Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 262 – The morning after

Chapter 262 – The morning after

It finally happened. While Anna and Ari were relaxing together, the princess got a little playful and had a great time tickling the black-haired girl. Having had enough of that at some point, the jaguar had eventually pushed down the princes on the bed to stop her. The sight of the girl below her then had caused something to snap inside of Ari. She first kissed the tiger before immediately confessing. Anna happily returned the kiss and the confession, and the two finally became a couple. Afterward, as both were riding on a high, things had escalated quite a bit, though, and the newly formed couple hadn’t just left it at a kiss for their first activity. The next morning, after both not having gotten much sleep, things between them got a little awkward again.


“…” The two were still lying in Ari’s bed, and once the two noticed the state they and the bed were in, the couple was unable to look at each other.

Not only were there still some sort of stains on the bedsheet, but they themselves weren’t off much better. Remains of their nightly activities were still visible in some places. After all, they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms because they were too tired to have another shower afterward. All of this, even more so now that they were fully conscious and not in a trance anymore, during the afterglow of the next morning after, the couple got incredibly embarrassed by their actions, and neither of them said a word for quite a while.


“…” This went on for another couple of minutes.

“H-Hey…” Pulling up the blanket to cover both of them because she kept getting distracted by various things, Ari eventually managed to face the tiger with a bright red face after having stolen a lot of glances beforehand. “G-Good morning…”

“…” Anna was still unable to look at her and simply gave her reply while staring at the ceiling. “M-Morning…”

“Uhh…” The jaguar tried to keep the conversation going, or rather, she was still trying to get it started, but she wasn’t doing much better than the princess. “S-So it really happened, huh…? A-All of it… I can still vaguely recall the feeling of it… you a little…”

“Uuh…” Letting out yet another embarrassed groan, she eventually managed to face the jaguar right next to her. “Y-Yes…” She reacted with the faintest nod. “T-There’s also still a little left on your c-cheek… From when you, uhh...” Her face turned even redder while she continued to steal glances at the jaguar’s face.

“O-Oh.” Hearing that, she used her hand to wipe her cheek before looking at her fingers afterward. “I see… Should we go and… take a bath…? Not just my face, but also other places, and my legs… I feel quite s-sticky…”

“Uuhh…” The princess let out one more groan while pulling the blanket over her face. The whole situation was too much for her. “P-Please…” It took her a full minute to get the word out.

“Great…” After getting the confirmation, Ari got rid of the blanket covering her and tried to get up. Once she had uprighted herself and sat down on the edge of the bed while showing Anna her bare back, the jaguar eventually turned her head around again. “I-I can feel your stare, y-you know…?”

“A-Ah!” Hearing that, the princess immediately turned her head away. “I-I’m sorry… It, uhh… It happened u-unconsciously… You have a very nice back…”

“T-Thank you…” The conversation basically wasn’t progressing at all. “I’m… I’m happy to hear that…”

“C-Could you also turn around again…?” Anna eventually faced her again. “I want to get up, too… and… and you staring at me is too… way too embarrassing…”

“Don’t you think that’s a little unfair now…?”

“Uuh…” There was nothing the tiger could say in her defense. Squirming around for a few seconds longer, the princess then slowly revealed herself from the blanket while also sitting down right next to her jaguar.

“W-Wow.” Ari could not peel her eyes away and shamelessly stared at Anna’s naked body the entire time.

“S-Stop that, p-pervert!” Feeling uneasy, she quickly turned her upper body away from the black-haired girl.

“A-Ah… Wait, you’re the one who started staring at m-me earlier! If anyone’s a pervert here, i-it’s you!”

“Can you really say that after everything you d-did yesterday…?” Anna’s face turned redder while remembering the events from the previous evening and night.

“…” Ari’s face turned just as red again. “Uhh…”

“Exactly!” The princess turned around to show the jaguar her smug smile, but she had already forgotten that the two were still naked and then just ended up staring at Ari once again. “…”

“Y-You were saying…?” She just tilted her head. “Also, while I take r-responsibility for initiating things y-yesterday, you were just as involved in it as I was… You even made me… first, after all…” Her last sentence turned into a bit of a mumble in the middle. "Okay, I guided you, b-but..."

“…” Very clearly with great reluctance, the princess stopped looking at her. Still, she never gave a reply to the jaguar’s accusation. “C-Can we take a shower now…? Actually, how about we, uhh… c-clean ourselves and then have a bath afterward instead…?”

“Sounds good…” Ari seemed a little glad that they ditched the topic for now. “I would like to relax in the water a little.”

“Great!” Saying so, Anna got up from the bed, turned around in front of Ari, and held out her hand. “Let’s go!”

“…” She needed another moment of focussing on the right things before she could accept her offer by grabbing her hand while getting up, as well.








Way over an hour, almost two even, had passed since the couple had entered the bathroom, and they had just left it again.


“…” Somehow, their mood had gotten a little awkward again.

“W-We did it again…” While dressed in a towel only, Anna was sitting on Ari’s bed while pressing her hands against her face to hide her deep blush from being embarrassed.

“T-Twice, actually…” Her expression was quite similar. The jaguar was standing in front of the tiger and was currently in the middle of putting on her usual maid uniform. “I-I’m sorry about that…”

“N-No…” The princess shook her head. “T-This time… Err, t-those times, it really was just as much, if not more, my fault…”

“G-Good…” Ari’s lips formed into a smile. “A-After all, I’m not… not actually sorry about it.”


“E-Ehehe~.” It seemed that this time, the awkwardness didn’t seem to be quite as strong as the last time. “S-Should I get some clothes for you…?” She glanced on the floor next to her bed where their pajamas from the previous night were lying. “T-Those might need a wash first… A thorough one…”

“Uuh…” Anna’s embarrassment increased once more. “P-Please do that…”

“Okay!” Putting on the last bits of her uniform, Ari then walked over to the door of her room. “I’ll do my best and hurry!”

“T-Thanks…” Still wearing only the towel wrapped around her body, she then let herself fall down on the bed beneath her. “A-Ah!” Only to immediately spring up again. “Urgh… M-Maybe also grab some fresh bedsheets…”

“S-Sure…” Awkwardly scratching her cheek, the jaguar finally opened the door but quickly stopped again once she saw something on the floor right in front of it. “Eh?”

“What’s wrong…?”

“I’m not sure… There’s a bag in front of the door…”

“A bag…?” Anna just tilted her head.

“Yeah… Let’s see…” Reaching for it, a letter suddenly fell out of it. "Oh?"

Dear daughter of ours,

we’re happy to hear that things are finally working out with your beloved princess.

We were rooting for you the entire time, after all.


We are not so sure that there was a need to announce it so openly to everyone, though.

You and the princess might not be aware of it, but the wooden doors of most rooms in the building aren’t overly thick. Also, thanks to the echo of the long corridors connecting the wings of the castle, sound travels incredibly far.

For the next time, we advise the two of you to keep that in mind.

Anyway, there is an assortment of spare clothes for our dear princess in the bag here. We’re sure she will appreciate a set of them.


P.S.: Once you’re awake and have freshened up, we’d like to see you. Both of you.



“W-What’s wrong?!” Seeing that Ari had suddenly sunken down on her knees while her face had lost all of its colors, Anna started to panic.

“K-Kill me…” The jaguar only replied in a soft mutter.

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