Climbing the Tower to Be a God With 10x Gacha System

Chapter 15: Nyx, The Mother Of The Night

"Remember Master James, each class on these cards is what the gods will bestow upon you, choose accordingly, although everything will be random, but be careful."

As soon as these words entered James' ears, it dawned on him that the gods were divided into tiers. That meant that every red card around was a class of the lowest to maybe the middle tier. The others should be the classes given by the high and really [top-tier] gods.

James was incredibly confused, he didn't know what to choose. There were exactly 7 black cards that he could count, and two of them were so black that the colour itself was barely visible, and if the surrounding area wasn't so white, he wouldn't even be able to see the cards.

Scratching his head in exasperation, James took a deep breath and looked towards the blackest cards.

"I think you've got your eye on those two cards, Master James, but I'm not quite sure why those two."

James, who had heard Ronald's sudden curiosity, calmly replied, "I have a feeling that I should choose one of those two, but I can't choose which one."

"A feeling huh? Interesting." Ronald retorted, sounding a little sarcastic.

James chose to ignore it, even though he could feel the eyes of many gods on him.

When he looked right above him, it was as if thousands of eyes were fixed on him and watching his every move. This strange feeling gave him goosebumps, it was very aggressive, but not flattering.

James paused for a few seconds as he moved his hand to the second card from the left of the row, the left one of the black cards. Something inside him seemed to be telling him that he would regret choosing this one.

He instantly turned to the card on the right and after waiting for a second, he shook his head left and right, his heart was pounding, it was obvious that this was the right choice because his mind was very, very clear, as if someone was stroking him by the hair with motherly love.

"I choose this one...." James said aloud and then picked up the card. At that moment, all the cards in front of him disintegrated and disappeared with a small glow, creating a window in front of him:

[Class- Warrior of the Night[Godly++++]

You are the chosen one, the real chosen one. Have you ever heard of the daughter of Chaos? Have you ever heard the name of the might that Zeus, the god of gods, trembled before? Have you heard the name of the greatest goddess of reality and distance?

Nyx, Mother of the Night will always watch over and protect you, as her warrior you must honour her.

All status points will increase by +10 from midnight to the morning sun.

The user will be 80% more stealthy during night hours.

Users will gain a 20% critical attack chance during night hours.

The user has gained the [Exploit(Godly+)] ability.

The user gains the [Night Vision(Legendary++++)] ability.

The user has gained the [Thread of Fate(Godly)] ability.

The user has gained the [Dark Step(Legendary-improvable)] ability.]

When James read the writings in front of him one by one, he turned left and right as if he was confused, and when he finally couldn't stand it and turned to Ronald, he saw something he never expected to see.

Ronald's mouth was open to the floor, his hunchback was protruding, and you could tell he was sweating with surprise.

"Ummm...what the hell happened?" asked James suddenly, not expecting to win what the daughter of Chaos had sent him. He had an unlimited number of gods or goddesses to choose from. Selene, Zeus, Hadur, Ma'at and many more.

Out of the hundreds and thousands of gods and goddesses that could have been chosen and found by chance, she was one of the three most powerful figures in Greek Mythology and literally the strongest Goddess in all mythologies.

Nyx, Mother of the Night. She is the daughter of Chaos and the wife of Erebus, the son of Chaos. She is the mother of Aether, Hemera, Moros, Keres, Thanatos, Hypnos, Nemesis and many other high gods and goddesses.

She is a goddess that even Zeus trembles in front of her, cannot look at her sideways and cannot even look her in the eye unless Nyx allows it.

She is the only holy being who can control Erebus, the god of darkness, and the only one who connects day and night.

She is the most powerful there is.

"Lady Nyx.....Someone managed to choose Lady Nyx...Am I dreaming? Is it true?" Ronald was delirious as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing and holding his ears, he instantly started laughing like crazy and the following words came out of his mouth:

"Oh great Moirai! Oh Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, do you choose this young man to be your mother's warrior and best friend? Can you see so much potential in him, O great fates? O Moros, the supreme fate itself, if ever you see him so great, what can we say!"

After these words, James looked at Ronald with concern as if he did not understand what was happening, but at that very moment, he felt all the hairs on his body stand on end and looked up at the dark sky.

Thousands, tens of thousands of eyes were looking at him, and right in the centre of them was a pair of violet eyes looking at him. The pupils of the eyes were made of stars, these purple eyes seemed to be looking into James' soul.

Around these eyes, 26 large eyes suddenly opened, representing 13 people. Even though each of these eyes was watching James with different emotions, James's eyes could only fixate on those black and blue stars, he could not take his eyes away from them in the sense of the word. Worry and fear disappeared from his body and were replaced by compassion, joy, happiness and hope.

Two words came out of his mouth for everyone and everything to hear:

"It's beautiful..."

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