Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 197: 196 Manor

Chapter 197: 196 Manor

Chapter 197 196. Manor

Kotaro is quite good-looking. Although Lan En is not a person who likes to gossip, his appearance is indeed quite 'wretched'.

Especially in order to imitate the samurai master he had seen, he also grew a sparse mustache on both sides of his upper lip.

The majesty of the warrior is not seen much, but it makes him more cunning.

But when he led Lan En to Pinggian Manor, he was very warm-hearted along the way.

Even halfway through, he took out a few dumplings with wild vegetables and whole grains and handed them to Lan En. After being rejected, he was very calm. He was a down-to-earth person, which was quite in contrast to his face.

Lan En could tell that part of the purpose of people like Kotaro traveling with him was to keep an eye on him.

This is normal behavior. After all, even when Lan En arrived here for the first time, he had already felt the tension in the atmosphere.

A few farmers who are not even soldiers would rush up to strangers when they see them near the shrine. This is enough to show that the psychological pressure of the residents in this area has become so great that it is a bit hysterical.

On the road near the flat farm, Lan En also saw many signs of ordnance transfer.

Because the road is close to Longquanchuan, the humidity is high. The tracks were heavily rutted carrying heavy ordnance.

Based on Lan En's ability to trace traces, he felt that these traces were at least three days ago, but at this time, they still have not been erased by time.

The witcher made no attempt to deduce what these weapons were.

When he first arrived, he originally thought that the last different world was just an ordinary medieval world without magic, but later he learned that there were dragons there.

In this world, he will no longer make any assumptions.

After walking for about three kilometers, Kotaro took Lan En to an area on the edge of Longquan River where the terrain gradually became gentle.

This country called "Ashina" is indeed, as Kotaro said, a small country in the mountains.

Even along the river, there are many steep height differences, and strong pine trees grow out of the rock walls, which seem to be strong enough to support humans jumping on them.

While thinking about it, Lan En laughed and shook his head.

The pine trees on these rock walls grow helplessly at least ten or twenty meters in the air, which translates into six or seven floors.

Whoever can run and jump on these pine trees will either die or be very capable.

Even if he fell from that height with his own weight, even if he used the [Alder Sign] to create a recoil when he landed, he would probably break more than a dozen bones.

Sir, we are here!

Lan En was thinking idly, and Kotaro's slightly relieved voice sounded in his ears.

Looking up, Longquanchuan has formed a terrain similar to an alluvial plain. A large manor is located on this small plain.

Oriental architectural style, looking into the distance you cant see anything.

It seems that when the manor was built, it fit the atmosphere of the war era. In order not to reveal the reality inside the manor, the height of the main building and its base are generally higher than the terrain outside the manor.

The manor is built on the other side of Longquanchuan, connected to both sides by a wooden bridge.

Manor houses in war-torn times generally served both civilian and military purposes, so the style of this bridge does not have the usual formality of Japanese architecture.

On the contrary, in terms of width, it is enough to accommodate a dozen people walking side by side, which looks very impressive.

This is Pinggianzhuang, my lord.

There were only a few pedestrians on the bridge, and most of them looked nervous. Most of them are farmers and servants in the manor. The atmosphere of war has enveloped everyone, and everyone is afraid.

Wearing a pair of straw sandals, Kotaro ran pattering on the bridge until he reached the gate of Pingtianzhuang and bowed to the two soldiers guarding the gate.

The soldiers of Pingtianzhuang are obviously better treated than lower-level soldiers like Kotaro. At least they have jackets and trousers, and they are equipped with more bamboo protection.

After they said a few words to each other, Lan En also came to the gate.

It wasnt until he got closer that the two soldiers guarding the door realized the size of the man in front of them. Through the coordination and catalysis of gene seeds, Lan En's height has reached about 190 centimeters, and his figure is coordinated and does not appear fat.

When he slowly approached the two soldiers guarding the door, even though he was not hostile and did not make any excessive movements, the two soldiers, who were about 1.5 meters tall, still swallowed unconsciously and clenched their hands. gun.

Hey, this figure is not much different from that of a general, right?


The common height of people here is also the reason why Lan thinks it is not an ordinary Japanese Middle Ages.

The common people are generally 1.5 meters tall. According to Kotaro's reaction, the warriors with strong martial arts are obviously taller.

In the ordinary Japanese Warring States Period, the "tall" Oda Nobunaga was only 1.6 meters tall.

Lan En smiled at the two soldiers, showing that he was not hostile and letting their tense nerves relax a little.

Then he turned around and asked Kotaro: "How's it going? Do you have any explanation?"

Kotaro immediately straightened his body, and then bowed at ninety degrees: "Yes, I have already found out where the ronin lives. As long as you go and report it, the Hirata family will definitely hire them!"

Do I need to disarm?

Lan Enduo asked.

At present, there are two forces known to demon hunters, the Ashina Kingdom and the Neifu Army. The inner government army came to plow the courtyard, sweep out the caves, and kill them all.

Then if he wants to survive here until the day when the celestial spheres meet and the rift opens again, he has to rely on the Weiming Kingdom.

The current atmosphere was visibly tense, and he didn't want the other party to be unduly afraid of him.

And even in the magical world, it is normal for a witcher to enter a powerful person's home to accept a commission, and to leave the sword to someone else for safekeeping.

Eh? Is that okay?

The two soldiers guarding the door looked at each other in surprise.

They have seen a lot of ronin in the past few days. One by one of those extremely vicious guys, they all regard swords as life-saving and food-saving tools.

If anyone asks them to disarm, there is no need to discuss it. Just draw your sword!

A rational wanderer like Lan En is too rare in this world.

Then. Im sorry.

A soldier stepped forward cautiously and stretched out his hand to Lan En.

Lan En didn't hesitate, unbuckled the chest, and put Arondette behind him into the opponent's hands.

The other party looked at the exquisite shape of the Lake Lady's Sword in amazement, then straightened his expression, held the sword in his arms, and bowed slightly to Lan En.

Next, please follow me.

Leave one soldier to continue guarding the door, and others will naturally fill the gap later. He took Lan En into the manor and did not go near the more central residential area of the manor. This was a more formal residence that could only be accessed by employees, servants and warriors within the Hirata clan.

Instead, among the wooden houses on the outskirts, an obviously spacious longhouse is found. This area is where the tenant farmers and craftsmen of the Hirata family live.

Before entering the door, the soldier first announced by shouting.

Lord Nogami Inosuke! I have brought a new ronin to join us!

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