Beast Taming: Starting From Zero

Chapter 180: How About You Take a Break

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Qiao Sang hadn’t had the chance to intervene yet.

The girl nearby couldn’t help but argue after hearing Shi Gaofeng’s words, “Phantom Water Baby mainly relies on its transformation ability to take on tasks. Now that you’ve given me a one-star review, how am I supposed to take on tasks in the future?”

“Besides, weren’t you quite satisfied when you saw Phantom Water Baby’s transformation back then?”

Phantom Water Baby had always relied on its unique ability to accept specialized tasks in the mission market.

If it received a bad review, its transformation ability would be questioned.

If it had to take on tasks that any water-type pet beast could handle, the rewards and competition would be entirely different.

Leaving a bad review for Phantom Water Baby’s unique trait was indeed akin to cutting off someone’s livelihood.

It was no wonder she had confronted him at the school gate, trying to change her rating.

Qiao Sang could somewhat understand her actions. After all, few could endure having their source of income cut off.

“You still have the nerve to talk! If it wasn’t for Phantom Water Baby’s transformation being halfway decent, and you assuring me that it wouldn’t utter a word that day, would I have let you take the task?” Shi Gaofeng fumed.

“If you hadn’t promised that, would I be in this mess now?”

The girl’s confidence faltered.

“Even so, you shouldn’t have given a one-star review! It makes people question Phantom Water Baby’s transformation ability.”

“Heh.” Shi Gaofeng let out a cold laugh.

“If I can get a one-star review, why can’t you?”

A one-star review against another one-star review...

Just as Qiao Sang was quietly observing and internally sighing, Shi Gaofeng suddenly turned to her and asked, “Qiao Sang, don’t you think so?”

The girl also looked at her with pitiful eyes.

Qiao Sang remained silent for two seconds, pulled out her phone, checked the time, and suggested, “In 16 minutes, we’ll be gathering. How about you talk later?”


At the training ground.

Shi Gaofeng’s heels were together, his body standing straight, eyes looking forward, posing in a perfect military stance.

“Did you hear what I just said?” Zheng Guoping asked with a blank expression.

For someone who often flew into fits of rage, a blank expression could sometimes be the most terrifying.

Shi Gaofeng knew this all too well.

He corrected his posture and answered loudly, “Yes, I heard! Cleaning toilets for a month, I promise to make them spotless so that when people use them, it feels like they’re in their own home!”

Qiao Sang’s lips twitched slightly.

Zheng Guoping ignored him and turned to give today’s instructions: “You’ve finished the first phase of training. Now, you’ll train to simplify your pet beasts’ skills.”

Simplify? Qiao Sang blinked in confusion.

Zheng Guoping continued, “Sometimes, in pet beast battles, it’s not about being as aggressive as possible. You have to focus on strategy. When competing against a similarly skilled beastmaster, the real competition is in tactics.”

“The goal of this training is to mislead your opponent, making it hard for them to discern your strengths and weaknesses.”

“I’m giving you all one week. Each of you needs to train your pet beast’s strongest attack skill to the point where you can freely adjust its power level.”

Qiao Sang immediately thought of her battle with the Scale Control Doll during the Bai Xin Competition.

The Scale Control Doll had reduced its psychic power from the Grandmaster level to a lower level of mastery, which was why she had even bothered to resist at first.

Situations like this were quite common in pet beast competitions.

As long as it didn’t violate the rules, competitors were allowed to do whatever they could.

Some beastmasters would even use trash talk to break their opponent’s concentration.

There was even a published book called The Art of Trash Talk, and it sold pretty well.

Others had their pet beasts feign severe injuries, only to deliver a deadly blow when the opponent let their guard down.

All of these were considered tactics.

What Zheng Guoping was talking about now was also a form of strategy, hiding one’s true power.

When all pet beast levels were publicly known, the only information you could hide was related to their skills, which could be used to deceive opponents.

To be honest, Qiao Sang felt she didn’t need this kind of training.

All the participants in the school competition were middle school students. She was confident she could crush them with pure strength, without needing tricks.

But since they were all part of the same school team, she couldn’t skip the training when everyone else was doing it.

When free training time came, Qiao Sang pulled Yabao aside and said, “Let’s try reducing the power of Fire Fang by one level.”

Yabao’s most powerful attack skill was Meteor Rain, but it was still at the beginner level, leaving no room to lower it.

They could only practice Fire Fang, which was currently Yabao’s second-strongest attack.


Yabao nodded.

In the next moment, two scythe-like flames, full of terrifying energy, appeared around Yabao’s sharp fangs.

Failed... Qiao Sang fell into deep thought.

The difference between a Grandmaster-level Fire Fang and a Master-level Fire Fang was significant.

The latter merely covered the fangs with flames, while the former even altered the skill’s form.

Upon closer consideration, it seemed she had never heard of a skill that, after undergoing a form change due to increased proficiency, could revert its form by lowering energy output.

When in doubt, ask the teacher... Qiao Sang quickly gave up thinking and took Yabao over to Zheng Guoping to ask for clarification.

Zheng Guoping was stunned for a long time. “You’re saying your Flame Hound’s Fire Fang has changed form, and you don’t know how to revert it?”

Qiao Sang nodded.

Zheng Guoping took a deep breath, trying his best to suppress the shock and urge to curse as he replied in a calm tone, “Show me the Flame Hound’s Fire Fang.”

For Fire Fang to change form, it had to reach at least the Grandmaster level of proficiency. A 15-year-old’s pet beast reaching that level? Ridiculous!

“Yabao.” Qiao Sang glanced at her pet.


Yabao instantly understood his beastmaster’s intent. He quickly gathered energy, forming two scythe-shaped flames.

The ferocious crimson flames nearly blinded Zheng Guoping.

Qiao Sang asked, “Teacher, what should I do now?”

Zheng Guoping was completely dumbfounded. It really was a Grandmaster-level Fire Fang...

The only time his pet beast had reached the Grandmaster level with a skill was when his son had just turned one year old...

Zheng Guoping’s mind drifted. How old was Qiao Sang again...?

“Teacher? Mr. Zheng?” Qiao Sang called out twice.

Zheng Guoping snapped back to reality, finally regaining his voice after a long pause.

“You don’t need to practice anymore. Once a skill’s form changes, it generally can’t revert.”

Qiao Sang was momentarily stunned. “Then what should I do now?”

Zheng Guoping remained silent for a few seconds before saying, “How about you take a break?”

Qiao Sang: ???


6:16 PM.

Tianjing Gardens, Room 1075.

Qiao Sang looked at Yabao and said, “From now on, take some time every day to practice teleportation with Little Treasure. I believe you’ll learn it quickly.”

Qiao Sang wasn’t worried at all about whether Yabao could learn teleportation.

If it could master the advanced skill Meteor Rain, there was no way it couldn’t learn teleportation.

“Yap!” Yabao was full of confidence too.

In the next second, Yabao tilted his head.


Teleportation? What’s that?

Qiao Sang: ...

You don’t even know what teleportation is, where does all this confidence come from!

Qiao Sang turned to Little Treasure and said, “Show him.”


Little Treasure nodded mischievously, and then he disappeared from thin air, reappearing on the ceiling. After disappearing again, he showed up on the couch.

“That’s teleportation.” Qiao Sang explained in simple terms.

“Remember when you battled the Scale Control Doll, and it kept disappearing and reappearing? That was because of teleportation.”

“If you learn it, you can do the same.”


Yabao’s expression instantly turned serious.

In fact, Yabao already understood the function of teleportation the moment Little Treasure performed it. But his beastmaster’s explanation only strengthened his resolve to master it.

Qiao Sang felt very pleased. Yabao had never caused her any worries when it came to training.

“Little Treasure, I’ll leave the rest to you.” Qiao Sang said, turning to Little Treasure.


Little Treasure puffed out his chest, signaling that the task was in capable hands.


Qiao Sang returned to her room to read.

Even though she wanted to gain entrance to an elite university by winning the National Campus Beast Mastery League, she still needed to study.

After all, she was confident about winning, but... just in case...

To be safe, she needed a backup plan. Academic scores couldn’t be neglected.

After half an hour of reading, Qiao Sang got up and went to the living room to check on Yabao’s progress.

As soon as she entered the living room, the sight that greeted her was Yabao gritting his teeth, his limbs straining, and his face twisted in concentration.



Little Treasure was cheering on from the side.

Qiao Sang’s right eyelid twitched, she had a bad feeling.

Little Treasure couldn’t possibly be teaching Yabao how to release gas, could he?

Qiao Sang took a deep breath and asked in a gentle tone, “What are you two doing?”


Yabao grunted with effort.

He was almost there!

"Xun xun~"

Little Treasure floated over to his Beast Master, eager to take credit.

...Qiao Sang couldn’t help but rub her forehead, exasperated.

“Yabao, stop for a moment.”


Yabao’s limbs trembled slightly.

He was so close!

Qiao Sang: ...

That sounded suspiciously like he was saying, I’m about to fart…

"Xun xun?"

Little Treasure blinked his eyes, confusion all over his face.

Weren’t they practicing teleportation? He was almost there! Why stop?

Don’t get mad, don’t get mad… they’re just kids, they don’t know any better… Qiao Sang silently repeated to herself. Raising her head, she spoke with heartfelt patience:

“Didn’t I tell you before that you didn’t learn teleportation by farting? And even after trying, it has nothing to do with that.”

“Just teach Yabao how to feel the energy in his body and use it for teleportation.”


Little Treasure tilted his head.

But that was exactly how he learned to teleport...

She realized her mistake. She never should’ve let Little Treasure teach Yabao teleportation.

After all, it’s only a month old, what could it possibly know? The whole teleportation idea might need to be shelved for now... Qiao Sang reflected deeply on her decision.

“We’ll leave teleportation for later, for now, you guys-”

Qiao Sang’s voice abruptly cut off. She stared as Yabao suddenly disappeared from sight, reappearing next to the mirror.

Her entire body went rigid, unable to form a complete sentence for a long time: “Ya... Ya...”


Yabao excitedly shouted.

In the next second, he appeared right in front of Qiao Sang.

Qiao Sang: !!!



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