
171 Chapter 171

[ Are you ready for the next Challenge? Yes/No ]

"Yes." - Ian

[ Third Challenge: Defeat 1/1 ]

[ Your HP will be restored to full. ]

The moment the system messages disappear, a flash of emerald light blinds me. I close my eyes and shield my face, but I notice a debuff was applied on me.

[[ Emerald Gaze - Affected user is slowed for 1 minute. -50% Agility 00:00:59 ]

"What? AHHH!" - Ian

A feel something sharp stab the right side of my chest. I grab it with my left hand and feel a cold, hard scythe-like object. I pull it out while thrusting my spider legs forward, but I only hit the air. The cold object slips away from my grasp, and I see something dash to the side, out of my vision. My eyes start to get used to the darkness and I activate Enhanced Agility while focusing on the moving target.

However, the target moves faster than my eyes, getting behind me. I Quickstep forward but was too slow. My back gets stabbed in 3 different places and the force from the attack pushes me forward, knocking me off my feet. A hand presses my face down to the ground as my back gets repeatedly stabbed, killing me before I had a chance to retaliate. The whole fight was so fast and one-sided, but at least I was able to determine the enemy.

It was myself.

The third challenge was to defeat me. I thought it was another Emerald Eyed Desert Spider after the Emerald Gaze was cast, however, the cold scythe-like object and the knife that stabbed into me were clear indicators that it was a clone or a mirror of myself.

Now, that begs the question. How do I kill myself? Especially since I couldn't see anything, while it seemed like the clone could see everything. Its movement and accuracy were too on point for it to be guessing where I am.

The moment I spawn, I immediately Quickstep to the side, expecting the clone to cast Emerald Gaze, however, I couldn't be more wrong. Instead of Emerald Gaze, I was met with a Earth Spike piercing my thigh and immobilizing me. I hit the spike with the handle of my knife, breaking it, but it was too late, a flash of emerald light engulfs me. I retaliate with my own Emerald Gaze, but I see the clone Quickstep to the side, dodging it and using Cleave on my left spider leg.

With my Agility halving, I couldn't keep up with the clone's attack. Instead, I do my best to stall for time, learning more about my clone's attack pattern before dying. I was able to see the clone's expert use of my spider legs. With each stab or thrust of the knife, the legs would pierce the air to the left or right, forcing me to always decide if I want to be stabbed by the leg or by the knife.

Furthermore, it weaved Cleave and Quickstep aggressively into its attack. Quickstep close to my body and stab my sides with the legs before using Cleave on my unprotected stomach. Even with a broken knife, an attack on a defenseless body will do considerable damage.

With each attempt, the clone used different strategies to kill me, as if it knew what I was planning. If I thought I was going to dash to the side, it would immobilize me with either Earth Spike or its spider legs. If I cast Emerald Gaze, it would dodge to the side, casting Emerald Gaze in response. I even tried activating Charge the moment I spawn, but it met me with its own Charge.

However, with each attempt I do, I last longer and longer. I exchange blows with the clone more and more often. My knife would clash against his and my spider legs would block his. A dance in the dark, completed by both the real and the fake.

Days passed with me dying over and over again, but by the 4th day of trying to kill my clone, I was able to match the clone for hours back to back. I had died over 25 times with the bulk of the deaths in the first two days, however the latter two days I was able to keep contending with the clone, only dying 4 times.

My knife drew closer and closer to victory, just missing by a bit each time. My proficiency with the spider legs had grown immensely during the time I was fighting the clone. I took in its attacks, copying and utilizing them for my own. My spider legs became more nimble and accurate, narrowly missing the vital spots of the clone.

I became more knowledgeable about my other skills as well. I had thought Quickstep could only be used horizontally, moving along the ground and quickly dodging. However, I saw the clone use Quickstep to step up my legs as I pierce the ground. It leaned its body to the side as it got closer to my head, slicing my throat without any hesitation and sliding off my back, finishing me with its spider legs.

It also used Cleave to attack twice in quick succession. The first attack was a slice at my face, which I leaned my head back to dodge, but it activated Cleave slicing diagonally across my body. I had known that weaving Cleave into attacks would maximize the damage, but to immediately cast Cleave the moment it attacked missed, forcing your hand to move in the opposite direction, was something I didn't about.

The clone also taught me about Charge. I had canceled the skill using Quickstep before, however, I didn't know that casting Cleave would also cancel the skill. What more is that using Earth Spike or Emerald Gaze wouldn't cancel Charge. The clone blocked my retreat with an Earth Spike and baited my Quickstep with Emerald Gaze, forcing me to take the brunt of the damage from Charge. Followed up by a Cleave to my stomach and spider legs piercing my head.

It also escaped Predator Instinct's passive by weaving into my blind spots, making me constantly need to adjust my attacks since I lost the stats gained by Predator Instinct once it left my sight. To counter this from happening, I had to try to keep my distance, while only approaching in bursts, using Charge or Quickstep to close the gap as quickly as possible.

On the 30th attempt, it finally ended. I was able to kill the clone by letting myself take a hit. I let myself get stabbed by an Earth Spike, making it approach me and use Emerald Gaze. I activate Charge as I break the spike, dashing towards the clone as the emerald light engulfs me. I cast an Earth Spike behind the clone, using its own strategy against it, and as it attempts to Quickstep back it is stopped by the spike.

Reaching the clone, I tackle its body, grabbing onto its arms while the spider legs wrestle together. With our bodies being so close to each other, it was unable to use its Agility against me. I cast Emerald Gaze at point-blank with my remaining MP, slowing the clone down. I push the clone to the ground, mounting it and as the debuff wears off, I let loose a flurry of attacks.

Knives and spider legs clash against one another, creating sparks in the dark space, but I had the advantage for the first time in all my 27 attempts. Mounting the clone reduced the potential of the spider legs. Evan had suggested this strategy since the legs come out from my back. Having it pressed on the ground makes it unable to move freely, with only the knee joint moving the legs it was unable to produce the same about of strength. Ultimately, the clone died, and I received system messages associated with it.

[ You have completed the Third and Final Challenge: Defeat 0/1]

[ Congratulations ]

[ Would you like to see your rewards? ]

"Yes." - Ian

[ Here is your reward,

Araneae Ring

Skill: Buffalo Horns

Bonus for completing a cursed challenge: +10 Strength, +10 Vitality, +5 Intelligence, +5 Agility ]

[Araneae Ring

Intelligence +5

Skill: Summon Spider

A jet black ring with a small red hourglass on the outside. It stores the spirit of a spider, which manifests at the user's call. ]

p Summon Spider (Active) - Summon a small venomous spider, the size of a hand. It has no MP cost however, if the spider were to die, it would take 1 week before the skill can be used again. Duration 24 hours. Cooldown 24 hours if the spider is alive.

[ You may now exit the Ikanda. ]

The space around me warps. The darkness escapes as light breaks through a gap, blinding me. I shield my eyes and the moment the light fades away, I see that I am back in the Ikanda room that I had entered a week ago. I let out a sigh of relief and walked toward the exit. I place my hand on the door and check my stats one last time before I exit.

Name: Ian

Race: Arachne

Faith: 4534/10,000 ( Reach 10,000 to pick a Religion )

Happiness: 25  ( Happy ) 1000/1000 ( Reach 1000 for a Golden Age )

Culture: 35 / 500 ( Reach 500 to choose the first Social Policy )

Health Points (HP): 90/90

Mana Points (MP): 22/22

Strength: 45

Vitality: 45

Intelligence: 45

Dexterity: 30

Agility: 55

Luck: 36

Skill: Enhanced Agility, Quickstep, Cleave, Charge, Stealth, Emerald Gaze, Earth Spike, Eye of the Roc (Passive), Predator Instinct (Passive), Limb Regrowth (Passive), Buffalo Horns (Passive),

Equipment: Lucky Goblin Totem Necklace, Araneae Ring

I push open the door and see the busy citizens of HavenFall rushing around. Right next to the door, as if waiting for me to come out, was Melody.

"IAN! You finally came out!" - Melody

Melody jumps up from her spot, hugging me the moment I exit the Ikanda. Her scream alerted everyone and within moments the whole place was erupting in cheers. Gently escaping Melody's hug, I raise my arms out wide and with a booming voice, I alert everyone of my presence.

"I'm back everyone!" - Ian

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