Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 215: Fanboy

Chapter 215: Fanboy

[Dear diary]

[I'm writing this in the morning because I was too tired yesterday after a long day.

With the group, I joined last week we fought the Three-Eyed Gnawlers for the entirety of yesterday.

Their nest stank like death, and there were at least a hundred of them!

I can still smell the stench on my clothes.

I almost got bitten, too!

Luckily I had spent some money to buy the Stoneskin Potion. However, one of the guys wasn't that lucky

He refused to take the potion, saying that it makes him itchy and it's a hindrance to his movements.

Welp, guess what? He got bitten below the knee!

His teammates wanted to immediately burn his wound, but he refused again, saying he will be fine.

Today he woke up early because his leg started turning sore and black.

He is currently crying in pain. His leg is probably going to have to be cut off

He didn't listen, and now his short career of a warrior is coming to an end. But what can you do, such is life.

There is always that one dumbass, thinking himself smarter than the rest.

They are now calling me to help them carry him back to the city

Great, as if I'm not tired enough already]

* * *

[OH! MY! GOD!]

[I can't believe what I have just seen!

On the road back to the city we met a weird person.

He was super tall and dressed in black leather, and had his face hidden behind a hood.

I just wish I could see his face, damn it!

But he was acting so weirdly, mumbling something in a creepy tone, and then he suddenly threw something. It looked like a piece of paper.

But it exploded!

I can still feel my heart beating loudly from the fright it gave me!

It was so loud and powerful! Even the Bottled Thunder wouldn't scare me that much!

When he started laughing like mad, I for sure thought it was one of those crazy mages that went nuts.

We tried to stand far away from him, but then

Then he suddenly jumped up, and he...he flew!

He flew like a bird!

Oh my god!

I still can't believe it!

Was he even human?! Can humans fly?!

In the ten years I have worked as a warrior, I have never before seen or heard of anyone flying!

I wanted to run after him and see where he went, but we had to carry that fool!

I'm so mad!

I wanted to just toss him to the curb and leave him there, but then his friends would probably turn against me

I needed the money so I could only endure.]


[It's me again!]

[I found him!

Well, not exactly, but I got a clue!

After getting paid when we returned to Auralba, I started asking around

You wouldn't believe it, but a few people saw him too!

He was in this city! I'm so excited!

I never felt this way before, so I'm not sure how I should act.

It's a mix of excitement, happiness, and a bit of fear.

It's so weird, but I got this feeling like I want to just smile all the time.

Maybe because it was my childhood dream to be able to fly?

I don't know, but I want to meet that man.

But if I do, what then? Should I beg him to teach me?

I don't even know him, and he certainly doesn't know me

I'm feeling so nervous, ah! My hands are shaking while I'm writing this.

I think I'll take some time to rest and continue with my search later.

My mind just can't take it anymore!]


It has been a few days since the Phoenix Knights clashed with the Orcs in the night.

They have returned back safely and brought back the victims. They were then left to the Guild to be taken care of.

Tabbris Northendark went to report to his father and also the King. They were quite close, so he was granted an audience without a problem.

The issue of lacking manpower was addressed then and there.

It was quite clear that only twenty people were not enough if they wanted to take on a nest. The King decided to order the Warrior's Guild to issue a special mission of extermination led by the Phoenix Knights.

With their widespread fame and generous rewards, it shouldn't be a problem getting a few dozen strong men to join the fight.

It was not often that the opportunity to fight alongside the best was presented to the masses.

Also, a battle against Orcs was often reserved only for those truly capable, but with the current lack of manpower, everyone was welcome.

Of course, for those that were weak, participating in this mission would bring only downsides and no upsides.

They would be responsible for their own supplies and safety, so they would most likely be the first to suffer if anything went wrong.

Still, there were those brave enough to grab this opportunity to learn from the best despite the high danger. Only by taking some risks could they advance faster than their peers.

The rumors of war already spread across the Kingdom and the beast attacks were starting to happen even in broad daylight. The Warrior's Guild was short on warriors since there was so much to do.

Still, it was not all bad. With extra work came extra loot, and many jumped at the opportunity to make some extra cash, especially since they could demand higher pay due to increased danger.

The Guild released the news, and soon half the city knew about the mission.

The place was in the middle of the Black Forest, some two hundred kilometers to the northwest. It was around two to three days travel on foot if they hurried.

The first attack in the north-western part of the Kingdom happened just about a week ago where another village was razed to the ground, so it was extremely important to check the place out before any more villages get destroyed.

Time was of the essence.

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