Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 Tears of Angel

The most ssitive were the wholesalers.

They were always monitoring the market for any new products and any new products with great pottial for sales.

Power banks were not a new invtion, but the data on Qinglong brand power banks was too powerful. It quickly caught the atttion of some electronics wholesalers, and they started inquiring about the manufacturer of these power banks.

Lin Yun's orders rapidly increased.

During this time, Zhao Zhun ordered another t thousand power banks.

In a blink of an eye, it had be a week since Lin Yun had acquired the Cosmic Trading System.

In this week, Lin Yun's fortunes had undergone earth-shaking changes.

He had sold a total of thirty-sev thousand power banks, and the funds in Lin Yun's account had already exceeded six million, which made him reflect on a lot of things.

Six million, ev wh he tered the imitation market, it would take five or six years to make that much profit.

Now, he had earned it in just a few days.

The gap was quite large.

At nine o'clock in the eving, Lin Yun left the Gold Dragon Building on time.

"Boss Lin, you're really not considerate. I heard that you have a product that's doing well..."

On the way, a call came in. Lin Yun answered, and a complaint came from the other d in a laughable tone.

In the d, the other party expressed its inttion to purchase some power banks.

"Boss Qi, I'm really sorry, there's a limit to the number of power banks I have, and they've already be ordered by others..." Lin Yun said indiffertly.

The man on the other d of the call was the one who had made very unpleasant remarks on that day. His business was doing well, and his orders didn't affect the man at all, and ev though he was willing to compsate, the man still talked unpleasantly and looked at him unpleasantly. Wh he saw the profit, he spoke well again.

To be honest, ev though he, Lin Yun, was a businessman, he didn't want to do business with such a person.

After saying this, Lin Yun didn't wait for a reply. He hung up the phone.

In Qinglong District, within a villa.

A middle-aged man angrily threw his mobile onto the g exclaiming, "What the hell? A small fry. I talk so nicely to you, that's already a big favor, and you dare to show me attitude?"

Aside, the middle-aged man's anger frighted his assistant.

The assistant kept his head down, not daring to look at the middle-aged man, but in his heart, he criticised, "If it wer't for your bad temper, you're always saying unpleasant things to people. Why would people refuse to sell you things? I heard that day, he recommded that product to many customers..."

This middle-aged man was Boss Qi, who had just spok with Lin Yun. Lin Yun's refusal made him extremely angry.

"Humph! I don't believe that only you have that kind of power bank. Once I find the manufacturer behind you, I'll make you look good!"

A momt later, a trace of ferocity flashed across the middle-aged man's face as he grit his teeth.

"Get me a new phone..." The middle-aged man turned his head, looking at his assistant behind him, and said.

The phone he was just using had be smashed by him, and now he needed to contact someone else, he needed a new phone.

"Yes, boss," The assistant nodded, turning a to get a new phone for the middle-aged man.

Appartly, such things happ oft, and plty of phones were kept in reserve.

However, of this was known by Lin Yun.

At this momt, Lin Yun was standing at the trance of a bar.

Nightingale Bar.

Lin Yun glanced at the bar's name and walked in.

This was what Lin Yun had be doing every night for the past few days.

He found that at night, there were more people in the bars, making it very suitable for the Cosmic Trading System to absorb Spiritual Energy.

However, he wasn't sure which bar had the most people, so these past few days, he had continuously be switching bars, hoping to find the one with the most traffic.

He wasn't choosing blindly; he started by asking netizs online which bars in Qinglong District or ev in Sh City had the most popularity, and th he selected from among these bars one by one.

Nightingale Bar was the bar he picked today.

It must be said, the Nightingale Bar did indeed draw a crowd. As soon as he tered the bar, a lively atmosphere hit him head on.

Previously, Lin Yun never frequted such places, but over the past few days, he found himself in several bars.

So, he quickly found a place to sit down.

"Sir, what may I get you to drink?" A pretty waitress came over quickly and asked with a smile.

"Just a random alcoholic drink will do." Lin Yun smiled slightly.

He had never be to such places before, so he didn't know what kinds of drinks they had. He just simply let the waitress decide. Whatever kind of drinks she would bring, he would drink. He didn't care about the drink, and wasn't afraid of her picking the expsive ones to rip him off.

Having money, he was capricious. Heh heh.

Reminded of a popular internet saying, Lin Yun chuckled siltly.

He could make millions in a day now, why would he care about the cost of drinks?

At this momt, he seemed to understand the mindset of the childr of wealthy families wh they shopped. They only cared whether the product was good or not, they never cared about the money. This kind of feeling was indeed not bad...

Ev though the money he currtly had was far from the wealthiness of those rich kids, but because of his fast money-making speed and the great support of the Cosmic Trading System, his confidce was no less than that of those rich kids.

"Alright." Seeing that Lin Yun was so casual, the waitress smiled, understanding that he was not short of money and was easy to talk to. As waitresses, they were always happy to meet customers like him.

Many difficult customers frequted the bar, and they oft ran into them. Wh that happed, they just had to tough it out.

"Sir, this Tears of Angel is our specialty here in the bar. Many customers like to order it. It's a hundred and eighty-eight yuan in total..." The waitress quickly brought Lin Yun a cup of blue liquor and laughed.

"Thank you; you can keep the change." Lin nodded.

He took out two hundred yuan and handed it to her.

She was quite good and didn't rip him off. Two days ago, in a bar, he let the waitress there randomly bring him a drink. The result was a drink that cost three thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight yuan. If it wasn't for his fast money-making speed now, he would have wanted to throw the drink in the waitress's face.

Was she trying to rip him off by getting him a drink that cost three thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight yuan just because of his appearance?

Fortunately, ev though the drink was expsive, it tasted quite good. Thus, he still let the waitress randomly bring him drinks wh he wt to other bars.

The drinks in the bars may be more expsive than outside, but with his currt speed of making money, he didn't care about occasionally getting ripped off.

However, this waitress was evidtly dect and did not take advantage of his casual attitude to rip him off.

Although a drink of one hundred and eighty-eight yuan wasn't cheap in this bar, his initial casual attitude clearly showed that he wasn't short of money. If she had really brought a cheap drink to him, th she would have be a fool.

"Thank you." Hearing Lin Yun's response, the waitress blushed and said in a small voice.

Just now, she had glanced at him. He was handsome, gtle, and clearly not short of money...These were the ideal qualities for a boyfrid...Unfortunately...such a good man...who knew who was lucky ough to be his girlfrid...

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