Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Volume 8 - Ch 149.1


Translated by boilpoil

Edited by boilpoil

Liang Xingyi is like a dumbo.

He looks a bit dull and formulaic; meanwhile, hes panicking and acting crazy.

Everything he did is probably enough to evoke cold sweat in anyone that hears, but he did it regardless, like he had to.

He did it without considering consequences either, seemingly believing everything will go the exact way he wishes it to.

Only when Mu Jiashi questioned him did it seem to dawn on him that he needs failsafes.

Why is he so certain Liang Zhiyis brain will be able to wake up in the AIs programming?

There is no proof, but he believes in it, unwaveringly.

Though he wasnt completely bankrupt in intelligence, having left behind an inflexible programme in his AI.

Mu Jiashi finally manages to understand what kind of software has been inserted through the mess of jargon hes spouting, so you mean, your AI will continuously try to stimulate Liang Zhiyis brain for him to wake up?

Thats right! Liang Xingyi keeps nodding like a pecking chicken, my older brother can definitely wake up!

Mu Jiashi

He literally cusses, before forcing himself to calm back down and ask, so what if it doesnt do a damned thing? Liang Zhiyi isnt waking up at all!

Liang Xingyi seems stunned, then says, with quite the pitiful tone, but, but Im sure, he would

The hells your sure useful for! Mu Jiashi finally loses it, lashing out, then takes a deep breath again.

Shen Ynj pats him on the shoulder. The hospital is emotionally affecting them; both positive and negative emotions seem to be far more intense than usual.

Mu Jiashi slowly calms back down, saying, Im fine

Silence ensues between them for now.

Liang Xingyi looks like hes questioning his entire existence, holding the glass container blankly.

Mu Jiashi knows he is too irritated by him to talk for now. Shen Ynj is still thinking.

Finally, Mystic is the one to ask, what does your AI actually do?

Liang Xingyi suddenly brightens up thanks to the question, and spouts a bunch of technical jargon while stuttering here and there. Hes in a whole different dimension.

Finally, perhaps noticing none present are as technically savvy, he explains more simply, its specialised in autonomous management.

Autonomous management Mu Jiashi wonders, is that why it was the Towers manager in the end?

Shen Ynj knits his brows and says, but it sounds more like the whole programme is made to automate industrial manufacturing, rather than organisational management?

They look back at Liang Xingyi.

Once again, he defers back to many technical terms, but clearly, he is unable to put the function of his AI in simple terms for the three of them. Its beyond their expertise entirely.

Mu Jiashi just coldly remarks, this is a waste of time.

Liang Xingyi seems taken aback by that, widening his eyes, looking lost.

Shen Ynj thinks about it, and then decides to ask the one key question thats bugged him, this AI youve made can it be shut down?

Shut down? Liang Xingyi seems shocked, why would you want to shut it down?

Shen Ynj glances at Mu Jiashi, who also seems to have caught on now, falling back into thought.

Shen Ynj starts coming up with something believable, Liang Zhiyi couldnt wake up, and the AI has total control in the future. Youve connected the AI with your older brothers brain, but that doesnt mean theyve become one, as I understand.

Liang Xingyi opens his mouth. Before he can answer, Shen Ynj continues, so, if we just shut down the AI, your older brother might be able to wake up.

Liang Xingyi looks like hes still processing everything, staring blankly at Shen Ynj, before finally, torturously, telling them, yes you can.


The programme, replies Liang Xingyi, was set up so it never shuts down unless its source code can be accessed.

But you might be unable to find it; its with me right now, but youre from the future

Its impossible in the beginning, but when I improved its code as I went on when I, wanted it to help my older brother wake up; if he doesnt wake up, it doesnt have any purpose to exist anymore.

He gets pretty depressed towards the end.

The Missiontakers look at each other. They seem to understand now.

Mu Jiashi asks, so it will try to wake up your older brother, but if it fails continuously, at a certain point, it will shut down? Is that what you mean?

Liang Xingyi slowly nods after a long pause.

He says, no one knows about this. I havent told anyone.

Shen Ynj gasps slightly. Its a shock the AI can actually be shut down, but also, hes angry.

The Towers AI is destined to failIt is an eventuality.

Then what would happen to the humans living under its aegis of protection? What about them?!

How dare Liang Xingyi make such a decision did he even know this AI was going to become the manager of the Tower?

Could he have been unaware that this decision could have indirectly killed all of humanity inside the Tower?

This is all the settings in the plot of a game, but Shen Ynj is empathising, and even feeling a strange sorrow.

Liang Xingyi is insane. Hes insane, thats why he did something like this.

When he can decide that the AI has no purpose existing if his older brother wouldnt wake up, he may very well decide the same of any other humans and ignore their wellbeing.

What disasters shall befall others because of all his decisions are no longer part of his concern.

He is pathologically apathetic.

Why did Liang Xingyi go insane? Was this how he has been all along? Did he wish for all this?

No. Thats not it. Its the Apocalypse.

In the past, some people had psychological, or other such mental illnesses that contributed to an abnormal mental state, and they may cause harm to themselves or others.

After the Apocalypse, the some became the norm, enough that society has collapsed.

Case in point, the traitor trapped in the labyrinth. What good could betraying humanity possibly do?

What was the reason he did all this? Not even his teacher and mentor of many years could understand his thoughts anymore.

It means, when the madness was spreading among humanity, humanitys fate has already been sealed.

An AI that was eventually going to shut down was assigned to protect all of humanity. What an unprecedented farce.

Mu Jiashi shuts his eyes for a little, then asks, how many times? How many times is it until the AI shuts down from all the failures?

1024 to the 1024thpower, Liang Xingyi quietly mumbles, after that many failures, the AI will shut down automatically.

The corner of Mu Jiashis mouth is twitching already.

How are they even going to check the number of times the AI has failed? The number ispreposterously astronomical!

There is no way to manually shut it down, Liang Xingyi is still saying, apparently unaware of Mu Jiashis boiling rage, unless


The source code? Mu Jiashi repeats the phrase, saying, you wouldnt happen to know where

Liang Xingyi shakes his head.

The source code is, of course, in his computer right nowThe AI hasnt even been made yet at this point!

But what about after that? This AI Liang Xingyi made became the manager of the Tower. Where would the source code be at that moment?

Mu Jiashi starts bitterly laughing. Then, he sighs, saying, its another impossible wild goose chase, is it

After finding Liang Xingyi, they gained information and directions. They could choose to wake up Liang Zhiyis brain, for example;

Or look for the source code of the AI somewhere.

Both would help resolve their predicament.

The problem isNeither are fucking helpful solutions right now! If they already had the capability to find the source code or wake up Liang Zhiyis consciousness from here, they wouldnt be stuck in this hell in the first place!

Before they were in the Ultimate Nightmare Actually, before they even stepped foot in this hospital, they didnt even know about this Liang Zhiyi at all!

So its a wide garden path that led nowhere, huh.

For now, a defeatist, possibly self-derisive mood takes over Mu Jiashi once more.

This time, though, his gaze is still clear and sharp. The mood isnt going to take his rational side with him this time.

His emotions are trying to hinder him in this damned hospital. As long as hes aware, he can ignore all the negative mood for now.

He keeps his eyes shut, squeezing.

His companions also fall silent.

Liang Zhiyi seems to be pretty anxious and frightened right now, while looking at them carefully. He behaves quite like a person who shrinks and ducks in the face of any pressure, but what hes done, has certainly shaken the whole of humanity to its core.

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