Confess System: Picking Up Girls After Girls, Try Not to Get Killed!

Chapter 218 Temporary Team

"Exactly like me? That is indeed rather extraordinary," Tyler replied, his acting skills always at the ready, effortlessly delivered.

"Indeed, which is why I, as an apostle of the Nefarious Tiger King, decided to question you to see if there's a fateful connection between you and this 'Banning'," Heloise looked at Tyler expectantly, her large innocent eyes practically radiating naivety.

Unfortunately for her, she had encountered Tyler, the master of insincerity.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am an only child and I have no siblings. As for this 'Banning,' I've never heard of him." Tyler calmly quashed Heloise's hopes.

"Is that so... such despairing news... even the Nefarious Tiger King would sigh for this..." 

The glow in Heloise's eyes dimmed instantly, and it seemed that their conversation had come to an end.

However, Heloise wasn't discouraged. She firmly believed that the information provided by the 'Lord Earthly Ghost' must be correct. 

As long as she continued towards Delis Town, she would definitely find this 'Banning'.

"Young Felix, may the path of your destiny be filled with radiance. The apostle of the Nefarious Tiger King will bid you goodbye for now." The young girl nodded slightly at Tyler, then turned around and left.

Tyler watched her retreating figure, his hand quietly gripping the Shadow Sword Dragon Steed, as he began to contemplate.


Tyler believed that Heloise was clearly the assassin sent by the Shadow Serpent Society to kill him, which also verified his previous guess: The 'Singular Demon God' for some reason, temporarily couldn't come to kill him again.

In the past, Tyler's consistent way of dealing with those who wanted to kill him was to fight fire with fire. 

But now... facing the young woman Heloise, he hesitated.

Tyler hesitated, not because of Heloise's naive and cute face, nor because of her slender long legs.

The reason he didn't turn against Heloise was first, because he didn't know what skills Heloise, who was a Blade Dancer in her combat occupation, had. 

Second, Tyler felt that killing Heloise directly wasn't the optimal solution at the moment.

In the 'Future Death Scene,' Tyler only saw Vanessa among the pedestrians, not Heloise.

Considering Heloise's off-the-charts chunibyo and kindergarten-level strategy, Tyler temporarily lowered the possibility of her being the murderer to a very low level.

In other words, Tyler thought that Heloise wasn't a high threat to him at the moment.

Based on this judgment, if he could maintain a period of joint action with Heloise, Tyler thought he could pry some information about the Shadow Serpent Society from her, and then act accordingly — this was the optimal solution under the current situation.

Therefore, Tyler caught up with her and took the initiative to talk to Heloise.

"Miss Heloise, are you heading to Delis Town by any chance?"

"Eh? Ah, yes, Delis Town is the destination of my journey."

"That's great, because I'm heading to Delis Town as well."

Tyler, who knew very well, successfully reengaged in conversation with Heloise.

Next, Tyler told Heloise that he was also quite interested in the 'Banning' she was looking for.

"Just the thought of someone in the world who looks just like me... I can't help but want to meet him."

"Indeed, the twin sons are the existence of taboo... Young Felix, are you implying you're willing to dedicate your strength to the Nefarious Tiger King?"

At this moment, Heloise demonstrated a level of intelligence beyond her usual, and immediately understood why 'Felix' had caught up with her.

"Uh-huh, let me help you find him. After all, we're both heading to the same destination - Delis Town." 

Tyler nodded affirmatively, thus temporarily teaming up with Heloise.


With Felix guiding the way, Heloise was considerably relieved, for getting lost was her lifelong nemesis. 

Along the journey, Felix invited Heloise to share the horseback, but she declined.

"Hmm, a mere horse is no match for the apostle of the Nefarious Tiger King," she proclaimed, speeding ahead. 

This sparked a competitive spirit in Felix's warhorse, Moto-chan. 

Unmindful of energy conservation, it sprinted forth with full force, intending to show the white-haired girl who truly owned the title of "the fastest sovereign on this vast land."

Thus, a peculiar scene unfolded in the wilderness — a young girl and a horse(carrying a man), competing in a race of speed. 

After a fierce competition spanning two to three kilometers, the race concluded with Heloise exhausting her stamina and admitting defeat first. Moto-chan, who had been trailing behind, eventually overtook her with its superior energy reserves, proudly establishing its prowess.


Moto-chan neighed triumphantly, announcing its victory to all directions. 

Heloise, on the other hand, trudged along languidly, catching up at a slow pace. 

Tyler, aboard the triumphant Moto-chan, couldn't bear to burst the horse's bubble; it had barely won, after all.

Nevertheless, Moto-chan had indeed grown a lot. 

Not only did it carry Tyler, but it also bore many pieces of equipment and items. Despite these disadvantages, it managed to outpace Heloise — a commendable feat.

(However…you two were so focused on the speed competition, where on earth have we ended up?)

Looking at the surrounding sandy environment, Tyler knew they had strayed from the path. 

After wandering in the sandy area for a while, unable to find a way out and seemingly getting deeper into a desert, Tyler suggested they follow their footprints back.

A few minutes into their backtrack, Heloise suddenly stopped and gestured for Felix to be quiet. 

Seeing her heightened alertness, Tyler figured that the predators of this area had likely set their sights on them.

Heloise kneeled on the ground, her ear against the sand. After a few seconds, she pointed in the direction of their three o'clock. 

Tyler followed her direction but saw nothing. However, a few seconds later, a large red warning circle suddenly appeared under their feet.

"It's coming from underground! Scatter quickly!" 

Tyler shouted as Heloise started running. She and Moto-chan instinctively ran in opposite directions, successfully escaping the red warning circle just in time.

The moment the three-second countdown ended, a spike-covered worm demon burst from the ground, swallowing the spot where Tyler and Heloise had just been standing.

"Whoa! A demon from the underworld! Despicable worm demon, you cannot stop the resurrection of the Nefarious Tiger King!!" Heloise shouted at the worm demon, her hair standing on end like a cat facing an enemy.

For her to maintain her speech style in such a situation, Tyler was truly impressed and believed that Heloise must have some strength left.

If so, Tyler believed that even if he held back slightly, Heloise could handle this "giant sand worm" on her own.

How big is the "giant sand worm"? 

It's about the size of a creature that could swallow a cow whole in one gulp.

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