Cooking with Wild Game (LN)

Volume 9 - Ch 1


On the 28th of the Blue Month, the day after the Wu clans harvest festival, he came to my stall. To me, this was the 31st day since I set up shop in town and the first day of my memorable 4th contract.

The first contract The first ten days of my business was like groping in the dark. I only prepared ten Kiba burgers on my first day, which showed how cautious I was.

Sales in the first ten days far exceeded my expectations, and I expanded to four staff workers. On the last day, we sold 170 portions. 80% of our patrons were southerners or easterners, but I felt that this was incredibly good.

But the next ten days were marred by many incidents.

We attended the house head conference in the Tsun clan back then, leading to the commotion caused by Zattsu Tsun and Tay Tsun. The distrust towards the castle, clashes with the town folks, and other matters that werent related to business also caused us a lot of trouble. Even weapons were drawn in the end.

The third ten-day contract that followed these turbulent times was more peaceful than I expected.

After obtaining Totos unexpectedly, I started catering food for the Cryptic Venerable Inn, my second business partner after the Big Tree of the South Inn. There were many positive changes, and the unstable relationship with the westerners had finally reached a balance.

Sales recovered to the level before the commotion, and there werent any westerners throwing rocks at us. Although they started looking at us with a suspicious gaze that was different from fear or prejudice, I think this was a good thing. Letting them know what kind of people the denizens of Forests Edge were would be the first step towards our mutual understanding.

And now, on the first day of our 4th ten-day contract, he appeared before us.

Hmm, a stall selling kiba? Hey, is that food really made from kiba?

There wasnt anything special about our meeting, and this was actually the norm for customers who first learned about existence of my stall. I didnt suspect anything and replied: Yes, thats right.

There was nothing strange about his dressing, which included a vest, pants, a hat, and a short cape. This was the common attire among southerners.

His brown hair was short and neat, and he had green eyes and fair-colored skin. His hair color was not uniform like that of a stray dog, but that was a common trait among southerners.

So the first thing that surprised me was his juvenility.

I didnt know exactly his age, but he was definitely younger than me, 15 or 16 at most.

It wasnt as far as the eastern kingdom, but the distance from here to the southern kingdom of Jaguar wasnt trivial at all. From what I knew, traveling to Nerva city that was at the north end of Jaguar the hometown of architect Balan would take half a month.

The further the distance, the more dangerous the journey. Perils such as bandits, wild beasts, and natural disasters meant one needed to risk their lives to travel in this world. Hence, in the Post Station Town, a melting pot where people of all races gathered, foreign women and elderlies were a rare sight, much less young people like him.

In other words, all the Semu were dressed in a way that made it hard to gauge their age. And while I had seen Jaguar people who were about my age, they were very few of them.

This youth was even younger than them.

Not just young, his figure was a little strange which brought me to the second thing that surprised me.

He is probably less than 1.6 m, which is fairly normal for southerners

But being short and burly was the standard for southerners. Compared to the tall and skinny Semu people, they were stouts with short limbs but had big bones and tough muscles. That was the impression the Jaguar people gave me.

And Jaguar people at my age all had nice brown beards, which gave the impression of dwarves seen in movies and games.

But this youth neither had a beard nor was stout.

And a beard wouldnt suit him at all. He had large eyes like southerners, but the shape of his nose and cheeks were slender like a girl and looked rather cute. The young people in Forests Edge looked androgynous too, but his facial features looked more delicate than them, so he was expected to become a handsome youth who would get all the ladies after growing up.

His thin body matched his face well. Especially his pale arms and tight waist could rival that of a girl his age.

This had nothing to do with his origins; a boy this cute is a rare sight no matter where he is from.

As I was thinking about nonsensical things, the youth walked briskly to my stall and stared at the Myam-roasted meat being heated on the griddle.

Fufu, its kiba meat. So there are actually people who eat such things! Isnt kiba meat hard, stinky, and unpalatable?

Westerners often said that too.

His voice was high-pitched like a girl. He looked so cute that he would be mistaken for a girl if he wore a skirt.

But the important thing right now was doing business. My partner Lala Wu behaved herself and observed without a word, and I replied gently:

Thats not true. It must be the conclusion of people who ate kiba meat that wasnt properly processed. Kiba meat that had been cooked in the right way tastes as good as kimyusu and karon, you know?

How is that possible! Lavis, look, this is kiba cooking! Isnt that amazing I wonder what people who eat this are thinking!

So he had friends with him. I followed the youths gaze.

Diagonally behind the youth was a quiet young man who was dressed similarly.

His body was well built like a southerner and wasnt short. Being half a head taller than the youth, the young man was about 1.75 m tall.

With brown hair, green eyes, and fair skin, he looked to be in his twenties. His facial features were distinct, and his thick jaw had the strong feature of the Jaguar people.

However, this young man didnt have a beard either. It seemed that not all Jaguar men had beards.

Hey, Lavis, do you want to try this kiba cooking? If you do, I think you can boast about it when you go back home

The youth said with a mischievous smile. The young man named Lavis looked at the smiling youth with a serious face:

Dell-sama, is that an order? If so, I will carry it out.

It was a deep and rough voice.

His expression was too stiff for a southerner, but there was still a subtle hint of loathing and disgust on his face.

Ho, Dell-sama, huh.

It was rare hearing such an honorific in the Post Station Town.

Now that I thought about it, even though he was wearing commoners garb, it gave an impression of being very high-class. The design was simple, but the collar and sleeve openings were stitched and dyed perfectly. Along with his sheathed short sword meant for self-defense, all these were quietly flaunting his wealth.

Are they nobles? Probably not. They live inside the stone city, not the Post Station Town.

Leaving that aside, Dell seemed displeased by Lavis reply and muttered How boring with a frown. He might have hailed from a wealthy family but lacked etiquettes and manners.

But kiba tastes really good. I have a lot of return southerner customers. Would you like to try?

As I was saying that, I took out the plate for sampling that I had rarely used recently. But he said mockingly: Stop joking around

You think I will eat something like that? The food in the Post Station Town doesnt have any good points except being cheap anyways. And this is kiba we are talking about, I wont spend money on this!

He revealed unwittingly that he was a traveler who wasnt lodging in the Post Station Town. They were just passing by here on their way to the city. Anyway, a peasant like me had nothing to do with them.

In that case, I could only pray that they would leave soon. But for some reason, they just stood there with no intention of leaving.

Erm, you are a westerner, right? Why is a westerner doing business together with denizens of Forests Edge? Dont westerners hate the denizens of Forests Edge more than southerners?

The youth put his slender arms on his hips and stared at my face a little arrogantly. His pretty jade-like eyes were sparkling.

Whats so strange about that? The denizens of Forests Edge are also devotees of Selva of the west now, right?

Thats just lip service! They dont have the intelligence to worship god. Enough about that, answer my question.

This youth was too cocky.

But none of the denizens of Forests Edge were bothered by this insult, and Lala Wu turned her face away as if this matter was of no concern to her. I could only suppress the displeasure in my chest.

Im not sure how to answer you. Its true that I wasnt born in Forests Edge, but denizens of Forests Edge accepted me as one of them, and Im living there now. I just happen to be running this business and living in Forests Edge at the same time.

Fufu, how weird! And can you stop talking to me in such a stiff manner? You are older than me, right?

I sighed in my heart. It was this conversation again.

This has nothing to do with age. I cant be rude to my patrons.

But Im not your patron. Dont worry, I will never buy kiba food!

The youth then laughed in an exaggerated manner.

If I covered my ears, his smiling face was actually pretty cute, but my stress was still growing.

And then, a group walked towards us from the north as if they were here to soothe my heart. They were the Silver Vase led by Shumimaru.

Welcome! Sorry for the wait, Shumimaru.

What, wait I?

The young easterner pulled back his hood, showing off his silver hair, and tilted his head.

I left the cooking of the Myam-roasted meat to Lala Wu and shifted a large sack by my feet to the side of the stall.

This is the jerky you ordered. My deep apologies for handing it to you just mere days before the deadline.

This was the 40 kg of jerky Shumimaru pre-ordered.

I wanted to deliver the goods earlier, but the quality of the Sudora houses jerky was mediocre or rather, the proportion of spice used by the Sudora house was too different from the other houses. The taste was too strong and unpleasant, so they had to work overtime and remake a new batch.

The taste of the jerky was different for each house. It was my fault for my realizing something so obvious. I consoled Rii Sudora who cried from the guilt, taught her the spice proportions that I needed, and she managed to finish it on time.

After inspecting the jerky inside the sack, Shumimaru squinted happily.

Much thanks, for you, pay.

The price was 60 white copper plates.

In accordance with the rule of running a business, I started counting copper plates in front of Shumimaru. Dell who was still hanging around made a curious grunt.

What a hardworking Semu. You came from the north, are you doing business in the city too?

Shumimaru turned his head calmly.

Yes. Me, Silver Vase, Shumimaru Jiz Sadumutino.

No need to introduce yourself. I dont plan to tell a Semu my name either.

The youth stuck out his tongue in disgust.

How infuriating.

Erm, this is an honored customer of my stall and an important friend. Could you please refrain from being rude?

What the hell, you are speaking up for a Semu? They are probably the only ones who are willing to eat kiba

Before I knew it, I was walking right up into his face.

But Shumimaru stopped me.

Shumimaru then looked back at the youth with a light of defiance in his green eyes.

Please no fight. Southerners, easterners, fight no can, in western kingdom.

Hmmp! Then scram back to your eastern kingdom! Only the Jaguar people need to trade with the western kingdom! Just the sight of your faces pisses me off!

When I first started doing business in the Post Station Town, the atmosphere between Arudas group and the Silver Vase wasnt exactly peaceful either. And the reason they got along harmoniously was the unspoken rule of not disrupting my business. Hence, such quarrels breaking out between people from hostile nations werent that uncommon.

I understood that, but witnessing this personally was still an unpleasant experience. Even more so for Shumimaru who was being disparaged one-sidedly.

Pardon, back go we.

After saying that, Shumimaru gave me a slight nod.

I hurriedly bowed towards him deeply.

Dont apologize, Shumimaru Thats not my customer, and he was rude too.

And of course, the latter half was said quietly.

The youth glared at us and stomped his feet.

Worry no. Thank you, jerky for.

Shumimaru handed the sack of jerky to his brethren, took the Myam-roasted meat from Lala Wu, and prepared to leave.

He then stopped unnaturally.

Asuta Vena Wu, not here?

Oh right! I almost forgot! Actually, Vena Wu hurt her ankle while performing chores at home, so she cant come to town. I heard that she needs to rest for two or three days before she can walk again

It seems that when they were cleaning up after the banquet yesterday, one of the branch house woman dismantling the temporary stove dropped a large stone on Rimee Wus feet. When nimbly pulling Rimee Wu away, Vena Wu fell from moving too intensely and sprained her ankle.

I was late in my introduction, the one substituting for Vena Wu at the Kiba burger stall was Leina Wu. They might be sisters, but they looked so different that others definitely wouldnt mix them up.

Shumimaru returned to the stall and leaned his head in over the griddle.

Vena Wu, bad, hurt?

No, she didnt injure her bones. She can still walk by holding onto the wall, so she would be back at work in three days at most

But today was already the 28th day of the Blue month.

Three days later would be the 31st day of the Blue month the last day Shumimarus band would do business in Genos. They would then set off to another city the next morning. If he missed this chance, Shumimaru wouldnt be able to see Vena Wu again.

Shumimaru closed his mouth with downcast eyes.

His facial expression didnt change at all.

But even so, he looked incredibly sad.

Understand. Thank you.

With that, Shumimaru left for real this time.

I sighed deeply. Lala Wu was just about to speak when that youth interjected:

Really now, those Semu are so gloomy! Even if our countries arent at war, I dont want anything to do with them! Why did you even bother befriending them?

You are annoying. Arent you being rude, saying all that to my customers while Im running my business?

I couldnt tolerate it anymore and retorted.

Well, he was really disrupting my business.

Milano Mast always warned me that, in order to upkeep the public order in the Post Station Town, I had to report to the guards if anything happened.

However, that youth just smiled gleefully.

You finally revealed your true nature! You sound more normal without all those honorifics. At least, I prefer it this way.

I dont care what you like. Unless you behave yourself, I will call the guards on you for disrupting my business.

Wait, Asuta, calm down.

Lala Wu tugged my sleeve with an irritated face.

Theres no end in bothering yourself with this sort of person. No good will come from quarreling.

I knew that too. But during this period of time, the denizens of Forests Edge had to show that they werent lawless ruffians, and I couldnt let anyone mess that up.

I was very bothered by the relevant people in the castle. Pyschkurewuss, who was acting on behalf of Marquis Genos, had plenty of mysteries about him. But with all the negative rumors centered around him, he could think of my stall as an eyesore since he was responsible for managing the denizens of Forests Edge. In that case, there was an even more pressing need for me to abide by the laws of the Post Station Town and settle things in a proper manner.

Fufu, guards, huh. The guards in the Post Station Town are low-class soldiers, right? I dont think they can lay a hand on me.

Oh, are you a noble so the guards cant do anything about it? What is a great person like you doing at my humble stall?

Im not a noble. Im just the child of a mere merchant. Never mind, I havent fallen so low that I need to eat kiba.

The youth laughed cheerfully.

His cute girlish laugh filled me with hate.

Asuta, whats the matter? Quarreling with someone?

A new group appeared.

It was Pops Balan and the Jaguar architects.

Ah, welcome. Its nothing, thank you for your patronage.

Your face doesnt look like its nothing Never mind, just make it quick; Im hungry.

The group was all sweaty and probably worked from morning til now. Seven of them queued up in front of the Myam-roasted meat stall, and the other five stood before the Kiba burger stall.

And, of course, Dell commented on this.

Hey, you! Why are people from Jaguar eating kiba!? What are you thinking!?

Huh? Whats with you? Given how pretty you are, the delinquents will harass you if you walk around the Post Station Town dressed like that.

Balan raised an eyebrow and glanced back at him.

The youth turned his body sideways and pointed to the young man behind him with his thumb.

Im not afraid of any hoodlums! Lavis is a sword master. He had even caught three bandits before!

I see. Aside from his dagger, that young man also had a sword.

But since I had met people like the denizens of Forests Edge, Kamyua Yost, and Malfreed, I didnt feel intimidated at all.

Pops checked out the young man named Lavis and then grunted.

I dont really mind, but you seem to be some kind of big shot, huh. Are you from the capital?

Yes, Im from Zealand.

Is that so. Im from Nerva. Speaking of Zealand thats the city of steel situated beside an ore mine, correct?

Yes. My place sells steel items; we came to Genos to peddle wares.

The air about them suddenly turned peaceful.

However, the youth didnt want to end the conversation cordially.

Erm, man from Nerva, why are you eating kiba food? You dont seem to be living a hard life.

Why do I have to be poor to eat kiba? Kiba dishes cost the same as karon dishes. Or rather, kiba dinner is actually more expensive.

Oh? Then why dont you eat karon?

Karon is nice, but the kiba tastes great too. I can only eat kiba in Genos, so I decided to keep eating it.

Pops Balan answered crudely as he savored the fragrance of the kiba being heated up.

I dont believe kiba tastes good! Are you under some kind of evil spell?

The youth frowned unhappily.

Arudas who had been quiet all the while laughed cheerfully.

Only easterners can cast magic. And if I can taste something so blissful, I dont care if it's a spell. Just think of it as being tricked by me, and give it a try.

The youth turned his face away: I dont want to try any kiba dish.

But when he saw the men eating the freshly made Myam-roasted meat happily, the youth turned his gaze back again.

Erm, does it really taste that good?

Yeah, its really great.


If you want to eat, buy one yourself.

I dont want to eat kiba!

A strange rumbling sound rang out alongside his voice.

The youth grabbed his tummy with his face beet-red, and the architect group laughed heartily. This scene felt a little nostalgic.

N-No! Its because of the aroma! The myam smells too good!

Thats right, myam complements kiba really well.

Arudas replied with a smile, and the others in his group smiled too.

This dish is fantastic, but I like the food served in the inn better.

Thats because of the Tau sauce! Ahh, I want to try meat grilled with Tau sauce too.

Wouldnt it be awesome if you add myam on top of that? Isnt that right, Asuta?

Myam was similar to garlic, while Tau sauce was something akin to soy sauce. Both of them meshed really well with kiba. By the way, the kiba dish they were talking about was the Braised kiba I made with Tau sauce, which was sold in the Big Tree of the South Inn.

Thats right. I tried grilling meat with Tau sauce and myam at home, and adding both of them works great with kiba.

Thats too sly! If you made it before, sell it at your stall!

Im still hesitating about selling it. Theres nothing special about grilling it, and the price will increase if I use Tau sauce.

Yeah, Tau sauce aint cheap in the west. This wont be a problem in Jaguar country Just the thought that I can only eat three more days of Asutas food makes me feel like crying.

Thank you very much, I feel lonely to part with you too.

The architect group planned to return home after the Blue month ends. Why did they have to leave on the same day as the Silver Vase? The departure of both groups at the same time made me sad.

Farewell then! Im looking forward to your dinner, so make it a good one.

Alright, thank you for your patronage.

And with that, they returned to their work.

Only the two beardless Jaguar men were left behind.

I sighed as I looked at the youth standing right there with a sideways pout.

So, how long are you going to stand there? Since the dishes in the Post Station Town arent to your liking, why dont you return to the city?

Annoying! Dont order me around!

His stomach growled again, probably because of his yell.

His pale cheeks reddened again as the youth glared at me.

Is the kiba really tasty?

I think its good. Comparable to karon thigh meat and kimyusu.

Karon thigh meat is cheap, correct?

Thats true, but only the thigh meat of karon is sold in the Post Station Town.

Well, shouldnt you

It was almost time for the lunchtime crowd to gather, so I wanted to tell him Shouldnt you go already?

But before I could finish, my words were drowned out by a loud:

I got it! Make a bet with me!


If the kiba tastes good, you win. If not, its my win. The loser will give the winner one white copper plate!

But why! I cant use the precious copper plates to gamble!

You really are annoying. Stop yapping and grill some meat!

The youth let out a strange giggle.

This youth was probably a cute mischievous child that Ludo Wu and Rau Lei could get along with. But, given how his environment had sculpted him, I didnt really want to treat him like a customer.

However, I was probably overthinking it to suspect this youth of being a spy for Pyschkurewuss. There were simpler methods to disrupt my business.

Still, I didnt let down my guard and agreed with a nod.

I will grill some meat for you. But I cant use those copper plates freely, so lets bet something else.

Fufu. What do you want to bet?

Well If I win, can you stop being rude to my tribemates and customers? If you wish to speak ill of the denizens of Forests Edge and easterners, I hope you can do that in a place where I cant hear.

The youth narrowed his eyes deviously, then grunted again.

Interesting. If I win, you will address me as Dell-sama. You can continue speaking with me in the tone you are using though.

What a naive way of thinking.

Anyway, my request wasnt really logical either. It was almost time to make a new batch anyway, so I accepted with an Okay and picked up the pouch filled with meat.

This is retarded, why are you wasting precious ingredients on this?

Lala Wu said with surprise.

If that person says it isnt good, with no regards for the facts, then Asuta has no chance of winning.

I will just say the word Dell-sama sarcastically to someone that shameless Anyway, there are ten or so leftover portions of Myam-roasted meat every day. It might be precious food, but this isnt entirely meaningless.

I was also curious what the wealthy class that dismissed the food in Post Station Town thought about my kiba cooking.

He would keep disrupting my business if I didnt let him eat it anyway, and he would lose interest in my stall if the taste didnt suit him. I thought that would be better than him being so noisy here.

Hence, I placed the meat soaked in fruit wine sauce and myam onto the griddle along with some aria to grill in a mid-strength fire. I then wrapped it with a grilled poitan together with shredded tino.

During this time, the youth watched me make the Myam-roasted meat with a face of satisfaction. The young man behind him remained expressionless and didnt say a word.

Sorry for the wait, please enjoy.

Fufu, the aroma is still passable I guess.

After saying things that werent cute at all, the youth took the Myam-roasted meat that was fresh out of the grill. He then bit into the poitan wrapping fearlessly with his white and healthy teeth.

I braced myself for the insults that I havent heard in a long time Yet, the youth lowered his head as he chewed.

He then finished off the Myam-roasted meat wordlessly with a blank face.

How is it? Is it to your liking?



That was wonderful.

However, his voice was quivering.

The young man placed a hand on the youths shoulder and said: Dell-sama?

The youth pushed his hand away, walked quickly around the stall, and stopped right before me.

W-What is it?

He was younger and richer than me, but he was still armed with a dagger on his waist. Was he trying to attack me out of rage? I was about to back away when he grabbed my chest with his delicate and fair fingers.

It is really delicious.

Dell slowly lifted his head.

He had a generous smile full of praise.

Sorry, its my fault. It is so good that Im at loss for words Your name is Asuta?

Thats right, Im Asuta.

Its really tasty. You are really capable, Asuta.

The youth tugged my T-shirt harder as he spoke:

Asuta, can you forgive me? I never imagined that kiba can taste so good. Asuta, you must have thought of me as a fool for saying kiba meat is stinky and tough, correct?

No, I didnt think so at all Erm, will you let me go?

Ah, sorry! Im too excited!

The youth unhanded me and took a step back.

His face turned red as he squirmed his body.

Such a drastic change.

No, all that didnt matter at all. Southerners were forthright, so it was no surprise for him to be so emotional.

However, something felt strange.

As though he was embarrassed for what happened earlier, he was looking up at me with his cheeks rose-red. He was indescribably cute, which made my heart race.

No, wait, wait! I dont swing that way! Definitely not!

That was it. He said all these stinging words in the beginning, so this sudden change was very scary. He had delicate features, so when smiling bashfully without any ill will, even a guy like me would see him as cute That was what I thought.

Erm Can you forgive me?

Huh? F-Forgive?

Wasnt I rude to Asutas important friends? The denizens of Forests Edge mean nothing to me, and the people of Semu are from a hostile nation But my behavior definitely made Asuta angry, right?

I-I forgive you. So dont do it again.

Really? Im so glad.

Dell laughed happily.

His strangely colored brown hair shone under the noon sun. There was a clear light in his jade-like eyes, and his lips that were relatively small and soft for a southerner showed a blissful smile His smiling face was as pure and cute as belonging to an angel.

Asuta, you are really incredible. I heard that a westerner is running a business with the denizens of Forests Edge, so I came here to tease you. But you surprised me instead Hey, where are you from, Asuta? Are you an easterner mixed blood? Raven hair and black eyes are the features of easterners, right?

E-Erm, Im not from this continent. I was born on an island nation called Japan

Hmm! Asuta, you came from overseas!?

Dell opened his eyes wide in surprise and leaned in close to me again.

Even with a serious expression, he was just as cute. The strange thing was, after stopping his sarcastic and defiant attitude, he looked younger and cuter.

Speaking of which, your skin color resembles a westerner, but not your face. Your eyes look a little girlish too.

W-What are you talking about! You look more girlish than me.

I replied on reflex, which made Dell open his eyes wide.

Me? Girlish? Asuta, you really are a cunning linguist.

Ahh, sorry for blurting that out carelessly. But we were both rude, so lets call it even.

I couldnt calm myself down.

I tried finding excuses, but the panic in my face probably looked too stupid. Dell laughed out loud.

Ahahaha! Asuta, you are really weird!

I wanted to reply Is that so?, but stars suddenly appeared before my eyes.

I didnt know what happened and fell backward.

But Dell held onto me.

He grabbed my chest once again.


Dells face was beet red.

But it wasnt from bashfulness this time, but rage.

Dells angelic smile was replaced with raised eyebrows and a scowling nose, making an angry face.

Hey! Im a girl, you know!?

Dell said as he landed another merciless punch on my left cheek.

And so, I got acquainted with the daughter of a wealthy merchant from the Jaguar, Dell.


Asuta, you really didnt notice that she is a girl?

Lala Wu said incredulously.

Shes obviously a girl! Isnt that so, Leina-nee?

Yes, thats true.

What about you, Shela Wu? You noticed too, right?

Yes, she didnt look like a guy at all.

Rii Sudora Ah, you werent there just now.

Yes, but when I arrived, there was a southerner leaving the stall in a fit. If its that person Sorry, Asuta, I cant think of her as anything other than a young girl.

There was no need for Rii Sudora to apologize. It would have sufficed for her to let me carry this shame alone.

After finishing all our work, we returned the stall to the Kimyusus Tail Inn. We had other matters to attend to and needed to kill some time, so we waited in a small alley between two inns and the questioning started.

No, instead of a questioning, this was a denouncement. When that girl who was dressed like a boy left, it was almost noon. I needed to rush to the Cryptic Venerable Inn, so they didnt have time to denounce me back then.

I didnt really mind, but Lala Wu and the others didnt seem content with letting it go.

I cant even! You deserved to be slapped! I wasted my effort worrying about you!

Worry about me a little more. And I already got punished for it.

Several hours had already passed, but my left cheek was still stinging. My lips might have split too, so I decided not to use Chitto for dinner tonight.

She is a girl who is older than me too. I feel mad just thinking about this thing happening to me. Thats an insult towards women.

Like I said, I was blinded by the assumption that there are no foreign women in the Post Station Town. Lala Wu, you have never seen women from Jaguar or Semu in the Post Station Town, right?

That has nothing to do with it. A man cant be so pretty.

True. Shin Wu is good looking too, but thats what Lala Wu thinks, huh.

Lala Wu punched me in the liver to hide her embarrassment.

I was kicked and punched around all day. And it was all my fault, how depressing.

Hmmp! I thought you were flaring your nose because you knew she was a girl! Your face was so close to hers, and she even complimented your cooking. Asuta, its obvious how happy you were.

Dont be ridiculous, I thought she was a boy, so my nose was fine.

So you would if you knew she is a girl? Hmmp, should I tell Ai Fa about this

As we were talking about this, the subject herself showed up. I wanted to stuff Lala Wus mouth But a hoarse voice came from behind, asking: Whats that about me?

I turned back with cold sweat and saw Ai Fa holding the reins of Gilulu and standing before the busy traffic.

Sorry for the wait. I didnt catch any kiba today, so I set the traps further away.

T-Thats fine! Thank you for your hard work, are you alright?

Its nothing So, whats that about your nose?

Well, theres a spot under nose called philtrum. If poked at that spot, you would turn stiff and couldnt move!

Ai Fa replied Thats interesting as she squinted suspiciously.

Before Lala Wu could say anything more, I bowed to everyone and said: Thank you for today!

Since Ai Fa is here, I will go off and buy the wagon. Leina Wu, you have been a great help, thank you for coming today.

Dont mention it, Im just fulfilling the promise the Wu clan made with the Fa house And I learned a lot today too.

I left the work in the inn to Leina Wu instead of Lala Wu or Rii Sudora. Lala Wu and the others might be more experienced with the work in the stall, but Leina Wu was better than them in culinary skills And I was right about that; she showed her outstanding talent on the first day here.

Before Vena-nee recovers, I will be helping out. I will be in your care tomorrow too.

Leina Wu said with an incredibly refreshing smile.

I felt that Leina Wu who had been greedily learning culinary techniques had gained quite a few levels.

I perked myself up; I couldnt afford to relax.

Hmm? Are you looking for me?

Ai Fa smiled quizzingly, and I was surprised by someone rushing to Ai Fas side.

Shumimaru? Whats the matter?

Asuta Asuta and everyone, request, have I.

Feeling that something wasnt right, I jogged towards him.

The reason was Shumimarus voice. The ever-calm and collected Shumimaru sounded a little rugged as he was out of breath.

On a closer look, Shumimarus dark face was sweating quite a bit.

Sorry run here I, panting. Great see Asuta and everyone.

Whats the matter? Something urgent?

Yes I go, Forests Edge, can?

I was shocked.

Shumimarus looked at me and the girls with his dark eyes.

Vena Wu, I worry. I go, see can?

Y-You want to pay a visit to the injured Vena Wu, right? Shumimaru, do you want to go to Forests Edge?


I was speechless and turned back towards the women.

Lala Wu whispered tensely to Leina Wu.

Leina Wus childish face fell into deep thought, and she then walked to my side.

Easterner, I am the second daughter of the Wu clan main house, Leina Wu. The younger sister of Vena Wu.

Yes, I, bandleader of Silver Vase merchant group, Shumimaru Jiz Sadumutino.

You are Shumimaru. I understand So, Shumimaru, why are you so worried about Vena Wu? Who is Vena Wu to you?

She, to me, no related. I, her, just worry.

Arent you Vena Wus friend?

No, stall she sell, I buy. Thats all. No friend.

I see

Leina Wu lowered her head.

If you have no ill will, we wont forbid you from going into Forests Edge. You are free to go to the Wu clan. But our clan head will decide whether you will be invited in as a guest.

Yes, understand.

I will pass your message to the clan head and Vena Wu then. We will give you an answer tomorrow, is that alright? If the clan head permits, we can bring you to the Wu clan village.

Yes, very thanks. I, much grateful.

Shumimaru made a gang sign with his fingers and then bowed towards Leina Wu.

Leina Wu suddenly showed a warm smile.

I dont know why a foreigner is so worried about Vena Wu, but Im grateful for your kind thoughts as her family. Well then, see you tomorrow Asuta, we will make a move first.

Alright, be careful on your way back.

Compared to Shela Wu and Ema Min Wu, Leina Wu seemed more childish, but I felt that she could handle things better than me in times like this.

And so, the four girls walked down the street, leaving Ai Fa, Shumimaru, and me behind.

Shumimaru, you sure are bold. You actually plan to visit Vena Wu.

Yes, I very troubled. And, if I no action, no see Vena Wu. Dont want.

I never thought Shumimaru was so troubled.

I understood that Shumimaru wanted to do something for Vena Wu, but, as he mentioned before, they were just a stall clerk and customer. The conversation they had were few and far between.

And Shumimaru wasnt a westerner and had to leave Genos three days later. Their relationship had no chance of progressing.

And maybe Shumimaru had no plans of developing their relationship anyway. He might just wanted to visit her out of concern.

While I was thinking about all that, Shumimaru looked at me with unwavering eyes.

No trouble, Asuta. No worry.

No, its no trouble at all Its just that the head of the Wu clan is the tribal chief of Forests Edge, and he has a short temper. The denizens of Forests Edge and easterners have different ways of thinking, so please be careful.

Yes, much thanks.

Ai Fa who had been quiet all this time spoke to Shumimaru instead of me:

This is the first time in eight decades that an easterner had requested to visit Forests Edge You are that person who asked me to protect Asuta during the commotion with the Tsun clan. Easterner, I remember your silver hair.

Yes. Me, Shumimaru Jiz Sadumutino. You, Fa house head, Ai Fa?

Yes, Im the head of the Fa house, Ai Fa. If you dont transgress the rules of Forests Edge, the denizens of Forests Edge wont harm you. But you will be subjected to harsher punishment than Genos if you violate our rules. Please keep that in mind.

Yes, understand.

Shumimaru visiting the Forests Edge settlement I never dreamed that such a day would come.

I was happy and worried, and couldnt stop my excitement.

Shumimaru, if the Wu clan head permits, please allow us to go together with you. I understand Shumimaru the best, so this should make things much easier.

Asuta, trouble you, wont this?

Not at all. Im worried about Vena Wu too, so it suits me just fine.

I laughed softly, and Shumimaru squinted happily.

We have to go now. I need to visit the assembly shop to pick up the wagon I pre-ordered.

Okay, thank you. Tomorrow, your stall, visit.

See you tomorrow, and thank you for your patronage. Ai Fa, lets go.

Wait, I need to ask something.


I turned back and looked at Ai Fa. The conversation with Shumimaru didnt seem to be over.

Someone suddenly grabbed my jaw.

Ai Fa leaned in close in the middle of the street.

Whats with this wound, Asuta?

W-Wound? Where?

Dont try to fool me. Your lips are chapped, and your left cheek is red. Someone hit you there, correct?

A fire was burning in Ai Fas eyes, and she squeezed my jaw even harder.

Why is there a wound on your face? Did you fool around while I wasnt with you, Asuta?

That hurts! You are breaking my jaw! I didnt fool around! Due to a simple misunderstanding I got punched by someone!

My jaw hurt even more as Ai Fas face inched closer.

For me today, this distance was too stimulating.

Last night my heart was filled with all sorts of emotions, and I hugged Ai Fas body with all my strength. The warmth and vertigo from that moment wasnt something I could forget in such a short time.

Ai Fa bit her lips, let go of my jaw, and kicked my leg.

She then averted her face which was slightly red. But I didnt have the time to watch her closely.

No I did have the time, but I felt that I would blush too if I watched her closely. I didnt want to do something so embarrassing on this bustling street.

We are going then! See you tomorrow, Shumimaru!


Shumimaru nodded; his eyes were gentle for some reason.

Gentle and seemingly happy over something Like giving his best wishes for something.

In the end, I still couldnt suppress my embarrassment and blushed.

The assembly shops run by woodwork craftsmen were situated to the south of the Post Station Town.

It was a single-story building with a high ceiling and filled with all sorts of wood. Instead of a shop, this was closer to being a workshop. I sighed in awe as I stood inside this workshop covered in sawdust:

Woahh! This is incredible!

The large wagon inside the workshop was the merchandise we bought at a high price.

Yup, of all the single Totos wagon here, this is the toughest one. If you are not reckless with it, it should last you five to ten years.

The owner of the assembly shop was a middle-aged man that had the air of a stubborn craftsman about him.

He was around 40, about my height, but had a buff and solid body. His hair and eyes were brown, while his skin was yellowish brown. He had a towel tied around his waist, sandals on his feet and was otherwise naked.

Westerners around him dressed in the same way were sawing wood, assembling wooden structures, or fixing metallic parts onto them. This workshop not only made wagons, but also doors, desks, chairs, and other types of wooden furniture.

However, you will need to inspect the wheels monthly. You can skip that part If you are fine with the wagon breaking down halfway.

Once a month? I understand, thank you.

No need for thanks; Im just telling you the right way of using it, so you cant complain to me in the future.

The owner of the assembly shop stroked his messy brown beard as he spoke.

He seemed to bear no good will towards denizens of Forests Edge, but his professional attitude towards doing business reminded me of Milano Mast, so I felt a little closer to him.

Anyway, the important thing was the wagon.

It was a wagon, but the shape was that of a covered carriage.

There were four wheels on its rectangular body with a large cloth cover on top. It was 4 m long, 2 m wide, and the top of the tent was 2.5 m.

A simple drivers platform was erected in the front, with two poles used to secure to a Totos. The tent formed an arch, and after peeking inside I saw eight curved beams supporting the tent like a ribcage.

The body was mostly wood, but metal was used on the important parts. The V-shaped metal plate between the axle and the base was probably the chassis. I could feel the effort put in by the craftsmen and the functional beauty in this simple design.

It was a wagon I often saw in the Post Station Town, but this was the first time looking at it from up close. The shiny new wagon moved me. Ai Fa who was beside me opened her eyes wide and couldnt suppress her curiosity and awe.

It looks really big from up close. How many people can it seat?

Including the driver, it can seat six or seven. But you will need to control the pace of the Totos if you have more than three pax, or the Totos would tire out.

This way, we could transport the necessary equipment and five employees. The wagon alone was probably more than a hundred kilograms, showing how strong Totos were.

And this is the harness. Please remember how to put it on so you can make adjustments yourself. It would lose its elasticity after using it for some time, and you would need to remove it and put it on again.

The uncle explained as he tied the harness onto the Totos round body.

He then looked at the Totos docile face in surprise.

Fufu, no matter how obedient a Totos is, it would resist when harnessed for the first time Did this Totos towed wagon before?

Erm, yes. Im not very sure, but it should have done so in the past.

Gilulu was one of the Totos that escaped from Kamyua Yosts fake caravan, so it should have pulled a wagon back then. It didnt have a harness when it was found, so the harness probably fell off while it was wandering in the woods Or Kamyua Yost cut the harness lose before the Totos could get gored to death by the kiba.

The metallic part on the harness was secured to the two handles of the wagon. This was the wagon pulled by a Totos which was commonly seen in the Post Station Town.

Gilulus face remained dull, but it looked more majestic now. Ai Fa quietly showed a proud expression, which didnt escape my eyes.

Next would be the whip. Your legs cant reach the Totos from the drivers platform, so you need a whip in place of kicking.

The uncle said and handed me a whip.

He called it a whip, but it wasnt a rope-like object and looked closer to a stick used by horse jockeys.

It was made from a Krilee-like wood and covered with leather. It was 2 cm thick and 1 m long; the end of the stick was small and blunt.

What is this? Are you going to hit the Totos with this thing, Asuta?

Ai Fa came close to me with a scary face.

I inspected the elasticity of the whip, turned back and asked her: What?

Hmm, anyway, let me demonstrate. You heard my explanation earlier, right? This is used in place of kicking the Totos.

Is it painful for the Totos?

Ai Fa raised her eyebrows and finally showed a dangerous aura.

No, since this is used in place of kicking, it wont be more painful than being kicked. Erm, isnt that right?

The uncle nodded as if he was saying something very obvious.

He was still showing a straight face, but I couldnt help breaking into a cold sweat when I thought about what grievance he might have towards Ai Fa who was a denizen of Forests Edge.

If you use too much strength and hurt the Totos, it might go on a rampage. Hit the spot where you will usually kick with the same force. This fella has a nice set of feathers and wont feel any pain.

The uncle explained as he slapped Gilulus butt.

He then narrowed his eyes in surprise.

Hey, this Totos is not branded?

Branded? Ah, yes, not yet.

Kamyua Yost once said that the Totos could be branded as proof of ownership.

Unless branded, you cant prove that its your Totos if it gets stolen Never mind, no one will dare lay their hands on the property of a denizen of Forests Edge. But its a simple matter of going to a Totos shop and spending 5 red copper plates. Just go and brand it.

Whats branding?

Even Ai Fas voice had started taking on a dangerous edge.

B-Branding means using a burning hot iron to burn a mark. That will prevent Gilulu from being mixed up with any other Totos.

It would be bad if Ai Fa lashed out at the uncle, so I answered hurriedly.

Ai Fa suddenly yelled: No!.

I can recognize Gilulu without doing that. I wont permit any branding.

After being called by its name several times, Gilulu stretched its face towards Ai Fa.

Ai Fa then hugged its large head and glared at me with a mixture of anger and sadness.

I wont allow it!

I suppressed my sigh and turned to the uncle.

Erm, this Totos had never been branded before; is that a violation of the laws in Genos?

Thats up to the owner. If the Totos runs away or gets stolen, they would just have to bear with the losses However, it is a basic courtesy to other Totos users to put a prominent symbol on the reins and harness. The Totos are usually differentiated by these accessories instead of the branding.

Symbol, huh. I understand.

I nodded and looked back, and found the mistress of my house searching her cape urgently.

She took out a familiar necklace of kiba horns and tusks.

After I started doing business, there was no longer a need to exchange the tusks and horns, what she got from hunting, for copper plates. It was a hassle wearing all these on her neck, so the excess ones were hidden in a pouch within her cape.

Ai Fa then took off three horns and tusks, strung them with a new string, and tied it on Gilulus neck.

The hunters of Forests Edge had the custom of gifting necklace to their female family members as a blessing to keep them healthy. I didnt know what Gilulus gender was, but this was a fine gift since it was a member of the Fa house.

Ai Fa caressed Gilulus neck and puffed out her chest proudly.

Will this do? I wont permit any branding.

Got it. Im fine with anything. Im starting to feel that you are overprotective of your family, Ai Fa.

Ai Fa said: Annoying and showed a face of relief similar to one after escaping danger. She then patted Gilulus neck.

The uncle muttered: What a queer couple

Surprised by his words, I turned and saw the uncle smiling wryly as he scratched his brown hair.

I thought you were a bunch of scary barbarians and didnt expect you to fight so childishly. The denizens of Forests Edge are hard to understand Hey, you have a stall in the Post Station Town, right? I spend the entire day in this shop, so I have only heard rumors.

Hmm? Rumors?

Yeah. Wasnt there a bloody incident that involved the people in the castle recently? I remember that the villain from Forests Edge was killed by denizens of Forests Edge?

I was speechless.

The uncle looked at me probingly.

The people in the castle had always turned a blind eye to the crimes committed by the denizens of Forests Edge. They stir up trouble in town, damage stalls and even kill people without getting punished. And then, that commotion happened. Werent you guys abandoned by the castle people?

I dont think abandoned is the right word. The denizens of Forests Edge are also proper citizens of Genos, so obeying the laws of the western kingdom is only the norm.

I didnt expect him to ask this so suddenly, so my reply was a bit stiff.

Fufu You people obeying the kingdoms law?

Of course! The denizens of Forests Edge that violate the law are a minority, and they had all been sentenced, or awaiting their sentencing!

Zattsu Tsun and Tay Tsun were dead.

Zuro Tsun, Diga, and Doddo were imprisoned.

As for the others

Ahh but for the crime of desecrating the grace of the Morga Forest, we plan to discuss with the people in the castle with regards to the punishment. They were merely following the orders of their former tribal chief, so I hope we can resolve this peacefully.

Grace of the forest? Oh, theres such a law, huh. Thats a law that targets the denizens of Forests Edge specifically. The people in town wont go near the forest where the kiba roam in the first place.

The uncle said in an annoyed voice and waved his thick hands.

All that doesnt matter. The important thing is your relationship with the people in the castle. The townsfolk have to follow the orders of the castle people. Their words are law. And they seldom venture out of the rock walls, so they dont affect us too much. The problem is the lawless people they turn a blind eye towards the denizens of Forests Edge.

When I realized it, Ai Fa was already standing by my side.

The uncle checked Ai Fa out with guarded eyes.

Not a single denizen of Forests Edge had ever visited this assembly shop, so this is my first time speaking to one So, what kind of people are the denizens of Forests Edge?

What kind of people Even if you ask me, I can only say the denizens of Forests Edge are just the denizens of Forests Edge. They follow the rules of the woods and hunt kiba in the Morga Forest. Thats how the denizens of Forests Edge live.

Fufu, what a simple and hard life. Completely unlike that barbarian just now.

Ai Fa pouted when she heard what he said.

The uncle laughed at the sight of her childish face.

Never mind, it doesnt matter for a guy like me who doesnt really interact with people. The people whose stalls are in the main street and often see denizens of Forests Edge might think differently though Anyway, I can only pray that my patron isnt a big fat liar.

Yes, I hope we can prove our innocence through our words and actions in the future.

Then please pay the price for the merchandise in accordance to the kingdoms law. After deducting the 50 white copper plates of deposit, you still need to pay the balance of 70 white copper plates. The whip and harness cost 7 white copper plates, so that would be 77 white copper plates in total, Forests Edge customer.

The uncle smiled happily as he said that, showing off his white teeth.

Ai Fa, what are your thoughts on what the assembly shop uncle said?

I turned and asked her as I held on the reins on Gilulu which was pulling a wagon.

The road from the Post Station Town to the Forests Edge settlement was narrow, hilly, and covered on both sides with tall trees. The visibility was poor, so we didnt push too hard and proceeded on foot.

This was the path Kamyua Yosts fake caravan went through. Hence, the condition of the road wasnt too terrible. But if a beginner like me made the Totos run by accident, the tent would definitely get torn by the branches. So Ai Fa and I used the machete we brought alone to clear these obstacles as we walked slowly ahead.

Ai Fa who was wearing a cape and walking ahead turned back and asked quizzingly:

What do you mean by my thoughts? I dont think that westerner said anything strange.

Well, rather than being strange, he seemed rather friendly towards the denizens of Forests Edge. He also said that he rarely comes across any of them, so he doesnt have any opinions about the denizens of Forests Edge.

I pulled the reins to stop Gilulu from going too fast as I answered her.

However, dont all the businessmen look at the denizens of Forests Edge with critical eyes? After the resolution of that commotion with Tay Tsun, I felt that everyones attitude had softened a lot. But the root of the problem still remains.

Whats the root of the problem?

Huh? Thats

I was stumped when she asked me so directly.

What the townsfolk knew was that not all denizens of Forests Edge were lawless delinquents, the denizens lived a simple and hard life, and that the preferential treatment for the denizens had stopped.

But this information wasnt confirmed, just deductions made from the conversation between Tay Tsun and the other denizens of Forests Edge. Thats why the townsfolk were looking at the denizens of Forests Edge with suspicious eyes.

Were they really barbarians with no regards for the law?

Were they really treated so unjustly?

Are they holding a grudge for their unjust treatment?

Would the people in the castle treat the denizens of Forests Edge fairly from now on?

They were probably trying to figure out all these.

I think the people in the Post Station Town have been ostracizing us stubbornly. The denizens of Forests Edge are fierce, and nothing good will come from getting involved with them. The people in the city are in cahoots with them anyway, so just ignore them Thats basically how they feel.

Yes. The Tsun clan committed all sorts of crimes, so this is to be expected.

Right. But a lot of things got dug up during that commotion, so peoples opinions will change. Its like opening a gap in a tightly closed door and peeking out.

That sounds similar to what Rimee Wu would do.

I laughed when I imagined that image.

But I couldnt dismiss it with a laugh.

However, things are still the same for the denizens of Forests Edge, right? Well, there arent any denizens of Forests Edge causing trouble in town anymore, so with time we can prove the innocence of the denizens of Forests Edge But, isnt there any other way?

I dont understand. Are you saying we should shout while walking around town and tell them we wont do nefarious things like the Tsun clan?

Well, thats not convincing at all If the Post Station Town had something like a mayor, we could arrange for a meeting between the tribal chiefs and him.

I already learned from Milano Mast that the Post Station Town didnt have any mayor. The Post Station Town was governed by the Genos castle, and the person that had the authority of the Post Station Town mayor was a noble living inside the city.

Asuta, arent you worrying too much? Its the job of Donda Wu and the other tribal chiefs to worry about this. Your job is to cook delicious meal and build good relationship with the Post Station Town.

Yes, but Donda Wu and the others dont really care about the Post Station Town in the first place Isnt not caring a form of rejection? Leaving the evil deeds of the Tsun clan aside, I think their attitude is one of the reasons why we are estranged with the townsfolk

Its a waste of time to get people interested in things they dont care about. And if Donda Wu and Graf Zaza came to the Post Station Town, the townsfolk would freak out just at the sight of them.

That might actually be true.

It was the womens job to buy things in the Post Station Town in the first place, so the men didnt visit the Post Station Town. Hence, the townsfolk of the Post Station Town lacked immunity towards the burly Forests Edge hunters.

The hunters of Forests Edge had the lifeforce of feral beasts. Leaving Donda Wu aside, even those with gentle appearances like Ai Fa and Ludo Wu had a different air about them. They exerted an intimidating aura just by walking around in their capes made of kiba hide and sabers by their waist.

But uncle Dora and Tara didnt freak out before the female denizens and were fine when they saw Ludo Wu and Shin Wu too. Thats why Im saying that they can understand each other better if they have a chance to interact. Im not from Forests Edge, and I get along with the denizens of Forests Edge very well.

I find your lack of danger awareness disturbing. The people in the Post Station Town arent as relaxed as you think.

But arent the denizens of Forests Edge very strict on observing the laws? So even violent and rough men like Donda Wu wont be a danger to the townsfolk. We can find a way to improve our image with enough time, correct?

Arent we spending time on this right now?

Ai Fa slowed her pace and walked beside me.

She looked at me with serious eyes.

Asuta, have you forgotten what Kamyua Yost said? You are probably the only one who build up a relationship with the Post Station Town You and the women from the Wu clan. You all go to the Post Station Town daily and prove that the denizens of Forests Edge arent a group of vicious villains. If not for you, the situation wouldnt be so peaceful after that commotion with Tay Tsun. Or rather, the townsfolk would be left with only the fear of the denizens of Forests Edge after that commotion.

Yes, I get what you mean. But that assembly uncle spoke in a normal tone with you too, Ai Fa. He was guarded at the start, but he softened his stance because of Ai Fas charm.

No, let me finish before you kick me! Im not teasing you! I just want to say, what the townsfolk dislike isnt the personality of the denizens of Forests Edge. Dont you think the townsfolk would get along with people like Kaslan Lutim and Dali Sauti in no time? If it is Dan Lutim, anyone will be happy to drink with him.

That might be so, but those men arent so free to visit the town for no reason.

Yes, but if we dont do that, it will be hard for the townsfolk to get to know the denizens of Forests Edge: what kind of existence the Tsun clan was, what the denizens of Forests Edge thought about them, their thoughts on the crime, and other important things. That makes me anxious.

I answered and tried to grasp the source of my anxiety.

Which means that in Genos, the city is a completely different place from the Post Station Town. If the denizens of Forests Edge want to build a cordial relationship with Genos, we have to maintain normal relations with both places.

Ai Fa was quiet for a moment and then sighed softly.

Asuta, I think you are right, but arent you worrying about this too much? The tribal chiefs will be holding a conference with the people of the city soon. We cant do anything else until they have done that.

Hmm? Ah, I shouldnt worry about these things so much after all.

Thats not it It feels like you are anxious about something.

Ai Fa suddenly leaned her face in close.

This distance made my heart race a little.

The denizens of Forests Edge have been discriminated by the townsfolk since eighty years ago. Zattsu Tsuns gang merely added to the existing problem. Even though Zattsu Tsuns gang is gone, I dont think it will solve anything.

Yes, but Zattsu Tsuns gangs demise had a big impact. I think this is a chance to improve relations with the townsfolk in one shot.

Thats why Im asking, why are you so anxious about that?

Ai Fa suddenly pouted.

I wavered before this surprise attack.

You are usually more laid back than others, but sometimes become anxious as well. I dont like seeing you like this.

Y-You dont like it?

I dont like it a lot It feels as though you are rushing to finish the troublesome chores before disappearing.

Ai Fa said in a tantrum-like tone and tugged at the cloth I tied around my waist.

The goal of the Fa house is to sell kiba in town and bring prosperity to Forests Edge, Asuta.

Yes, its as you say.

In order to do so, you have to increase the townsfolk demand for kiba. If you cannot do this, the prosperity cant reach every corner of Forests Edge.

Yes, you are absolutely right.

That is why the denizens of Forests Edge and Genos need to build up an even better relationship than before. Its only natural for you to put so much effort into this But realizing this goal will take many long years.

Ai Fa pouted and leaned her face even closer.

So during this time, you need to work hard in the Post Station Town as a member of the Fa house. Dont think you can do all this so easily, dummy.

But, isnt it better to resolve these issues sooner?

When she heard what I said, Ai Fa turned quiet unhappily.

It looked as if she was going to grab my shoulder However, she put her hand down right away.

Ai Fa rolled her eyes at me this time.

You think Im waiting for you to say that?

No, thats, well

Why are you making me worry so much?

What I said seemed to have disrupted Ai Fas train of thought.

I shook my head quickly and answered: Thats not what I mean.

Resolving the issues between the Forests Edge and Genos before disappearing I wasnt thinking about something so impractical. However, before seeing this to the end, I didnt want to disappear yet. This thinking was probably making me anxious without me realizing it.

Sorry, I just want things to develop in a good direction. Im just thinking about things with my limited intellect.

I dont think the relationship between the Forests Edge and Genos will improve so easily, so I think we should be more cautious Erm, if things improve all of a sudden, that will be too good to be true and might be dangerous in a sense. I apologize for not thinking it through carefully.

Last night, didnt I tell you how I feel?

I want to be by your side.

That was what I said while embracing Ai Fa tightly.

My heart was racing, and Ai Fa could notice even though there wasnt any physical contact Just when I was thinking that, Ai Fa suddenly let go of my waistband and walked briskly ahead.

As long as you understand.

Ai Fas suppressed voice reached my ears with the wind.

Before I could think up an answer, we reached the Forests Edge settlement.

The scene here was the same as usual, with the dirt path being more even and wider as the only difference.

The path we were on was the lowest part of a T junction, and the route extended north and southwards at the end. The Wu clan village was just five minutes down the southern path, while the Fa house was an hour away to the north.

Okay, lets try riding in the wagon from here.

Ai Fa grunted as usual in response to my cheerful voice.

I calmed myself as I climbed onto the drivers platform.

Ai Fa also got onto the wagon and then leaned her arms onto the back of the drivers platform with her upper body leaning over.

Your posture worries me; will you really be alright?

I cant check whether you are holding the reins properly without doing this.

Ai Fa replied; her mood seemed to have recovered.

She had to be excited about riding in a wagon for the first time. After seeing her childish and gentle face, I decided not to discuss those complicated matters today.

Basically, this is no different from riding on the back of a Totos. The control of the reins is the same, and this is just replacing the kicking motion with the whip. If I start and stop properly, there is no danger of me falling off the drivers platform. This is easier for a beginner than riding directly on the back of a Totos Thats what Leito said.

Hmm. Then you can more or less drive it, right?

Ai Fa who controlled the Totos as though it was an extension of her own limbs in just five days asked me with a gentle expression.

By the way, I could finally make the Totos walk slowly without falling off.

I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could drive this wagon smoothly.

Alright, lets go. It would be a little wobbly, so dont fall off, alright?

I picked up the whip after saying that.

Ai Fa suddenly called out: Asuta.

Be careful not to hurt Gilulu, okay?

Got it.

I tapped the base of Gilulus leg.

Gilulu started walking.

With the whip in my right hand, I grabbed the reins.

First was the normal walking speed. The Totos moved twice as fast as a human, so it was about 10 km/h.

As expected, the shaking was bad. I should put something like a cushion on the drivers platform. Sitting there for long periods of time might grind my ass away.

Hmm, this is comfortable.

At 10 km/h, there was no need to worry about falling off.

The height of the drivers platform was about the same as the Totos back, so my field of vision was similar to riding on a Totos back.

However, I heard Ai Fas displeased voice coming from above me.

This speed is really uncomfortable. Isnt it too slow, Asuta?

Yes, its a little slow. Usually, we would have started doing chores at home about this time I will speed up a little.

I maintained the strength on the reins with my left hand and hit the Totos body with my whip.

The speed increased from normal walking speed to trotting.

The whipping force was alright, and Gilulus speed increased by about 50%. It was pulling a wagon and two people, but the strength in its strides remained the same.

Its still shaking as much as before. Ai Fa, are you alright?

Im alright.

Ai Fas voice sounded closer.

Hey, Asuta, arent you putting too much strength in your right arm? You are holding the reins lopsided.

Ah? Is that so?

Ai Fa pointed that out quite often.

Even so, Gilulu still trotted in a straight line. Ai Fa said: Thats because the road is straight, so Gilulu continued on ahead even though it was a little confused.

She added that the confusion would accumulate the stress in Gilulus heart bit by bit, so I should hold the reins properly. Ai Fa spent the same amount of time with Gilulu as me, but her words sounded strangely convincing.

Your right arm is stronger, correct? So you need to relax it a bit more, isnt that common sense?

Ehh, but Im putting equal strength on both sides though.

First of all, the height of your arms while doing it is wrong. Lower your right arm a little.

Ai Fas voice got even closer, and her brown fingers grabbed my right wrist.

My right ear touched her soft hair, which made my heart race.

About this much. Now, relax.

I felt her voice beside my face.

Before touching each other, I could feel Ai Fas body warmth on my right shoulder and neck.

I-I understand. Like this, correct? Hmm, this feels right.

Why are you panicking?

No, thats How can I explain, stupid.

Whos stupid?

She pressed her head right onto my sideburn.

This is necessary, alright? Do you still hate physical contact even during times like this?

The anger in Ai Fas voice gradually intensified.

Why do you look so unhappy about physical contact with your family? I know you dont like it; thats why I had been careful not to annoy you.

Her understanding of the situation was very wrong.

Who would be unhappy about touching Ai Fa?

But didnt you hug me last night?

Ai Fa seemed determined to make me die from embarrassment.

I dont want to make you feel uncomfortable either, but this is necessary to teach you how to hold the reins. If you are not willing to accommodate this, thats looking down on my goodwill for you, right?

Ai Fas tone was a little strange.

She pulled her head back and took her hand away from my body. I could feel her voice and bodys warmth going further away from me.

I adjusted the reins as Gilulu made a small turn and sighed softly.

Okay, let me explain the misunderstanding I would waver when you touch me not because I dislike it, but because its embarrassing, Ai Fa.

This explanation sounded so silly.

But we were born and raised in different worlds. Since our common sense and values differed, I could only convince her with logic.

I dont understand why you have to be embarrassed.

You dont understand? We might be family, but we are not related by blood, correct?

So, you dislike physical contact? I dont like non-family members touching me too.

Was that why Ai Fa thought I was being distant with my reaction?

I racked my brain.

Erm, you dont hate Rimee Wu and Grandma Jiba touching you, right?

Of course, Rimee Wu and Grandma Jiba are my precious friends.

The latter half of her words were too soft.

I felt sorry for making her say something so embarrassing.

What if you had male friends? If a man hugged you like Rimee Wu does, would you be unhappy?

Of course. But thats because Rimee Wu is still a child, right? If a boy Rimee Wus age did that, I dont think I would mind.

Yes, but when Rimee Wu grows up, you wont hate it if she hugs you, right?

She wont become such a childish adult.

Is that so? If it is Rimee Wu, I think it might be possible.


Ai Fa must have come to the same conclusion that such a future was plausible.

Then let me ask you this. If you become friends with someone like Shin Wus little brother, what would you think when that little brother turns 17? You will be unhappy or embarrassed, right, Ai Fa?

That might be so but you are not a friend, but my family, Asuta.

Yes, but in the world I lived, once a family member reaches a certain age, we wont be so touchy anymore.

As I was speaking, I felt a sense of deja vu.

A response came from my right.

I heard that from you before. That was before we started the business in the Post Station Town When we lodged in the house Lutim, you said the same thing, Asuta.

Ahh, how nostalgic. I think I said that before too.

Yes, we even talked about beddings back then.

It had been a month, and she still remembered that so clearly.

As I was reminiscing about that time, she suddenly grabbed my neck.

My eyes were still looking to the front, so she probably locked my head.

And I also told you back then: this isnt your old place, but the Forests Edge settlement. Being a denizen of Forests Edge means following the rules of Forests Edge, Asuta.

T-Thats true! But is it normal for a family in Forests Edge to stick so closely together? I have never seen that before.

I dont know about other houses, but we will decide on the customs of our house by ourselves.

Her words didnt seem to make sense, or was I just mistaken?

Leaving that aside, there was a wonderful warmth on my neck and right shoulder. My nasal cavity was still filled with the sweet scent coming from Ai Fa.

W-Watch out! We are going to crash into that tree!

Gilulu isnt that retarded.

A pleasant sensation came from my cheek along with these words.

Just imagining it was bad for my heart. That smooth warmth was probably Ai Fas face.

Asuta, could it be that you are not actually unhappy about this?

Huh? W-What? W-We are going to crash!

I dont understand why you are so embarrassed, but Im glad that this doesnt make you unhappy.

She hugged my neck tightly and brought her face even closer.

At the same time, she grabbed my right hand.

You are using too much strength again. Dont be nervous, newbie.

Ai Fa said with a smile.

Is there anyone who wont panic in such a situation? I cried out in my head.

In the meantime, Gilulu continued trotting with light and nimble strides along the path in Forests Edge.

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