Conquering The Novel

Chapter 163 Abandoned Kingdom's Horrors

"Finally, I have arrived at the entrance to the Abandoned Kingdom," I spoke to myself as I stepped out of my car.

Verena, the Vampire maid, followed close behind and confirmed, "Yes, this is it. But before you can enter, the guards at the tower will need to check your adventurer's license." She pointed in the direction of one of the many towers nearby.

I nodded, "Thanks for the reminder, Verena. You may return now and keep a watchful eye on that demon brat. I'll call for you if I need anything." I said.

Hearing me Verena just gave a small bow and retreated back to the car, before driving off.

As I walked towards the towering walls that surrounded the Abandoned Kingdom, I couldn't help but be in awe of their grandeur.

The walls were intricately designed with powerful spells and symbols that glimmered in the sunlight, serving as a barrier between the Kaldor Kingdom and the dangers within the Abandoned Kingdom.

At regular intervals, I noticed towers along the walls, each manned by a group of highly trained adventurers. These adventurers were responsible for keeping watch and ensuring the integrity of the spell formations.

They stood alert and ready, their eyes constantly scanning the surrounding area for any potential threats.

As I approached one of the towers that Verena indicated to me, I was greeted by a guard in charge.

" can I help you?" he said, sizing me up from head to toe.

I could see the surprise in his eyes at my appearance, but I knew that news of me being the youngest S-Rank adventurer had yet to reach this place.

"Here," I said, handing him my adventurer's license without bothering to explain.


"W-What? An S-Rank adventurer?" he exclaimed in shock, bowing his head. "I apologize for not greeting you properly before."

I sighed, thinking to myself that in this world, a person's rank and strength determined their place in society.

"I don't need your apologies," I said curtly. "I've taken on a quest to enter the Abandoned Kingdom and deal with the monsters trying to break free from the barriers," I stated.

The guard looked at me nervously. "Uh, Sir, the thing is... there haven't been many monsters around the entrance lately. Some adventurers have already taken care of the few that were here, and everyone else is waiting for more to appear so they can earn some money."

I looked around and noticed that every adventurer present was staring at me curiously, due to the guard's behavior towards me.

'It appears that they've been waiting here for quite some time,' I thought to myself.

"How long has it been since the monsters haven't appeared near the entrance?" I inquired of the guard.

"It's been about ten days," the guard replied immediately.

"They should all be at least A-Rank adventurers to be able to select this quest, right? So why don't they just team up and go deeper and hunt down the monsters together?" I asked, curious.

"Well, a few of them formed a team and ventured deep. But it's been a few days and we've lost contact with them," the guard informed me.

"That means they're most likely dead and the other adventurers are scared they'll meet the same fate if they venture too deep into the abandoned kingdom, is that it?" I asked.

"Yes, the risk just isn't worth the reward," the guard replied.

"I guess that's fair enough," I muttered. "And are you done verifying my adventurer license yet? I want to leave right away."

"So you plan on leaving—" the guard started to say, but I interrupted him.

"I think you misunderstood my words. I mean to say that I'll be entering the abandoned kingdom," I corrected him.

"W-Wait! Are you planning to venture into the kingdom alone?" the guard asked for clarification, a look of surprise on his face.

"Yes, that's right, I'd like to get going as soon as possible. The sun is about to set and I want to make my way inside before it gets dark," I said, my tone firm.

"W-Whoa! Hold on a moment! Are you sure you want to enter the abandoned kingdom alone, and at a time like this when the monsters have a clear advantage at night?" The guard asked, clearly taken aback by my boldness. "Don't you think it would be better to wait until tomorrow morning when there's more daylight and a higher chance of success?"

"No, I'd like to head in without any delay," I stated with a blank expression.


The guard couldn't help but wonder, 'Who the hell is this person? Not only does he plan to venture into the abandoned kingdom alone, but he also wants to do so at a time when the monsters have the upper hand during the night.'



[S-Rank Adventurer Marz

Quest In Progress: Eliminate the Threat at the Border of the Abandoned Kingdom!

Monsters Killed: 0]

"Your adventurer's license has been verified, Sir Marz," the guard said as he scanned my license by placing it on top of a machine. He then checked my details and handed me my license back.

"Here you go. I hope you have a successful hunt," the guard said.

I took my license and gave a nod in response before making my way toward the entrance. The guards made way for me, not stopping me as I passed by.

'I'm guessing the guard in charge must have informed the others not to stop me using the Bluetooth device they're all wearing,' I thought to myself as I walked towards the entrance.

"Hey, is he really going to enter alone at a time like this?" one of the guards whispered to another.

"Shh, didn't you hear? He's an S-Rank adventurer. I don't think we have to worry about him, he can take care of himself," the other guard replied.

"But doesn't he just look like a kid who doesn't know what he's doing?"

"It seems like he just wants to prove himself and showcase his skills to the world. Being an S-Rank adventurer isn't just based on luck, there must be something special about him," one of the adventurers commented.



The guards and adventurers continued to whisper among themselves as I made my way toward the entrance. The sun was about to set and I wanted to enter the abandoned kingdom before nightfall.

"Greetings, Sir Marz, we have been informed of your arrival. Are you ready to proceed?" One of the guards, donned in a knight's armor, asked.

"Yes, I am ready. Let's get started," I replied.

The guard nodded and gave a signal to the other guards to open the gate. The sound of heavy chains and gears turning echoed through the air as the massive steel gate slowly creaked open.


"You can now enter, Sir Marz," the guard said, gesturing for me to enter.

Without any hesitation, I stepped forward and entered the abandoned kingdom. The gate behind me closed with a loud clang.


As I entered the abandoned kingdom, I was immediately struck by the desolate landscape that lay before me.

The once grand and magnificent buildings were now nothing but rubble, scattered amongst the overgrown weeds and grass.

Corpses of both humans and monsters littered the ground, adding a sense of dread to the already eerie atmosphere.

The air was thick with the putrid stench of decay, and it seemed to hang heavily over the kingdom like a shroud.

The mists that had settled over the kingdom added to the eerie feeling, making it seem as though the place was consumed by some sort of magic.

Everywhere I looked, I could see the evidence of the kingdom's fall and the horrors that had transpired within its walls. The scene was a far cry from the grandeur and wealth that this kingdom must have once possessed.

"So...this is the so-called abandoned Kingdom, huh?" I muttered to myself.

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