Conquering The Novel

Chapter 171 Unexpected Gains!


As I faced off against Balor, the giant demon let out a deafening roar that sent shivers down my spine.

With eyes blazing with anger, he brought his whip of flames down upon me, but I was quick to react and ducked just in time.

I could feel my mana levels running low, and my arms were growing tired from the previous intense exchange of blows.

Despite this, I couldn't afford to take a moment to consume a mana potion as Balor was relentless in his attack.

However, I reminded myself that I had managed to inflict some significant damage on Balor in our previous exchanges, giving me some hope for the outcome of this battle.

I charged forward, my katanas and shurikens crackling with electricity as I swung with all my might. Balor was ready for me, his massive sword of lightning flashing as he swung it with equal force.


Our weapons clashed in a final showdown, creating resounding clangs that echoed through the chamber and shook the room to its foundations.


We continued to exchange blows with a ferocious intensity, each of us determined to come out on top.

I used my telekinesis to direct my shurikens toward Balor, raining them down upon him in an attempt to distract his attention.

However, Balor was quick to react and deflected the shurikens effortlessly with his powerful sword of lightning.

He then retaliated with a series of powerful strikes, but I managed to block the first few, however, I soon found myself on the defensive, dodging and weaving as I searched for an opening.

Finally, I saw my chance. Summoning all the mana I had left, I channeled it into my katanas, preparing to launch a final, deadly blow.

I knew that if this attack failed, ...It would be the end of me.

Balor, sensing the attack, raised his sword to deflect it.


However, at the last moment, I switched my location with a shuriken and teleported behind him.

The electric shuriken met his sword instead, creating sparks upon impact.


With a fierce shout, I plunged both my katanas into Balor's chest, putting all my weight into the strike and a massive surge of electricity that surged through my Katanas, now into Balor's body.


The beast bellowed in pain, his sword of lightning falling from his grasp as he staggered backward.


I was quick to follow, driving my katanas into his sides over and over again, each strike leaving a deep gash.


With a final roar, Balor crumpled to the ground, his body writhing in its final moments.


My both katanas plunged into Balor's body, and his blood gushed like a river, turning the ground blood scarlet. And even my clothes are now splattered with blood.


Suddenly, the room was filled with a blinding flash of light emanating from his corpse, and everything seemed to slow down for a moment.

And then, in a blinding flash, Balor's corpse exploded into a shower of cinders, his body completely consumed by the raging inferno that was his essence.

I stumbled back, quickly bringing up my katanas to block the impact of the explosion. Despite the intense heat, one of my katanas held firm, absorbing the force of the blast and emerging unscathed.

However, the other katana was not so lucky, the metal began to corrode under intense heat and pressure.

"...Phew, that was close," I breathed a sigh of relief as I looked down at my katana, the gift from Mika that had saved me from the explosion.

The blade was unscathed, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the protection it provided.

—You Have Killed A Balor!

I heard the alert from my wristwatch confirming the death of Balor.

I looked around at the destruction that the battle had wrought.

The room was in ruins, the stone walls cracked and the floor a mass of charred debris.

I stood there, panting heavily, the room was silent, except for the sound of my ragged breathing.

I had defeated the monster Balor, but at what cost? My body was badly wounded, and my strength waning.

"So...this is my limit, huh!" I panted as I fell to my knees, supported by my only Katana at hand.

My body was exhausted from the intense battle with Balor. The adrenaline from the fight slowly started to fade away, leaving me feeling drained both physically and mentally.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather enough energy to stand back up.

That's when I noticed it. An extravagant door, unlike any I'd seen before, appeared out of thin air in front of me. Its gleaming golden handles and intricate carvings made it clear that this was no ordinary door.

"Is this where Pazuzu resides?" I muttered, examining the door closely.

The thought of facing yet another guardian made my heart race, but I pushed aside my fear and started to drink the mana, stamina, and healing potions I had on hand.

I knew that consuming so many potions at once would make my body gradually grow resistant to their effects, but I had no choice.

The unknown lay beyond that door, and I needed to be at my best to face it. With a deep breath, I stood up and approached the door, ready for whatever lay ahead.

However, just as I was about to enter the door, I heard the crackling sound of electricity.

I turned my gaze toward the source and saw the sword of lightning that Balor had previously wielded lying on the ground, its surface still crackling with energy.

I approached the weapon and reached down to pick it up, feeling its weight and power in my hands. The sword seemed to be in good condition, despite the intense battle I had just faced.


[You Have Obtained The Star-Forged Fulgur Blade, The Legendary Sword Of Lightning!]

Description: A powerful weapon forged from the stolen essence of a mighty constellation.

With each strike, the blade crackles with electricity, capable of electrifying anything it touches and leaving a trail of lightning in its wake.

(Note: Only those with the strength and willpower to control lightning are capable of wielding its raw energy and channeling it into devastating attacks.)


•Increased damage output.

•Electrifies enemies on hit.

•Increases user's agility.


"Well...this is quite the unexpected reward!" I said with a small smile as I read the description of the sword.

Of course, I had heard of it before, but I didn't know where it could be obtained from.

"I didn't expect to actually come across it, so Balor had this sword all along," I muttered to myself, remembering reading about it in the novel.

The sword belonged to one of the important characters in the story, who wielded the power of lightning.

I quickly put the sword back in my inventory, a nagging worry creeping into my mind.

"I just hope that old man doesn't come after me for this," I said with a nervous chuckle, imagining the consequences of converting the weapon that old man was after.

'Well the first one to find it, keeps it,' I shrugged as I thought.

My gaze then fell upon the whip lying beside it, and with a thought, I lifted it using telekinesis.


[You Have Obtained An Attributed Whip, The Flaming Lash!]

Description: A whip of flame, that was said to have been crafted from the fiery essence of a demon. It is a deadly weapon for those who have mastered the art of pyromancy.

Its fiery tails can ensnare and incinerate even the toughest of foes, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.

(Only those with the strength and willpower to control the flames can wield it to its fullest potential.)


•Deals heavy fire damage to enemies on hit.

•Ignites targets, dealing extra fire damage over time.

•Ability to deflect physical attacks and spells with the whip's fiery tails.

•Grants the wielder increased resistance to fire damage and a boost in mobility and agility.



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