Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 183 Sarah Is Here

The next morning Michael woke up with a confused and worried face. Sarah didn't come home last night!

What actually happened? Where did the woman go? Did she decide to run away like he thought?

Michael immediately shook his head. He started again! He had to stop guessing like that about Sarah!

Michael sighed. Everything must be fine. Or… could something happen to Sarah? Did she have an accident? What if she was in the hospital right now?

"Stop it, Michael!" Michael muttered again, shaking his head. Looks like he's starting to lose his mind!

"Let's just wait. Sarah must be home!" said Michael trying to cheer himself up and decided to wait a little longer there.

After a while, Michael began to feel bored and hungry. He ended up choosing to see if there was anything he could eat in Sarah's refrigerator, but there's nothing there! He only found a milk box which had been opened but Michael decided not to take it.

Michael finally took his cellphone and decided to call James, asking the man to buy breakfast and have it delivered to this apartment.

However, when Michael tried to call James, suddenly his cell phone vibrated and an unknown number called him.

Michael's brow furrowed at the number he didn't save. This cellphone number is a new number, so only few people know about it.

If anyone knew the number, it would be his co-worker or business partner, but as Michael recalled he had registered all the numbers of his business partners.

Then who called him?

Michael finally decided to take the call out of curiosity. If this turns out to be from a stranger wanting to contact him asking for cooperation, Michael swears he will make that person regret contacting him!

"Wait… what if this is Sarah?" thought Michael. When he had an accident, his cellphone broke so he had to change his number. Couldn't the same thing happen to Sarah?

Not that he wanted anything to happen to her, but the possibility remained!

"Hello?" said Michael who unconsciously held his breath. He was suddenly nervous. What if his conjecture turns out to be true?

"Hello. Is it with Michael?" Michael frowned when he heard a woman's voice. From the tone of her voice, it seemed to be an old woman.

"Yeah, who's this with?" asked Michael, trying to contain his emotions. The old woman clearly knew his number and name, which meant that she knew about him. He swore if this was a call to get him to cooperate…

"I don't know if you remember me. I am Teresa."

Michael was silent for a long time, trying to think who it was, before the expression on his face showed that he remembered her. It was the woman he had met while on a picnic with Sarah.

The mother of the orphanage where Sarah grew up.

"Oh, yes! How are you? I should have called you first. I apologize," Michael said politely.

"I'm fine. Thank you. Actually… Sarah is here."

Michael's expression looked surprised when he heard that. It turns out that Sarah has been hiding in her orphanage all this time.

"I don't know what happened between the two of you so Sarah decided to run away here, but as husband and wife, you guys have to sort things out," Teresa continued in a soft tone.

"Okay, thanks for calling me. I'll be there soon," said Michael, who really thanked the old woman. It seemed the old woman thought they were still married, and Sarah ran away because they were fighting. The woman then decided to call him thinking that was the best thing to do.

Michael is really grateful for that! Why did he not even think about the orphanage mother he met at that time? He even has her business card.

After the call ended, Michael decided to hurry back to his apartment, and prepared to call Sarah.


Michael looked at the GPS installed in his car, then at the building with a large courtyard filled with children playing. Looks like he came to the right place.

"So Sarah grew up here," Michael muttered as he saw the surrounding looking green. A suitable place to raise children

His gaze then stared at a car parked in front of the orphanage. From the model of the car, Michael knew that it was rich people, it seemed that a guest had come to adopt a child.

As soon as Michael got out of his car and walked towards the orphanage, several children seemed to recognize him and immediately ran to him. One of them is Leon, the child that wants to be adopted by Michael.

When he entered the courtyard, Michael immediately opened his arms and crouched down, accepting the children who were running towards him excitedly.

He then greeted them and stroked the children's heads one by one with a big smile on his face. The children looked happy, and started talking at the same time to invite Michael to play with them.

"Alright, alright. Uncle will play with you, but first uncle wants to meet the beautiful woman who was with uncle at that time. Do you know where she is?" Michael asked after greeting them.

He wanted to play with them, especially after seeing their excited reactions. However, right now he had to meet Sarah.

"Auntie is in the backyard. I will show uncle the way!" Leon then took Michael's hand and agreed to be his guide.

Michael then immediately stood up, before he left, he told the other children that he would play with them later. Make the children immediately smile again when they hear it.

"I'm glad uncle came!" said Leon who was still holding Michael's hand and showed him the way to the backyard.

It made Michael feel a little guilty. In fact, he had somewhat forgotten about it. He could have made excuses for everything that had happened to him, but he knew it would only make him look pathetic.

"Uncle is also happy to see Leon again," Michael said softly with a smile.

Leon then looked at Michael with a big smile, his face looked happy. He then immediately stopped and pointed forward.

"That's the aunt."

Michael then followed the direction of Leon's finger and his face immediately changed when he saw what Leon was pointing at.

Sarah was there, but she wasn't alone.

She was with the blond man and Michael had seen the man before.

It was her doctor friend who had lunch with Sarah when he wanted to surprise her.

,m "Why is that man here? Did something happen between them? Do they have a relationship? Why do they stare like that? Why are they standing so close? Why is that guy trying to grab Sarah's arm?" Michael thought as he saw the scene in front of him.

"Ahh… looks like they have a relationship," Michael muttered under his breath and a sad expression appeared on his face. He then immediately turned his body, and moved his feet to go away from there.

Suddenly, Michael turned back and walked towards them.

He had acted foolishly before by just walking away in the past. He won't do the same thing again!

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