Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Three Realms of Martial Arts

After leaving Zhao Zhun, Lin Yun stayed at the Gold Dragon Building until late into the night, a eight or nine o'clock before leaving.

On that day, Lin Yun spt more than six hours in the Gold Dragon Building, and the Cosmic Trading System absorbed six Spirit Energy Points in total.

With six Spirit Energy Points, he could purchase more than sev thousand power banks from Star Blue.

In the short term, he had no plans to purchase a production line for communication devices to produce products himself because he found that buying things in this manner was quite convit. With 0.8 Spirit Energy Points, he could purchase a thousand power banks, a price he was willing to accept, and was very satisfied with.

Now, he didn't have any real strgth to buy a communication device production line and produce himself, who knew what problems might arise?

The power bank he had ordered was incredibly powerful. Once it tered the market, it would undoubtedly attract atttion from all quarters.

However, he wanted to develop quickly, and this had be an unavoidable situation.

After all, he was still young at heart. Now that he had acquired a powerful system and had se the vast world on the Cosmic Trading System, coupled with various experices in reality, he really didn't want to develop slowly.

Speaking of which, Zhao Zhun was a veteran in the electronics wholesale market, and he was very ssitive to electronic products. He gave Lin Yun a suggestion today.

The capacity of this power bank was immse. Using it only to charge mobile phones was quite wasteful, so he suggested that Lin Yun redesign it. If it could also charge laptops, that would be ev better.

The power consumption of notebooks has always be a global challge. Although today's notebooks have improved significantly, with some good ones, ev able to run for eight or nine hours. Still, such notebooks could only be afforded by a minority. More laptops, once fully charged, could only be used for a two hours.

If Lin Yun's power bank could charge notebooks, it would undoubtedly be more popular.

Lin Yun believed that it was a good suggestion. If his power bank could charge notebooks, it would indeed be a highlight.

However, there was no hurry to ask Star Blue to make changes, and this type of power bank could serve as the upgraded version of the currt ones.

Now, the power bank was just a stepping stone for establishing his brand. He would evtually produce a variety of products, not just power banks that could charge notebooks, but batteries for electric cars and various power-related products, all of which could be manufactured with this technology.

Furthermore, he had already launched this product, and because of Zhao Zhun's suggestion, it would not be suitable to suddly abandon this product and th start selling the one Zhao Zhun suggested.

The night in Sh City was quiet yet bustling, with various neon lights shining everywhere.

Lin Yun did not return home but instead looked for bustling places on the streets.

As long as the Cosmic Trading System absorbed spiritual ergy, it was equivalt to making money, and a substantial amount at that. He, who had be working hard to earn money all these years, could not bear to let this opportunity slip.

However, about an hour later, Lin Yun gave up.

Because he found that no matter how bustling the place he found, it was far from the ergy in the Gold Dragon Building.

Thinking about it, it was understandable. In the Gold Dragon Building, the Cosmic Trading System could absorb the spiritual ergy of people on all eighte floors.

On the streets, where could he find such a place?

Now it was past t o'clock at night, and there were probably few such places left in Sh City.

The differce was too great. It would be better to go back to sleep, recover, and go to the Gold Dragon Building tomorrow.

Lin Yun made up his mind.

"If the range of the Cosmic Trading System's absorption of spiritual ergy could cover ts of thousands of meters..."

On the way home, Lin Yun pondered.

That way, the Cosmic Trading System's range of absorbing spiritual ergy would cover the tire Sh City. He could make money just by sleeping at home, and the amount would be massive.

"Several thousand Spirit Crystals can be used to purchase equipmt specifically for absorbing spiritual ergy..."

A series of gleams flashed in the depths of Lin Yun's eyes.

In the daytime, wh the Cosmic Trading System was absorbing spiritual ergy, he was searching for information on all the major sectors.

First, he looked up information about various minerals and plants, because he assumed that Earth's technology products were too rudimtary and guessed that they wouldn't have much of a market on the Cosmic Trading System. Ev if there was a market, he would need to have a lot of money in reality to make purchases, something he simply couldn't afford at the momt.

Unfortunately, he quickly discovered that the majority of Earth's minerals and plants were either quite cheap or too difficult to find. In the d, he found one thing that had a dect price on the Cosmic Trading System, and it was also relatively easy to procure a few.

That was gold.

In the various great civilizations of the universe, gold was a relatively dect material.

The price of gold was roughly one Spirit Energy Point for 0 grams.

Lin Yun had calculated that a Spirit Energy Point could buy over a thousand power banks, which could sell for 00,000 Huaxia Currcy. The currt price of gold was 70 per gram, making 0 grams worth 7,000. Compared to the former option, gold was extraordinarily profitable.


It took ,000 grams of gold to exchange for a single Spirit Crystal.

It would take ,000,000 grams of gold to exchange for a thousand Spirit Crystals.

That was t tons!

A few thousand Spirit Crystals... that would be ts of tons of gold!

Traditionally, most nations on Earth followed the gold standard and gold trading was restricted. Although restrictions on gold trading had be reduced in rect years, Lin Yun was doubtful he'd be able to acquire such a large amount of gold easily.

After all, gold was a scarce resource on Earth.

However, he did not need to buy that much gold all at once. Ev if he wanted to, he would still need sufficit funds.

Regardless, this was a method to increase his supply of Spirit Crystals.

Moreover, he could also use other items in exchange for Spirit Crystals apart from gold, although were as cost-effective as gold.

The next day, Lin Yun woke up early and started practicing boxing.

As a child, there was a martial arts school near his house. With martial arts films being popular at the time, many childr, including Lin Yun, fell in love with martial arts. Seeing the martial arts school, he insisted on joining. His father, seeing his sincere interest, allowed him to attd.

However, his father told him that if he was to practice, he had to continue diligtly and not give up halfway.

From th on, he practiced boxing every morning, but since he started working, he had to skip practice many mornings due to his busy schedule.

Who had time to practice boxing wh they barely had ough time to sleep?

Ironically, the time he had spt in jail rectly was the most leisure time he had had in years.

There, he familiarized himself with his boxing techniques once again.

Mastery in martial arts was like rowing against the currt. If one did not practice for a long time, their skills would decline.

Having observed the demeanor of the Super Warriors on the Cosmic Trading System, Lin Yun became ev more focused on physical strgth.

"Wh I have saved ough Spirit Crystals, I will exchange them for some martial arts techniques and start cultivating..." Lin Yun said to himself as he practiced boxing.

Spiritual Energy was the most direct ergy that could hance a life-form, but one needed to master the appropriate techniques to correctly absorb and refine Spirit Crystals. Otherwise, the Spiritual Energy within the Spirit Crystals could be absorbed, but the process would be extremely slow and wasteful, with ninety-nine perct going to waste.

Didn't you see that many creatures, without the knowledge to absorb and refine Spiritual Energy, dissipate most of the ergy they naturally converted?

Having expericed highs and lows rectly, Lin Yun's state of mind had matured. At this momt, as he practiced boxing, he quickly found his rhythm and felt his power growing increasingly sharp.

Mingjin, Dark Strgth, and Huajin were the three stages of Martial Arts that his master talked about.

His talt was quite good, having reached the Mid Mingjin Stage at the age of eighte, a fact his master praised him for repeatedly.

It should be noted that his master was only at the Late Mingjin Stage.

According to his master, it was a pity he wasn't a better teacher. If Lin Yun were to receive guidance from a rowned master, it was not impossible for him to reach the Dark Strgth stage in his lifetime.

Those in the Dark Strgth stage had cultivated their inner strgth and every one of them was a rowned character.

Regrettably, he hadn't practiced boxing much for the past five years.

His currt strgth only maintained him at the Mid Mingjin Stage, prevting him from regressing further.

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