Becoming Legend

Chapter 233: Training, II

Chapter 233: Training, II

After a couple of hours, Ned was taken to the Gate.

There, Otik welcomed him together with the other humans that were analyzing the Gate.

Aside from Otik. Three more humans were held captive once but agreed to decipher the Gate.

Gala et Polamin, a human from West Cassan, was traveling with his fellow scholars to investigate the strange appearances of unknown languages six years ago in the deeper part of Du'kki mountain, only to find out it was a bait from non-other than Moloatiss.

Phesi Pheong Alayna, an elderly of Ring City Far East of Cassan and a scholar caught between the dispute of nobles. She was tasked to investigate the disappearances of Nobles. For three years, she was doing her part which leads her to the forest of Du'kki. But was abducted by Moloatiss himself, but this time, with the aid of Otik.

Standing behind Gala et Polamin was a man in his twenties with scholarly air, named Ower con Arkable the IV, a noble with a strange history. Less was known about him. But Ned could see that he was enjoying the situation he was currently in.

"Now, Ned." Otik stood after a moment of rest.

The team now includes Ned, who has been deciphering the Gate for a couple of hours and decided to rest after a long effort.

But inside Ned, he was almost laughing because he could analyze and connect the symbols if he wanted to and finish it for a couple more days. Although intrigued by the unknown behind the Gate. Ned wasn't ready to face what or who would come out the Gate.

So, he decided to analyze one symbol and successfully deciphering it. As the symbol of sticks, with stones, and a weird line was connected. The Gate hummed and shone green that almost blinded them. But it didn't take too long for the light to vanish.

The three humans, four including Otikwho taught of himself as part of the Hive rather than being a human, gasped in surprise.

"Brilliant," Gala et Polamin said with eyes unable to move away from the Gate.

"I told you," Otik said with pride as though he was the one that found Ned and brought him in the Hive. "He can do it."

The remaining two were quiet, but their eyes were having a trace of awe and jealousy.

But, even if Ned could understand the symbols and patterns that were puzzling them, there were still some parts that even he couldn't understand. Otik said that some symbol of the Gate could be analyzed by Gogmurch.

Must be some kind of goblin's ancient language, Ned thought. Then the ground shook once again. The four humans stared at each other and waited for the shaking to stop and continue to discuss with themselves after the rumbling stopped as if nothing had happened.

Came the door knocking.

It was Roy.

"Now," he said. "Less time, less talk, faster."

Ned moved and went deeper to the chamber where they trained.

Ned hardly misses the surface, the Hive was brimming with energetic beasts, who just like humans, were trading. Some were quarreling with what seemed to be a piece of a gemstone, must be a Core, but too tiny to be one. Mana stone? Still too tiny.

As days were passing by, goblins' numbers were dwindling to a minimum. Most of which, were loyal to the Queen.

The Queen was losing grasp of the Hive, Ned hoped she must not until he could reach the surface.

Inside the training chamber, Ned prepared himself.

To his surprise, executing proper Stances was draining his energy instead of mana, faster.

Roy explained that the Vanishing Stancewhich Roy gladly accepted the name from Nedcomposed of Seven forms or levels. The main purpose of the Stance was to surprise the enemy with the blade vanishing. Especially, with a shield.

With a shield and blade vanishing, the attack performed by the Vanishing Stance were unpredictable.

But Ned used a dagger. He wanted to try the effect of the Stance with the dagger in hand.

At first form, the Stance was composed of hands and legs coordination. It doesn't matter what kind of blade Ned was using, the patterns were the same. It was a repetitive combination of stabbing and slashing. Ned must adhere to these actions until he could feel that the blade and his hands were acting as one.

The first form, however, was mastered by Ned for only three hours. That, once again, left Roy dumbfounded.

Of course, Ned's eye to hand coordination, digits appearing on his display, and his mastery of weapons pushed him to master the first stance with ease.

A sigh was what Roy could do. "Okay," he said. "We'll see if you mastered the first form."

"So it's a spar?" Ned asked.

"Well," Roy replied. "That's the only way for me to gauge you. We'll see how will your first stance fare on my own. Remember, no magic and mana redirecting allowed."

The two took distances almost 15 meters apart.

Ned bent, Roy bent. Their movements were soft.

Ned wondered what form does the blade vanishes.

One way to find out, Ned thought. Is to master each form.

Roy dashed,  but not agile as the one that he did the first time he showed Ned the Vanishing Stance.

Roy thrust his blade, straight.

Ned thrust his blade, straight.

The only difference between them was body size. Roy stood nearly seven, and Ned stretched nearly six. The angle was different, the reach was different.

The tips of their blades met in the middle.

But since Ned was using a non-magical, and common piece of equipmentperhaps not even Grade Ehis blade once again shattered to pieces.

But Ned caught a glimpse of Roy's attack.

"So that's how it is," Ned muttered after taking three paces backward.

"Can't hide things against you, kid," Roy muttered in response. "So tell me, what did you see?"

"The Stance or your hands were moving at an insane speed."


"Too fast the blade can't be perceived by naked eyes."

"Good, good."

"But there's more. Your hand did move. But since you're not using mana to enhance the attackboth strength and speed. Then it is possible only for the blade to vanish with the aid of your body. By body, I mean, all parts of your body are coordinating with every attack. From feet, legs, waist, torso, arms, even your neck and most important is your senses, all were coordinating for a quick, and precise attack."

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