Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

Chapter 26


The screams stopped abruptly.

The breath of the last living being disappeared.

A man with long black hair walked down the empty street in a dark robe, expressionless.

The single figure seemed a little lonely.

He walked aimlessly, all ghosts giving way.

The entire city had been reduced to his hunting ground.

He passed by a shop full of skulls and saw several helicopters approaching with the smell of the wizard he hated.

He suddenly grinned and couldn't help but laugh, creepy and crazed.

Fun toys are here again.

From Her Strangeness 3

Hearing Zhou Yu's question, Feng Xing lowered his head without speaking.


There was silence in the alley.

Zhou Yu immediately rubbed his temples in distress and explained, "Ah, sorry, I dont mean anything by it, I didnt say that you look like a boy, uh, I mean, I mean ... well, I just think because I havent met many ghosts, I dont know much about your current situation. You look handsome, dont worry ... forget it, lets leave and go home. "

Zhou Yu looked at Feng Xing who didnt speak, and felt like he was looking at an abandoned puppy who was heinously humiliated by his question.

How could he say that a girl looks like a boy!

-Although it was very similar.

Zhou Yu looked at Feng Xing's figure that was tall even when squatting, and the face of the young man who looked like an adult. Then he looked at his own chicken-like skinny body and baby face, and felt inferior.

It's not as good as Feng Xing, he looks manly!

Zhou Yu got up and took the remaining burger to throw it into the trash can.

"Does Senior not like me now?" Feng Xing finally spoke, and his voice was as deep and pleasant as ever.

Even the tone was like a males.

Zhou Yu shook his head and threw the burger into the trash can. "No, you are handsome now!"

"If I become a boy, would Senior hate me?" Feng Xing looked up, revealing a pair of black and white eyes.

Zhou Yu was stared at with those eyes, and feeling uncomfortable, he couldn't help turning his head to reveal his red ears.

"How, how would I hate you, Feng Xing is Feng Xing! No matter how you change, as long as you are still sane, I wont hate you." Zhou Yu's mind was now a mess, not knowing what he was talking about.

He just felt that there was a fire in Feng Xing's eyes, and his reasoning was scorched by that burning gaze.

Feng Xing's eyes brightened, but his tone remained low: "Senior, I was always a boy."

Zhou Yu actually had some guesses in his heart, but when he heard Feng Xing admit it, he was still shocked: "Always?"

Feng Xing had never been so afraid to talk about his own life, scared that his favorite person would be disgusted.

That would drive him crazy.

However, his Senior would know sooner or later. Instead of letting the senior doubt him, it was better for him to say everything out loud.

Feng Xing lowered his eyelids, his long eyelashes trembling.

"I was abducted as a child by my adoptive mother. She was a wizard. She took me from my parents for my talents and treated me as an experiment. Before I was sent to junior high school, I could only sleep in an iron cage at night, accepting her experiments." Feng Xing's eyes flickered with red.

Obviously, recalling those gruesome and painful memories was not comfortable for him.

"She used witchcraft to change my appearance and age in order to take away my body. She also usually dressed me as a girl and convinced me of my gender, but in fact my body just stopped developing. Feng Xing remembered the low self-esteem and confusion she felt about her own body when she saw those well-developed girls before, and loathing appeared in his eyes.

He abhorred that inferior self.

Maybe at first he had a deep disgust for what he looked like now, but now as time went on, he became more and more used to this appearance, and even his mentality had changed.

He became more and more comfortable with himself as a man.

He liked the feeling of holding the senior in his arms. He liked, was even obsessed with, the feeling of his senior relying on him. Like a poppy with an intoxicating fragrance, he couldnt get rid of this temptation. (S: Certain types of poppies are used to make opium)

This was also something that he couldn't do when he considered himself a girl.

What's more, there was an increasingly dark possessiveness. Even if someone just accidentally touched his senior, he had to resist the urge to kill.

He knew that maybe the senior could tolerate him for a while, but he (ZY) would never allow himself (FX) the freedom to imprison him (ZY) so aggressively.

Moreover, the senior is the best person in the world, and he shouldnt be treated like a prisoner.

Feng Xing's breathing was a bit unstable, and the dark mist swirled, exposing his roiling emotions.

Then Feng Xing was embraced in a warm pair of arms.

He froze, then closed his eyes and felt addicted.

Zhou Yu gently stroked Feng Xing's long hair and said, "It's okay, everything has passed. In the future, I will be with you, no one will bully you."

Knowing about Feng Xing's life, Zhou Yu only felt distressed. Such a small child had suffered so much torment, how helpless he would have felt at that time.

"I will protect you, forever, I promise!"

Feng Xing looked at the senior's clear eyes, his eyes full of obsession, but his heart filled to the brim with dark thoughts.

Will his senior be his forever?

What if one day?

No, no one can take away his senior.

Feng Xing held the senior in his arms, half-lidded eyes full of love and bloodthirst.

He will always be with Senior.

Zhou Yu once again enjoyed the treatment of a little girl and couldn't help but look up.

"Well, let's go home, shall we?" Looking at the noisy street outside the alley, Zhou Yu smiled dotingly.

Whether male or female, they were all still children! Pretty and cute.

"..." Feng Xing was motionless.

"..." Zhou Yu (||| |||)

What to do, hold on, the atmosphere was starting to feel uncomfortable.

Finally, under Zhou Yu's strong protest, Feng Xing reluctantly turned into a cloud of black fog and disappeared.

In fact, it was wrapped around Zhou Yu again.

Zhou Yu watched Feng Xing disappear, and he felt a little lost in her heart. He shook his head, flinging off those unclear feelings, and walked out of the alley.

Let him think about what should be done about Feng Xings situation at noon.

The police chief talked to the Dsh respectfully all the way.

The white-haired master frowned and said nothing.

This performance made the police chief a little uneasy. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, feeling that he had a headache and motion sickness.

Soon, the police car stopped in front of the citys most well-known middle school. There were no birds flying around the school that many people frequented. Perhaps it was because this school gave people an ominous atmosphere, no one wanted to go near.

The Dsh got out of the car to look at the small school in front of him, and his fingers began to tremble

"This, this is ... the Ghost Realm!" The Dsh was horrified, regardless of his efforts to maintain the image of a master who was indifferent to the world.

When he was a child, he was once led to a ghost field under the guidance of a master. The realm of ghosts, a place where Yin energy gathered, would attract malicious spirits and create illusions, and the illusions in places like these would have an effect on reality.

The ghost realm that the master took him to see was a ghost realm formed in a protracted war against alien races more than a decade ago. (S: Protracted is apparently an idiom that means long and drawn-out.)

Although that ghost realm lacked a king, it was a realm of ghosts gathered from the battlefield. It was far less powerful than a realm controlled by the Ghost King, but it still brought a great disaster to many cities.

In the end, it was completely sealed in an array with the efforts of the nearby Heavenly Masters.

It was for this reason that the Spiritual Realm had suffered a great deal of loss, and was still trying to rise back to its former glory.

The master took out his magic compass and looked at the instructions on it. He swayed and almost face-planted.

Things were really bad!

"The Ghost King ... its actually the Ghost King ... Are the heavens punishing Xuaxia?!" The master muttered, looking crazed. (S: Huaxia is Chinas old name, like Edo was Tokyos old name)

The police chief was already anxious, and now he saw the master who he was trusting to fix this mess was terrified as well. He nearly fell down from fear as well.

It's over, there were hundreds of people! His black hat was going to be stuffed in a box! (S: black hat is an analogy for an officials post, like saying you have a green hat if your significant other was cheating on you. This basically means he expects to be fired.)

"Dsh, what's going on? Are you having any problems?"

The master ignored the police chiefs inquiry and shouted to his assistant sitting in the other car: "Quickly! Notify the Tianshi Alliance! The situation is critical!" (S: Alliance of Heavenly Masters, eg. Taoists, cultivators, etc.)

He must call on all of the Spiritual Realm practitioners to destroy this evil!

"Also, inform the students that are still alive, they are never allowed to enter this facility!"

The master got into the car and quickly left, a trace of dark mist lingering on the car.

Back home, the housekeeper had left for her lunch break.

Zhou Yu looked at the steaming food on the table and laughed: "Hey, lets not eat these today, Ill make something delicious for you!" Zhou Yu took out the prawns he had bought in the vegetable market and walked into the kitchen.

Feng Xing formed into a human shape and followed with an expectant look.

Zhou Yu put on an apron and was preparing to wash the prawns. When he saw Feng Xing standing beside him, he smiled helplessly: "Be obedient and wait outside, itll be done soon! Go watch TV for a while!"

Feng Xing did not move, and continued to gaze at Zhou Yu with glistening grey eyes. (S: Keeps describing his eyes as black and white so Im just gonna say grey from now on)

Zhou Yu: "..."

"Okay, just do whatever you want!"

This child, completely acting spoiled.

Zhou Yu patted his feverish cheeks and began to handle the ingredients skillfully.

Before he reincarnated, he was used to living alone, but he didnt like to eat takeout. He had cultivated good cooking skills, but he had not yet cooked for anyone other than himself.

But he hadnt entered the kitchen since he appeared here, so he was a bit rusty.

Because there was a housekeeper in the family, he didnt have many chances to display his cooking skills. He could only eat food cooked by the housekeeper. Fortunately, the womans cooking was okay, otherwise he would have gotten depressed.

During the cooking time, Zhou Yu devoted himself wholeheartedly. The pure and handsome boy seemed to be glowing at this moment. Feng Xing didnt even blink as he watched. He felt that the senior in front of him was really precious and made him want to swallow him whole, hiding him away so that others would never discover his treasure.

Soon, a big meal was prepared. Zhou Yu also took out some red wine that had been placed in the wine cabinet as decoration, and made a decent meal.

"Well, it's ready to eat! Hey! Feng Xing?"

Zhou Yu set the tableware, and after a while of appreciation, he started calling Feng Xing to come over for dinner.

As soon as he turned his head, he found that Feng Xing had been silently following him, and he didn't speak, just stared.


"Did you know that if you changed your expression even a little, this scene would be viable for a horror movie?"

Zhou Yu showed a helpless expression, raised to his tiptoes, and rubbed his junior sisters... Okay, his junior brothers soft hair and smiled pamperingly: "Hurry up, come and eat, and taste my craft! This is my first time cooking for others! "

Feng Xing squinted his eyes happily, like a tame cat.

"Thank you, Senior."

"Haha, your welcome, but youre the one that saved my life! Even if I cooked for you all my life, I still wouldnt be able to repay you for your life-saving grace." ( )

"Well, for a lifetime." Feng Xing nodded shyly.

Zhou Yu wondered, did he say something strange?

Anyway, why are you shy! The atmosphere was getting weird again!

Zhou Yu covered his face and sat at the table.

Feng Xing looked at his senior's red ears, his heart was full of happiness.

If time could stop here, Senior and I would be happy forever, no one could stop it!

Feng Xing received a wisp of black mist into his fingertips, and a red light was flickering deep in his eyes.

Coming to stop my happiness?

Just kill them all.

Hee hee hee!

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