Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Winning People's Hearts

Sixty kilograms of gold, at two hundred and sixty-five yuan a gram, totaled fifte million nine hundred thousand yuan.

Lin Yun had previously paid a down paymt of two million, so he only needed to pay the remaining one million three hundred ninety thousand yuan.

The two finally agreed that Lin Yun didn't need to pay Hang Lee the remaining gold money, and Hang Lee didn't need to give Lin Yun the remaining nine million sev hundred thousand yuan. Hang Lee just needed to give Lin Yun eighty million yuan, th transfer the hotel ownership to Lin Yun, and also give Lin Yun a year's rt.

Compared to the one hundred and fifty million yuan that the three pieces of jadeite were overpriced by thirty perct, Lin Yun saved over elev million yuan. He got the ownership of the hotel and a year's rt. This price was unbelievably reasonable.

The year's rt was something Hang Lee insisted on giving to Lin Yun. Lin Yun had no choice but to accept it.

The two had reached such peculiar terms in their business negotiations.

The contract was quickly drawn up, and Hang Lee and Lin Yun signed it. The hotel officially changed owners.

"Brother Lin, I advising based on merit, not relations. Jiayun is my niece. She has managed this hotel well. If you don't have a suitable manager, I suggest you let her continue managing this hotel," Hang Lee stood up, turned to glance at Jiayun Lee to the side, th turned back to look at Lin Yun, smiling as he spoke.

Upon hearing Hang Lee's words, Jiayun Lee immediately looked at Lin Yun nervously.

Her position at this hotel was not low, and her treatmt was dect. Most importantly, she was used to working here. If Lin Yun didn't let her continue, ev if Hang Lee could transfer her elsewhere, it would take a long time to reach her currt level.

A good position and treatmt were not readily available.

"No problem, I wasn't planning on changing staff anyway." Lin Yun glanced at Jiayun Lee beside him and smiled.

Earlier, he had spok with Jiayun Lee a bit. She left him with a good impression, and her manners were very suitable. He didn't have any other good candidates, and naturally wouldn't refuse Hang Lee.

"Thanks, Brother Lin." Hang Lee laughed.

In his heart, he indeed had ulterior motives. The hotel owner was now Lin Yun, and this hotel meant more to Lin Yun. Therefore, with Jiayun Lee as the hotel manager, it would be more convit for him to contact Lin Yun in the future. If Lin Yun had any good opportunities and saw Jiayun Lee, he might think of him.

Following this, Hang Lee had Jiayun Lee call all the hotel staff who were working that day to come recognize their new boss.

This hotel didn't have many people, only over thirty, and only over twty were currtly working. They quickly arrived.

They were all surprised that the hotel had suddly changed owners. At the same time, they were also worried about losing their jobs. The treatmt at this hotel was dect, and if they lost this job, it wouldn't be easy to find one with the same conditions.


Over twty people looked at Lin Yun and said respectfully.

Lin Yun nodded slightly, not feeling uncomfortable at all.

At least he had managed over twty people before. Wh these twty-some people called him 'boss', he didn't feel any pressure.

"Brother Lee, how much is their salary? How much profit does this hotel make?" Lin Yun turned his head to look at Hang Lee and asked.

"Their salaries, excluding Jiayun's which is a bit higher at fifte thousand, and a chef's which is a bit higher at t thousand, the others mostly range from three thousand eight hundred to six thousand. As for the hotel's profit, after all expses are deducted, it's likely about t thousand yuan a day!" Hang Lee thought for a momt, th replied.

"Okay, from today on, your salaries will increase by twty perct!" Lin Yun did a quick calculation, th looked at the twty-plus new subordinates in front of him and announced.


"Salaries increase by twty perct?"

"I originally made three thousand nine hundred. A twty perct raise would make it four thousand six hundred..."

"I originally made over five thousand. A twty perct raise would make it over six thousand..."

The twty-some people were surprised and delighted wh they heard Lin Yun mtion salaries. They had feared that Lin Yun would decrease their salaries, but his words pleasantly surprised them.

In an instant, all of these people held good impressions of their new boss, Lin Yun.

"Boss, you're good to us!"

"We will definitely work hard!"

A few bold girls ev happily exclaimed.

"Brother Lin is tough! He just became the owner of this hotel, and he already won everyone's heart!" Hang Lee gave a thumbs up and laughed.

Raising salaries was the best way to win people's hearts. However, most bosses found it hard to make this decision because it wasn't a one-time reward. It was a long-term matter. Maybe the hotel was profitable now, but who could guarantee it would always be profitable?

Just considering the hotel's rovations, in a few years it would need to be rovated again, which would be a hefty expse.

If the hotel didn't have a significant profit margin, once the profit decreased or ev became a loss, it would be hard for the hotel to continue operating.

However, Hang Lee wasn't worried about Lin Yun countering this situation.

Raising these people's salaries by twty perct would only cost an extra one or two thousand yuan a day, three or four hundred thousand yuan a year, which was nothing compared to the hotel's profit, let alone compared to Lin Yun.

Ev if the hotel wasn't profitable at all, Lin Yun could still afford their salaries.

Just think of how easily Lin Yun gave up a profit of over eight million yuan.

Adding all these people's salaries together, it wasn't more than two or three million a year.

Everyone seemed happy.

Lin Yun dismissed the hotel staff.

Hang Lee planned to invite Lin Yun for a meal, but Lin Yun declined, saying he wanted to accompany his girlfrid.

Hang Lee wanted to meet Xia Qingqing, but Lin Yun also declined, laughingly saying that his girlfrid was shy and there was no need to meet her especially.

Hang Lee thought about it and didn't insist. He still needed to transport three pieces of jadeite home, and arrange for the series of things that would follow.

Sixty kilograms of gold, which wasn't large in volume, could be packed into a small box. Lin Yun lifted this small box, ready to go upstairs.

This made Hang Lee astonished. Lin Yun was holding a box containing over t million yuan worth of gold so easily. It was not that Lin Yun was physically strong, but that this kind of boldness was not something an ordinary person could have.

However, Hang Lee didn't dare not advise Lin Yun.

In his view, Lin Yun's frid let someone deliver jadeite because no one knew what was in the box. Someone simply carried it over. Now, many people knew that Lin Yun's box contained over t million yuan worth of gold. If the news leaked out and Lin Yun was robbed, it would be troublesome.

Under Hang Lee's suggestion, two of the m from the cash transport vehicle stayed behind. They didn't need to constantly follow Lin Yun, as long as they were not too far away.

Lin Yun considered and agreed to keep two of them.

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