Ascension Of The Villain

Chapter 43: Open Challenge

The warmth of the sun was perfect that day—not too intse to make Vyan seek shade, but just right, like a comforting hug from an old frid who only shows up wh your life is falling apart.

The sky was a sere canvas of blue, adorned with fluffy clouds lazily drifting by, clearly having a better day than Vyan. The gtle breeze carried the faint sct of late spring flowers.

It was the kind of day that beckoned Vyan to slow down, to savor each sip of tea as he sat outside, letting the soothing warmth of the cup warm his soul. Or at least, distract him from the absolute train wreck that was his life.

However, Vyan couldn't shake the discomfort of knowing his companion for the day was the very person responsible for the murder of his family.

Yep, nothing quite like a sunny day and a steaming cup of tea to make him forget he was sharing air with a murderous psychopath.

"Grand Duke, though I granted your request to reinstate the annual monster-hunt festival in the imperial court today, do you truly feel up to the task? It's quite tough," expressed the emperor, sounding concerned.

"I believe it's only fitting for me to revive this tradition," Vyan replied, mustering a forced smile. "After all, it has always served as a social gathering for nobles from across the empire to joy several days of hunting. I have heard every year everyone used to look forward to this festival."

"I understand, but I worry particularly about your inability to wield magic," Edgar interjected.

"Your Imperial Majesty, I appreciate your concern. However, there are several mages who were acquainted with my family and are willing to assist now in organizing everything flawlessly. I won't leave any detail overlooked."

Edgar hummed thoughtfully. "I believe you. But it's crucial to sure of the monsters pose any danger."

"Indeed. I plan to separate the hunting gs according to the monsters' levels, and I guarantee of the monsters will exceed B-grade. Furthermore, I was considering allocating a section for female participants. I believe some of the noble ladies would relish the opportunity to join the hunt."

Edgar chuckled. "You have a peculiar sse of humor, Grand Duke."

Vyan forced another laugh, replying politely, "I assure you, Your Imperial Majesty, I wasn't joking."

"Oh, you wer't?" Edgar chuckled again. "You youngsters these days. Wom are better suited to stay home and adorn the surings. They are supposed to look pretty and serve m at night, if you know what I mean. Why would any of them wish to hunt?"

As the son of a formidable woman whose name was etched in Haynes' history as one of the most adept aura-users, Vyan felt a surge of offse on behalf of all the wom the emperor casually just insulted.

Yet, he maintained his composure, forcing a smile and responding, "Is that so?"

"While I held great regard for your father before his betrayal, I always found your mother to be too overbearing," Edgar remarked in a light tone.

Okay, now the attack is personal, Vyan thought to himself as he tried not to reveal displeasure on his face.

Instead, he tighted his grip on the edge of the table, his knuckles whiting as he spoke with a calm smile, "But isn't your future daughter-in-law cut from the same cloth, Sire? Why did you select her as Prince Easton's bride?"

"Oh, that's because Easton refused any other match," Edgar replied nonchalantly. "I prested him with numerous candidates, but of them captured his interest like Iyana. So I had no choice but to cater to my son's whims."

"I see."

So, it seemed Easton liked Iyana since their childhood. He knew they had be close as childr, though Iyana had told Vyan that they drifted apart as they matured due to their conflicting beliefs and grew to dislike each other.

"However, Iyana assured me she would resign from her military duties upon marrying Easton," Edgar announced with evidt satisfaction.

Vyan fought the urge to scoff, instead opted to take a composed sip of his tea, inwardly remarking, Of course, you would forsake your dreams of becoming the commander of the imperial military to become the empress, Iyana.

As if summoned by Vyan's thoughts, Edgar caught the sight of Iyana approaching and waved her over.

Iyana formally greeted him, ignoring Vyan's existce.

"What brings you to the main palace, my dear?" Edgar inquired with fondness.

Iyana's smile was warm as she replied, "I was actually looking for you, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Oh?" Edgar's interest was piqued. "What is it?"

"I require a small favor from you," she began, her gaze flickering towards Vyan before faltering away.

"Don't hesitate. The Grand Duke is trustworthy. You may speak freely in his presce," Edgar reassured her.

Vyan maintained an air of indifferce as he continued to sip his tea, his suspicion of Iyana increasing with each passing momt.

What is this devil here for? he wondered.

"Very well, Your Imperial Majesty," she conceded before explaining, "As you are aware, I have only just returned from the Ganlop war, and I have yet to take any time off."

Edgar nodded in understanding.

"While I am willing to continue working, my family physician has advised me to take a few weeks of rest or at least light my workload. However, Commander Pembrooke seems unwilling to list to my request."

"That's distressing, my dear. You must prioritize your well-being, especially with your wedding approaching in a couple of months," Edgar affirmed. "I will speak to Pembrooke personally and sure you receive the break you need."

"Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty," Iyana replied with a radiant smile, though Vyan ssed a hint of insincerity, earning an internal eye-roll from him. "However, I don't necessarily need a complete break. I was hoping for a less demanding assignmt instead."

"Oh? What did you have in mind?" Edgar inquired with interest, prompting a sudd ominous feeling within Vyan.

Whatever she had in mind, it was going to spell trouble for Vyan—he just knew it.

"Just today, I heard my subordinates discussing the need to sd a group of soldiers to Ashstone to oversee the preparations for the upcoming monster-hunt festival. I was considering accompanying them," she revealed, causing Vyan to nearly choke on his tea.

"What?" Vyan exclaimed, his surprise evidt.

"That sounds spldid!" Edgar exclaimed cheerfully. "It would ease my worries knowing you were there to assist Grand Duke in securing the hunting gs. I was concerned about his safety in case any monsters posed a threat to him. But with you by his side, I would be at ease."

"You want her to protect me, Your Imperial Majesty?" Vyan questioned, his anxiety piling up.

"Precisely!" Edgar agreed. "Iyana can oversee the preparations from your estate while also joying a leisurely vacation in Ashstone. You just have to sure you don't overexert her, Grand Duke."

Vyan nodded, feeling utterly deflated. "Yes, Your Imperial Majesty."

Edgar turned to Iyana, his eyes alight with excitemt. "Ashstone is truly magnifict, my dear. You will adore it there. Perhaps Grand Duke can also give you a tour."

Iyana glanced at Vyan, who appeared to be seething, and flashed him a mischievous grin. "Absolutely! I will make sure to protect His Grace diligtly, and in return, I will eagerly accept a tour of his grand duchy."


"What game are you playing?" Vyan's voice echoed down the hallway as he finally caught up with Iyana.

Iyana turned a and merely shrugged, a picture of nonchalance. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Why the sudd interest in Ashstone?" Vyan's tone was demanding, his eyes searching hers for any hint of deception.

"It's not Ashstone that intrigues me, Your Grace," she admitted, her voice low. "It's you. And do you want to know why?"

He crossed his arms and said, "Enlight me."

"So that I can expose your charade to His Majesty," she spat out bitterly. "You play the fool in his presce, but we both know there is way more to you than meets the eye."

"That is rich coming from someone whose own facade rivals a theater production," he scoffed.

"You can say whatever you want, but I know you are hell-bt on destroying my family. You have succeeded so far in snatching away our wealth and businesses. But I am back now. I won't stand idly by while you tarnish my family's name and freedom. I will shield them from a monster like you," she declared, her words covered with resolve.

Vyan's lips wided into a smirk of challge. "So you want to oply challge me?"

"That's right," she admitted.

"Very well," he responded, his voice tinged with amusemt. "Give it your best shot. But don't shed too many tears wh you fail."

"The tears will be yours in the d," she shot back, a fire sparkling in her violet eyes.

"We shall see," he countered, his smirk never faltering.

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