Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 212 212: Master Teacher Val! (2)

Chapter 212 212: Master Teacher Val! (2)


With a roar that echoed in the vast coliseum, the level 50 Mountain Troll released a torrent of shockwaves. These waves, visible to the naked eye, sped toward Val, intending to crush him.

Caught off guard, nearly everyone in the spectator area were shaken by its thunderous roar, their ears ringing continuously as if they were struck on their heads by a hammer.

However, for the one closest to it, only he remained unaffected by the troll's mighty roar as he had used his soul power to form invisible earbuds, which he plugged into his ears the instant the troll had opened its mouth to release the roar.

The earbuds created using soul power canceled all outside noise, protecting his motor nerve from being paralyzed by the troll's roar.

As a result, he was not stunned.

Consequently, he was not caught off guard by the troll's signature move, which was paralyzing its opponent with its roar before smashing them apart with the shockwaves produced by its roar, he was still able to move. Thus, as the shockwaves neared, Val deftly rolled out of their path. The shockwaves missed him and smashed where he once stood, shattering the ground.

The shockwaves were truly powerful. If they were to crash on a normal person, even if they didn't explode on the spot, their internal organs would rupture and their bones would shatter, and they would die of excessive internal bleeding, organ failure, and pain.

After rolling to dodge its attack, Val stood up, patted the dust off his fashionable clothes, and turned to the crowd, saying, "A Mountain Troll's roar is loud and powerful enough to render the motor nerves of anyone nearby temporarily paralyzed, causing them to be hit by the shockwaves. But that only stands true if you hear it. To counteract it, simply plug your ears with your fingers if you're not a wizard. If you are, use wizardry to create plugs that can block the entrance to your ears. That should suffice."

Val had decided to use this opportunity to teach everyone a valuable lesson.

In this manner, although he wouldn't be as flashy as Clea, his achievement would be noticeable, and he would leave a favorable impression on everyone's mind. He would also impress the bigshots, which was his real goal. He wanted to meet Lucious after steengthning his image as a good guy in Lucious's mind, which will make it easier to get him to fullfill his request.

The crowd stared in disbelief. Some folks nudged their neighbors, their expressions oscillating between disbelief and shock.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"Is this really happening?!"

"Is he seriously giving us a lecture while battling a ferocious level 50 beast?"

From the sidelines, Oliver's voice cut through the crowd's murmur, "Behind you!"

Val swiftly turned around, just in time to see the Mountain Troll preparing its next move.

Val had just regained his stance when the troll charged forward with all its might, dashing towards him. Each time its large feet stomped the ground, a mini tremor was felt through the ground.

Seeing what it was up to, Val scoffed, 'Long-ranged attack didn't work. So it's planning to engage me in close combat. Who gave it the courage?'

with the Hellish Fist Skill, Val could end this fight instantly, but then his lecture would end prematurely, which he didn't want.

Thus, he ended up holding back, letting the monster approach up.

After closing the gap that existed between them, the Mountain Troll, with every ounce of its might, swung its fists.

First, it directed a straight punch towards Val, and then it swung left and right.

Its fists were so powerful that they picked up the wind in their wake, and so fast they were blurry to the naked eye. To the spectators, it appeared as though a series of blurry after-images were punching towards Val.

Val responded to the barrage of attacks by activating the Blood Rush and Titan's Reinforcement' abilities, experiencing a massive surge in his agility. The troll's attacks were already visible to his trained senses, but they became slower and clearer after the activation of his skills, allowing him to determine their trajectory with ease.

Manuvering his body using minimalist efforts, Val skillfully dodged each swing. He weaved through the barrage of punches, each time just narrowly evading the troll's powerful blows.

The first dodge could be considered a fluke.

The second one coukd be attributed to luck.

But after he dodged all of them, the spectators had no doubt about his ability.

"It feels like he is playing with the Mountain Troll."

"I also noticed that. He isn't simply dodging its attack. He is dodging its attack by a hair's breadth every time."

"A level 50 monster is being teased like a cat," Lucious chuckled.

Marshall had nothing to say. It was simply a ridicolous sight!

Why can't I hit him!

With all its attacks missing their mark, the Mountain Troll grew more and more frustrated. Overrun by anger, it made a mistake Val had been waiting for. It clasped its hands together, rearing them up high above its head, then, with all its strength, brought them crashing down towards Val, intending to squash him to death like a bug.

Seeing this, Val's eyes lit up. In his inky, black eyes, a glow appeared, one so bright it would've left anyone who saw it mesmerized.

'Now's my chance.'

Val made a risky move. Staying close to the ground, he propelled himself forward with an agile leap. The clasped fists of the troll missed him by a few inches and smashed where he was standing a millionth of a second ago.

At the same time, with dexterity and finesse, he slid behind the troll by maneuvering through the space between its massive legs.

A shimmering sword materialized in Val's hand, its blade etched with intricate, ancient runes that seemed to pulse with power. With confidence, he swung it.


The next instant, a collective gasp echoed throughout the coliseum.

The spectacle before the spectators was so astonishing that their eyes widened to the size of saucers, and their jaws plummeted with such force it felt as if they had torn the very fabric of reality.

Several onlookers blinked rapidly, convinced their eyes were playing tricks on them. A few others pinched themselves, thinking they might be trapped in a fantastical dream.

A gentleman even turned to his companion, waving his hand in front of his face and asking if they both saw the thing.

After getting a nod of approval, the gentleman's shock didn't die down. Instead, it surged to a whole new level.

What exactly happened?

Well, the flesh of the Mountain Troll, rumored to be impenetrable by any cursed weapon below rank-3, was effortlessly sliced by Val's spirit sword.

With a swift and precise cut, both of the troll's legs were severed!

Rendered legless, the massive monster crumpled to the ground with an earth-shaking thud.

"As you can see," Val began, his voice echoing in the silence, "a troll's lower body and its limited intelligence are its primary weaknesses. Hurt a few curses here and there, and you can drive them mad. Then, you can effortlessly bring them down if you restrict their mobility. Mages, taunt them into a rage, then aim all your spells at their legs while dodging their advances, and this will do the trick. The damage will accumulate, causing it to lag, making it an easy target. As for warriors, unless you're sure of your speed and strength, it's better not to confront one alone."

While continuing his lecture, Val deftly leaped onto the fallen troll's back and plunged his sword deep into the back of its head.

Because of its vitality, the troll did not perish despite having a blade stuck in its brain.

However, Its immense life force meant that even amidst agonizing pain, it remained conscious, fully experiencing the sensation of Val twisting the sword, its blade grating against the very tissue of its brain, causing it so much pain it pissed and shit itself.

"A level 50 monster that was like a disaster for most was disgraced to the point of no return at the hands of a low-level bloodline user.


Val then commanded his spirit sword to draw the troll's blood, "Suck its blood."

"But master, I don't want to."


"Too smelly."

"You don't have a say in this."


Voidslayer cried while sucking the monster's putrid blood like a dirty little mosquito.

The mountain troll was mortified as it experienced the chilling sensation of its life essence being drained away by a sword.

When Voidslayer had extracted the final drop, the troll's eyes dimmed, signifying its demise.

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