Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

Chapter 16

What? The bodys gone? What kind of joke is this? Zhou Yu stared at the stuttering hospital director in front of him. He was astonished by the news.

According the Z Countrys law, Feng Xings body was available for forensics testing for a limited amount of time. Zhou Yu had planned on prosecuting those who killed Feng Xing, and the prosecution needs to have evidence, thus Feng Xings body was an essential piece for the case.

Now, he is even more suspicious of Li Huan. She and her friends must had bribed the hospital to destroy the body!

(Orange: *thinks* are middle schoolers this wild these days?)

You better not be lying to me! If you dont return the body, Ill sue you for deliberately destroying evidence!

Zhou Yus voice still hadnt recovered from his attack, causing him to feel an irritable sensation every time he spoke. However, due to his uncontrollable anger at the situation, Zhou Yu still spoke. His tone was very icy and cold, which made the director sweat frantically.

P-P-Please dont! Im telling the truth! If you dont believe me you can look through the security feed! The doctor who was in charge of transporting the corpse ran out of the morgue, screaming!

Zhou Yu frowned, still not believing the man, and followed him into the security room.

In a place where Zhou Yu couldnt see, a black fog, who was fluttering around guiltily, rushed quickly into the security room.

He had to see what the surveillance cameras had recorded, just in case he had been exposed. Because Feng Xing was a new ghost and hasnt had much experience, he totally forgot about security cameras. But then again, in these times, where the economy isnt very developed, only large hospitals in well-developed cities, like this one, would have such advanced monitoring systems. The regular people wouldnt even dream of owning such system.

Zhou Yu waited for the hospital director to pull up the feed and noticed that there was only one camera watching the corridor outside the morgue. He immediately turned towards the director, feeling dissatisfied.

The hospital director dabbed the sweat on his forehead and stammered, Well.this There isnt any cameras inside the morgue because we still respect the dead in this hospital In reality, the hospital staff was afraid of seeing anything unclean. After all, if a person had worked in the hospital for a long enough time, theyre bound to encounter some supernatural event. Thats why they dont have any cameras in the morgue.

Zhou Yu took a deep breath, trying to quell his anger. Once he calmed down, he continued to watch the feed. All in all, he was using his familys influence to force the hospital director to show him the security feed. He really couldnt blame the director for not being able to record places that arent recorded.

However, if the body still couldnt be found, then its fully the hospital at fault. Even if he needs to bully a few people, hell do it to get justice for Feng Xing!

In this time period, the video quality is very bad and pixelated compared to the later generations quality. But, at least Zhou Yu could still make out what was happening.

Zhou Yu watched a doctor push a body through the corridor and into the morgue.

Less than 2 minutes later, the doctor ran out of the morgue in a panic. Zhou Yu could sense the doctors fear through the screen.

The doctor ran straight into the wall, fell down, and attempted to get up while still running away, causing him to do a half crawl-run down the corridor.

(Orange: That one run every minor anime character does when running away. Im not sure if I managed to describe it right.)

Zhou Yu: ..

Hospital Director:

Zhou Yu felt that the hospital staff were incompetent.

As he continued to watch the video, a group of people in weird clothing ran out of the morgue. Zhou Yus eyes widened as he made the hospital director pause the video.

Who are these people?

The director forced out a bitter smile, According to the doctor, they were a group of ghosts that suddenly appeared in the morgue. After seeing Zhou Yus suspicious gaze, the director felt helpless, Th-th-this.fine They dont really look like ghosts. Some of the nurses say that theyre gang members. At noon today, they came to the hospital looking for a Feng Xing, which is the deceased. But at that time, the body hasnt even arrived at the hospital! So, of course, they wouldnt find her in the hospital, but they ignored the nurses orders to leave and proceeded to head upstairs to search. They seemed to believe that Feng Xing was being hospitalized at this hospital.

Afterwards, they all just vanished. There was not trace of them on the surveillance cameras. Its as if they found a blind spot in the security system and disappeared. No one expected that theyll go to the morgue.

Zhou Yu calmly asked, So, are you pushing the blame on these people? Im not blind. I only see them leave the morgue, and theres no trace of the body with them. Did they chop the body into tiny pieces and carried it in their pockets? And in such a short amount of time?

The hospital director was speechless and could only nervously wipe off the cold sweat beading on his forehead.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu knew he couldnt get anymore answers, Well, I hope your hospital can find the body as soon as possible, I will inform the police and ask them to send help.

With that, Zhou Yu coldly turned and left the room. He felt powerless over the events that transpired today.

He was such a useless person, couldnt even do anything! He couldnt even protect Feng Xings body!


His phone suddenly started ringing from his pocket. Zhou Yu was very irritable, but he knew that whoever was calling him through his private phone must be either his family members or the police, so he had to pick up the phone.

The pale faced teenager, with the appearance of someone recovering from a terminal illness, placed the phone by his ear. His eyelids drooped, causing him to display a sad and frustrated expression, which in turn made the black fog, that was by his side the entire time, circle around him worriedly.

En..En OkayOkay Ill be back soon.

After hanging up, Zhou Yu rubbed his aching temples and let out a long sigh.

The phone call was from the originals father. He (the dad) wanted him (Zhou Yu) to hurry home, concerned about the recent events and hoped that he (Zhou Yu) wasnt in any trouble.

Sure enough, shocking events like this couldnt be hidden from the parents.

Ever since arriving in this world, this was the first time Zhou Yu was ever interacting with his parents so he was a little nervous.

Zhou Yu hailed a taxi home after leaving the hospital.

After he left, no one noticed the ghosts and spirits in the hospital all disappeared. The hospital was so clean that it seemed like no one had died in the hospital before. The residents just felt that the air in the hospital was much fresher and easier to breathe in. The invisible pressure surrounding the place also disappeared.

And the Ghost Realm, that was constructed within the hospital, was being invaded by all sorts of ghosts.

Since there hasnt been a Ghost King for such a long time, this city hasnt had a Ghost Realm appear for an equal amount of time. A Ghost Realm was like catnip to cats for ghosts. It had a really strong attraction rate. In the short amount of time, this new Ghost Realm built by the Ghost King was already filled with ghosts.

A badly mutilated corpse walked through the Ghost Realms hospital corridor. All the other ghosts parted away to let it through, all staring in awe.

The body first walked around the corridor, as if it was looking for something. After a while, it stopped to think, and hid itself in one of the storage units in the morgue, pretending to be an actual dead body.

Now its finally safe. No one will see me.

On the other side, the black fog surrounding Zhou Yus body nodded satisfied, finally laying his worried heart to rest.

Later, when he has the time, hell have to cremate the body. How could that be me? Its so ugly!

The taxi quickly arrived at its destination. After paying his fare, Zhou Yu stood outside the house and made some mental preparation. Only after he mentally prepared himself for the worst he knocked on the door.

The nanny opened the door, causing Zhou Yu to flush in embarrassment. He just remembered that he had the key to the house. The he recovered his composure.

He needed to convince the originals parents to help Feng Xing. However, he was only a junior high student. If his parents didnt want him to be involved, then he might be locked up in the house, calling to the heavens and earth with no reply.

(Orange: aka, no one there to help you in times of need.)

Upon entering the living room, Zhou Yu spotted a kind-looking middle aged man dressed in gaudy and fancy clothing sitting on the sofa. According to his memory, this was the originals father, Zhou Guo Tian.

Dad, Im back. Zhou Yu forced himself to learn the originals speaking patterns and called the man dad. He, originally, was also 30 something years old and having to call someone the same age as him dad was a bit difficult.

Zhou Guo Tian nodded, showing concern, En, Son, you are back. Ive heard youve met up with some trouble recently. Are you feeling alright? Do you need to go to the hospital for a check up?

This father actually had a big heart. Usually, he doesnt care about his son and spends his time between work and his various lovers. But, after hearing that his son was admitted to the hospital, he came to see him. After all, this was his only son and he couldnt be too indifferent.

(Orange: But he has a big heart? I do not see the connection.)

The originals mother had an even bigger heart. After giving birth to the orignal, she went abroad to vacation, only coming back during the new years. From childhood till now, the number of times the orignal saw this mother was very small.

(Orange: OHHH)

Im fine Dad. You dont need to worry. Zhou Yu took a seat on the sofa across from Zhou Guo Tian. Then the father-son pair had nothing to say between them.

To be honest, Zhou Guo Tian hasnt spent much time with his son. It had been half a year since they had a conversation, so naturally there was nothing to talk about and awkward silence fell between them.

At least, Zhou Yu gathered up his courage, Dad, I need your help.

Zhou Guo Tian, who was embarrassed by the awkward tension, immediately agreed, Okay son! If its something Dad can do, then Dad will do it! This was also the way Zhou Guo Tian raised his son. Whatever Zhou Yu wanted, hell give it to him with no delay. He was the best father in China, besides the fact that he was not close with his son.

Zhou Yu choked, realizing that it was a miracle that the original didnt grow up to be a hedonistic person.

I would like you to contact the police, to help one of my junior sister prosecute her murderers.

This afternoon, he had called the police to inquire about the case progress. He had expected that the students in Feng Xings class would have been arrested. However he found out that the police just asked some routine questions and ruled it as suicide.

He was also informed that Feng Xings mother was missing and was suspected to had ran away. Even though he wanted to insist that it was no suicide, he saw the polices unworried attitudes. They didnt want to investigate any further.

After all, the mother of the victim didnt even care, so of course the police wouldnt care either. It was less work for them.

This angered Zhou Yu to the extreme. What kind of trash police is this? This was a matter of human life! How can this be ignored and forgotten with just a few simple words?

(Orange: *cough cough cough* America *cough cough cough*)

But he was just a kid and wasnt taken seriously by the police, who had hung up on him.

With no other way, he had to turn to this rich father of his.

With no hesitation, Zhou Guo Tian nodded, Okay! Ill call the police chief right this moment.

Zhou Yu had been prepared to answer a series of questions. He didnt expect that Zhou Guo Tian would agree so easily. He couldnt help but freeze in surprise.

Zhou Guo Tian looked at his cold son, sighed, and revealed some doting love in his eyes, Dad knows that junior sister is your girlfriend. You dont need to deny it. Ive already checked. You had been very close with her recently.

Theater Time!

World Consciousness: *angry expression* Baby! Look at how shameless this man is! Claiming that your his girlfriend.

Feng Xing: *blushes*

World Consciousness: *erupts in tears* No! Daddy doesnt agree to this marriage. Baby! How could you call another man your daddy? Where do you place daddy in your heart?

World Consciousness: *secretly throws Zhou Yu a million yuan* Heres the money, Ill give you 10 minutes to get away from my baby!

Zhou Yu: ..

Feng Xing: *smiles with Ghost King aura* Senior, it seems that this world consciousness is suffering from some heatstroke. Let me help you cook it!

World Consciousness: *showing strong desire to live* Baby, actually I realized you two make a perfect couple!

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