Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 195: Powerful Elite, Tak-Rai

Chapter 195: Powerful Elite, Tak-Rai

Gerald spun and jumped around, spear in hand, and acted like a bladed tornado, cutting and destroying everything in his path. Cut limbs and fresh blood flew into the sky as he spun around like an ice skate dancer.

Every once in a while he glanced at the Orc Elite who was becoming increasingly enraged after watching his warriors be cut apart like some cheap vegetables.

Gerald grinned mockingly and suddenly threw a Fireball at the armored beast.

"Wurah!" Tak-Rai growled and cut the Fireball in half with his weapon making it explode before hitting him.

"I'll tear you apart!" the Orc suddenly snarled and launched himself forward. The thorns on the ground didn't stop him for even a second as he bulldozed through them like a mad bull.


The weapons collided and sparks flew, Gerald had to focus his attention entirely on the Orc Elite. 'It's too strong! What the hell!'

The beast had massive muscles under the armor and it was also bigger than him, forcing Gerald to grip the spear with both hands for a change. The Toothpick and meat cleaver collided aggressively, each leaving a shallow dent in the other.

Being unable to overpower his opponent and having many little pests run under his feet trying to hurt him, Gerald doubled his weight for better stability and pushed back with even more grit.

As he blocked another strike from Tak-Rai and deflected his weapon sideways, giving him a split-second opportunity to counterattack.

However, instead of striking with his spear, Gerald spun around and doubled his weight again, kicking the Orc in the stomach.

Tak-Rai tumbled back, and meanwhile, Gerald formed a Greater Fireball as fast as he could. "Burn you freak!"


"Awr!" The Orc growled as the fiery explosion hit him, but he quickly put out the flames and remained mostly unharmed.

"Lesser being actually dares to hurt me?! I'll tear you to pieces!" the Orc roared and didn't even bother to pick up his weapon, and instead attacked with bare fists.

It was just that each punch carried immense force with it and the ground moved in sync with the strikes. Each punch would trigger a pillar of stone to shot out of the ground towards Gerald, and he could barely defend himself.

He created wall after wall to block the pillars, and each strike cracked and subsequently broke through them, forcing him to move backward and create new ones in their place.

The attacks came from the front, but also from the sides and back. He was assaulted by the Orc Elite in the front, and the little pests tried to stab him from the back.

Irritated, he jumped up and threw out three Fireballs at once to kill a few Goblins. The Orc suddenly grinned and punched up at him.


A pillar shot up at an amazing speed and hit Gerald at the back of his head, causing him to momentarily lose consciousness and fall on the ground. The impact gave him a mild concussion and disoriented his senses, giving Tak-Rai ample opportunity to attack.

"Haha, you are mine!" he madly roared and jumped on top of Gerald, pummeling him with all he had.

Luckily Juggernaut was constantly active, otherwise, his head would have already turned to mush. He tried to defend himself from the barrage of attacks, but the Orc was just too strong!

In a desperate attempt to free himself, Gerald created explosions all over his body to gain a few seconds of breathing room.


Tak-Rai was thrown off by the blast, but was quickly back on his feet and rushing forward to attack once more. In that second or two of freedom, Gerald covered himself with the Stone Armor and scrambled to stand up.

Blood dripped out of his mouth, his lip was split, and his nose broken. He had bleeding under the skin as well, and a few parts of his face started to swell already.

Bruises and cuts were across his chest and arms as well, but he paid them no mind. He had to kill the Orc!

Two giant figures rushed towards each other, one covered in metal, the other covered in rock.


The two collided, and the impact reverberated through the forest, followed by an aggressive brawl and wrestling on the floor.

Suddenly, Gerald pulled his spear close to himself with a thought, and made it disappear into the ring. He jumped forward with all he had and hugged the Orc Elite, before nullifying gravity and jumping up with the help of an explosion.

Tak-Rai was shocked and confused, to say the least, so he only reacted a few seconds later, but by then they were already hundreds of meters in the air.

"Let me down, you bastard! Wrah!" He pounded and clawed at Gerald's back, tearing off stone plates and scratching his skin. But Gerald simply gritted his teeth and flew even higher.

This was his chance!

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