Cooking with Wild Game (LN)

Volume 12 - Ch 5

Ratorasepo: It might be sudden, but this will be my last edited chapter. Changes in my working schedule after new year caused heavy editing impossible, and the licensing of CWWG made even computer-aided editing worthless. So long, and thanks for all the fish!


The world was then shrouded in light purple.

It was dinner time.

And it was held in the plaza outside.

The Wu clan main house was big, but not large enough to house so many guests. There were already 26 people excluding the additional guests, so the plan was to host it outdoors all along.

We had bought everything we needed from the Post Station Town, such as the rugs on the ground and large plates for the dishes.

They can be used for future banquets too, so we bought them.

The expenses were borne by Leina Wu, using the money she earned from her business.

The Wu clan had started working independently for seven days, so theoretically, their revenue should be about 2,700 red copper plates. The Wu clan didnt need to pay for manpower and kiba meat, so their profit would be 70% of that.

This belonged to the Wu clan and wasnt Leina Wus personal money, but Donda Wu didnt object them spending money this way.

And so, a few large rugs were laid out in front of the Wu clan main house, with large plates containing all sorts of dishes placed on top. On the stone platform in the center was a pot of stew. Around it were the 35 participants of this dinner party.

Twelve members of the Wu clan main house, Shin Wus family of six and the Tsun clans seven. Ai Fa, Barcia, and I.

There were also seven additional guests, being Dan Lutim, Kaslan Lutim, Rau Lei, Dali Sauti, Graff Zaza, and the heads of the Fou and Bemu houses.

With everyone gathered, this was like a banquet.

But no one was laughing, and everyone had a serious face as the bonfire shone on them. Only Rimee Wu and the kids from Shin Wus house were beaming.

Well then, lets start the dinner

Donda Wu who was in the seat of honor announced in a deep voice:

Tonights dinner is meaningful as it represents our life being extended for another night. Especially for the kin of the villain Zattsu Tsun.

The family members of Zattsu Tsun were lined up in a row in front of Donda Wu.

Zattsu Tsuns son, Zuro Tsun, who was awaiting execution.

Diga and Doddo who didnt belong to any house and were working in the Dom house to pay for their crimes and prison break.

Mida who had joined the Wu clan.

Yamiel Lei who was a part of the Lei house.

Aura and Zwei who joined the Lutim house.

The seven of them.

Zattsu Tsun was the tribal chief of Forests Edge, but he committed countless crimes. Like you, we had no idea that he went so far as to commit banditry in disguise For the past decade, you followed the unforgivable rules set by Zattsu Tsun and desecrated the Morga Forest.

Donda Wu swept his sharp gaze across them.

Zattsu Tsun retired from his post as clan head and tribal chief due to his illness, and the new head forced the branch houses to comply with these unforgivable rules

Zuro Tsun hung his head meekly and didnt move.

Zuro Tsuns three sons acted recklessly without shame in the Forests Edge and Post Station Town.

Diga and Doddo also lowered their heads.

Mida looked at the food before him with a growling stomach and tried his best to keep his eyes on Donda Wu.

The women didnt have the strength to stop the actions of the retarded men, and some even closed off their hearts

Aura listened quietly to Donda Wu with her knees closed.

Some didnt even realize their wrongdoings

Zwei averted her face irately.

Some even attempted to bring further chaos to the Forests Edge.

Yamiel Lei had a poker face.

She was the only one looking up at Donda Wu.

However, your punishments had already been decided. Zuro Tsun who inherited the position of clan head and tribal chief will pay for his sins with his life. The other members would be stripped of their family names. Diga and Doddo who submitted to Zattsu Tsun even after joining the Dom house, the punishment for your transgression is being carried out, but the Forests Edge wont increase your punishment any further.

Donda Wu then hold out a clenched fist before them:

Tomorrow, you will be standing before that aristocrat Pyschkurewuss; he wishes to increase the terms of your punishment. Use your own mouth and explain yourself to him with your own words. If your conscience is clear, we will help you as fellow tribemates of the Forests Edge, but what will be put on trial will be your honor and conviction. If you dont have any pride or conviction as a denizen of Forests Edge, we cant help you. Keep that in mind.

No one responded.

Donda Wu slowly put down his arm:

There are also some in the Forests Edge who have started a business in the Post Station Town to bring wealth to our people. And, of course, Im talking about Ai Fa and Asuta of the Fa house. Right now, only the kin of the Wu clan, the Fou house, and the Sudora house are aiding them. But the fact remains that they are earning a lot of copper plates.

Zattsu Tsun assaulted the townsfolk and desecrated the Morga mountain in his attempt to gain more wealth. He set off on the wrong path in his pursuit of greater strength and fortune and defied the Genos nobles. Then What about us? Is the path taken by the Fa house and Wu clan the right one? I think that you, as Zattsu Tsuns family, have the right to understand this. This dinner was held for this very purpose.

The opening speech is too long, that foolish old man there is about to riot.

Donda Wu chuckled, and Dan Lutim seated to my left said unhappily:

I dont know who you are talking about, but the food is getting cold, Donda Wu!

Donda Wu closed his eyes and started his pre-meal prayer without any warning: I give thanks to the forests grace

I give thanks to Asuta, Ai Fa, Mia Lei Wu, Sati Lei Wu, Vena Wu, Leina Wu, Lala Wu, Rimee Wu, and Shela Wu for tending to the hearth, so we may be given life tonight

Having 30-odd people praying together was quite a scene.

After finishing the pre-meal prayer, Donda Wu expressed his doubt, which was a rare sight:

So how do we eat this? Theres plenty of food, but our arms arent that long.

In this situation, shouldnt we show the spirit of helping one another?

I used a cheerful tone to disperse the gloomy mood of Zuro Tsun and the others.

Leina Wu brought plenty of small plates, please use them for the food. If you want to try a dish that is further away, ask the person beside you to pass it to you.

The 35 people sat around the dishes. We already expected that getting the dishes would be more of a hassle.

Anyway, lets distribute the soup first; everyone, please help yourself.

Rau Lei who was seated to Ai Fas right said excitedly: Even if you say that, we dont know where to start!

There were all sorts of dishes on the many large plates.

There were

Kiba burgers covered in fruit wine sauce.

Myam-roasted meat made from aria, tino, and pula.

Braised kiba that was cooked together with a whole lump of aria.

Meat Chachi known for its piping hot chachi.

Kiba saut- Arrabbiata style with a healthy helping of tarapa and some Chitto.

A large helping of salad to go with the Kiba cutlet.

Kiba roast ribs made with special teriyaki sauce.

A huge pile of grilled poitan and various fried vegetables.

This was undoubtedly the most diverse feast in Forests Edge history.

It expended half of the kiba meat stored in the Wu clan village. As the Wu clan hunters had their offseason for the past half a month, the kiba preserved with pico leaves would only last for 20 or so days. But it was still impressive that they could supply the meat for the harvest feast, tonights dinner and for sale too.

And, of course, the meat wouldnt run dry in a few days. If they hunted more kiba in the coming days, the Wu clan village wouldnt need to starve. They also could use the money they earned to buy karon and kimyusu meat, but Forests Edge denizens didnt even consider doing that.

For the hunters of Forests Edge, being at odds with a noble is just a trivial matter.

I thought as I stood up. As the head chef, I needed to distribute the soup.

I started with the new dish, the Kiba meat karon milk stew.

This was the first dish I made in the Count Turan house.

I added kiba shoulder meat, aria, chachi, and neenon to boil and make stock. I then put in skimmed karon milk and added in poitan to make the stew thicker. It was seasoned with salt and pico leaves, and since I didnt use nyuushi, this was a healthy dish with the refreshing fragrance of milk.

I quickly distribute it into plates, and Leina Wu who had stood up at the same time served them out to the guests.

At this moment, I heard a yell: Uwahh!

Looking back, I saw Dan Lutim who was holding a rib rack with both hands leaned back stiffly.

A-Asuta, these ribs

Yes, I changed the ratio of Tau sauce and fruit wine. I also added a special ingredient called Chitto. Is it to your liking?

Its delicious! Incredibly delicious!

Thats wonderful then.

By the way, only the Fa house and Wu clan bought Tau sauce, so Dan Lutim only ate Tau sauce during the Harvest Festival.

Asuta, Asuta, this taste

Well, you just need to use Tau sauce and Chitto to make this taste in the Lutim house. I will talk to the innkeeper and see if we can buy more Tau sauce.

Asuta, how did you know what I was thinking?

I didnt why either.

In any case, Dan Lutim dispelled the gloomy mood and made the banquet lively.

The women picked up the dishes near them and started chatting. Compared to the Kiba burgers and Myam-roasted meat they were familiar with, the new dishes were more popular.

Uwah, this is amazingly soft!

I heard Dali Sauti exclaim.

On his plate was a Braised kiba.

This is braised kiba chest meat. Do hunters like the tender sensation too?

No I was just surprised, I have no problem with the taste. Speaking of which, this is astonishingly good.

The head of the Fou house who was having the same dish as him sighed in awe. The head of the Bemu house who took some Myam-roasted meat into his plate was staring wide-eyed.

Is this the dish we ate during the house head conference?

Thats right. I adjusted the taste slightly with a seasoning called Tau sauce.

More accurately speaking, what they ate back then was the Myam-roasted meat made by the Tsun clan women under the tutelage of me and the Wu clan ladies. It was quite far behind the Myam-roasted meat made by Shela Wu.

At this moment, someone shouted: It hurts!

Asuta, my mouth hurts! Is this dish really fine?

The one shouting was Rau Lei, and in his plate was Kiba saut- Arrabbiata style.

Well, in this dish, I added a spice known as Chitto, which is loved by easterners. Compared to the one Im selling, I already held back a lot on the spiciness. Is it still too spicy?

Yeah, it feels like biting into a pico leave by mistake.

Rau Lei muttered as he took another bite of the meat:

It hurts, but tastes good

Thats great. If it hurts too much, please use the soup to rinse away the spicy sensation.

Barcia seated beside Rau Lei was eating the same dish and drinking fruit wine heartily.

How fashionable of you to use Chitto. You can only get them off caravans from the east. By the way Asuta, your cooking skills are incredible.

Thank you for the compliments. However, it isnt just me, but everyones from the Wu clan who helped make this dish.

Both the main house and branch house members of the Wu clan enjoyed the dishes freely.

The women passed the plates around for the men to have a taste. Rimee Wu and Shin Wu ate the Meat Chachi and Kiba roast ribs.

Grandma Jiba sat together with Mama Mia Lei and Grandma Ditto Min and ate the softer Kiba burgers, Braised kiba, and Kiba cutlet.

Ludo Wu chatted with Darum Wu after having not seen each other for so long and was recommending the Kiba cutlet to him.

In Ludo Wus plate was the Kiba meat and chachi croquette that I made specially for him.

Lala Wu served the dishes to Shin Wus family and then sat with them to eat her own share of food. It was rare for this to happen during a normal meal, as everyone was free to change seats freely.

The serious-faced Donda Wu was discussing something with Jiza Wu, and Sati Lei Wu beside them was feeding Kota Wu Kiba meat karon milk stew with a spoon.

By the way, Kota Wu had stopped breastfeeding and moved on to baby food. Kota Wu was probably the first generation of Forests Edge denizen raised on the dishes I introduced. This made me a little nervous.

Anyway, aside from a minority, everyone was all smiles. It was as rowdy as a banquet.

At this moment, I locked eyes with Kaslan Lutim.

I nodded before averting my gaze.

Everyone had a share of the stew, but not everyone had touched their plates. And, of course, they were the seven people in the lower seats. Graff Zaza who was seated beside them only drank fruit wine.

I shifted some Kiba roast ribs and Meat Chachi into spare plates and walked towards them.

Zuro Tsun. And Diga and Doddo, its been a while.

Diga whose head was hung low slowly lifted his head.

I held my breath at the sight of his frail face.

The buffed Diga had thinned down to the size of the Fou house head. His eyes were sunken and his face pale, and gloom hung over his already plain face. His hair was messy and his beard wasnt trimmed at all.

Doddo beside him wasnt too different. He looked a little thinner, but his skeletal frame was as big as before. His stone lion-like face and stout figure didnt change too much. But his intimidating aura was gone now.

And next was Zuro Tsun. This was the first time I saw him since the house head conference. He used to be one size fatter than Diga, but now had completely thinned down. His thin hair had balded even more, and he looked like a deflated toad.

His small beady eyes looked as murky as a dead fish, just like how Aura and the former members of the Tsun clan used to be.

This is worse than I thought.

Zuro Tsun was facing a death sentence, and his execution was delayed because Pyschkurewuss demanded his extradition.

And when Zuro Tsun found out that Pyschkurewuss was stubbornly requesting us to hand him over, he cried and said: Just kill me now.

Did Pyschkurewuss want to execute Zuro Tsun himself? Or was it just as Yamiel Lei deduced, and he wanted to restore the Tsun clan to the position of the tribal chief Zuro Tsun had no way of knowing and just pleaded for a quick death. After he got turned down, he started acting like a living corpse.

The skin on his wrist had been torn from abrasion, and blood had seeped out. Not just Zuro Tsun, the same happened to Diga and Doddo. This was probably due to them being tied up by ropes at all times. They could walk but not run, and were restrained as criminals.

For all sorts of reasons, they just sat there without moving like mud dolls.

All because I uncovered the Tsun clans crimes.

I didnt regret doing so to Diga and Doddo. They committed so many insidious and barbaric acts that such a harsh punishment was warranted. I would never forgive them for abducting Ai Fa if they didnt experience such a befitting fate.

However, Zuro Tsun was different. The thought that my revelations would result in someone dying gave me cramps in my stomach. Even if I told myself that it was inevitable, I couldnt relief that pain.

Even so, I couldnt turn my gaze away from the terrible fate awaiting this man. The tribal chiefs were the ones who gave him the death sentence, and the denizens of Forests Edge were just abiding by this decision. All the Forests Edge denizens had unanimously accepted Zuro Tsuns death sentence. I tried expelling my troubled emotions and put down a plate in front of Zuro Tsun.

Zuro Tsun, can you try the dishes I made?

Zuro Tsun didnt respond.

Did he actually register my presence with his murky eyes?

On his right were Mida and Yamiel Lei, on his left were Aura and Zwei. But they didnt touch the dishes at all. Even Mida didnt eat a bite.

Mida, wont you have some? Im confident of the dishes I cooked today.


Mida kept staring at Zuro Tsun with his beady eyes.

I thought Mida didnt care too much about Zuro Tsun, Diga, and Doddo, unlike how he cherished Yamiel Lei, Zwei, and Aura But Mida kept staring at his father and brothers.

You must have heard what Donda Wu said.

Graff Zaza who was sitting nearby finally said with a slurred voice. His intimidating voice made Diga and Doddo curl up into a ball.

We will be facing the aristocrat Pyschkurewuss to answer for the crimes of your father and grandfather, Zattsu Tsun. Do you have the pride and conviction to atone for your crimes?


Zattsu Tsun betrayed us all. He caused disaster to the people of Genos behind our backs. Asuta of the Fa house is working hard to right our relationship with Genos that had been twisted by Zattsu Tsun. Thats why Donda Wu thinks you should try the dishes Asuta is selling in the Post Station Town. I already said this much Are you still trying to feign ignorance?

P-Please wait, Graff Zaza. Anyone will be afraid if you press them like that. I was thankful that Graff Zaza said that, but I still interjected. Food wont taste good if it is forced onto you. If you want to eat, then eat heartily.

What are you talking about?

Graff Zaza took a large swig of fruit wine with fire in his eyes.

I took a deep breath and then turned towards Zuro Tsun:

Allow me to say a few words. Zuro Tsun, Diga, and Doddo. We used to be enemies. You caused trouble for the Fa house, and I uncovered the Tsun clans crimes, so lets call it even.

However, after getting adopted by Ai Fa of the Fa house, I want to be a denizen of Forests Edge too. I want to treat everyone in Forests Edge as my tribemate. And Donda Wu also said you are a part of the Forests Edge too. Then I will treat you as fellow tribemate.

Zattsu Tsun was too worried about the future of Forests Edge and went down the wrong path. Shouldnt we work together to right this wrong?

Can the current Zuro Tsun understand something so complicated?

Yamiel Lei stood up suddenly and walked to my side.

She then kneeled before Zuro Tsun with the plate in her hands.

Here, try some. You like delicious food, just like Mida, right, Zuro Tsun?

Zuro Tsun looked at Yamiel Lei with vacant eyes.

Morga Forest has plenty of tasty fruits and vegetables. However Asutas used vegetables, harvested in farms, are more delicious.

Zuro Tsun took the plate with trembling hands. Yamiel Lei looked with satisfaction and glanced at Diga from the corner of her eyes.

Diga, you like the kimyusu meat bought with copper plates, right? Even though you dont have the guts to visit the Post Station Town.

Ehh I

But this is kiba meat made by Asuta, which tastes even better than that. You didnt have your fill of it during the house head conference, correct? You can eat to your hearts content this time.

With that, Yamiel Lei pushed the dish I brought over to Diga.

You are so thin because you hate the food the Zaza and Dom houses cooked for you, correct? Alright then, try some of this.

Diga took the plate timidly.

Yamiel Lei looked back at Doddo:

You too, Doddo. You cant drink your favorite fruit wine anymore, so indulge in this delicious dish.

Cant you hear me?

For an instant, Yamiel Lei showed a venomous gaze.

And Doddo screamed hoarsely.

Really now, all of you are useless. Have you lost your guts after losing the title of the tribal chief clan?

Yamiel Lei stood up slowly.

And then turned to Mida:

Mida, dig in. If you dally, the Wu clan and Lutim house will eat your share too.


This is really tasty, dont you want to try?

Yes Mida wants

Then eat up. I will get more for you.

Yamiel Lei turned and left.

I probably just happened to be in her field of vision, so she looked at me with her narrow eyes:

Asuta, arent you going to eat? You dont need to starve together with these people.

Right. Yamiel Lei, what about you?

I drank some fruit wine.

Yamiel Lei suddenly averted her face and started filling up the plates.

She then squatted down flirtatiously and looked diagonally back at Aura.

Aura, can you give me a hand? I cant do it alone.

Yes Alright, Yamiel No, Yamiel Lei

Aura stood up and started helping Yamiel Lei.

So I decided to help them too.

Thank you, Yamiel Lei. I definitely couldnt have done it on my own.

I thanked her quietly, but she just glared at me from the corner of her eye.

You dont need to thank me. The attitude of this bunch is unbelievable and makes me fume.

Just how was the Tsun clan like when they were still one family? The depraved clan head and heir, the violent second son who was a terrible drunk, and the wife and father-in-law with dead fish eyes.

And, the one viewed as the heir by the sinful former clan head, the eldest daughter who wished for the Tsun clans demise, how was she like at home?

At least, she didnt serve dinner to her family with an angry face.

Hey, Mida, are you eating properly?

The kids ran over with large plates.

They were Rimee Wu and children from Shin Wus place.

Look, its Myam-roasted meat! All of it would get gobbled up if we left it there, so I bought them over here!

Yes Thank you

Mida, give some to Zwei and the others.

When he heard what Yamiel Lei said, Midas face shook and he said: Yes

A bright light shone in his pig-like beady eyes.


Here, eat up.

Yamiel Lei and I laid out the dishes before the men.

Zuro Tsun and Doddo drank soup weakly, while Diga slowly ate a Meat Chachi.

Yamiel Lei observed them for a while, picked up a plate, and left. She headed to a buffed hunter wearing kiba hide over his head.

Graff Zaza, have some too. The head of the Bemu house who opposed the Fa houses business is eating excitedly too.

I wont do what you say.

Is that so. Then do what you will.

Yamiel Lei gracefully put the plate down before Graff Zaza and then went back to her seat.

Asuta, hurry up and eat.


I couldnt just return to my seat, so I sat down opposite Yamiel Lei. I heard a strange noise from beside me: Ughh

Turning my head, I noticed it was Diga who had turned stiff after taking a bite from the Kiba cutlet.

This is the first time I saw this dish.

Yamiel Lei also tried the Kiba cutlet in her plate.

She then widened her narrow eyes in surprise.

This Asuta, this dish is incredible.

This is Kiba cutlet, which is very popular amongst the denizens of Forests Edge. But be careful, you will grow fat if you eat too much.

I didnt want to talk about poison and whatnot during mealtime, so I said this in a roundabout manner. However, Yamiel Lei looked troubled as she put a hand on her soft belly.

Ah, eating this much is fine, dont be so worried.

I couldnt help smiling because she was so funny, and she glared at me angrily: You are so mean

Its delicious Isnt that right, Zwei?

A quiet voice entered my ears.

Aura was eating the Myam-roasted meat Mida shared with her, as she looked at Zwei with gentle eyes. Zwei ate her food without a word.

When I realized it, Diga and Doddo were eating the food excitedly.

The soup plates were empty, and they were taking large bites of meat and vegetables.

A short while later tears flowed out of Digas eyes.

He held back his sobs as he bit into his meat and drank tarapa soup. His face, covered in scruffy beard, was tearing up like a child.

Doddo finished his food without a word, and his table manners were similar to a dog that had starved for several days.

I think they still want more?

Rimee Wu who was watching timidly said to no one in particular.

Then I will get more. Mida, do you still want to eat?

Yes Mida wants to eat everything


Rimee Wu and the boys ran off to get more food.

The moment they left, two figures came over.

A small figure and someone holding her hand They were Grandma Jiba and Ai Fa.

Pardon my intrusion

They two of them sat down beside me.

Grandma Jiba sat opposite Zuro Tsun.

Zuro Tsun This is the first time we met Im the grandmother of the Wu clan head Donda Wu, Jiba

Zuro Tsun looked at Grandma Jiba with hollow eyes.

He was still holding a half-finished plate of soup.

Not just you, I have not seen that Zattsu Tsun either The Tsun clan village is too far from the Wu clan village If I remember correctly, the clan head two generations back was Zattsu Tsuns father

That was seventy years ago The Gazu tribal chief clan got wiped out by kiba And the same fate befell their kin house Lima The only clans that could lead our tribe were the Tsun and Wu clans And we had settled in the north and south respectively to hunt kiba

But I was the only main house member of the Wu clan, so the Tsun clan took on the position of tribal chief No matter how many kin I might have, a woman cant become tribal chief However, the head of the Tsun clan was an outstanding hunter, so I didnt need to worry and supported the decision to make him tribal chief

Her wise blue eyes stared at Zuro Tsuns flabby face.

Zuro Tsuns murky eyes seemed to be rippling like the waters of a lake disturbed by a pebble.

The head of the Tsun clan the new tribal chief was an outstanding man Even the brusque Zaza and Dom house admired him And Zattsu Tsun watched the back of his excellent father as he grew up

However, Zattsu Tsun set down the wrong path Zattsu Tsun was definitely trying to guide Forests Edge denizens down the right way But at some point, he branched off into a wrong route Or maybe, he chose the wrong way right from the start

Eight decades ago, when we first arrived at the Morga Forests Edge, when the tribal chief clan was still the Gazu The head of the Gazu clan might have agreed to the wrong terms with the Landlord of Genos We didnt interact with others in the southern dark jungle and revered the forest as our god, and we didnt know how to get along with people outside the forest Thats what I think was the problem

But no one can blame the head of the Gazu clan No matter who was the tribal chief, the same thing would have happened But since we know we are on the wrong path, we have to get back to the right track The tribal chief position changed from the Gazu to the Tsun, and now it is handled by the three new houses I think we should work together to find the correct path

Grandma Jibas fingers that were like withered branches rested on the back of Zuro Tsuns fat hand.

Zuro Tsuns shoulder shook, but he didnt make any other movement.

So, Zuro Tsun For the last time, help us as a member of Forests Edge Dont say something sad like wanting to die If you have to pay for your crimes, your tribemates will wield their blades of judgment for you

However Since Zattsu Tsun already paid for the crime with his life, I dont think its right to call for the blood of his son

After saying that, Grandma Jiba looked to Zuro Tsuns right with her clear eyes.

Yamiel Lei was there.

You must be Yamiel Lei, correct?

Thats right.

Yamiel Lei looked at Grandma Jiba fearlessly.

Grandma Jibas wrinkled face broke into a smile.

You should stop trying to sacrifice yourself for your family Your righteous pride is beautiful, but you dont have to shoulder all that alone You are a member of Forests Edge too

Yamiel Lei clicked her tongue and glared at me.

She was definitely referring to Yamiel Leis saying: If Pyschkurewuss asks you to hand over the members of the Tsun clan, just give them the heir of Zattsu Tsun, me. I didnt spread this around, so Grandma Jiba probably heard that from Rau Lei.

Anyway, I never imagined that Grandma Jiba would speak with Yamiel Lei.

The Grand Elder of the Wu clan, Jiba Wu, I dont understand what you are talking about, but I have my own thinking too.

Fufu And what might that be? Grandma Jiba smiled brightly, and Yamiel Lei looked at her provocatively. Are you thinking that if Pyschkurewuss wants to reinstate the Tsun clan as tribal chief, the denizens of Forests Edge just need to hand Zuro Tsun and you over to them?

Yamiel Lei flicked her dark brown hair that was done up in an intrinsic manner and said:

What I mean is, I could become the new head of the Tsun clan, inherit the position of tribal chief, pretend to comply with Pyschkurewuss, and then uncover his crimes

How foolish. A woman like you will never become tribal chief!

Graff Zaza was listening the entire time and answered furiously.

Yamiel Lei looked at him seductively with the corner of her eye:

It sounds stupid, but compared to you people who got into a rage saying if there is no other choice, we will draw our blades to defy the nobles, which do you think is more retarded? If we do it my way, at least no one will get hurt.

Are you really a denizen of Forests Edge? That Kaslan Lutim wont be able to come up with such underhanded schemes. This is just like the nobles!

Isnt it just right to use the same tricks against the ones who tricked us? Its still better than turning to violence anyway.

Yamiel Lei, this isnt good We cant lie just for the sake of self-preservation One misstep, and both you and Zuro Tsun might lose your lives Grandma Jiba shook her head with a smile still on her face: You are not just the kin of Zattsu Tsun, you are a Lei house member now You dont need to shoulder any more burdens

I dont think the stubborn tribal chiefs will agree with me anyways.

Yamiel Lei said irately and then looked at Zuro Tsun.

Could it be When Zuro Tsun was yelling hysterically for death instead of being handed over to the nobles, Yamiel Lei already came up with her plan? That if she was present, Zuro Tsun could face the nobles bravely.

However, Graff Zaza and Donda Wu would never accept such a passive plan.

Someone like you must be strong Yamiel Lei, you have to help the tribal chiefs tomorrow

As she said that, Grandma Jiba pushed a plate filled with food to Zuro Tsun.

Try Asutas cooking, Zuro Tsun To you, who has lost your way, Asutas cooking will give you strength Eat some of his food, and work hard tomorrow

There was an uneven light in his eyes as Zuro Tsun picked up the plate.

He picked up the spoon with trembling hands and scooped up a soft piece of Braised kiba.

He then bit into it weakly and a tear slid down his loose face.


Yes, what is it?

Im very afraid of my father Zattsu

Zuro Tsun mumbled as if he was daydreaming while chewing the meat.

Grandma Jiba listened quietly.

However, other then the path laid down by father Zattsu, we didnt have any other choice I could only believe my fathers words One day, Zaza, Dom, and our other kin will walk down the same path as us and live proudly without bowing down to the nobles Otherwise, all of us will get destroyed by the Wu clan

Sigh The fate of dozens of your kin living in the Tsun clan village is affected because of your actions I was a clan head once, so I understand your hardship

Grandma Jiba squinted her eyes, as if she was looking into the distance.

But your burden is gone now Your precious family, the kin who were your accomplices, and others will shoulder the responsibility for them in your place So you can take on this new responsibility with everyone and seek out the path you feel is right

Zuro Tsun wept as he ate his food.

Finally, let me ask you, Zuro Tsun.

At this moment, Graff Zaza asked in a booming voice:

Were you really unaware of the serious crimes committed by Zattsu Tsun and his associates in the Post Station Town? State the truth on your pride as a Forests Edge denizen

I didnt know No, I was surprised by the large amount of copper plates my father Zattsu brought back out of nowhere But I was too afraid to question their origin

Zuro Tsun, your mistake stems from your weakness.

The furious Graff Zaza picked up a plate and bit into a Kiba cutlet with his white teeth.

You fear your father Zattsu Tsun, fear the Wu clan, fear the Genos nobles And fear your kin, the Zaza and Dom houses. This is a weakness ill befitting the denizens of Forests Edge. My biggest regret is supporting a weakling like you to be the tribal chief.

However, if you were half as competent as Zattsu Tsun or your eldest daughter, Zattsu Tsun would have confessed all his crimes to you and make you inherit it all. If that happened, more Genos people would have lost their lives.

Graff Zaza showed a feral gaze that could rival Donda Wu and said:

The denizens of Forests Edge will never forgive your weakness However, your weakness stopped the grudgeful will of Zattsu Tsun from being carried out, how ironic

Graff Zaza then washed down the Kiba cutlet with fruit wine:

Anyway, your execution will be stayed until we resolve our issue with the nobles. Before your soul returns to the forest, live on as a member of the Forests Edge.

Zuro Tsun didnt answer and only wept quietly.

Grandma Jiba watched him with a calm smile.

Diga and Doddo ate their food in silence.

Graff Zaza also finished his Kiba cutlet.

Rimee Wu and her friends shouted: Sorry for the wait as they returned with plates filled with food. They came back a little late, so someone probably stopped them before Grandma Jiba finished her speech.

Thus ended this long conversation.

But someone directed the topic in an unexpected direction.

Hmmp! So everyone will just comply with the new tribal chiefs judgment!?

It was Zwei.

Zwei stood up and puffed out her thin chest, and glared at everyone present. She fixed her gaze on Yamiel Lei.

Hey, Yamiel. You claim to be Zattsu Tsuns heir, but I should be more suitable, right?

What are you talking about? You are our youngest sibling, so why would you say that?

Zwei grunted again.

But arent Zattsu Tsun and Grandpa Tay convicted as criminals? Both of their blood flows in my veins! So Im most suited to be heir!

Zattsu Tsun and Tay Tsun were both Zweis grandfather.

Tay Tsuns daughter, Aura, looked at her daughter troubledly.

Grandma Jiba said gently: Zwei There is no reason in judging the child of a criminal to be a criminal

Fire of defiance burned in Zweis large sanpaku eyes, and she glared back at her:

I dont care about all that! That has nothing to do with me! If you want to fight the nobles, then do what you want!


Zwei brushed past Aura who was seated beside her and disappeared into the darkness behind.

I got up quickly to give chase.

It was safe in the Wu clan village, but I couldnt just leave her alone. I chased after Zwei by the light of the moon, and, fortunately, she was slower than me.

Zwei, whats wrong?

I grabbed her body clad in a one-piece dress from behind.

Zwei suddenly screamed: Dont touch me! and scratched the back of my palm with her nails.

She then glared at me with her angry eyes:

Asuta of the Fa house, you must be really happy! The Tsun clan is destroyed just like you wanted! As expected of the number one brave of Forests Edge!

What do you mean by brave

A figure appeared beside the speechless me.

And, of course, it was Ai Fa. She left Grandma Jiba in the care of others and chased after me.

In the darkness where the light of the bonfire couldnt reach, Zwei burst out in anger.

Are you saying that people who can make more money are great? It must have been Zattsu Tsun and Zuro Tsun who believe that money is power that taught you that I think that thinking is biased.

Hmmp! Then why are you working to earn money, Asuta!? Arent you doing that to bring wealth to the impoverished Forests Edge!?

Yes, you are right

Asuta is right, and the Tsun clan is wrong! All who support the Fa house and Wu clan will prosper, while the Tsun clan will get destroyed! Isnt that right!? Asuta, you guys are the heroes, and the Tsun clan are all villains!

Thats because Zattsu Tsun and Zuro Tsun who were the tribal chiefs chose the wrong path. Do you disagree with that?

Ai Fa asked quietly, and Zwei burst out with renewed fury:

The villains arent just Zattsu Tsun and Papa Zuro! Grandpa Tay is one too! Grandpa Tay was executed as a criminal!

Thats because Tay Tsun drew his blade against us and the townsfolk

Grandpa Tay just didnt dare to defy Zattsu Tsun! No one in the Tsun clan dared to go against Zattsu Tsun, so why is Grandpa Tay the only one treated as a criminal!?

Like I said

I know! Grandpa Tay and Zattsu Tsun killed many townsfolk! He even tried to kill Asuta, so he was cut down by the head of the Sudora house! Grandpa Tay paid for his crimes with his life!

Zwei stomped as she screamed.

Tears welled out of her large eyes.

I hate Asuta!


Zwei reached her small fingers towards my chest as I stood stiffly in place.

If I dont hate you Then Grandpa Tay will be too pitiful!

With that, Zwei buried her face in my chest and wailed like a child.

No, Zwei was still twelve Her petite body was that of an actual child.

I looked back speechlessly to my side, and Ai Fa was watching Zweis back with narrowed eyes.

I rested my hands on Zweis thin shoulders and knelt.

With a hand on his onion-like hair, I said: Zwei As Donda Wu said, no matter what crimes you committed, you are still a denizen of Forests Edge. Be it Zattsu Tsun or Tay Tsun, they were still Forests Edge denizen when they lived, and they died as members of the Forests Edge. Their frustrations and regrets will be corrected by Donda Wu and the others Thats what I think.

I really hate Asuta and you people


The moon in the night sky illuminated us in its faint blue light, and no one else came near us.

And so, on the eve of our confrontation with Pyschkurewuss, everyone spent the night with various thoughts on their mind.

Mid Meal Snack

On this day, Lala Wu was moody early in the morning.

She went to bath with her sisters after waking up, and after doing their laundry there, they entered the forest to pick pico and lilo leaves. She didnt talk much the entire time, so Sati Lei Wu asked her worriedly when they came back:

Lala, whats the matter? You look listless today.

Sati Lei Wu was the wife of Lala Wus brother, Jiza Wu.

Sati Lei Wu who was older than her sisters looked at Lala Wu with gentle eyes. Lala Wu turned towards her and said quietly: Its nothing.

But you didnt speak at all the entire morning, right? If you dont feel well, dont push yourself and rest.

Im feeling fine. And I picked more pico leaves than Sati Lei.

Lala Wu regretted saying that immediately, but Sati Lei Wu was still smiling:

Thats right. Lala works really well, even though you are just nine. However Are you feeling unwell? If not, is something on your mind?

She couldnt lie before the wise Sati Lei Wu.

But Lala Wu shook her head stubbornly:

Im really okay. We finished our work, so lets hurry on back.

Is that so

After that, Sati Lei Wu stopped pressing her.

When they reached the edge of the forest, her other sisters were all chatting cheerfully. The young Rimee Wu was still at home, so only Sati Lei Wu was with Lala Wu. The sun shone through the gaps of the branching, silently telling them that it was almost noon.

The kiba in the forest would soon wake, and the hunters would start working. The thought of that made Lala Wus heart ache.

Ahh, welcome home. Have you finished your work properly?

When they left the forest, Grandma Ditto Min Wu was already waiting for them.

She was holding a large machete with piles of firewood by her feet as she chopped wood by herself.

Yes, we picked many pico and lilo leaves We will help to chop the wood too

When she heard what the eldest daughter Vena Wu said, Ditto Min Wu answered with a smile: Theres no need to hurry.

Im thinking about resting for a while. Its almost noon, lets do the rest after eating some jerky. Keep the lilo and pico leaves into the food store first.

Okay See you later then

It was their usual daily life.

But today was special.

The herbs they picked were kept in the food store, and when they were on their way back to their house, a cheer erupted from the plaza, as if to emphasize how special today was.

Huh? Whats with all that ruckus?

The second daughter Leina Wu tilted her head.

Lala Wu bit her lips and said to her sisters:

Sorry, I will go take a look. Leina-nee and everyone, please go back first.

Ahh, Lala?

Lala Wu ignored Sati Lei Wus worried voice and sprinted towards the plaza.

She knew where the noise was coming from. It was the house of Lala Wus uncle, Ryada Wu.

Ryada Wu and Shin Wu were standing at the entrance, and Lala Wu bit her lips when she saw them.

Shin Wu was wearing a new hunters cape made by his family and had blades on his waist. Shin Wu who just reached 13 years of age yesterday would be hunting kiba as an apprentice from this day forth.

Yes, it looks great on you.

Your body is a little bit smaller, but you are a splitting image of Ryada Wu when he was young.

Shin Wu will definitely become an excellent hunter.

The other women there were chatting, while Shin Wu was calm as always.

He was one head shorter than Ryada Wu and thinner than the already slender Ryada Wu. Lala Wu was just nine, but Shin Wu was just four years her senior. The thick hide cape was probably too heavy for Shin Wu, much less than the saber.

A familiar voice came from Lala Wus vicinity.

Her brother Ludo Wu came to her side without her realizing it and chewed on jerky as he stared at Shin Wu.

I was just playing with him yesterday. I want to be a hunter soon too

Ludo Wu was twelve and just a year away from becoming a hunter. He was shorter than Shin Wu and as skinny as a girl.

If you become a hunter, you will need to face the kiba, correct?

Lala Wu asked softly, and Ludo Wu replied with a smile: Of course!

Thats the job of a hunter, you know? Ahh, I cant wait for my birthday.

But why? Ludo Wu and Shin Wu are still so small, you will die if you run into a kiba!

Dying in the forest is also our fate. It doesnt matter how big or powerful a hunter is, his time will come one day.

Ludo Wu stuck his tongue out at her.

Lala Wu smacked his head and straightened her posture. At this moment, Shin Wu went through the crowd and came over:

So you are here too, Ludo Wu, Lala Wu. Is Donda Wu up yet?

I dont know, maybe he is still sleeping or eating jerky at home.

Is that so. I have to greet the head of the main house.

Shin Wu was his usual self. He had long narrow eyes and a face as gentle as a girls. He seldom smiled as always.

But on his slender body were the garbs of a hunter, and a saber rested on his waist. Just that was enough to make Shin Wu look more mature.

He might be short, but Shin Wu was still a head taller than Lala Wu. The top of Lala Wus head was right at his shoulder. Shin Wu looked at Lala Wu calmly like he always did:

Lala Wu, Ludo Wu, are you taking a break after your work? Are you almost done with picking herbs and chopping wood?

Yeah, Shin Wu, you dont need to help with the chores at home anymore, right? Im envious.

Ludo Wu said before Lala Wu could speak, so Shin Wu looked his way:

The work at home is as important as hunting. Ludo Wu, you shouldnt look down on house chores.

But picking herbs and tanning hides isnt fun. I prefer sparring together with Shin Wu.

I see. Ludo Wu, please train my brothers before you turn 13.

Shin Wus brothers are just little runts! They cant beat me even if they had sticks.

The two of them seemed to be having fun.

This scene was the same as usual, but Shin Wu seemed prouder than before, and Ludo Wu was giving his blessing. For the young ones, this was only natural.

Right then, Lala Wus feeling was very heavy.

Shin Wu, be careful and dont get hurt.

Lala Wu shouted, and Shin Wu turned back.

His narrow eyes squinted into a slit happily.

Everything is the guidance of the forest, so I want to start working as a hunter as soon as possible. Lala Wu, work hard on your house chores too.

Lala Wu was very worked up, but she couldnt give any answer.

Shin Wu who looked so happy just now narrowed his eyes worriedly this time. But before he could say anything more, Ryada Wu walked over.

Shin, lets go to the main house to find Donda Wu. The Grand Elder isnt feeling well, so you should greet them before heading into the forest.

Yes, I understand.

Shin Wu nodded and looked at Shela Wu with the same gaze. He then headed to the main house together with Ryada Wu.

The branch house women returned to their work, leaving just Lala Wu and Ludo Wu standing there.

Whats wrong? You had a fight with Shin Wu? You are acting differently from normal.


Thats right! Today is a big day for Shin Wu, so dont make us worry.

Ludo Wu put his hands on the back of his head and wandered off aimlessly.

Lala Wu sighed, noticed a few figures at the entrance of the house, and looked that way. They were Shin Wus mother Tali Wu, sister Shela Wu, and his two young brothers.

Shela Wu lowered her head worriedly, while Tali Wu placed her hand on Shela Wus shoulder to comfort her. Her young brothers didnt seem to understand what was going on and ate their jerky.

Her family member was starting his dangerous work as a hunter, and taking pride alone wasnt enough.

Especially for the weak Shela Wu, who was very worried, and Lala Wu saw someone who shared her sentiments for the first time.

They laid the pico leaves they picked in the morning on clothes, and Sati Lei Wu said: Is that so. Lala is very worried about Shin Wu too.

Lala Wu helped with this chore as she nodded.

Lala Wu couldnt take it anymore and told Sati Lei Wu how she felt.

The sun was always high up, and the men had entered the forest. When she thought about the smallest sized Shin Wu among them, Lala Wu looked as if she was going to cry.

Lala and Shin Wu are good friends, so I know why you are worried. Hunting kiba is very dangerous work.


However, an apprentice hunter wont do anything dangerous. In the beginning, they will learn from powerful hunters on how to conceal their presence and search for kiba.

But, he might get attacked suddenly just by walking around the forest. Didnt a branch house man die recently?

Thats right, such a thing might happen. This is all the guidance of the forest.

Sati Lei Wu patted Lala Wus shoulder like what Tali Wu did earlier. Lala Wu wiped away her tears with the back of her palm and looked at Sati Lei Wu:

Sati Lei, how can you and the others stay so calm? If your precious family and spouse die in the forest, you cant see them again, right? Wont you feel sad?

Of course we will feel sad. Thats why we pray to the forest every day.

But, the forest wont answer our prayers every time. I dont want it to end like that!

She would have definitely got scolded if Lala Wu told her parents that. So Lala Wu clung onto Sati Lei Wu.

Sati Lei Wu was older than her sisters and married. Still, she was just 19 and a close family. She shouldnt be as open-minded as the older ladies, but she always had a matured smile. To Lala Wu, she looked more dependable than anyone else.

Like Lala said, losing ones family and spouse is heartbreaking. It might be the guidance of the forest, but we wont be able to stay and chat with the people we love. There is nothing more sad than that.

The souls that returned to the forest will appear before our tribemates in a different form. That is the teaching of the forest, and I didnt understand when I was young In any case, we will mourn the people who have passed.

Sati Lei Wu said with a sudden smile.

It was slightly different from usual and had a hint of sadness.

Lala, I already lost my parents.

Huh!? B-But Sati Lei, arent you from the Lei main house? I saw the head of the Lei house during the harvest festival

I was born in the branch house. I lost my parents when I was young and became a part of the main house.

Sati Lei Wu narrowed her eyes, as if she was looking far away.

My fathers soul returned to the forest as a hunter, and my mother died from illness. And I thought When people die, those left behind will lose one person, while the dead will lose everyone. However My mother was worried until the very end about me being left behind.

So I thought, it is wrong for those left behind to continue grieving. My parents soul and the forest will watch over me I believe that from the bottom of my heart. If not, wont my mother who had to part with everyone be too pitiful?

I dont understand.

An emotion she couldnt describe made Lala Wu weep.

Sati Lei Wu hugged Lala Wus head with a smile:

This is too difficult for the young Lala to understand. What I want to say is, my parents were both happy. I was too young back then and only wallowed in my sorrow. When I grew a bit older, I started wishing to live happily like my parents and return my soul to the forest at the very end.


Everyone will die one day. But that is exactly why we have to live life to the fullest. Our goal should be to live, instead of not dying. If we do so, our souls will return to the forest satisfactorily like my parents.

The young Lala Wu still didnt understand what Sati Lei Wu was saying.

At this moment, a cheer erupted from the plaza behind her.

She started to look that way and saw a few hunters carrying a kiba back. They hunted two kiba right after entering the forest.

Lala Wu looked back at Sati Lei Wu with a serious face.

Sati Lei Wu patted Lala Wus head with a gentle smile.

Go on, I will handle the pico leaves.

Lala Wu nodded and ran towards the plaza.

Four hunters carried two kiba in two pairs. Even from a distance, she could tell that one of them was Shin Wu.

Shin Wu! You are back so fast?

Yes, Lala Wu. Because they attacked us when we were laying the traps. It wasnt too far from the village, so we carried them right back.

The kibas legs were tied to a krilee stick which was carried on the shoulders of two people. It was a heavy and tough kiba bigger than Shin Wu. His father Ryada Wu carried it with him, and the other pair were men from another branch house.

You were attacked by kiba? Are you fine?

Lala Wu asked waveringly, and Shin Wu answered with a nod: Yes.

He didnt look hurt, and the two of them were carrying such a big kiba so easily, showing the strength of Forests Edge hunters.

Father Ryada Wu was the one that delivered the mortal wound to it, and it took my arrow in the knee, stopping it in its track. So the hide of this kiba belongs to us.

Is that so Shin Wu is amazing.

I was just lucky. But Im glad that I finished my work properly.

Shin Wu said with a smile.

It was a proud, childish smile that Shin Wu rarely showed.

Shin Wu was living on strongly and took immense pride in his work as a hunter. That was why he could smile like that.

A different emotion appeared in Lala Wus gloomy mood.

She became true to herself and exposed her unease and sadness under the sun.

Shin Wu was smiling so happily, so she couldnt cry so easily. Lala Wu thought as she squeezed out a smile.

Congratulations! Im glad that Shin Wu did his work so well!

And Shin Wus smile brightened.

This was the smile Lala Wu loved and was the most familiar with.

I will wrap things up and go back to the forest. Pray for my safe return.

Yes! I will wait for you with the others!

Urged on by Ryada Wu, Shin Wu headed towards his own house.

Lala Wu watched his back as she wiped away her fresh tears.

I want to grow up quickly too.

She could wear women attire after her next birthday and needed to learn all the work of the adults by her thirteenth birthday. And then, she might understand what Sati Lei Wu told her.

It wasnt very clear, but she still understood something.

Lala Wu wanted to walk the same path as Shin Wu.

She wanted to live a righteous life as a denizen of Forests Edge. Not like the depraved Tsun clan, but without fearing anyone and abiding by the laws of Forests Edge and share her happiness and bliss with those that she cherished. Lala Wu wished sincerely for all that.

Lala Wu turned and left, running back to the place where she belonged.

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