Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 26: Chapter 26 Buying Jade

"Jade? Mr. Lin, do you have a connection for jade?" Hang Lee's eyes lit up as he hastily asked.

Just now, he was thinking that it would be great if the other party had a source for jade.

"I can get various types of jade from a frid of mine. I'm just not clear on what type of jade to procure that would be more profitable." Lin Yun gave a slight smile and responded.

"Various types of jade?" Hang Lee's eyes wided with excitemt.

Listing to Lin Yun's tone, it seemed that Lin Yun's frid had some considerable influce.

He already considered Lin Yun to be the offspring of a powerful family, and associated Lin Yun's frid with someone of Lin Yun's caliber, which made him extremely excited. If he could secure a stable source of jade, won't his jewelry and gold shop be a guarantee for success?

"I have some information here about jade stones of differt grades and prices. You can have a look, Mr. Lin. It includes all sorts of bestselling jade…" Hang Lee wt over to a table, took out a few books from the drawer, and handed them to Lin Yun.

These books, which he read during his free time at the hotel, were not valuable.

"Thank you, Mr. Lee." Lin Yun took the books and said.

While conversing, Lin Yun started flipping through the books. At the same time, he mtal unlocked the Cosmic Trading System and quickly scanned the information about jade.

"You're too kind, Mr. Lin." Hang Lee grinned. He didn't say anything else to avoid disturbing Lin Yun's perusal of the material.

"Just as I had expected last time, purchasing jade from the Cosmic Trading System for resale in reality is a good business strategy. Most items on the Cosmic Trading System are practical items. However, Earth's luxury goods are prized for their rarity. These rare items, in the broader con of the universe, are negligible..."

"Take jade on Earth, for example. Many value transparcy and purity because this kind of jade is relatively rare. But in terms of practicality, it doesn't differ much from jade that's less transpart or pure. The prices don't differ much on the Cosmic Trading System..."

As Lin Yun continued to research, he found himself nodding in agreemt.

He had perused information about jade on occasion but never in great detail. Now, he reassessed his understanding.

"Mr. Lee, can I have your account number? I will sd you a deposit of two million. Please help me reserve some gold first. As for the jade, I will contact my frid later. I can first bring some for you to see." After a while, Lin Yun, having somewhat made up his mind, looked up at Hang Lee and said with a smile.

"Sure thing. I just wanted to know how much gold you plan to buy initially?" Lee asked in return.

As he asked, he took out a card from his chest pocket and handed it to Lin Yun with both hands, "This is my account."

"Can you sd the few doz kilograms of gold in your shop here first, and help me purchase five hundred kilograms more gold? Will that be a problem?" Lin Yun pondered and asked.

Five hundred kilograms of gold would cost over a hundred million in Huaxia Currcy. As long as the jade deal was manageable, making that money wouldn't be challging. The mobile power banks were already selling in the market, and he could reap quite a bit of money in the next few days.

"Five hundred kilos of gold?" Hang Lee's eyes lit up.

"Sure, the market price for a gram of gold is 7 yuan, but I can give you a rate of 65 yuan if that's okay?" Hang Lee asked in an inquisitive tone.

A price of 65 yuan per gram, as we're talking pure gold here, there would be no additional costs. However, as there were no storefront or sales personnel to be managed, he could make a profit of about t yuan per gram. With a quantity of five hundred kilos, he could effortlessly earn five million or thereabouts.

Without a doubt, this was a major deal.

"Deal." Lin Yun replied with a smile.

A few yuan differce per gram didn't bother him as he was planning to do a business with almost t times the profit. Haggling over such little differces would be too petty. In layman's terms, he was eating the meat and didn't mind his partner having some soup.

"I've transferred the two million. You can check, Mr. Lee." At this point, Lin Yun successfully transferred the money using his phone, and informed Mr. Lee.

"I'll get on it this instant." Hang Lee glanced at the notification on his phone, nodded in agreemt and immediately began making calls to arrange the gold procuremt.

Jiayun was a bit tak aback as she watched this sce unfold.

A business deal worth hundreds of millions, just like that?

The saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' certainly held true. Who would've thought that this young man could command such wealth?

"I'm going upstairs to join my girlfrid. I'll discuss the hotel matters with you later wh my frid delivers the jade. Is that okay?" Lin Yun stood up and said.

"Not a problem at all. Mr. Lin, please go ahead. I'll take care of the gold procuremt in the meantime." Hang Lee had just put down a call. Upon hearing Lin Yun's plan, he immediately stood up, shook hands with Lin Yun and responded.

Purchasing five hundred kilograms of gold at once was no small matter, and it was not something that could be resolved with just one phone call. He needed to contact other people and make other arrangemts.

Lin Yun had already paid a deposit of two million, so he wasn't worried that Lin Yun was pulling his leg.

"Alright." Lin Yun nodded, turned a, and left.

Several female waitresses nearby looked admiringly at Lin Yun as he walked away.

They had overheard Lin Yun's conversation with their boss to some extt and were quite surprised at the young man's impressive hand.

"I wonder what his girlfrid looks like…"

"He wants to buy this hotel because his girlfrid confessed her feelings to him here. That's so romantic. His girlfrid must be very beautiful…"

The female waitresses murmured quietly to each other. They not only admired Lin Yun's wealth but also vied his girlfrid.

Meanwhile, the elevator was ascding.

"According to the analysis of the Cosmic Trading System, this type of jade is probably jadeite in Earth terms. Based on the information I just read, jadeite appears to be selling well on Earth right now. An excellt piece of jadeite the size of a fist can fetch hundreds of millions, which is astonishing…" said Lin Yun, the light flashing in his eyes.

Jade is an excellt storage medium for special ergy, and it wouldn't come cheap in the civilizations many universes apart.

Some of the lower-grade jade at the Cosmic Trading System may not be profitable if purchased, and may ev incur a loss. However, Earth's prices for high-grade jade are blatantly exaggerated, hce profit is guaranteed.

"Let's pick these types of jade… Buy a few for a test run…"

Soon, he selected and bought a doz top-notch jadeite pieces, spding a total of t Spirit Energy Points.

By the time he got out the elevator, the transaction was complete. Approximately one minute later, over a doz jadeites would be teleported to his trading space from where he could retrieve them anytime.

However, he can't just prest them to Hang Lee as they are, for he wouldn't be able to explain where they came from.

Lin Yun started dialing Ding Wei, asking him to purchase a dect box and bring it over.

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