Commushou no Ore ga, Koushou Skill ni Zenfurishite Tenseishita Kekka

Chapter 10.2

The women who had the Villager job, though it was possible for me to properly charm them while mother carried me at her back and walked in town, but when I come to the stage where my Physique is at points and I received their breast milking, the skill didnt go up only by allowing me to see the chance and sucking easily. Though I drank little by little and though I earned 2 points of the Physique skill, but it ended at points.

Is there no new skill that I can take anymoreis what I though as my target. For 4 months after my birth, I had a new encounter. It is the Sister in the church near our house Serra-san.

(TLN: Muh reaction to this line


Eighth personSerraChiffon(?)Yrs old

Time of breast feeding start after months

Breast feeding frequency Once a week 8 times in total

Relation She is interested in you

Acquired skill Clergy Singing

Since Sister Serra-san passes without fail in front of my house when shes commuting from her home to the church, and though my Charm failed when it was invoked several times, it finally succeeded at the th month for the first time.

The case of the person that Ive successfully charmed will visit our house is large. Since Remillia mama and Serra-san are acquaintances, there was no problem with it. Even if the person I dont know got charmed and visited us, though it was possible for me to issue a command for them to Go home.

Remillia-sama, I truly apologize. To visit so suddenly like this

No, its alright. Usually for me, I am indebted to youfor me to not be able to eat the bread which has received the blessing of the Goddess for even once a week, I wouldnt be able to calm down

To put on that Clergys Hood for a long time, maybe she has cut off her hairis what Ive thought. Then I asked of herOrdered her, at the interval of Remillia mama standing up from the chair and went somewhere as usual, but though she took off her hood.

Fuu. Its a bit hot today isnt it

The thing that spread out with a *Fusa!* sound effect, was a white like silver hair of hers. Serra-san combed down her hair and looked at my directionFor such a beautiful person, to be working at the nearby church.

Hiroto-san, please forgive me for admonishing the doctrine unto a baby like you .The Goddess is at any time watching over us.

GoddessIn the church, they worshiped a Goddess huh. The one who reincarnated me, is that Goddess the one who they are worshiping?

Serra-san taught me that the Goddess made this world and all of the living beings have been made by her and she was the existence that defended us from the monsters. Though a baby wouldnt be able to understand that Common-sensibly ,Serra-san kept on seriously talking earnestlyYep. She has the impression of a devout believer. For better or worse.

What skill could I take from a clergy, is what I was suddenly anxious about. Thus, when I looked at her status.




MermaidFemale years oldLevel

Job Sister






White Magic


Magic Attainments




Action Skill




Recovery Magic Level White Magic


Baby-sitter SongMaternity

Simple DishCuisine


CampingCuisine(TLN: Maybe its a kind of dish that you can make in camps)


Passive skill

Clergy EquipmentClergy

Divine MercyClergy

Recovery UPWhite Magic

Remaining skill point

Me-Mermaid?Though shes looks like a human in any angleHowever, Singing

The Mermaids were a race that wasnt still available in the game. It seems like she has a complex past, and thats why even if her singing level is , there are no skills on the singing systemmaybe its because of that passive skill Its not possible for her to sing .

Mo-Moreovereven though she looks like a senior high school like person ,but her real age is seven years old

According to her race, though I think that they would approach an adult figure earlier, this is too surprising that I hardened. Seven years oldSEVEN YEARS OLD!?

The Goddess gave unto the humble me, her benevolence since she is a graceful beingHiroto-san also by all means, should go to church when you grow up. Let us have a long conversation about the Goddess at that time

Since shes a mermaid in the form of a human, her faith is crazilyno, shes a person who piously believed in the Goddess while being a SEVEN YEAR OLD.(TLN: Says the Baby who is a 1 year old and is NTRing every female he meets KEK)

Will the moment come for me to allude this persons mystery? Possibly, maybe she will turn back to her mermaid form when her feet touches water.

ThusThats all for today. From me to you ,I have already given unto you a trifling thing


Since I wont waste this chance, I appealed unto her desperately. Then Serra-sans face reddened and she smiled with a *kusu* sound effect.

H-howeverthis, this passion like feeling. This person, is not an ordinary person in all meanings!

Oh GoddessTo this starving infant, I shalt donate unto him this humble body of mine, please forgive me

Choices Dialog

Serra is trying to use the active skill [Breastfeed] on you. Will you permit her to use it on you?

Serra-san removed the string that was keeping her clothes fixed and she started the preparation for breast feeding. T-to donate she saiddid it really make her like that. There is no helping it when she becomes like that since its because of the Charmed state.

Serra-sans back which is being bathe in the sunlight that came from the window looked very exactly as a Holy Woman. Different than Fillianess-san, the shape of a complete beauty is here.

Now, let us start. Before the Goddess, like how she has given her blessings to the children she has created, from me unto you

I shall say my conclusion. Serra-san is SCARYShes somehow VERY SCARY

(TLN: Religious people are scary. Thats why I am a devout believer of the Breast Sucking religion. Our savior Hiroto shall save us!)


You are now receiving Serras [Breastfeed] skill. Your HP has been recovered.

You have acquired the clergy skill

Serra muttered.AHHmy Goddess. Please forgive this sinful me

Serra-san looked at me after I finished sucking her breasts, and a satisfied like smile floated on her face.

For a clergy, though a thing like this wont be forgiven. For Hiroto-san, by all means together with me, to the road of the goddess


Remillia opened the door.

Im really sorry, to forget the laundry that has remainedOh my, were you playing with Hiroto?

(TLN: No Maam, Hiroto was the one playing with herbreasts ( ) )

Serra-san didnt panic or made any noise when the door suddenly opened and instantly put on her clothes.

Yesthough he doesnt look at my direction so easily but similarly to Remillia-sama, he has a quite unique elegance

From me, doesnt he look like Ricardo much morebut, when either of the features gets succeeded by him then Id be glad

When Serra-san tries to tie the string of her clothes so as for Remillia-san to not notice it, she put on her hood and grinned with a smile.

Are there other people who have other sides? Well, since faith is profound, then she seems to be not a bad personEven if I went to church when I grow up, I still wanted to get more skills.

With that conclusion, whenever Serra-san passes by on her way to the church, I would ask her to breast feed me.

NhhIf you are fine with my donation then, as many as you want toI shall give all unto you

I would receive her breast feeding every time after her long sermons and it has gradually became a habit of minewill I get into this faith like this. Nope, though I didnt have any intention in getting into itand I could take any more of the Clergy skill after points.

Ninth PersonAnna MarieCruel years old

Time of breast feeding start after months

Breast feeding frequency Twice

Relation Normal

Acquired skill Adventurer

Acquired ItemMagic Sealing Pendant

Another one, though there was a chance for a valuable suckling for once, it was the adventurer Anna Marie-san. Though she came here to Mizerre for the quest she accepted, she turned adrift when she forgot to book an inn room, so she is lent a lodging in our house for the night.

I-Im sorry but, I, because it is the first time Ive come to Mizerre

Anna Marie-san had trimmed one side of her hair to about shoulder-length, and they are woven into thin braids.While a Headband is rolled over it, her equipment arrange is the entire leather group and shes shouldering a large backpack. Her appearance is that exactly of an adventurer. The weapon shes equipped with is a spear and its obvious that it was considerably embezzled.

Its alright, were all equal when being troubled. Youre hungry arent you? Please wait for a bit

Umm, is there something that I can also be of help with!?

Umm wellTo play with my son Hiroto, is what I want to say. Is it alright with you?

Wha-what do you mean if its alright with me!? I-I dont have any weird hobbies!

Its good if thats soHiroto, its not good to do with her too okay

Remillia mama stabbed me with a nail there. But for me, I wont overlook such a wonderful job like an Adventurer.

However, shes a type that I havent encountered yet huh. A year old adventurer huhWhat could be her circumstances

While thinking so, Anna Marie-san came to near my side and timidly looked at me. With those large pupils, my face got reflected on itPl-please stop, if I am seen too much then Ill.

A babyI also at sometime, can I also be able to make a child too

She is also friendly to me even if I averted from her look. I-if I dont manage to improve my impression to her.

A,anaai(TLN: ANnA mArIe)

EehYo-you can already talk?Youre amazing, to understand my name

Anna Marie-san is deeply moved. For a baby to talk, some can already be pleased with just that.


Charm has been invokedAnna Marie has successfully prevented it with the effect of the Demon Sealing Pendant.

Anna Marie became vigilant.

Wha-what was that!?

Woahsu-surelydid she notice my passive skill and became vigilant!?

Anna Marie-san possessed an equipment that prevents charm since its not possible for one to see someones equipment if they arent in a party, I couldnt read this kind of happening!

Haahthat surprised me. This stone occasionally, it sounds of with a *Bachi* on its own. Im really sorry, to surprise you like that.

Anna Marie-san pulled out a pendant from the chest part of her clothes. Was the demon stone applied in thereI see. Anna Marie-san equipped this while not knowing of its effect that it prevents charm.

Since shes showing it off, information can be understood from that easy item. Let me look at it without reserve.


Name Magic Sealing Pendant

Type Pendant

Rarity Super Unique

Defense power

Cannot be appraised.

Emerald is set inside it.

Charm can be defended a bit.

I understand its effect of preventing charm, but its still cannot be appraised?

There are three stages with the appraisal, AppraisalDetailed AppraisalEyes of Truth are the 3 skills that correspond to it. Perhaps to know the information of this pendant, the detailed appraisal or the eyes of truth would be necessary for it.

This pendant, you seem to have taken a liking to it. Should I give it to you?I was planning on giving this as a reward for me staying here today


Ahaha, I see, you still cant understand difficult things huh. This thing is, though you might think that its an incredible thing, I still havent understood its merit. However, something good might happen if I bring it with me

Choices Dialog

Anna Marie is handing over the Magic sealing pendant to you. Will you allow her?

To suddenly obtain a super unique itemThis person, Might she be a great person?

Anna Marie is floating a friendly smile when looking at her. Though she got surprised when the charm was invokedNo, didnt she not understand that it was my doing.

I look for things like these, since Im treasure hunting. Since Ive found many things, Ill give this one to you

Well if you insisteven if I cant put it into use as a baby, someday, the moment might come where I can use this on something.


You have obtained Magic Sealing Pendant in your hands. It fell off to your feet since you cant equip it.

The pendant dropped inside the cradle. Probably, Anna Marie-san will be explaining that she has given it to me. If Mama would give an then it would be alright thoughIs what I wanted to say.

If she took off the pendant that was defending her against the charmi-in short!

Ah, my stomach has become emptytheres a wonderful smell in here. You mother is surely good at cooking

Though mamas cuisine skill was at when I was born, her skill has risen to the place where has been exceeded. Since her action skill Simple dish ranked up to Dish, the food that she could make increased rapidly. Ricardo papa is always happy when eating every day.

Maybe today would be Vegetable & meat stew. I looked like the Potofu that I know. The bread that has been bought from the town has been put out again after it was heated up for the second time.Mommy spared no effort on putting fire to the bread pan - that, is also because Papa Ricardo fetched a plenty amount of firewood though.

However, even though youre saying your stomach is empty, I dont think that its delicious even if I smelled the fragrance of the potofu. Though Ive become accustomed to the fruit juice that they have allowed me to drink occasionally, Im still unable to eat the usual meals yet.

Manma, Manma

Is your stomach empty too?Since youre still a baby, youre still getting milk from your mother huh. Or else, would you like to have a go in sucking my finger


Eh? Ahaha, Sorry sorry. Its not delicious even if you would lick my fingers

Well certainly, this might be the usual reaction to that. Once the charm hangs unto you, saying that the next phase is suckling is a peculiar case


Charm has been invokedAnna Marie failed to resist and has entered in the state of Charmed.

and while I was talking about it, it really came!

HmH-huh? Thats strangeI, did I do something

Since minutes have already passed after the judgment a while ago, it would be coming now momentarily is what Ive thought. At the time that Anna Marie removed her pendant, though I did have some expectations with my real intentions.

To say Manma, are you calling out to me? When a baby says so then, do you mean a female personis this the thing why Im feeling like this

When she reacted to the babys crying voice, would the breast milk that Ive been sucking a while ago come outbecause, Mother seemed to have some too. However since I wasnt crying, but when its just a baby charming someone, there is a providence of coming to want to give the baby some milk.

Im truly sorryAnna Marie-san. If I dont get the Adventurerskill then, even if I would be able to walk, I wont be able to receive quests in the guild!

Though I wasnt planning on taking on quests when I learn how to walk, but since my physique and magic attainments are considerably high now then, even if Im still a baby, I would be stronger than an adult that has not been training their body. Of course, the damage received changes according to the size of ones body, though I as a baby would be impossible to be able to strengthen more than papa, I would be able to defeat a low level monster with just a punch. Ill already make the preparations for receiving an order of a quest.

(TLN:Future Hiroto? No thanks.


Since Ive already taken for the physique skill, then would be added to my damage correctionto say that how much it is concretely, a goblins HP is then it would be possible for me to just defeat him with one attack. Since I wont be fighting a goblin while Im still a baby, though Im not able to try it. If its the monsters in the forest of the vicinity of Mizerre, I would be able to knock them all out with a hard battle excluding the orcs.

Anyways, it would be better for me to go to the guild earlier. Since the experience obtained in quests are a lot, if its the same with the game, then it would be more efficient to raise the level by accepting quests. Small fry monster subjugation and delivering material goods would have enough income for me.

While I was making an excuse with this and that, Anna Marie-san has already taken off her leather armor and she tried to tuck up her underwear like the shape of a tank top. When the force that has been excellently hidden well inside jumped out, what was inside of the armor was an unexpected growth that couldnt be understood while it inside the armor.

To look at me so much like thateven though youve been averting you gaze at me a while ago so much. Hiroto-kun, do you like breasts that much?

Rather than saying that I like it after all of the things Ive done, ITS ALREADY MY LIFE WORK


You are now receiving Anna MariesBreastfeed skill. Your Hp has been replenished.

You have a feeling that you are now able to acquire the Adventurer skill.

Anna Marie smiled.

Nhhit was possible for me to truly do it, even IHiroto-kun, is it delicious?

Anna Marie gently asked that to me. The following action that I must do without failhas already flowed into me.


You have used Request onto Anna Marie.


You are now receiving Anna mariesBreastfeed skill.Your Hp has been replenished.

You have obtained the skill Adventurer!

I-I seeso it was still insufficient. Well this is how youre growing up

I utterly and sincerely apologize unto youhowever, I shall definitely accomplish this!

Even with an adventurer skill is , I would still be treated as a Novice adventurer and be able to accept requests. When thinking about the efficiency of level raising, it would be more better to take moreits truly a great thing that Anna Marie-san came here.

But, you shouldnt be too much in a hurry. You should slowly grow upOkay, thats the end


Anna Marie has recovered from the charmed state.

Woah, that was fastwas there such a fast recovering like this

To the people who have resistance, they are likely to naturally recover when the charm hangs unto them. But this rapidnessperhaps Anna Marie-sans charm resistance is much stronger than Monica-san.

And thus, Charisma effect didnt get invoked at her. Though it is correct that I was able to get the adventurer skill, I couldnt see what kind of status she hadthough Im considerably anxious about it, there was no helping with it.

Anna Marie-san who is fixing her clothes, poked my nose and laughed.

Its bad to want to do more okay? In the future. Only for today, Ill leave it as a secret

As Ive thought, this person has perceived my abilitynevertheless, the charm has still hung on her

Though Ive thought that she was a regular adventurer, this person similarly with Serra-san, has a big secret with themis what Ive felt on them. When I grow up a little more, if I acquire a bit of experience as an adventurer, will I be able to understand her.

Sorry to keep you waiting, the preparation are over. Anna Marie-san, would it be possible or you to set up the table?

Okay, Ill do anything that is necessary!

Oh my, Hirotothat, what is the thing youre holding to? A pendant?

This, I gave it to Hiroto in exchange for letting me stay here. Please accept it by all means

Oh nois it alright? It seems to be expensive

Its alright, I, for one am truly happy to stay in here

While looking at Remillia mama and Anna Marie-sans exchange, my desire to want to be able to talk became stronger. To want to talk a lot with people, my past self would even think of thisHowever.

There are a lot of things that I cant understand if I wont speak of it. Serra-san, Anna Marie-sanwho in the world are they, but its inelegant to possess any interest on them. To a mysterious thing, one would become curious of it.

Because I have reincarnated, I wanted to know a lot about this world a bitthese girls for sure will know the world that Ive been surprised about

The super unique item that rarely drops in the game, a female adventurer just gave it without regret.

I for a long time afterwards, have known her true colors.

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