Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 279 – Pajama crisis

Chapter 279 – Pajama crisis

The girls had finally finished making the homemade pizzas they planned for dinner and just finished eating them right after they came out of the oven.

“Haa~, that was good!” With a satisfied expression, Chloe looked at all the empty plates at the dining table everyone was sitting on. "First try, and we already came close to a pizzeria. The future looks bright!"

“Absolutely!” Sophia had the same expression as her while she nodded a couple of times.

“Pizzeria…?” Maya just tilted her head. “Oh, is that how a restaurant that serves pizza is called?”


“I see. It has a nice ring to it, that name. Anyway, yes, I totally agree! It was delicious!”

“Yes!” Anna and Ari also agreed.

“Can I suggest that we do that once a week or something like that?” The princess seemed to really have liked it. “Even after Ari and I go back home.”

“Deal!” The blonde and the fox-girl had absolutely no issue with her suggestion.

“Maybe not every week, but it sounds like it could become a nice tradition.”

“I think so, too!” Maya and Ari also were a fan of the idea. "Oh, how about we keep the once-a-week idea but do varying dishes together?""

After they decided on that, everyone returned to the kitchen and cleaned up a bit together because they had created quite the chaos there.


Once the kitchen didn’t resemble a battlefield anymore, the group decided to relax some more in the living room together. Just like before, Sophia and Maya shared a sofa, just as Ari and Anna did. Chloe and her tail had the last one to herself.

“Is the temperature okay for you, Chloe?” After a little while, Sophia glanced at their resident arctic fox. “All of us besides you are cats that get cold easily, so you’re a bit of the odd one out here…”

“Well, it’s not my favorite temperature, but it’s easily tolerable. Thanks for lowering it a little for more. Once I change into some lighter clothes, everything should be perfect.”

“That’s great to hear.” The blonde didn’t want her to suffer, after all. “Also, yay for more eye candy later on~.”

“H-Hey!” Chloe’s face turned a little red as she covered her chest.

“Hmm?” Ari and Anna couldn’t follow their conversation.

"Our dear Chloe here likes to dress rather skimpy, and there's a lot she's hiding below that sweater of hers.”

“I knew it!” Ari suddenly got loud. “I already had the feeling that she could rival Anna.”

“She absolutely can~.” Maya gave her an affirming nod.

“Hey!” Anna raised her voice as she glared at her girlfriend.

"A-Ah…” She got a little awkward for a moment. “T-There’s no way you weren’t curious about that, right…?”

“…” The princess decided to answer her question by only turning her head away.

“H-Hey!” This time, Chloe herself got loud. “Also, Maya and Sophia dressed just as, if not even skimpier than I did!”

“Oh?” The couple now looked at the duo in question with a somewhat curious look.

"Ahh…" Sophia hadn't thought about the apparent reversal. "The options were turning the heat down or stripping… or rather, wearing lighter clothes. The answer to that should be obvious, right…?”

“Very obvious.” Ari and Anna could only nod.

“Getting a nice view is an amazing bonus to that!” Maya just stared at her tiger.

“That is true.” She simply looked back at her cat.

“Oh!” The other couple almost seemed to be looking forward to it.

“Not so thirsty, you two.” Maya just had to do it. "Not that any other of us is much better."


“How do the two of you sleep?” Sophia got a little interested and looked at the thirsty couple in question. “Especially now after I installed the heated floors in your rooms.”

“While we also got some shorts, our pajama tops were quite normal and short-sleeved, though. Nothing overly showy.” Ari answered them.

“And the moment I accidentally made my top showier, as it became somewhat disheveled, Ari literally a-attacked me…” The princess suddenly started blushing.

“…” So did the jaguar. “I-It was more than a little… You presented almost everything… Not to mention that you weren’t wearing a bra when it happened…”

“T-That doesn’t matter.”

“It absolutely does!” Sophia and Maya got loud.

“Yes, I have to agree with them.” Chloe first smiled at the two before glancing at Anna. Her chest, especially. “I think you need to be very straight to not attack you in that situation. At least when you're already cuddling together when it happened, as that really gives off the feeling that you revealed them on purpose."

“Uuh…” Anna’s face became even redder.

“Ehehe.” Sophia liked her reaction. "I definitely look forward to seeing both of you in shorts, though!" She focused her gaze and the duo's legs.

“Careful, your leg fetish is leaking a little.” Maya felt like taking a jab at her, too.

“I don’t remember ever having kept that a secret.” The blonde simply smiled at her.

“…” The cat-girl paused for a second. “Okay, you win that round.”

"A-Ah!” Ari’s eyes suddenly shot open before she looked at her princess. “I think I forgot to pack some new pajamas for us after the ones we wore yesterday, well… you know…”

“Oh no…”

"Don't worry. None of us will mind if the two of you run around in your underwear during your stay here.” Maya just gave them a thumbs up.

“We would, though!” Anna got loud.

"Who are the thirsty ones here, again?!" So got Ari.

“It was worth a try.”

“Yep…” Sophia and Chloe looked just as disappointed as the cat-girl.


“Anyway,” Maya then faced the fox-girl. “Chloe, do you have any spare tops with you? I have a pair of shorts I bought that ended up being too big for me. They might fit our princess, though. My tops, on the other hand, thanks to a certain someone,” She glanced at Sophia while saying so. "They're either suuuper skimpy and impossible to cover Anna's chest or are quite tight and would probably tear when trying to tame her breasts… Your chest is about the same size as hers, so if you have any extras that aren't on the short side, our tall tiger here might fit into it.”

“Hmm…” The fox-girl tilted her head. “I have one camisole that covers almost up to my navel… I don’t have anything longer than that on me. It would probably not even go to Anna's waist… if at all. Also, it is very open at the top. Even I have reservations wearing that with others around.”

“Oho, I like the sound of that!”

“D-Do I have a saying in this…?” The princess didn’t seem to share Maya’s enthusiasm. “I-I mean, I’m happy that you’re trying to help me, but…”

“It’s either that, going back to the castle and fetch something, or your underwear.”

“Uuh…” Anna didn’t like any of those options. “D-Don’t you have any simple t-shirts for me…”

“None that your chest would even remotely fit into.”

“None on me and none that wouldn't turn stomach-free on you.” Maya and Chloe just shook their heads.


“I am so happy that you and I have a similar size and height…” Ari then glanced at Sophia with a wry smile. “If I could ask to borrow some clothes, that is…”

"Gladly!" The blonde smiled back at her. “Although, while I do have some t-shirts you’d fit into, they’re all for outdoor use. Not the comfiest for sleeping. For my actual nightwear, well… I probably dress the skimpiest out of everyone here. Feel free to wear some of that. In fact, I look forward to it."

“I-I can do with a slightly uncomfy t-shirt!” Ari started panicking.

“Sure.” She nodded a few times. “If you don’t mind your girlfriend being embarrassed all on herself, I won’t stop you.”

“…” Ari paused for a moment while glancing at her blushing princess before facing Sophia again. “I hate you.”

“I love you, too.”

“She’s good.” Chloe looked quite impressed as she faced Maya.

"I'm so proud of her!" The cat-girl was having a great time.

“Y-You don’t have to do that for me, you know…?” While Anna was happy about it, she didn't want Ari to do the same if she didn't want to.

“I’d feel even guiltier now that you said it like that!” It hadn’t helped the jaguar in the slightest.


"By the way," Maya suddenly leaned closer to Sophia and started whispering. "You said all that, but do you actually have anything that fits Ari in the chest department? Thanks to me being me, weren’t you in big mode with most of those skimpy tops?”

"A-Ah.” The blonde hadn't thought about that. “L-Loose fit is popular, isn’t it?”


“No, wait, the one I wore yesterday with Chloe around was made for normal, slightly improved me. I think I have one or two that are similar to that.”

“Right, I almost forgot about that.”

“Me, too… Good thing I remembered going normal yesterday. Chloe wouldn’t have stopped asking questions…”


"No whispering!" Anna suddenly got loud. "Don't you dare come up with something even more embarrassing for us to wear!"

“Oh?” Maya had a strong reaction to that. “That sounds like a lovely plan!”

“Stop it!” The princess didn’t like the idea.

Once the couple finished teasing the princess and her jaguar, they decided it was time for a bath to have a more relaxing evening afterward. And more to look at, too. As they had four bathrooms in total in the mansion, everyone could go at the same time.

The big one on the ground floor got ignored, and Chloe, just like Anna together with Ari, took one of the guest ones each. At the same time, Sophia and Maya went to the usual one attached to their bedroom. Before that, everyone gathered some fitting pajama parts for the runaway couple. It almost seemed like they decided on clothes with the least amount of fabric they could find, as well. Though, they chose not to mention any of that.

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