Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Chapter 287: You Won't Be Able To Catch Up (2)

Chapter 287: You Won't Be Able To Catch Up (2)

Even though it was a winter night, it didn’t feel that cold due to the rising heat.

The dense and powerful Combat Qi made what was happening on the other side obvious.


Leaving the heat behind, Wi Seol-Ah continued walking as she stepped on a leaf.

She felt the urge to go to a place where the moon was clearly visible.

-Are you sure you don’t want to see it?

She didn’t listen to the voice in her head.

Even though the voice in her head sounded worried, she ignored it because of her current situation.

Because she would have to return immediately as the test was only stopped for a moment, she didn’t go that far.

Fortunately, she arrived at a place with moonlight shining down after walking for a while.

Just as she was about to reach her destination…

“This is unexpected.”

The person following her spoke.

She knew that she was being followed.

“I thought you would have been watching him.”


“Guess you’re not that curious, huh”

She could feel his lowly emotions as the face of the smiling man began to crack.

Wi Seol-Ah didn’t say anything special to him.

She didn’t feel like exchanging words with him.

“Even though you left without listening to my request.”

“I have no obligation to listen to your requests.”

Wi Seol-Ah’s sharp response made Jang Seonyeon.

“I’ve always felt like this, but I still don’t understand.”

“About what.”

“The reason you despise me this much.”

Wi Seol-Ah remained emotionless despite hearing Jang Seonyeon.

“I haven’t done anything to you, so why do you hate me so much?”

“Not yet.”


Jang Seonyeon smiled bitterly on hearing her firm response.

“You seem pretty certain that I’ll do something.”

“Am I wrong?”

Wi Seol-Ah’s voice was calm.

Jang Seonyeon had to shut his mouth on hearing her respond with certainty.

“…How cruel of you.”

“You aren’t denying it though.”

“Will you believe me if I deny it?”



Jang Seonyeon chuckled as thoughts that hadn’t been bothering him as of late now occupied his mind.

It’s twisted.

It felt as if the smooth and easy path t had gotten all twisted.

Since when?

When did things start getting twisted?

His thoughts and plans were always perfect.

Moreover, he was also confident that he was talented enough to support her.

But then, why…

Let alone the others around him, for some reason, it felt like things about the lady before him were gradually getting more twisted.

The Young Prodigies and people around him always admired him, yet the one person he desired did not. That made him wonder, how things ended up like this.

Even though Jang Seonyeon already knew the answer, he didn’t want to believe it.

It’s because of that bastard.

Jang Seonyeon thought about a certain someone.

It was the person he didn’t pay much attention to when they first met.

All he could remember was that his gaze felt different.

Murderous intent.

The bastard’s gaze back then was filled with murderous intent.

And he wasn’t even trying to hide it, with his eyes filled with contempt.

Jang Seoyeon was unable to forget that moment as it was the first time someone looked at him with such a gaze.


Jang Seonyeon couldn’t understand.

He hadn’t even done anything to him ‘yet’.

And even if he did, he would’ve ensured that it couldn’t be traced back to him.

It was just plain murderous intent.

Jang Seonyeon wasn’t used to such gazes, but he didn’t dwell on it for too long.

It’s because he’s jealous.

Jang Seonyeon told himself that those eyes were looking at him with jealousy.


Jang Seonyeon sighed internally.

He felt pathetic that he believed that.

Jealousy huh.

That bastard was jealous of him?No way.

It was his stage to shine, but a different bastard took the spotlight.

The True Dragon.

Just the mere thought of that title made him feel sick inside and made his heart race.


Why is that bastard in the same generation as me?

Every time he went to bed, thoughts like this would haunt him.

He never imagined that there would be a day when he would utter such shameful words.

Just like his title, the bastard was a Dragon hiding himself among a nest of snakes.

Every time he shook his giant body, the snakes who were barely managing to hold on fell off.

That was what it felt like when he made his debut.

‘The Beggar’s Sect turned their attention away from him and I was given the title, Meteor Sword. But how far will that take me?’

Jang Seonyeon knew it very well.

Especially when he displayed such excellence from a distance.

…Is he trying to show me?

Jang Seonyeon clenched his teeth while thinking about the bastard’s intentions.

He wondered if the bastard was discharging this much presence and Combat Qi just to openly display his strength.

Jang Seonyeon was certain.

-You hate me as well.

It was what Gu Yangcheon said to him when J asked about why he hated him so much.

His rude manner of talking and his taunting expression that infuriated him, but at the same time, it also made him wonder.

How did he know?

For some reason, the way Gu Yangcheon looked and spoke to him was as if he knew everything about Jang Seonyeon.

Even though he hadn’t heard about or seen him before the tournament of Dragons and Phoenixes.

I’m not fond of him.

How could he be fond of him?

After all, that bastard took away his spotlight.


I also hate the fact that he has enough talent to back it up.

Even though he didn’t want to admit it, compared to the other Young Prodigies, that bastard was in an entirely different league.

He was like a bright star shining alone, as if he was cast down by the heavens.


How ironic.

Even if the geniuses from the Meteor Generation were called stars, the bastard was at a completely different level.

And that was why…

I have to get rid of him.

He had to erase him.

After all, he was the one who had to shine the brightest.

The Sword Dragon and the Water Dragon bothered him as well, but not as much as Gu Yangcheon.

Still frustrated by thoughts, Jang Seonyeon stared at the lady standing before him.

Although her face was hidden with a face cover, she was a very beautiful lady.

he didn't feel like that when he first met her, but as time went by,  it felt like her beauty carried more light.

Her beauty seemed to complement the sunlight rather than moonlight.

Though, because her sword art was created by the moonlight, it was the opposite.

The lady became more beautiful as the days went by, and her background was especially intriguing to Jang Seonyeon.

The sole disciple of the Sword Emperor.

Moreover, the lady had great talent.

Even if Gu Yangcheon is talented…

Was he really more impressive than the lady who overcame her wall in just a year?

“I hope you still remember it.”Wi Seol-Ah bit her lips after hearing Jang Seonyeon.

“If I manage to get the top spot in this place, you will be mine.”

The wager he made with Wi Seol-Ah before coming to the Academy.

In response, she asked him.

“…Did you forget about what would happen if you don’t?”

“Oh, that?”

Jang Seonyeon smiled after hearing Wi Seol-Ah.

When Wi Seol-Ah saw the emotion hidden behind his smile, she frowned.

“If I don’t, I will gladly listen to your request.”

What was it?

She wanted his father’s assistance to enter the Heavenly Abyss of Birth.

And she also wanted one of the precious treasures of the Taeryung Clan.

“Can I ask you something?”


It didn’t look like Wi Seol-Ah was listening, but Jang Seonyeon continued speaking regardless.

“Why do you like him so much?”


When Jang Seonyeon brought up Gu Yangcheon, Wi Seol-Ah’s voice and gaze turned cold.

But that didn’t stop Jang Seonyeon.

“I know that you were his servant, but is that really a precious memory for you? It was just for a year.”

“What do you know to speak so rashly?”

“I’m asking you because I don’t, but it seems that you are very angry.”

She still looked beautiful as she ground her teeth in anger.

“Moreover, I heard that he is engaged to someone now.”


“It would be understandable if the two of you built up some affection during your time as a servant, but do you really think there’s a place left for you?”

Hearing Jang Seonyeon, Wi Seol-Ah reacted furiously.

It was always like this. Whenever that bastard was brought up, Wi Seol-Ah always became weak.

Did she really love him that much?

Did she truly desire him?

Even though he didn’t like this method, it was the easiest way to get her riled up.


“It seems like you accepted our wager because you believed that I wouldn’t be able to clinch the top spot because of him.”

Wi Seol-Ah probably felt like the wager was going to be easy as she heard that the True Dragon would also be attending the Heavenly Dragon Academy.

Moreover, as Wi Seol-Ah herself was going to attend as well, she probably believed that she would win their wager rather easily.

But it seems like you don’t know yet.

If he was blocking the path to the top spot, all he had to do was drag him down.

It seemed like she was still unaware of simple things like that.

It seems like your mind is filled with flowers.

The world wasn’t all that peaceful, but unfortunately, it seemed like she still thought that they were living in a peaceful world.

If I go any further, she will draw her sword .

Jang Seonyeon knew that Wi Seol-Ah had reached her limit and was now holding back her emotions.

Would Wi Seol-Ah be able to contain herself if he just uttered one more word??Jang Seonyeon was very curious.

“Watch carefully. I will destroy him and make him look up to m– “


The sudden cold sensation made Jang Seonyeon charge his inner Qi instantly.

As expected, if things continued at this rate…



Jang Seonyeon froze because of how the situation turned out. It was not Wi Seol-Ah who drew her sword, but someone else who appeared before him like a ghost.

And he didn’t feel them approaching while talking with Wi Seol-Ah.

Wi Seol-Ah herself was surprised by the sudden person’s appearance as well.

A gentle breeze blew as silence and shock lingered.


Wi Seol-Ah’s voice flowed along with the wind.

The sudden intruder turned towards Wi Seol-Ah.

Bluish white hair that contained the moonlight, a blue outfit, and the Lightning Qi that surrounded her.

…That lady.

Jang Seonyeon was able to identify that person immediately.

Although she was wearing a face cover, a memory of her was etched deep in his mind.

Sword Dancer…?

It was the same lady who he defeated in the tournament of Dragons and Phoenixes.

The Sword Dancer, Namgung Bi-ah turned towards Wi Seol-Ah and stared at her.

Then, she waved her hand and replied.


Her quiet voice complemented her atmosphere.

Wi Seol-Ah looked shocked as she observed her.

“Sis… why are you…?”

“…I’ve been looking for you. I’m glad… I found you.”

“You were looking for me…?”


Wi Seol-Ah’s eyes trembled at Namgung Bi-ah’s response.

Still staring at Wi Seol-Ah, Namgung Bi-ah started to speak slowly.

“I haven’t had the chance to greet you yet…”

After informing her as to why she was looking for her, she spoke to Wi Seol-Ah once again.

“It’s been a while.”

“…Indeed, it has been a while.”

“Have you… been well…?”

The more Wi Seol-Ah listened to her monotone voice, the more warmth she felt from Namgung Bi-ah.

Like she was really looking forward to meeting her again.

However, Wi Seol-Ah wasn’t able to respond to Namgung Bi-ah.

She fidgeted her lips and remained silent.

Seeing her like that, Namgung Bi-ah tried to approach Wi Seol-Ah…

“Sword Dancer.”

But Jang Seonyeon stopped her.

“…It’s nice to see you, but I wasn’t done talking to her yet.”

Jang Seonyeon’s voice was unusually cold.

The back-to-back unexpected situations were making it hard for him to control his emotions.

“So, how about you talk to her lat– “

“And you are?”


Jang Seoeon was speechless as Namgung Bi-ah turned around slowly and asked.

No, he must have misheard her. It wouldn’t make sense otherwise.

“What did you just…”

“Who… are you?”

However, Namgung Bi-ah gave him the same response, putting his doubts to rest.

Jang Seonyeon stared at Namgung Bi-ah after tilting his head in confusion.

She dared to ask who he was.

Jang Seonyeon struggled to calm his boiling emotions and forced a smile on his face.

Then, he took a step towards Namgung Bi-ah.

However, that wasn’t possible.

“Please stop joking, Sword Dancer.”

The lady who swung her sword at me desperately doesn’t remember who I am? Surely that’s not possible.

“There is no way that Sister forgot about m… “

“…Don’t get any closer.”

Namgung Bi-ah warned him not to get any closer as she gestured with her hand.

Her face cover had hidden her expressions, but it seemed like she was struggling with something from her voice .

Jang Seonyeon’s expression started shaking while he wondered what was happening…

“…You smell… so don’t come any closer…”

Namgung Bi-ah’s cold words shattered his mask.


A sea of flames surrounded the area.

Giant flames with pinkish hue were turning the area into a mess, as if they possessed their own will.



One of the Young Prodigies was swept by the wind, rose up in the air and fell to the ground.

This happened many times.

And this kept repeating as the instructors also didn’t know what to do. They were busy trying to get everything under control.


One of the trees was engulfed by the passing flames and…


It turned to ashes as the monstrous flames swept by.

Bi Eejin was reminded of hell as he watched the area engulfed in flames.


Bi Eejin admired the sight from a distance.

His control of Qi is amazing.

Despite the monstrous flames storming in the area, only a few things were  set ablaze and most of the surroundings remained untouched.

Even though he was using that much strength, it showed that he almost had perfect control.

At his age at that?


The Dishonored Venerable smiled while thinking about the owner of these fierce flames .

He went beyond his expectations.



When the heat reached their direction, Bibi, who was accompanying Bi Eejin, was surprised and hid behind him.*


Seeing that, Bi Eejin erected a Qi barrier without anyone noticing it.


Feeling that the heat had lessened a bit, Bibi watched the flames with sparkly eyes.

“Isn’t he amazing? How can he be like that…?”

“Is it fascinating?”

“Of course!”

Even if he was stronger than the other Young Prodigies, at the end of the day, he was still a Young Prodigy and his opponent was the great Sword Queen.

Despite that, his flames were so dense and hot that no one could tell what was happening there.


Bibi’s eyes sparkled in awe.

She believed that only her brother was capable of something like that.

Were all Six Dragons and Three Phoenixes similar?

It was understandable for her to feel disappointed due to the difference in levels, but that made it all the more fascinating for Bibi.

“I never imagined that the Sword Queen would be pushed back.”

“Who’s being pushed back?”

Hearing Bibi, Bi Eejin cut her off.

“Well, it seems like the Sword Queen can’t do anything. That means that she’s…”

“She can’t do anything huh…”


Bi Eejin stroked his chin, even though he did not have a beard, and showed a strange reaction after hearing Bibi.

Whenever he reacted like that, it either meant that Bibi said something strange or that he felt too lazy to correct her.


Feeling annoyed by his reaction,  Bibi was about to tickle Bi Eejin’s hips when…



The monstrous sound destroying the surroundings grew quiet and a flower petal flew towards Bibi and landed on her nose.


She tried touching it out of curiosity, but the petal shone for an instant, turned into dust and then scattered away.

Seeing that, Bibi hurriedly tried to tell Bi Eejina about it…

“Brother, just now…”

“Watch carefully. This is where it gets interesting.”

But Bi Eejin reacted as if he expected this to happen.

Bibi pouted after hearing Bi Eejin, but she listened to him and observed the center of the flames.

She was still unable to see anything, but then, she began to see a change.


Amongst the violent flames, she could see flowers mixed within.


What petals were they?

Bibi thought for a moment but she realized it immediately.

They were plum blossoms.

The plum blossoms rode the flames and began surrounding the area.

Seeing that sight, Bi Eejin thought to himself.

It’s not bad… but it’s not perfect either.

The strength of his Qi and his control was unbelievable, but it felt like something was lacking from his attacks.

The only one reason it looked like the Sword Queen was being pushed back was because she just kept dodging the violent flames and was trying to create some distance.



Plum blossoms turned into a gust and swept and blew all the flames into the air.


Bi Eejin exclaimed in admiration.

The flames had now disappeared, leaving no trace behind.

She changed, huh?

Bi Eejin thought about the Sword Queen as he observed her.

The old Sword Queen would’ve chosen a kinder method, but the current her was treating her junior rather violently.

She felt like a different person.

It was probably because the Sword Queen also had high expectations for that child.

It felt like she was telling him that just this much was disappointing and was asking him to show her more.

Her expectation of him was rather extreme.

Even Bi Eejin himself was satisfied by what he had just shown.

‘It seems she became a bit senile due to her age.’

If he said this directly, be it the Dishonored Venerable or anyone else, the Sword Queen would’ve drawn her sword, but it was probably It fine as he only thought of it in his mind.

It seemed like Bi Eejin was enjoying it as he turned away from the Sword Queen to look at her opponent.

So, what will you do now?

His flames were extinguished.

Though the heat still lingered, Gu Yangcheon simply stared at the Sword Queen with a big frown on his face.

He probably knew that this wasn’t the Academy’s exam, but the Sword Queen’s personal test.

I wonder what his next move is.

He seemed rather annoyed as he frowned in front of the almighty Sword Queen.

If Bi Eejin had to make a guess, it looked like Gu Yangcheon was asking the Sword Queen if this was enough, but the Sword Queen’s expression, full of expectations, remained unchanged.


Seeing her steadfastness, Gu Yangcheon let out a sigh.

It looked like he had given up.

Bi Eejin felt a bit disappointed.

He wasn’t disappointed because Gu Yangcheon had given up.

He’s going to hide it.

But because he was still planning to hide his true strength.

That was what made Bi Eejin disappointed.

But if it’s this much, that child is certainly the most…?

Whether he was disappointed or not, just as Bi Eejin was about to confirm that Gu Yangcheon was the perfect choice…

“Sword Queen, I hope that you will handle the aftermath.”

…Hmm? What do you mean by that?”

“It’s been an honor to fight against you.”

No sooner did Gu Yangcheon mutter those incomprehensible words…



Both Bi Eejin and the Sword Queen opened their eyes wide.

When Gu Yangcheon opened his palms and closed his eyes, the air around him began to change,

“Flaming Sphere.”

And the night sky changed as well.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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