Ascension Of The Villain

Chapter 30: Sugar-coat Act

In the capital city of Haynes, an electric joy buzzed through the air as the war-weary troops returned home, victorious after a year-long battle. The tire city was draped in a riot of vibrant colors and festive decorations, making it look like a rainbow had a party and left its decorations behind.

The morning sun cast a warm glow as the people of Cantace gathered in droves, lining the streets with banners and flags fluttering in the breeze. Childr clung to their parts' hands, their faces lit up with excitemt and curiosity, while the elderly watched with tears of relief and pride in their eyes.

A parade was in full swing, led by a marching band that played triumphant tunes so loudly that the pigeons were considering filing a noise complaint.

Behind them, rows of soldiers in their crisply pressed uniforms marched on their horses. Their faces, once etched with the strain of battle, now beamed towards the cheering crowds. It was like a sce straight out of a feel-good movie, complete with a spontaneous standing ovation.

Watching the sce from the top of the clock tower were two individuals.

"God, I hate seeing that gloating smile on Iyana's face," Vyan frowned, crossing his arms, his eyes glued to the front person of the parade.

"I don't think she is gloa—" Clyde paused as Vyan shot him a glare so fierce it could have melted him. "Ugh, what a nasty, arrogant smile," he quickly changed tunes, while thinking, she is all you ever see, isn't she?

"Exactly. Such an arrogant smile," Vyan agreed.

"It's too bad our plan failed, huh?" Clyde commted. "Ev after we wt to the lgths of poisoning Commander Pembrooke."

"Tell me about it. Ganlop should have be out of the equation by now and Iyana should have be held responsible for it," Vyan stated, clching his fist so hard his knuckles turned .

"Not only did that plan fail spectacularly," he added, "but now Iyana is being hailed as the hero of the Ganlop war. She ev managed to capture a princess from Haberland as a hostage. I can't believe I now have to watch her get awarded the Medal of Valor on stage."

"Vyan, you don't just have to watch. You have to congratulate her with flowers as well," Clyde nudged, clearly joying Vyan's misery.

"Push me off this tower, why don't you?" Vyan grumbled.

"Shall I? Th I would get to meet Princess Althea all by myself," Clyde grinned dreamily, lost in his own fantasy.

"More reasons to hate Iyana. My appointmt with Princess Althea has be postponed because of this stupid victory celebration too," Vyan gritted out.

Clyde just smiled helplessly and suggested, "How about we take a walk someplace where Lady Iyana is not in sight until the award ceremony? Or, let's go work on that spell you found interesting last night."

Vyan glanced at Iyana, who was now receiving a sunflower from a child. Her radiant smile only fueled his irritation. "Yes, let's go. I cannot watch this circus any longer," he scoffed.

With that, they both teleported from there, leaving behind the celebration.


"That arrogant emperor," Terrce cursed, practically spitting out the words. "He didn't ev come to greet us at the trance. Isn't he grateful we saved the tire nation from being dragged into a bloody war?"

"Shh, we are inside the capital now. Mind what you say," Iyana warned, perched on her horse. "At least they are giving us Medals of Valor. Be grateful for what you are getting."

Terrce rolled his eyes so hard he probably saw his own brain. "Oh, joy," he muttered.

Melissa chimed in, "Vice-Commander, are you going to meet your family now?"

Iyana nodded.

"Of course, she would. Everyone knows she is the most beloved daughter of the marquess," Elijah cheered, his thusiasm almost blinding.

Iyana smiled, though the commt made her chest feel eerie. "I will be back before the award ceremony." With that, she urged her horse forward and headed towards her family's estate.

She had already asked for directions, thanks to her inconvit amnesia, so finding the house wasn't a problem. Nor was recognizing it—the huge manor was unmistakable, ev with half of it under construction.

Right, the letter mtioned the manor had caught fire, she thought, I wonder how that happed.

The guards at the gate bowed and let her in without a word. She dismounted and handed her horse over to the stableman, who was literally shaking in his boots in her presce—as if she was a demon who had descded from hell.

It was strange. The guards at the gate didn't show her much respect, either, rather they seemed afraid of her as well.

With every step she took towards the manor, her chest tighted.

It felt like something ominous was lurking inside, waiting for her. She hesitated at the double doors, her heart pounding.

As if on cue, the doors swung op with a dramatic flourish that would make ev a theater director proud.

"Iyana! You are back!" Carolina exclaimed, veloping Iyana in a hug that felt more like a wrestling hold. "I am so glad to see you are okay, my dear."

From behind, a brunette girl burst into high-pitched squeals of excitemt. "Sister! I cannot express how happy I am to see you unscathed! You are my hero, do you know that?" she gushed, eyes sparkling like the goody-two-shoes female lead of a theater act.

"Um, uh," Iyana stammered, utterly confused as of the faces struck a chord of familiarity.

"You two, let her come inside. Did you forget she has lost her memories?" Marquess Estelle chided, prying Carolina off Iyana. "Come inside, my dear daughter," he said, smiling sweetly.

"Thank you," she mumbled, stepping inside with a mix of relief and anxiety.

"You have no idea how anxious we have be the tire year you were away," Edward declared dramatically, clutching his chest like he might faint. "Don't ever go on such risky missions, please. My heart cannot handle this terror."

"Yes, in my opinion, you did a good job accepting to quit your job after becoming the crown princess," Lyon chimed in with a smile so big it looked painful. "We all would be able to breathe and relax."

"We can take care of that matter later, Lyon. First, let's introduce everyone to Iyana," Edward suggested with a flourish. "She must be dying to get to know us."

After a whirlwind of introductions in the living room, Carolina claimed, "We are so happy to have back, sweetheart. Nobody loves you more than us. We are your family, after all. You are the apple of our eyes."

Iyana forced a wholehearted smile, trying to brush away the uneasy feeling in her heart that kept screaming at her to run away.

The family's thusiasm was suffocating, but she played along, happy to have her family by her side, despite having forgott them.

"Why don't you go to your room and take a little rest, sweetheart?" Carolina suggested with a perfect mile that could make a dtist rich.

Being oblivious to the falsess, Iyana nodded and left for her room.

As soon as she was out of sight, the family's saccharine smiles dropped like bad actors after a terrible rehearsal.

"To think I had to talk to that witch in such a sugar-coated tone," Carolina spat, wiping imaginary filth from her mouth.

"Thank goodness she bought our act at least. It really seems she has lost her memories," Edward remarked, sounding relieved.

"She ev smiled at us," Lyon snorted. "That wch smiling at us? She has not smiled at us like that since she was a toddler."

"She didn't ev try to threat me with her sword," Sina said, exhaling dramatically. She has always be terrified to face Iyana ever since Iyana started wielding a sword. "Mother, Father, I swear I risk my life every time I am in the same room as that demon."

"Well, dear, I know she is a bit... well, mad," Edward said, patting Sina's shoulder and wrapping her in a side hug.

"Psychotic is a better word for her, Father," Sina mumbled.

"Right, but we have no choice but to put on this act, S. This is the only way to secure our future. That girl has to marry the crown prince, come what may. Otherwise, we will be out on the streets."

"If people find out we are bankrupt and drowning in debt," he added with a theatrical sigh, "we will be a laughingstock. The imperial family will break off the gagemt, and we will be left to die like dogs. So we have to protect her so she can protect us from that vile boy."

"We have to prepare her to face Vyan," Carolina mtioned.

"For that, S will do the job," Edward said with a sinister smirk. "Poison her mind against that bastard so thoroughly that she will find ways to eliminate him herself. I know Iyana can do it if she really puts her mind to it."

"Got it, Father," Sina grinned devilishly. "By the time I am done talking to her, she will want to castrate her beloved ex-puppy with her own hands."

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