Building the Strongest Undead Empire from Scratch

Chapter 425: It's time

Hours later, shocking news arrived at the undead Imperial Capital: the Divine Mage had ascended.

Sophie's face was pale, her eyes wide with fear as she looked at Alex. She didn't understand the implications, only that the humans were allies, and their loss of the Divine Mage was a blow to the undead race as well.

"This is bad," Alex said, her brow furrowed with worry. "The humans can't hold back the Angel race. Did their true god intervene?"

"No. Twenty pseudo-gods from the Angel and dragon races forced the Divine Mage's hand. He killed over a dozen before being forced to ascend," Sophie reported. Her intel, from Hurricane City, was reliable.

It wasn't the worst outcome. The Divine Mage had weakened the enemy before ascending.

The dragon pseudo-gods had indeed gone to the Nytheria continent.

"When did this happen?"

"Just now," Sophie replied.

Suddenly, a tremor shook the palace. Alex's divine fire blazed, and a golden stairway materialized before her.

She ascended. Her aura surged. The Race Kings arrived, sensing the shift.

"Our Queen has reached the third stage!"

Alex opened her eyes, power coursing through her. The ethereal God's Path, as Poseidon had foretold, pointed towards the Aether Isle.

"The Divine Mage destroyed the core of will before ascending," Sophie reported, awe in her voice.

In his final moments, the young Divine Mage had made his choice, aiding Alex one last time.

Ice Cream control of the dragon race would take time. The Divine Mage's destruction of the core was a welcome surprise. In the intervening week, Drake had also ascended to godhood. Xiao Mu was still close.

The undead empire now had eleven gods, plus the Demon race's dozen or so and the Sea Race's true god. This was their strongest force yet.

Further delay would only weaken them. The human race was a prime example.

It was time to act. A final, desperate gamble.

"Fuse all undead! Gather at the undead Imperial Capital! We attack the Angel race and the Titans!" Alex commanded.

She didn't know how long her ascension would take, the consequences of interruption, or what awaited her on the Aether Isle.

But this gamble would enrage the Angel race and the World's Heart's followers.

Their task was to create diversions, buying Alex time.

With the Sea Race and Demon race as allies, her chances had increased.

The humans had done enough.

Undead from across the continents converged on the capital, undergoing fusion. King level undead emerged, bolstering their forces.

The entire empire prepared for war. It was afternoon. By midnight, they would be ready.

Alex awaited the Sea Race and Demon race's response to her call to arms.

"Leader, what about the Mossvale continent?" Xiao Mu asked, worried. They couldn't spare any pseudo-gods. If the dragon pseudo-gods returned, Ice Cream would be in danger.

"He's found his God's Path. He told us not to worry," Alex replied, a flicker of hope in her eyes. Ice Cream become god would be a game-changer.

Night fell. The blood-red moon rose, casting a bloody pall over the land. Alex noted its fading crimson and the growing yellow light. The connection to the World's Heart was undeniable.

Xiao Hui returned, having established undead fortresses on three continents, ready to unleash chaos.

"It's done, Leader," she reported.

"Thank you," Alex replied, gesturing for Xiao Hui to rest. She stood at the doorway, lost in thought, as the others watched her.

"Prepare dinner," she instructed her dark elf servants.

She had chosen tonight for several reasons. The Angel race was occupied with the aftermath of the Divine Mage's ascension and unlikely to notice her movements.

They wouldn't react for several days, at least.

Dinner was served. Alex sat, joined by Ruby, the Xiao siblings, Drake, Sophie, and the other non-undead leaders.

"This is our final battle," Alex said quietly. A heavy silence fell upon the room.

"Don't worry, Leader!" Xiao Hui chirped. "Once you're the God of Creation, ten Angel races won't be enough!"

Ruby ate in silence.

Drake and Xiao Mu saw the grim determination in Alex's eyes. This was the endgame. The title of era race was irrelevant. Failure meant the empire's collapse.

"I don't know how long ascension will take," Alex said, worry lacing her voice. "There's no precedent. And I don't know if it will attract attention."

"It's bound to cause a reaction," Drake agreed.

"My safety will be in your hands," Alex said. "This battle..."

"Don't worry, Leader," Xiao Mu interrupted. "We won't let them near the island."

"I trust you," Alex said, smiling. "Be prepared for attacks from five directions. The other five continents could be targeted."

Her plan was to defend the Aether Isle with the Demon race and Sea Race. A true god wouldn't intervene lightly. She had Poseidon as insurance.

"We understand," Xiao Hui replied. "A floating island at the world's center... fascinating."

"How will *you* reach the island, Leader?"

Even pseudo-gods couldn't endure the island's power for long. Perhaps only those subservient to the World's Heart were immune. True gods were unsuitable; the island accelerated their ascension.

"If my divine fire fails, I'll use the undead army as a shield," Alex said grimly. The island's power was immense. Using her Life Link would decimate her forces, a last resort.

A heavy silence fell. This was a tremendous risk.

Dinner ended. Alex rose. Though it was still hours before midnight, she was ready.

"It's time," she declared.


In the far north, the eerie red moon cast a bloody pall over the snow-covered landscape.

Alex and her companions stood at the edge of the coastline, gazing out at the vast, icy expanse where the land met the sea.

This time, she had brought no ordinary undead. Her entire army awaited her command at the undead Imperial Capital.

Beside her stood the ten Race Kings, all ascended to god, along with Drake, making eleven in total. Ten more pseudo-gods, comprised of death angels and Death Dragons, stood ready, along with a dozen Sovereign level beings, led by Xiao Mu and Death Spirit.

This was the undead empire's full might. Ruby and Sophie remained at the capital, coordinating the war effort.

"Let's go," Alex commanded, soaring into the sky towards the endless ocean.

The closer they got to the World's Heart, the darker the surroundings became, as if even the red moon's light couldn't penetrate the gloom.

After several days of flight, Alex saw the island again, now hundreds of meters above the sea, its surface dull and lifeless, yet radiating a terrifying aura.

The Demon race's pseudo-gods hadn't arrived yet. As for the Sea Race, she glanced down at the ocean below. They could emerge from anywhere.

The absence of the Sea Race powerhouses didn't faze Alex. They had all destroyed cores of will. If she failed, they would all face the consequences. They were all in this together.

The Angel race would inevitably target them to restore the World's Heart's power. This was why the Demon race, despite their animosity towards the Angel race, hadn't dared to destroy their core of will. It would have meant a war of extermination.

"Once I'm on the island, you can begin," Alex said, her gaze sweeping across her companions, her expression grim.

"Don't worry, Miss Alex," Xiao Hui chirped, puffing out her chest. "We'll hold the line!"

"Good luck," Alex murmured, flying towards the island.

Her divine fire blazed, enveloping her in a golden aura. As it collided with the island's strange energy, the two forces began to neutralize each other.

An immense pressure pressed down on Alex. Although the divine fire protected her from harm, her energy drained rapidly, and the pressure made movement difficult.

The island was vast and flat, devoid of any vegetation or obstacles, more like a giant floating rock than an island.

Alex sensed an invisible energy at the island's center, stretching upwards, piercing the sky.

"Beyond the heavens?" she wondered.

She couldn't fly here. She could only walk slowly towards the energy source.

As she ventured deeper, she felt the World's Heart's repulsive force, the same force that banished true gods.

But as a Sovereign level being, it didn't affect her.

Outside the island, the Race Kings watched as Alex landed and vanished from sight. The eleven gods split into five groups, heading towards the five continents.

This was the center of the world. Any attack would have to pass through here. The Eldoria and Valoria continents were currently safe, so they only needed to defend the other five.

As they flew further away, the Race Kings disappeared from each other's sight. Their task was simple: stop any and all enemies.

They were relieved that Alex's arrival hadn't triggered any immediate reaction. The other races were still unaware of her presence on the Aether Isle and her quest for godhood.

Outside the Dark Forest, a figure cloaked in shadow watched the north, a cryptic message escaping its lips. "I hope you succeed." It vanished without a trace, unnoticed even by the nearby Grimface Trees.

On the Valoria continent, the Demon chieftains gathered once more, their faces a mixture of madness and exhilaration.

"The undead race has sent word. Their lord is on the island. Shouldn't we act?" one demon asked Thamior.

"We have no true god," Thamior replied, his eyes gleaming with a predatory light. "We've suffered heavy losses against the Titans and dragons. We'll gamble with her. If we win, even the despised Demon race can rise to the top."

"But our strength is limited," another demon countered. "We face the Angel race, Titans, and dragons. Instead of dividing our forces, we should focus on one enemy. Our chances will be greater."

The demons, despite their bloodlust, weren't foolish. Even if they won, heavy losses would require centuries of recovery.

All three races had once possessed true gods. Now, with the Dragon God's ascension, the dragon race was the weakest. Half the Demon race could crush them.

"The dragon race is the weakest," Thamior said suddenly, a sinister smile spreading across his face. The other demons assumed he would target the dragons, but he surprised them.

"We'll strike the Angel race with our full might!"

Instead of fear, his words were met with exhilaration. This was a chance to prove the Demon race's strength!

"Contact the fallen angel clan. Gather all pseudo-gods and attack the Nytheria continent! Open the portal! Total war!"

In the Sea Race palace, deep within the Endless Sea, the High Priest approached Poseidon.

"Great Sea God, the undead lord is on the island."

Poseidon nodded silently, acknowledging the report.

"The future of the Sea Race rests on your shoulders," he said after a long pause. "I will hold back their true god. Command our forces to attack the angels and Titans."

The High Priest trembled. Poseidon wasn't asking her to fight. He was preparing to ascend.

As the Sea Race's only god, she would have to lead them in his absence, preventing their decline.

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