Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[1000] – Y04.100 – Fools and Honour VI

[1000] – Y04.100 – Fools and Honour VI

Adam inhaled deeply, the chilly air filled his lungs, waking him further. He had half expected the Grand Duchess to poison him at this point, since the last match was about to begin, but sitting within the fighter’s area, he glanced around to the others who were still waiting for their fights, and one by one, they stepped out.

“Worried?” a Northerner asked. He an older man, in his late forties or so, with pale skin, black hair and black eyes, which was so common in the North. He wore a breast plate made of darker steel, and he carried on his back a large blade made of jagite. Not the same kind of jagite Adam had bought previously, but true jagite.

History Check (Intelligence)
D20 + 3 = 23 (20)

“No, not…” Adam furrowed his brows, tilting his head slightly. “Black Blood?”

“Adam,” Eddard, Black Blood, replied, reaching out to shake Adam’s forearm. “How have you been?”

“Yeah, good, you?”

“I’ve been well.”

“What about your group?”

“Fine enough.”

Adam slowly nodded his head. “Fancy that. I wasn’t paying attention to the other segments, but if I had known you were around, I would have bet on you.”

“Ah, shouldn’t bet on me. I’m fighting old Bear Tusk next, and…” Eddard shrugged his shoulders. “How about you, young man?”

Hearing the words young man caused Adam’s hair to stand on end, though the feeling quickly passed. “Yeah, well… I’m about to face Princess Adda, and the Grand Duchess and I came to an understanding. As long as I get first place, I don’t mind.”

“So… you’re coming first?”

“There might be a few of us coming first.” Adam winked.

“Ah.” Eddard slowly bowed his head. He glanced down at Adam’s steel tag from the Guild, noting the stamps. When he had first met Adam, he had a bronze tag, and very quickly after, he had risen to Steel. “You’ve been busy?”

“Some hydras didn’t know their place,” Adam said.

“I heard some rumour about the Marshal of the East.”

“Lord Benjamin, right?” Adam replied, thinking back to the clash he had trying to protect Alex. “Yeah?”

“You had some trouble with the Marshal?”

“He had some trouble with us, and my brother dealt with it.”

“I’m not sure the Iyrman could have stopped the Marshal just like that.”

“Well, we fought, and then the Order of Life’s Rose, or rather, the First Hope, guaranteed the Marshal’s life, so what could I do?”

Eddard furrowed his brows slightly, thinking upon Adam’s words. ‘Hmm?’

“Plus, you know, I got to show off in front of my wife by beating up so many people, so what can I do other than to let them go?” Adam asked.

“Your wife?”

“Adam!” called the worker. “Get ready!”

“Let’s get some drinks tonight,” Adam said. “Where are you staying?”

“Four Corners, by the bend.”

“See you then,” Adam said, tapping his forehead as a quick salute, before donning his shield, the same red shield Eddard had recognised all the way back during their fight.

‘I wonder how strong he’s become after nearly two years,’ Eddard thought.

Adam stepped out onto the stone floor, holding out his hands, basking in the attention of the crowd, who cheered, shouting out his name.

“Executive Adam! Executive Adam! Executive Adam!”

Adam waved his axe up and started the walk around the arena, while the Princess emerged, to an equally loud shouting.

“Princess Adda! Princess Adda! Princess Adda!”

While the crowd continued to cheer at the pair who were circling one another, the discussions at the top of the ring fell silent, especially at a particular section, where the Grand Duchess sat with a great many figures. The Grand Commander of the Order of the Thousand Hunts remained focused on the pair, for the Princess had defeated a member of his Order, while Adam… was Adam.

Another old set of eyes, which could barely see too far ahead, remained focused on the blobs. He remained silent, or as silent as he could, for his lungs struggled after over ninety years of hard work. He was lean, speckled all over with venerability, carrying a cane at his side, which even twenty years ago would have caused the Grand Commander to pause, but now, it was only for walking.

“You should wear the spectacles for this match,” the Grand Duchess said.

“You! You, ha, you…” His eyes slowly dragged themselves to the Grand Duchess, who held out the spectacles, small, and cushioned at the bridge, with chain on either end of the glasses that connected to a weight. She too, wore a set of spectacles. He took them from her, letting out a disapproving sigh, before putting them on. “I was. Fine. Sitting. In the crowds.”

“What would the people think if I did not allow you to sit within the ring?”

“They. Would think. I shouldn’t. Walk up. All.” He paused for a moment to breathe deeply, deep with annoyance. “Those steps.”

“I will help you down.”

“Ha. I’m. Fine.”

“Then stop complaining and watch, you old wolf!”

The old man let out a cough which turned into a laugh and back into a cough. “I’ll see. Just how. Good that. Child. Of yours. Is.”

“My sister is strong,” the girl nearby said, swallowed by thick furs. Her black hair peeked out of her fur hat, her grey eyes resolute.

The pair continued to circle, focusing on the crowd for a long moment, dampening their annoyance at the tournament coming to an end. Though the Northerners understood sometimes the tournament would need to hasten in order to defend their town, and as much as they looked to see the Southerners complain about it, there were quite a few rumours going on about the fight.

Except, they also didn’t take bets for the fight, which left more unanswered questions.

All that was forgotten for now, because the Princess was fighting the Executive.

“I will not surrender,” Adda informed the half elf. “I do not know what business you have with the Grand Duchess, but I have no intention to lose to you today.”

“It’s a shame, because I promised my daughter I would take first place.”

“I also made a promise,” Adda replied, pointing her greatsword at the half elf.

“Don’t mess this up,” Adam urged, doing his best to control his tone of voice. “Let’s get what we both wish for, glory for our families.”

Fighting Spirit: 3 -> 2

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 13 (3)
D20 + 10 = 25 (15)
Wraith: 3 -> 2
Mana: 25 -> 24
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 32 (5)(8)(10)
32 damage!

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 23 (13)
D20 + 10 = 29 (19)
Critical hit!
Wraith: 2 -> 1
4D6 + 4D6 + 9 = 38 (16)(13)
38 damage!

The silence of the crowd broke with the sounds of their clash, blade against axe.

“You are within my sight,” the Princess called out, chanting the words of her oath, her blade, glowing blue and leaving a trail of frost, clattered against Adam’s shield with a greater might. Except, no matter how much the woman tried to find gaps within Adam’s defence, her blade only managed superficial blows. ‘Impossible!’

Adam caught his breath, slamming her blade away with his shield, before his axe struck against her armour viciously, slamming against her with such great might, the cold and the holy magics slipped through into her bones.

Adda grunted as she stumbled back, pausing for a moment, staring at Adam through her visor. She could feel the strength in her legs had faded, and she found it difficult to wield her blade with all her strength in that moment. ‘He did not smite me when he had the chance?’

Adam understood roughly how strong Adda was, and he considered the damage he had dealt to her. ‘I can’t win too quickly, otherwise I won’t make it back to show off to my kids, so don’t get too uppity, alright?’

“May I have a break?” she asked, panting for air.

“A break?” Adam asked.

“To heal myself.”

“… Sure?” Adam replied, having not heard of such a thing before. ‘I guess Slasher won’t be active then?’ He understood the young woman had used an ability to allow her to strike him with Advantage too, while Slasher imposed Disadvantage upon her whenever he managed a Critical against her. They cancelled each other out, but Slasher only lasted for a moment or two.

The young woman clasped her hands together and healed herself, before she bowed her head, healing herself. She chanted the words to a spell, bowed her head, and stepped forward to clash with Adam once more.

Fighting Spirit: 2 -> 1

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 13 (5)
D20 + 10 = 22 (12)
Wraith: 1 -> 0
2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 15 (3)(3)
15 damage!

Attack - Wraith (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 23 (15)
D20 + 10 = 29 (16)
Mana: 24 -> 23
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 20 (2)(9)
20 damage!

The pair clashed once more, blade meeting axe, but Adam focused once more, and managed to force the young woman back, striking harder and harder, while the young woman tried to defend herself. She almost dropped to a knee as Adam forced her back. She was used to striking hard, as hard as Adam would, but she was rarely on the receiving end of such abuse.

Adda continued to push forward, barely able to gather her strength. She chanted the words to a new spell, understanding that Adam was able to strike through her great defence, and she just needed one good hit. Just a one good hit, and then she would be able to set the pace.

Her magical blade glanced off of the tip of Adam’s shield, then struck him against the side of his helmet.

Health: 112 -> 42

Strength Save
D20 + 8 = 25 (17)

The explosion of a Thunderous Smite almost burst his ear drums as Adam flexed his muscles, his neck straining as the heat of the holy magic, and the chill of the woman’s blade, coursed through him.

‘Yes!’ Adda thought, about to step forward, to follow the half elf’s body as the thunderous force would knock him back.

Except, she couldn’t.

Adam stood tall and strong, his head tilted as the blade tried to cut through his helmet. He could feel the hot drips of blood against his cheek and neck.

“Hey,” Adam said. “If you think I won’t offend the Grand Duchess of the North by beating your ass, you’re sorely mistaken. I told you, I made a promise, so if you don’t step back now, I’ll beat you so hard, you won’t be able to look at the colour purple without shivering.”

Adda remained frozen in shock, while Adam peeled the woman’s blade away from his head, reaching up to rub the sore spot. ‘What?’

Tough Spirit: 1 -> 0
2D6 + 8 = 12 (4)
Health: 42 -> 54

‘If she attacks again, I’ll just beat her,’ Adam thought. ‘That really fucking hurt.’

Adda stared at Adam. Just one more good hit like that, and she would win, but at the same time, everyone could see it by now. Adam was holding back. Adda stepped backwards, clutching her blade tight in hand, staring at the man in purple.

“I am near spent, and yourself?” Adda asked, raising her voice to the quietened crowd.

“Me too,” Adam replied, also raising his voice.

“You fight as well as any man I’ve seen,” Adda said, cautiously, before standing a little taller. ‘So this is why…’ “You hold the might of giants. You hold the vitality of dragons.”

Adam remained silent, unsure of what she was doing. It was when she slowly bowed her head, and Adam noted the expectant look within her visor, that he cleared his throat. “Ah, right, excuse me. I was stunned by your… wisdom, which matches your… great strength.” ‘I can’t talk about her beauty, since, obviously, my wife is the most beautiful.’

XP Gained: +200
XP: 5 200 -> 5 400

Quest Complete: First Place
XP Gained: +1 000
XP: 5 400 -> 6 400

Quest Complete: A Noble Quest
XP Gained: +200
XP: 6 400 -> 6 600

Quest Complete: A Northern Welcome
XP Gained: +200
XP: 6 600 -> 6 800

Quest Complete: A Father’s Wish
XP Gained: +200
XP: 6 800 -> 7 000

The cheering erupted throughout the crowd, almost drowning out all the annoyance of the XP Adam had gained.

‘What’s all this XP for?’

Sometimes you need to beat the days out of a noble to remind them of their place. 

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