Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 712: Brutally Honest

Chapter 712: Brutally Honest

Chapter 712: Brutally Honest

“I’m guessing you have made up your mind then?” Zeras asked her as he looked at Felicie, who wanted to nod but couldn’t help but notice something strange in Zeras’s voice.

Somehow, it felt different, even though the wording was what she felt to be the same.

“What do you mean by that?” she asked him with narrowed eyes.

“I’m saying you have made up your mind, to truly never return, like your uncle and everyone predicted…” he answered, causing Felicie’s eyes to widen brightly.

“I never made up my mind for that.”

“Well, you just did. There are Otherworlders who will make you dead if you dare remain among them.

They’ll never allow you to go into the tower with them, and the chances of you even surviving in the tower are nil.

And who is to say even if I protected you and got you to enter the tower, none would make a move against you when you’re in the tower.

You think they will just walk past you and turn a blind eye. A weak and sexually attractive person like you. Should I tell you what will happen?” Zeras asked rhetorically.

“You will be raped then have your neck snapped off, Felicie. That’s how you will die,” he answered, causing Felicie’s heart to loudly hammer in her chest.

She knew well none of his words were wrong. Truly, when they had arrived before the tower, she had felt the gaze of the Otherworlders on her, and not every gaze was amusingly staring at her. Some felt cold and disdainful.

There would no doubt be an Otherworlder who would try to prevent her from entering the tower. But she did truly have Zeras, and if he got to help her, she would be able to enter it.

But was she sure if she found herself in the tower, she would never run into a hostile Otherworlder all throughout the journey? Everyone will always be nice to her like Zeras? She wouldn’t trick herself into believing that.

Her fate would really be getting raped and then killed. None would even care and it wouldn’t be surprising.

Everyone knows no aboriginal that goes to the tower ever returns alive. So her death would be nothing that would reinstate their belief even more.

In the end, wouldn’t everything have been for naught?

“What do you suggest?” Felicie suddenly asked him. Since Zeras cared to say all of this, he definitely had a plan in his mind for her. They were both past the time of him simply scaring her with words.

“Normally, I should have long broken away from you since we have arrived here and the contract has been fulfilled. As for whether you enter the tower or how you will travel back, that is completely not up to me at all. That wasn’t stated in the contract, you know?” Zeras said to her seriously, resulting in a nod from Felicie.

He truly was right. While they had set up the contract, the only mention was that Zeras had to protect her on the journey to the tower. They both never talked of getting back.

Of course, Felicie knew there was no way she could return back on her own when she worded the contract, but she felt if she asked too much, Zeras would just ignore the contract, and she would have lost everything by now.

That was why she had only mentioned that she had hoped he would forget it, but it seemed Zeras was more than conscious of the terms.

“But I will be willing to give you one more help. I will lead you safely back to your uncle’s door, just like I led you safely right here.

Now that I have already walked the path, returning back would be faster.

I am willing to accompany you back once more.

If that happens, you get to do what you have always longed to do.

Prove everyone wrong and show them that even an aboriginal can travel to the tower and return alive.

Your hopeless uncle will finally have his prayers answered, and you can live the hero life that you have always wanted. And everything would end in a happily ever after,” Zeras said, though jokingly, also very seriously.

It would be a waste to watch Felicie die here after all those journeys.

He wasn’t willing to return back to her uncle and have history repeat itself to the poor old man.

He had already watched his own brother go, and he almost got himself crippled trying to seek revenge.

What would happen if he had to watch his own brother’s daughter also go from the exact same thing? Wouldn’t that be enough to kill him? Wasn’t that one of the most terrible fates anyone could ever witness?

That was why Zeras was willing to help her one last time. It wouldn’t cost him anything, and now that he was more familiar with the path back, it would be even simpler than coming here, which also wasn’t necessarily that bad.

At least, he had seen much worse.

To Zeras’s plan, Felicie could only turn back to the cracking flames, and Zeras watched the image of the burning flames in her orange eyes.

She simply went quiet, becoming unresponsive for close to five minutes straight before she turned back to look at Zeras, who was still staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

And slowly, Felicie took her eyes away from him before reaching for the right side of her hair, the silvery white hair splaying over her palms. Then she turned to look at Zeras.

“What explanation do you have for this?” she asked him as Zeras looked at the silvery white hair and furrowed his eyebrows.

Even after close to an entire week, Zeras still couldn’t think of a viable option why part of her hair changed color.

It was equally mystifying for him too.

In truth, he had no explanation at all, but he still didn’t see how that had anything to do with his own proposition, but still accepted to find an answer anyway.

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