Climbing the Tower to Be a God With 10x Gacha System

Chapter 138: Poison Master (2)

At James' words, the poison seemed to begin to change again.

As Noah began to change the poison, another message notification appeared in front of him:

[Are you out of your mind?! He's not ev ready for the next poison, are you trying to kill him?!]

Noah frowned wh he read the words on the message from Nyx and th closed the message window with his tongue and said, "Your job is to be the mother of the night and mine is to be the master of the poison, do not question my thoughts and professionalism in my work, that is the only thing I won't accept from you old Nyx." He was angry.

With these words, the colour of the poison in the transpart cauldron began to turn greyish, and at that very momt, blood began to ooze from James' closed mouth.

Noah seemed excited by this sight.

"I just gave you a poison at least 50 times stronger than the poison I gave you five minutes ago, but you just waited with blood oozing out of your mouth, it doesn't make any sse, I can't understand how you can be so susceptible to poison?"

Wh Noah uttered these words, his excitemt began to increase involuntarily, wagging his tail left and right like a dog and expressing his excitemt in this way.

However, something very differt was happing in James' body.

James realised that the burning in his body was no longer an issue, instead, he noticed that his aura was getting heavier. The fire in his aura was fighting against the poison itself, as if his aura, which had just be afraid to come out, had begun to counterattack. Basically, his aura and slight point of his magic were fighting and combining with the poison.

James could feel the veins in his body being squeezed and attacked every second, but luckily his aura was strong ough that it was becoming stronger and stronger.

The magic rings a his heart were being protected by his aura, so he was not in any danger to his life, yet his expression was twisted with pain.

He didn't really know what was happing, but instead of his aura, the outside of his body was protected by another ergy, and ev though he didn't know what was happing, his power was undergoing a great change.

It was as if the strgth of his body was constantly increasing. Not only that, but he seemed to be starting to feel quite comfortable himself, after only a short time the blood stopped flowing from his mouth and James began to heal.

"Unbelievable," Noah said, and not only him, but all the Chaos-Born and the rest of the Chaos-Born watching him agreed.

Nyx and the others had se James' profile and especially what his stamina stat was, something like his body withstanding such a poison shouldn't have existed.

Every single person prest seemed to be watching a miracle.

Noah had locked his gaze on James, crawling left and right and wagging his tail left and right, thinking about how much pottial James had and wishing he could teach him.

While Noah was thinking these thoughts, he suddly transformed, and after his transformation into his human form, he sat on the g and th wrote a message to Nyx:

[I see the 8 sacred fires and the traces of time in his aura, and the aura of his body and the magic itself accepts the poison. O holy Nyx, I think we are witnessing the birth of a new poison master, I think the th poison master is born.]

This message appeared publicly in the Hall of Olympus. Achlys, one of the poison masters inside the tower, suddly stood up and began to read the message window with a big smile.

Achlys was a great goddess, indeed there was no one better than her in Olympus in terms of poison, and she was ranked 4th in the list of poison masters.

According to the ancit writer Nonnus, Hera herself wt to Achlys only to buy poisonous flowers from the goddess and turned Dionysus' nurses into horned ctaurs.

In short, Achlys was a great goddess, whether it was to start a fight, kill someone or make someone crawl.

"You look pleased, young Achlys." Nyx suddly said, and Achlys, who suddly stood up after these words, said shyly, "Forgive me, my lady, it has be almost 300 million years since the birth of a poison master, this is exciting. The fact that Master Noah is saying this makes it all the more certain," she said and sat back down.

Nyx clched her jaw wh she heard those words and th asked, "Huh...Achlys, Noah told you the same thing, didn't he? He ev trained you to be an amazing one."

Wh the young goddess nodded, everyone smiled and rejoiced with great joy that James would grow stronger.

James growing stronger meant that Olympus would grow stronger, James growing stronger meant that the Chaos-Born would grow stronger, James growing stronger would, as always, threat to dislodge those in power inside the tower.

All this meant that he gained more emies than he gained frids. After all ev tho Nyx can block the views for some certain point it wouldn't always work, that means the strong gods and goddesses that can somehow pierce Nyx's magic can see what is happing with James.

"The poison masters will love him, my lady, don't worry. As you know, each of us, myself included, are mad creatures. Cain, one of the three main admins, my master Noah, and many others." Achlys said, and Nyx laughed wh the young woman said those words:

"Hahahaha! Isn't that so? Indeed, those with power are absurd personalities. Masters of death like Thanatos, masters of lightning like Zeus, masters of water like Poseidon, and many more. With all due respect, you are all mad.

Poison masters are the least predisposed and complete mastery style after the masters of time and fate, which makes it a really big deal, I have to hand it to you Achlys, you deserve respect."

These words spok by Nyx were indeed words of great respect and thoughtfulness.

After all, time and fate were elemts and laws that you could not learn unless those who used them taught you, ev if they were difficult to use, but the poison was not like that, it was an elemt that you would never succeed in using if you did not have the will to use it with pottial and the intelligce not to kill yourself.

That's why there were only masters among millions of users.

And today, the birth of the th was being witnessed.

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