BJ Archmage

Chapter 335

Chapter 335


"You're like a BJ big horse, you're starting off with a bang as soon as you get to the New World."

"It's kind of weird that no one answered back, even if it's a bluff. Don't you usually get into trouble?”

"Well, it's kind of weird that there's no response. Usually, as soon as BJ came out, everyone turned on a live broadcast and did a fishing broadcast."

The Capsule Room is full of talk about BJ's entry into the New World.

"Anyways, if we keep this up, will BJ Grand Master ever play a solo game again?"

"Well, apart from what you can do, it's probably too inefficient to do it alone.”

"What are you talking about? You don't believe BJ? BJ Grand Master promised our fans that he would live solo until he died and die solo! My brother is a solo!"

"The revolution, he's talking sh*t again.”

And as usual, with Lee Hyuk-ju's nonsense coming and going, Jung Hyun-woo was fiddling with his smartphone without a word.

His expression of concern was evident.

I said I was going to do the bus service, but there's no response.…'

The reason is the players' reaction to their actions.

'Well, let's say it was pre-coordinated.

There was nothing they could not understand if they wanted to understand what they ignored.

'But even after I moved to the field, one of the guards didn't stick properly. It's normal for about a dozen people to stick together even if you want to take a spy shot.’

However, it was hard to understand why BJ Daemado did not show any response to the subsequent move.

'It's a headache.'

And there was nothing good about it either.

I'm not on good terms with one-tier guilds, but this is a little……'

Once the New World was virtually within the fence of the one-tier guilds, and had a solid relationship and had absolute influence.

You don't get along with them?

Midas, of course, is not on good terms with the one-tier guilds, but there was nothing good about this cut-off in conversation.

'If you don't get along this well, you should only do a solo broadcast later on.’

Moreover, Jung had no choice but to keep the live broadcast in mind.

"Boss Monster Raid" is more of an issue than just doing it.

Thanks to the repeated burning of rivalries by the midfield guild on the previous continent, Midas' profits were evidence.

But now there are no midfield guilds, and they needed a new partner to replace them.

And in order to find the new partner, it had to be at least a face-to-face relationship.

You can't do anything like that because you're suddenly a rival to someone who doesn't have a point of contact.

At this point, it's time to take an active role in improving this awkward relationship.

'I have to go find traces of the knights anyway, so shall we have a showcase on the way?’

One of them was the BJ archbishop's performance.

If you show us how much you've done in the showcase, the viewers will be excited and the guilds of the first tier will be sore.

Or should I talk to the boss? I'm sure the boss will know the situation and move on.’


Jung Hyun-woo's smartphone vibrated briefly.


Jung Hyun-woo, who soon checked the notification of his smartphone, was not worried anymore.

You got a partner! You're the boss!’

Now, Jung Hyun-woo smiles instead of worries.

"Who's your partner?"’

With that smile, Jung Hyun-woo, who confirmed his first partner in the New World, tilted his head.

'Survivor Guild? Lek?'

The moment I thought of those two words, a memory came into Midas' head.

'The Lek that you said you had a war with Hayes Guild after being kicked out of Hayes Guild?'


There were three main factors that bothered players entering the New World.

One is that monsters are very strong.

The giants of dinosaurs have been more demanding than any other players have ever faced.

It was colorful at the same time.

In the case of the white forest, there were only three kinds of monsters, including worker ants, combat ants, and wings, but there were more than 10 kinds of dinosaurs appearing in the New World, and even new species suddenly popped out.

The second is that the hunting ground is not managed.

In the New Continent, there was no such thing as the explorer line of the guild.

Of course, it was not without the guild of explorers, nor was it that their strength was weak.

Only if the explorer line had so far been open to all players who followed the rules of the Explorer Guild, in the New World only the submissive could get their help.

The obedience was the third factor that afflicted players in the New World.

In order to survive in the New World, you must obey all the rules made by the teenage guild and the one-tier guild.

When they asked for a monster, they had to give it to them, if they had to be a meat shield, and there was a threat to offer items or gold.

In many ways, there were at least one or two people who did not bow their heads to unfair things.

"Everyone's here, right?”

Lek, he was that kind of guy.

a class fighting against injustice

In fact, he was not the kind of person who fought against injustice.

"Yes, how's Brother Lek doing?”

"How have you been? I haven't been doing well since I got kicked out of Hayes Guild."

It was a large guild that competed with a teenage guild in the early days of Godworth and was one of the tankers representing Heize Guild, which is still considered a one-tier guild after that.

A group of people who want to lose money but can't lose it.

"Well, I wouldn't have done that then if I had known this would happen.”

It was from the moment he pinched at his colleague's injustice that such Lek's solid road was doomed.

Hayes Guild, who was in a bad situation due to the failure of the Boss Monster Raid at the time, made excessive moves to recover, and in the process began to squeeze out small guilds that were allied to Hayes Guild.

Even a few guild members would loan the small guild a motion on credit.

The words were traumatized, in fact, and Leck said a word to the fact.

Play the game like a gentleman.

In fact, when he spits it out, Leck thought Hayes Guild would listen to him and correct his behavior.

The Heize guild he knew, though hesitant, was once a guild close to a teenage guild, so he devoted himself with pride.

But Hayes Guild's choice was to brand Lek a traitor and kick him out of the guild.

That's not the end.

"If I knew I'd be punished like this for pointing out what I did wrong then……"

Hayes Guild repeatedly punished Lek so that he could not return in any way.

Still, Lek had his own virtues, so some people raised their voices on Lek's side, but Hayes Guild even punished those who helped Lek with the one-tier guilds.

Beyond kicking him out of party hunting, Lek and other people helping him steal monsters, robbing items, and even betting on PK.

"……I shouldn't have said it out loud, but I should've just broken the ttukbaegi with PK on the spot. I regret not being a dealer the most when I grow this character.”

But instead of bowing his head to the punishment, Lek created a guild to help those in the same situation as him.

Survivor Guild.

"I've had enough of this story, so I'll stop here, and I've managed to get there. I thought everyone would lose weight on the day."

"Well, they're abandoned anyway, so why take them out?"

Of course the outcome of the war was devastating, as the conversation now shows.

"That's right, I'm raising Seconds without this character anyway."

"I'm throwing out Seconds and growing a third character. The main scenario quest contents are very good these days.”

Over the years, he has to abandon his character to the New World and play another character.

It was a terrible thing.

"No, but you didn't even tell me who your client was, and you're just coming in?"

"What does the requester care? I'm just going to trust him."

"That's right, what's the difference if you know that? When you call it, it's a quick connection."

Nevertheless, accessing Lek's request was evidence that Lek's trust in the past is not normal.

Lek was the only one who fought against irrationality until the end, even at a loss in the New World.

Indeed, the Hayes Guild has tried to appease him since he created the Survivor Guild, but Leake has never been shaken by it.

To the extent that I can help my hard-working people with my own money.

"Without Mr. Reck anyway, we're all in the same boat, aren't we?"

And he was excellent.

In fact, that was the most important thing.

You can make money because you have extraordinary skills.

At the same time, Lek was ostracized to lead the guild of survivors, and he was the leader of the persecuted.

"Without you, we're not even a meat shield."

"That's right, without you, you'd just be on the street and hunted by one-tier guilds."

Although the job is a terrible job to be a meat shield for clients in this dangerous New World, it was a more lucrative business to die than to be killed by a one-tier guild anyway.

"It's amazing that there's more work to do."

"That's right, since Hayes Guild hit once last time, all her clients have disappeared.”

Of course, even the small bees have disappeared due to the interference of Heize Guild and other one-tier guilds.

"Who the hell is your client and you found your brother even though you knew Hayes Guild was taking the picture?”

Therefore, Leck said to colleagues asking about the client's identity.

"He's a great man.”

It was then.

"Who is that?"


By the time Leake introduced his client.

"Oh, here you are."

The client who found them waved and said,

"Hello, I'm BJ Master."


"It's nice to meet you all. Lucky is the cool wolf. Gold is the guardian over here. And the lion over there is Silver. Finally, the one who sniffs on my head is Jackpot."

Midas grinned at the end of the introduction.

And the faces of Lek's colleagues, the guilders of the survivor's guild, who saw the smile, were firm.

'Oh, my God.

The requester was BJ archangel?’

I thought it was not normal for people to ask them to join the one-tier guild, including Hayes Guild.

But you didn't expect him to be the BJ archangel who's shaking Godworth right now?

Of course, that's why it's understandable.

Well, a BJ major wouldn't be a Heize guild.’

Already, BJ Major has proved its superiority through several clashes with one-tier guilds.

No, it wasn't just an advantage.

Prospects of the one-tier guild who had a quarrel with him were brutally trampled by the BJ archangel, and the face of the one-tier guilds who had a quarrel with him was shattered in the cave of the Spirit.

At present, the popularity and popularity of the one-tier guilds have been eating into his actions.

'He's got a lot of money.

'He's got a lot of connections.

Apart from that, rumors had already become a fait accompli, which was rich enough to compare Azmo and Gustaf, and his network was so great that teenage guild masters appeared when they were bored and started a sponsored chat battle.

Even if the New World is a world of one-tier guilds, BJ Grand Master will not be able to touch it.


Of course, apart from that, there were no survivors guilds who had very good feelings for BJ archaica.

'At least I'll end up writing it down.'

To sum up, BJ archbishop was also a man who made his own rules by himself.

Isn't hiring a survivor's guild right now to make the game easier with money?

Emotionally, the BJ archangel could not be tolerated for the survivors, who were persecuted by the powerful and had to abandon their first hard-earned characters.

But I didn't put that feeling ahead of me.

"My name is Lek. I'll do my best to help you."

Anyway, isn't that a boss who pays you a lot of money in a situation where you can't make a penny?

It's best to do as much as you can.

At the greeting of such Lek, Midas looked at Lek without a word for a moment.

As if to analyze the opponent.

The attitude made Leake nervous.

'You look playful on the air, but you're a snake when you turn it off.’

In Lek's view, the expression of the BJ archbishop meant nothing.

Of course, that's not why Midas was looking at him.

You're as good as a former Hayes Guild 1 tanker.’

Midas was well aware of Lek's track record.

Why he's out of Hayes Guild and what he's in.

That's why I was worried.

'More than that, hiring a survivor guild……'

The president of the Rising Star Channel, which Midas knows, has always been a man who can look three steps ahead.

He wouldn't have given the guild to the survivors just to make the game easier.

Far from being just a partner, he was the first partner in the New World.

The symbolic meaning was bound to be great in many ways, and the ability and evaluation of the BJ archipelago was determined by the outcome of the guild of survivors.

You want me to give you the right guild?’

From that point of view, it was good for BJ's reputation that the guild of survivors took countless gifts.

'Well, as a one-tier guild, a survivor guild is a prick.'

What's more, the problem facing the BJ archipelago right now is that the one-tier guilds do not deal with it.

What if a guild, a survivor persecuted by one-tier guilds, becomes a rising star with the help of a BJ archdhist?

So can one-tier guilds continue to ignore the BJ archipelago after that?

Well, there's no business before jealousy.’

You're going to get some kind of reaction out of jealousy.

'As expected, the boss is really smart.’

"I'll plan all the hunting plans. Do you agree?"

Soon Midas, who had come to a conclusion in his head, told Lek, and at the words of the survivors guilded his teeth tightly into his mind.

'You're thinking of pulling out the mulberry properly.'

The BJ Master intends to use them to hunt properly here, in the New World.

Well, if we use one of us as bait, we can drive the dinosaurs and fire them……there's nothing more comfortable than that.’

'You can bait us and run away from the dinosaurs.'

It wasn't just the BJ archangel.

'You got the money. That's enough.

"It's a good business to have a full month's worth of money for a character who doesn't even raise a child."’

There's nothing else we can do but do this, right?’

In the meantime, all those who hired survivors guilds used them as scapegoats, not as colleagues or party members.

Therefore, I didn't have to renew my resolution.

"Yes, just give me the order and I'

Lek also answered without hesitation.

Because that was the terms of the contract with Rising Star Channel in the first place.

No matter what nonsense BJ archbishop makes, he must carry out his demands.

"Lake, do you have a waztube?"

"What? It's him… … We do have channels."

"Okay, then Lek will turn on the live broadcast and I will be the guest."


"What does that mean?"

"Guest? The BJ Master on our show?"

Then a series of questions broke out among the surviving guild members.

But Midas said as if he had waited, let alone panicked.

"Think about it, if you're in the middle of a live broadcast, I'm a surprise guest. The Com viewers will explode."

That was how Midas prepared it.

To appear as a guest.

Of course there was no immediate profit for Midas in this way.

Once you do this, you'll line up to hunt with me.’

But after this broadcast, you'll choose the profit.

"Well, let's get ready. If you give me the signal, I'll show up and say hello."

'I'll give you the real benefit of playing games with me.'

Midas' first live broadcast in the New World has begun.

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