Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

CHAPTER 73: Incentive

CHAPTER 73: Incentive

Kaien had a soft spot for Ohagi, a classic delicacy of rice cakes filled with red bean paste. He, of course, couldn’t return to the Soul Society just for his cravings. Instead, he slipped into his Gigai and embarked on a quest for his desired treat in the bustling marketplace of Karakura Town.

Guided by the tendrils of fragrant scents wafting in the air, he quickly found a little restaurant serving his favorite food seemingly more delicious than the ones he ate in the Seireitei.

‘The Living World is so resourceful.’

As he indulged in his favorite snack, a group of women roaming the market streets caught his attention. Like a vibrant splash of color on a monochromatic canvas, they drew in countless gazes.

A blonde, olive-skinned woman in a royal outfit. Her regal expression made her seem like a queen of some country.

Next was a woman with dark, honeyed skin and tumbling brown waves cascading from beneath a white cowboy hat. Her outfit consisted of a white top, paired with brown pants and a sweeping white cape.


Then there was a woman with striking heterochromatic eyes, a stylish white fedora sitting atop her head. She wore black pants and a white top with bold red sleeves.


And lastly, an elegant figure adorned in a traditional kimono, her olive-green hair arranged with artistic precision, adorned with a white clip and delicate flowers. A paper umbrella protected her porcelain skin from the harsh rays of the sun. She exuded an air of nobility reminiscent of the prestigious Five Noble Families in the Seireitei—actually four since the Shiba Clan hardly put effort in their appearance. Most members of the Shiba Clan hardly acted like nobility.


All of them seemed to be of different ethnicities, yet they had one thing in common — they were all just as attractive as the man they followed.

‘Kazuya? Yeah, it’s him.’

Kaien caught sight of the shopping bags cradled in Kazuya’s grasp and let out an empathetic sigh. The mere thought of shopping was a tedious ordeal for him. Escorting not one but four women on shopping was akin to a death sentence for him. He was grateful that his wife wasn’t demanding.

‘Their Reiatsu is strange. Are they also Quincy like Kazuya?’

Kazuya’s gaze fleetingly met Kaien's, and in response, Kaien lifted his hand in a casual wave. But Kazuya quickly diverted his attention, returning to converse with the woman clad in the green kimono.

‘Is he ignoring me on purpose? It’s not like I’ll steal your women.’

Shaking his head, Kaien concluded it might be time to head back and conclude his investigation on the Arrancar case.

{How does it feel to ignore a good friend?}

Kazuya chose to remain silent in response to Nami’s probing question, instead fixing his gaze on the orange horizon above him. The day had been a whirlwind of shared experiences, ones he wouldn’t have found as fulfilling if he was alone. Shopping had been the most time-consuming endeavor, with Sung-Sun showcasing a pickiness for fashion that perfectly mirrored her sassy, princess-like demeanor.

Apacci’s favorite activity came after shopping — having Sushi at one of the finest restaurants in Naruki City. Harribel derived the most joy from the simplest of activities — a serene walk through a renowned garden, while Mila Rose enjoyed breaking arcade machines and raging at the rigged crane games.

The experiences didn’t align with the Japan of the 1950s that he was familiar with, a country still in recovery from the aftermath of the Second World War. Karakura Town and Naruki City felt more like vibrant metropolises beyond their time. His experience wasn’t actually that different from his date with Yumi in 2022.

One thing was certain: Mila Rose, Apacci, and Sung-Sun had a blast. Harribel, always one to find happiness in the joy of others, seemed content to just be in their company.

{It’s the fictional world of Bleach. Your logic won’t apply here.}

‘Fair enough,’ he replied, shaking his head before turning his attention back to the group.

“Hop on.” Mila Rose urged. “What are you waiting for?”

The evening had drawn them to their final stop, the city’s Amusement Park and its towering Ferris wheel — a spectacle that had piqued Sung-Sun's curiosity.

Kazuya boarded the cabin before Sung-Sun and Mila Rose took his opposite seats. Typically designed for couples, the cabin didn’t have enough space for all five of them. However, Harribel had insisted that everyone share the same cabin, an indication of their growing bonds.

He handed the bags to Mila Rose and Sung-Sun and beckoned Apacci. “Come on, Deer.”

With a groan, Apacci settled into his lap, her arms curling around his neck. Her pose was a sitting rendition of the princess' carry.

Her cheeks bloomed a deep shade of pink as she avoided his gaze. “Why do I have to do this?”

Sung-Sun shot her a cold glare. “Quit complaining. My kimono is the only reason you’re getting this chance.”

“No more fighting,” Harribel said as she entered the cabin and sat by his side. “Kazuya, I don’t want to ruin the good mood… but you need to reveal the reason for your relationship with Kisuke Urahara.”

She revealed her true intention behind squeezing everyone into the same cabin. It offered great privacy away from onlookers.

“Yes,” Apacci agreed from his lap and tightened her grip around his neck. “I won’t get off until you tell us.”

He hadn’t anticipated Harribel to bring this up after a day filled with such memorable experiences. It was apparent that the question had been gnawing at her since yesterday.

“I promised to tell you. So, here it goes…”

A look of shock spread across all four faces as they dealt with the reality of him being a Shinigami. He had initially used the lie to take advantage of Kisuke. Now, he had to maintain this lie, or the situation would become more complicated.

{You used to be a Shinigami?!}

‘Nami, I’m not in the mood.’

{Hmph. Lies require commitment. You have to live with the veil of dishonesty you crafted with your hands.}


{Fine… I’ll shut up.}

Harribel’s hand found its way onto his shoulder, her touch gentle yet firm. “Kazuya, when did this...memory resurface?”

“A couple of days after I joined your group.”

She heaved a sigh of relief before smiling. “You should have told us earlier.”

Sung-Sun’s lips formed an amused smile, her eyes glinting sadistically. She never thought she’d see an anxious expression on his face. “Kazuya was anxious about our reactions. How utterly adorable.”

Mila Rose nudged her. “He had the same face when you were almost dead.”

“Really? That makes me so happy.”

Their half-hearted reactions took a weight off of his chest. “Of course I’m worried. As cheesy as it sounds, you all are my only family in this world.”

“And you are mine,” Apacci said with a strong determination in her voice. “F-Family. I didn’t mean to say it like that.”

“Haha, you’re so cute.” He kissed her cheeks and turned his gaze over to Harribel. “Am I forgiven for hiding the truth?”

Harribel nodded. “There is nothing else you could’ve done in that situation.”

“True,” Mila Rose interjected. “What will you do now?”

“I plan to return to the Soul Society as a Shinigami.”

His sudden confession dropped the air by over ten degrees. Harribel stared at him as if she didn’t expect him to come out with these words.

A genuine look of shock plastered across Apacci’s face. “What? You want to leave us—”

His arms encircled her waist in reassurance. “Relax, my dear deer. It’s just a temporary leave to solve some issues over there. I’ll finish the work and return to everyone… Harribel, stop before you release your Reiatsu.”

He, of course, had the opportunity to leave everything and relocate to another city with his women. But he had promised to live his life to the fullest without regrets. Visiting the Soul Society had always been a desire.

{Nah, dude. You just want to fuck some Shinigami pussies.}


Harribel sighed. “It’s too dangerous… Let’s go to Hueco Mundo. Kisuke can’t force you if you leave now.”

She was an honorable woman but his safety was above everything. This mission was different from the Living World. The Soul Society was a world filled with Shinigami — the people responsible for purifying Hollows. She wouldn’t be able to rush to his aid if anything happened to him there.

The separation of four days filled her with haunting thoughts. There was no way she’d be able to live without him for a year or more.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at her overly protective demeanor. “You’re acting like my Mommy again. I appreciate the sentiments but let me go through this. I won’t get hurt.”

His light teasing was enough to banish her worries momentarily, and a blush crept onto Harribel's face. “Hah. Worrying about someone doesn't make me their mother. Sung-Sun, tell this misguided kid.”

Sung-Sun thought for a moment, her finger tapping her chin. “In this context, Harribel, you’re actually acting like his mother. He is a grown-up man. Let him make his own decisions.”

It seemed Harribel had chosen the wrong person to back her up, the realization causing her to reassess her stance.

He placed a hand on her thigh. “Don’t let fear and worries dictate your life.”

“Hm. Hm.” Mila Rose nodded. “It’s Skull we’re talking about. He took down Baraggan on his own. I doubt any Shinigami can kill him with his god-like regeneration.”

“True.” He concurred with Mila Rose’s opinion, even though he was fully aware there were many Shinigami who could pose a significant threat to him. “I promise I won’t let anything kill me before I make at least one baby with all four of you.”

He stated his end goal with a serious look in his eyes. He won’t let anyone interfere between him and them.

{This possessiveness,} Nami’s voice echoed in his mind. {You’re starting to sound like a yandere.}

‘I AM a yandere.’


Harribel patted her belly, pondering his words. She had expected these words to come out of his mouth sooner or later. After all, he had shown a passion for her time and again. Her maternal instinct overpowered her romantic feelings, which were once again overpowered by another desire — the desire to have a child of her own. She couldn’t imagine having a child with anyone other than him.

Her heart was a mess of conflicting desires.

Apacci pinched his neck. “Why do you want all four of us? Aren’t you asking for too much?”

A knowing smile danced on his lips as though he’d been expecting this question. “Most men would consider themselves lucky to have just one of you... but I don’t want to settle with just one and live with regrets. I want all of you, so close that I can kiss and hug you anytime. I guess I’m a greedy man.”

The four of them were left speechless.

“Ara…” Sung-Sun eventually muttered, clearly at a loss for words. “How bold of you. Guess it can’t be helped then…”

“Hollows together strong,” Apacci mumbled. “Big family unkillable.”

Her words were incoherent, like she was under the influence of overwhelming happiness and couldn't think straight.

He looked at Mila Rose. “So?”

“Stop pressuring me into agreeing like this!” Mila Rose retorted, clearly flustered. “Alright, I'll consider the idea of taking you as a mate, but only if you make it back alive.”

Harribel’s eyes widened in realization. “My answer is the same as Mila Rose.”

If she couldn’t stop him from leaving, she could incentivize him to return. A suitable incentive for the man who would risk everything for her family.

He hugged Apacci with more force. “Even God can’t kill me now. Let’s celebrate this moment with something special.”

Curiosity sparked in Mila Rose’s eyes. “What do you have in mind?”

He grinned. “A buffet. You’ll be my desert.”

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