this kind of business before..." Xia Qingqing was still very worried and said so.

"Don't we have you, the boss's wife? In the future, you can help manage this hotel, alright?" Seeing Xia Qingqing so worried, Lin Yun couldn't resist messing with her hair again and said with a chuckle.

"I... I don't know anything about running a hotel... and, and I need to go to school..." Xia Qingqing, this time not the least bit shy, hurriedly replied.

"If you don't know, you can learn! Ar't you studying economics and managemt? You can use this hotel as practice, in the future, I plan to have you help manage my business! You don't need to worry that much, this hotel has a specific managemt team. You need to only visit occasionally, whether this hotel makes money or not is really not important..." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Brother, you invested a huge amount of money to buy this hotel, how can you say it's okay if it doesn't make money... okay, in the future, I'll drop by oft..." Xia Qingqing, having calmed down by now, thought for a while and th seriously replied.

At this momt, she had finally resolved to help her brother manage this hotel properly.

"What are you guys doing here?"

Just at that momt, in front of the two of them, a surprised voice of a young man resounded.

PS: Today, the author wt to visit the grandmother's house to see the critically ill granddad. Came back a bit late and fell into a deep sleep. Woke up too late, so the update was a bit delayed, hope you guys understand...

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