Ascension Of The Villain

Chapter 60: Knight In Shining Armor

"Wow, that is a real plot twist now. Who would have thought Lady Iyana had no memories of you all this time while you were busy picking a fight with her?" Clyde remarked, barely containing his astonishmt.

"Tell me about it. I feel like a world-class idiot," Vyan grumbled.

"Don't take it to heart. The news was probably kept under wraps as much as possible, giv Lady Iyana's ties to the imperial family," Clyde assured, trying to sound diplomatic.

"That's not the point, Clyde," Vyan retorted, his frustration evidt. "I feel dumb because she managed to fool me this whole time."

Clyde chuckled, shaking his head. "I have to give her credit for that. She really played the part well, acting like she remembered everything."

Vyan nodded, his head slumping onto his desk in dramatic defeat. "What should I do, Clyde…?" His voice was muffled but clear ough for Clyde to understand the plea for advice.

Clyde leaned back, thinking for a momt before speaking.

"Maybe you should take some time to think it over. Your hatred ran pretty deep, and now you are left without a target. But, in my humble opinion, maybe you should put your vdetta on hold, at least until she gets her memories back."

"But if I do that, she might d up marrying Prince Easton by th," Vyan replied. "Once that happs, it would take no time for him to step in as the emperor."

"That's a fair point. But let me put it in your twisted terms—would you really joy taking revge on someone who doesn't ev remember how they wronged you?"

Vyan's eyes lit up as he raised his head. "I found the perfect solution! I will help her get her memories back!"

Clyde tilted his head, curiosity piqued. "And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

"Thea can use healing magic, right? Maybe she can heal whatever head trauma Iyana has," Vyan deduced.

A scowl creased Clyde's face. "Stop calling Princess Althea's name like that," he rebuked, feeling annoyed. "Also, I don't think that is how healing magic works."

"There is no harm in asking, though," Vyan pointed out, flashing a hopeful grin. "Besides, I have a meeting at the imperial court today. I might just find the opportunity to chat her up on my way back."

Clyde's eyes wided, his annoyance giving way to desperation. "Will you give me a chance to talk to her?"

Vyan leaned forward on his elbows, a smug grin spreading across his face. "I might. If you beg nicely."

"Pleaseeeee, my lord," Clyde batted his eyes sweetly, his voice overdosed with honey and butter, "pleaseee, keep this small request of your adorable but humble servant."

"I told you to beg, not become straight-up disgusting. Eww!" Vyan scolded, making a nauseated face.

"My lord, pleaseeee—"

"Okay, fine, fine," Vyan conceded.

Just th, a shower of confetti erupted over Vyan, courtesy of his ever-thusiastic aide, while Clyde's face lit up with childlike delight.

"I get to meet Princess Althea after so long!" He sprang up, practically vibrating with excitemt. "I should go and get ready!"

"But ar't you already—"

"This is not ough. I need to dress my best!" Clyde declared with the gravitas of a royal proclamation and vanished with a snap of his fingers.

Vyan chuckled, mumbling to himself, "So he does know his colorful dressing sse is a crime against fashion."

Clyde reappeared almost instantly, giving Vyan a mini heart attack. Vyan wasn't sure if it was Clyde's sudd appearance that scared him or it was his clothes.

He was sporting an outfit that looked like it had be picked by a colorblind peacock. "How about this?"

Vyan raised a disdainful eyebrow. "If you are trying to blind her with your wardrobe, mission accomplished."

Clyde frowned, looking down at his vibrant attire. "You don't think she will like it?"

Vyan sighed, standing up and patting Clyde on the shoulder. "Clyde, I know you are obsessed with colors, but I don't think she is. She is a princess with a refined taste. So let's find something a bit more… subtle."

Clyde nodded earnestly. "Right. Something more… subtle?" With that, he disappeared once again.

Right as Vyan wt back to his desk, there was a soft knock on his office door.

"What's with you coming in through the door this time, Clyde—" he said, his voice dripping with his signature bld of annoyance and surprise.

As Iyana peeked her head in, his stomach twisted itself into a pretzel. Whether it was a good or bad twist, he had no clue. "Oh, Iyana. Hey, are you leaving now?"

Last night, after their deep conversation, Iyana had mtioned that her purpose for being here was fulfilled, and she should probably head home to avoid bothering him further.

Because appartly…

"It must be hard for you to keep seeing me—the person you hate the most—all the time."

But how was he supposed to admit to himself that he didn't feel that way about her anymore? That her presce no longer made his nerves feel like they were being roasted over a bonfire?

Gosh, how could he be so fickle? Was her memory loss all it took for him to forget all his hatred and anger?

"I was," Iyana stepped in, her voice calm and steady. "I was going to leave, but th it occurred to me that I was running away without fulfilling my actual duty that I came here to do."

"You came here for something other than spying on me?" Vyan quipped, raising an eyebrow.

She chuckled lightly, the sound making his heart do an awkward somersault.

"You know very well what I am talking about." She met his gaze, her eyes unafraid. "I came here to help you with the monster hunt festival, especially with capturing the monsters from the Forest of Beasts and delivering them to the hunting gs. I am supposed to be your bodyguard, remember?"

"Right, you were supposed to be my knight in shining... but I don't think that will be necessary," Vyan said, feeling a little suspicious as to why she was saying this. "Despite how Clyde looks, he always does a good job shielding me."

She arched an eyebrow. "Yes, but isn't Clyde also the leading mage in the project? Is he supposed to protect you or lead the other mages during the monster capture?"

"In that case, I will just summon one of my many, many knights to do the job," he replied, waving a hand dismissively.

She let out a sigh, a wry smile playing on her lips. "You really are infuriating, Your Grace," she said, her voice surprisingly fond, rather annoyed. "What I am trying to say is, if you don't mind, I would like to stay until my original departure date."

"Oh," Vyan responded, blinking in surprise. He thought she was just pointing out his supposed need for protection.

"So?" she repeated, her eyes full of hope and expectation.

"Um," he hesitated.

Letting her stay longer while his resolve was teetering on the edge might not be the smartest move.

But… how could he say no to those violet eyes practically begging him?


Her face glowed up with a grin. "I will do my best to protect you, Your Grace!" She gave him a mock salute.

"Let's just hope I better not be needing protection from you," he muttered, recalling the two times she had held him down with a sword and a dagger.

"Don't worry. This time, I will be your real knight in shining armor!" she pumped her fist.

"We shall see," he replied, shaking his head with an amused smile. "We shall see."


"Your Grace, please wait here for a bit. Her Imperial Highness will be here within a few minutes," said the royal servant with a bow that was just a touch too revert, as if Vyan might spontaneously combust from sheer importance.

Vyan and Clyde nodded in unison, though Clyde's nod was more of an eager bob.

As Clyde settled into the plush couch, Vyan remained standing, arms crossed.

"Why ar't you sitting?" Clyde asked, glancing up.

"Well," Vyan drawled, stretching the word out as if savoring it, "I am about to head out for a small walk in the gard. You know, to give you some alone time with Thea."

He quirked an eyebrow, joying the way Clyde's face instantly turned the color of a ripe tomato.

"Wait, you are actually not going to betray me this time?"

"Wh do I ever do that, my dear frid?" Vyan took a step toward the door, turning to add in a voice dripping with mock concern, "Just make sure to behave yourself."

Clyde's face somehow managed to turn an ev deeper shade of red. "What do you think I am going to do to her, huh?"

Vyan waved him off with a nonchalant flick of his wrist. "Oh, nothing… just a warning to handle her with caution, alright?"

He exited the room, heading towards the gard, leaving Clyde spluttering behind him.

As he strolled along the gard path, Vyan took a deep breath, savoring the fresh air.

After during the imperial court meeting with a stoic expression plastered on his face, he needed this.

The meeting had be all about the upcoming monster hunt festival, with Vyan as the main focus.

Lost in thought, Vyan didn't notice the bush in his path until he walked straight into it.

"Oww," came a muffled complaint from the foliage.

Vyan tilted his head and leaned closer, parting the branches to reveal a little girl with neck-lgth black hair, dressed in boy's clothes.

A frown creased Vyan's face. "Kid, what are you doing sneaking a the Aurora Palace? This is not a place for you."

The girl glared up at him with all the ferocity a t-year-old could muster, and Vyan knew he was in for it.

Great, another pint-sized bundle of trouble. As if he didn't have ough on his plate already.

Ugh, I really hate kids, he thought, rubbing his temples. This is going to be a long day.

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