Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 171

C171 – North Vietnam Emissary

“Are you available now?” Tang Yue arched an eyebrow as he questioned Zhao Sanlang. “I heard your training workload has increased. Why are you still hanging around in front of me?”

Tang Yue was aware that since the delivery of the armor, these one thousand men had been subjected to grueling training, and he had heard that a few of them had even fallen during the process.

Zhao Sanlang gazed back at the ceiling with empty eyes. His thoughts remained a mystery to everyone. “My mother hasn’t fully recovered. His Highness granted me half a month off.”

“I’d like to visit her later. Would you like to accompany me?”

After a moment of silence, Zhao Sanlang shook his head and responded, “I don’t have the courage to face her.”

Tang Yue kicked his chair, nearly causing her to topple. “You mustn’t think like that. It’s not your fault. Your mother needs you now more than ever, especially in her condition. What are you saying?”

Zhao Sanlang glanced at him, mumbling softly, “You’re right, I shouldn’t be so selfish…”

Crown Prince Zhao didn’t return home until well past three o’clock in the night. Typically, he would find Tang Yue waiting for him upon his return, with a hot meal ready to warm his stomach and a bath prepared.

However, on this day, upon entering his room, he discovered Tang Yue waiting, but the servants had a peculiar stiffness to their expressions, as if they had experienced a tragic event at home.

Upon entering the inner courtyard, he noticed that the lights in the master bedroom were extinguished, and the yard was empty.

“Your Highness, you’re back…” The elderly butler rushed in with a worried look, his eyes bearing the weight of unspoken troubles.

Crown Prince Zhao gestured toward the bedroom. “What’s happened?”

The old butler hesitated briefly before whispering, “Young master seemed tired and retired early. If you’re hungry, there’s food in the kitchen.”

“No need. I’ve already eaten,” replied Crown Prince Zhao as he approached the bedroom.

Guan Jia quickly intervened, his eyes fixed on the closed door. “Your Highness, you should know that this afternoon I tried to convey a message to you but couldn’t find you. This… this…”

Crown Prince Zhao furrowed his brow. “If you have something to say, just say it. Don’t hesitate.”

“Indeed, the envoy from North Yue has just arrived,” the messenger reported.

“Is there anything else?” inquired Crown Prince Zhao.

“They have also brought along a princess,” the messenger added.

“Hmm, which of our princes have they chosen? The sixth or the eighth?” Crown Prince Zhao pondered, noting that his younger brother, Royal Brother, was the only eligible bachelor remaining. He assumed North Yue would choose from among the princes.

“It’s you!”

“Who are you referring to?”

“You!” The butler steeled himself to withstand Crown Prince Zhao’s searching gaze. When the gaze gradually turned icy, the butler explained, “North Yue has selected you for a marital alliance. They have requested the princess as your future wife.”

“A wife?” Crown Prince Zhao’s expression contorted slightly. Then, he recalled something and pointed toward the bedroom. “Does the young master know about this news?”

“Yes, he does.”

Crown Prince Zhao felt an inexplicable nervousness. “And how did he react?”

The butler recollected and shook his head. “The young master did not appear angry. He simply stated that he wanted you to handle this matter.”

Crown Prince Zhao couldn’t decide whether to be relieved by the young master’s trust or saddened by his magnanimity. Nevertheless, as he gazed at the dimly lit courtyard and the closed door, he suspected that the young master might still harbor jealousy, though he chose not to display it.

“I’m aware of the situation now. We’ll discuss it further tomorrow. You may leave,” Crown Prince Zhao instructed.

The butler hurriedly exited the courtyard, pondering over his master’s thoughts. Should he agree or not?

However, if the king issued a decree for the marriage, His Highness would be left with no option but to comply.

Crown Prince Zhao silently approached the door. In the brief span since he received the news, he had brainstormed numerous ways to console himself. In his heart, he had even offered silent prayers to the ancestors of the North Yue King for eighteen generations.

He turned the doorknob multiple times, attempting to gain entry, but his efforts were in vain. He had to reluctantly acknowledge that his wife had locked him out.

He yearned to express his sincerity through words, yet when he glanced at the clock, he feared that she had already drifted off to sleep. Consequently, he decided to retreat to the study and lay his plans for an early morning reconciliation.

Inside the room, Tang Yue emitted a chilly snort, remarking, “Genuinely lacking in sincerity, departing in such a manner…”

The night passed in silence, and the following morning, Crown Prince Zhao arose early, summoning his attendants to provide him with a fresh set of attire. Adorned in regal attire, he stationed himself outside the room, eagerly awaiting Tang Yue’s emergence, hoping his striking appearance would quell her displeasure.

To be blunt, he aimed to use his own handsome visage to dissipate Tang Yue’s resentment.

Unfortunately, his wait was brief, as a servant soon arrived to summon him to the palace, citing an urgent matter requiring his attention.

The nature of this matter was apparent. Crown Prince Zhao left a message and exchanged his splendid garments for the imperial robe before returning to the palace.

Tang Yue’s morning slumber was disrupted due to a restless night. Upon awakening, he discovered that Crown Prince Zhao had once again departed. However, the words the prince had shared proved to be quite impactful. After absorbing the message, Tang Yue resolved to eat when necessary and focus on his work, finding a newfound sense of tranquility.

Within the palace, courtiers were vehemently condemning the diplomatic envoys from North Yue. Years of conflict and resentment had accumulated between the two nations. Even though they were momentarily extending an olive branch for peace, their deep-seated animosity remained.

“Our king requests that South Jin marry the princess of our realm. We require three thousand gold, three thousand head of cattle and sheep, and five thousand sacks of grains…” declared the North Yue emissary, reciting a lengthy list of demands.

The assembly of ministers erupted in mocking laughter. Duke Heng of the State chuckled thrice, his false smile on full display as he inquired, “May I inquire about the dowry your nation is providing?”

In the context of a wealthy family marrying off a daughter, a more generous betrothal gift could be justified, but the dowry was often doubled. If North Yue were willing to provide double the resources and wealth, such an arrangement might be acceptable.

Yet it was evident that North Yue had no such intentions. “County Princess Liyang is the most exquisite beauty in our land and the beloved daughter of our Great King. His Majesty has made a significant sacrifice by parting with her. Naturally, a dowry is required, but your nation should not set too high a bar.”

“Haha, the number one beauty, you say? Why not present her for everyone to appraise?” Wang Zixu’s chest swelled with irritation. He held no real affection for the princess, but the audacity of North Yue, proposing a marriage despite his preexisting male spouse, rankled him.

“Disrespectful! County Princess Liyang holds a lofty status; it is inconceivable for her to expose herself to scrutiny by others!” fumed the North Yue envoy, his face contorted with anger.

Wang Zixu, however, was no pushover. Observing that the King of South Jin showed no signs of anger, he realized his previous words were not entirely unwarranted. “Without laying eyes on her, how can we be certain you’re not trying to foist an unattractive woman upon us? Moreover, she will be this King’s sister-in-law from now on; is there anything wrong with a brief introduction?”

“If she truly possesses that kind of breathtaking beauty capable of captivating cities and kingdoms, I see no harm in vying for her affection. It would be a waste for such a beauty to marry the Crown Prince, who is known for his preference for men, Duan Xiu.”

“After the Princess is wed, she will naturally pay her respects to the elders,” remarked the envoy from North Yue, unwavering in his stance. He had no intention of allowing the princess to be taken for a stroll today, lest he needn’t return to North Yue tomorrow.

Wang Zixu exchanged a knowing glance with the Old Prince, silently signaling him to speak. The Old Prince, however, rolled his eyes discreetly and cast his gaze skyward, opting not to respond.

He recognized that the First Prince had fallen prey to his desires once again. He was truly obstinate!

“Very well, we need not comment on the princess’s appearance. The key issue is whether she truly wishes to marry Zhao’er as a secondary wife,” declared the King of South Jin. “Instruct someone to notify the crown prince. Why is he not here yet?”

As soon as King of South Jin posed the question, the servant’s voice emanated from the hall’s entrance. Everyone turned their heads to witness the Crown Prince striding purposefully toward the morning sun.

Crown Prince Zhao was bedecked in a resplendent golden imperial robe, his head adorned with a gleaming crown. He carried himself with an air of regal authority, his handsome countenance capturing the attention of many.

This marked the first encounter between the envoy from North Yue and the true Crown Prince Zhao. The envoy fixated his gaze upon Crown Prince Zhao, his eyes unblinking, his thoughts racing. This young man was undeniably extraordinary, truly worthy of their beautiful princess.

“My son, pay your respects to your father, our beloved king. May our king live long and prosper,” Crown Prince Zhao bowed and knelt.

“Rise. Take a seat,” in accordance with South Jin’s customs, the Crown Prince was entitled to sit on the left side of the king during the assembly.

Crown Prince Zhao assumed his seat with a stoic expression, casting a cold glance at the envoy from North Yue before shifting his gaze elsewhere.

“Is this your country’s Crown Prince? He’s indeed a remarkable individual! He and County Princess Liyang are like celestial beings brought down to earth, a match truly made in heaven!” the North Yue envoy mused. In his eyes, the only person in all of South Jin worthy of their princess was the Crown Prince, the future king. Unfortunately, the Crown Prince had chosen a male spouse, a decision that appeared absurd.

Fortunately, the Crown Prince was still just a man. As long as he remained unaware, it was possible that the future position of Crown Princess might not be reserved for their princess.

While adhering to the age-old conventions, it was challenging for a princess from an enemy nation to ascend to the throne; she could only be taken as a concubine. Yet, winning a man’s heart was a far more negotiable matter.

The envoy discreetly sighed when thinking about the princess in King of South Jin’s harem. Her strategies had clearly fallen short; otherwise, the Third Prince would not have been overshadowed by the Crown Prince.

It seemed it was time for a private conversation with this prince who carried the blood of North Yue.

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